#define _GNU_SOURCE #include "../engine/dconf-engine.h" #include "../engine/dconf-engine-profile.h" #include "../common/dconf-enums.h" #include "dconf-mock.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Interpose to catch fopen(SYSCONFDIR "/dconf/profile/user") */ static const gchar *filename_to_replace; static const gchar *filename_to_replace_it_with; FILE * fopen (const char *filename, const char *mode) { static FILE * (*real_fopen) (const char *, const char *); if (!real_fopen) real_fopen = dlsym (RTLD_NEXT, "fopen"); if (filename_to_replace && g_str_equal (filename, filename_to_replace)) { /* Crash if this file was unexpectedly opened */ g_assert (filename_to_replace_it_with != NULL); filename = filename_to_replace_it_with; } return (* real_fopen) (filename, mode); } static void assert_no_messages (void); static void assert_pop_message (const gchar *expected_domain, GLogLevelFlags expected_log_level, const gchar *expected_message_fragment); static void assert_maybe_pop_message (const gchar *expected_domain, GLogLevelFlags expected_log_level, const gchar *expected_message_fragment); static GThread *main_thread; static GString *change_log; void dconf_engine_change_notify (DConfEngine *engine, const gchar *prefix, const gchar * const *changes, const gchar *tag, gboolean is_writability, gpointer origin_tag, gpointer user_data) { gchar *joined; if (!change_log) return; if (is_writability) g_string_append (change_log, "w:"); joined = g_strjoinv (",", (gchar **) changes); g_string_append_printf (change_log, "%s:%d:%s:%s;", prefix, g_strv_length ((gchar **) changes), joined, tag ? tag : "nil"); g_free (joined); } static void verify_and_free (DConfEngineSource **sources, gint n_sources, const gchar * const *expected_names, gint n_expected) { gint i; g_assert_cmpint (n_sources, ==, n_expected); g_assert ((sources == NULL) == (n_sources == 0)); for (i = 0; i < n_sources; i++) { g_assert_cmpstr (sources[i]->name, ==, expected_names[i]); dconf_engine_source_free (sources[i]); } g_free (sources); } static void test_five_times (const gchar *filename, gint n_expected, ...) { const gchar **expected_names; DConfEngineSource **sources; gint n_sources; va_list ap; gint i; expected_names = g_new (const gchar *, n_expected); va_start (ap, n_expected); for (i = 0; i < n_expected; i++) expected_names[i] = va_arg (ap, const gchar *); va_end (ap); /* first try by supplying the profile filename via the API */ g_assert (g_getenv ("DCONF_PROFILE") == NULL); g_assert (filename_to_replace == NULL); sources = dconf_engine_profile_open (filename, &n_sources); verify_and_free (sources, n_sources, expected_names, n_expected); /* next try supplying it via the environment */ g_setenv ("DCONF_PROFILE", filename, TRUE); g_assert (filename_to_replace == NULL); sources = dconf_engine_profile_open (NULL, &n_sources); verify_and_free (sources, n_sources, expected_names, n_expected); g_unsetenv ("DCONF_PROFILE"); /* next try supplying a profile name via API and intercepting fopen */ filename_to_replace = SYSCONFDIR "/dconf/profile/myprofile"; filename_to_replace_it_with = filename; g_assert (g_getenv ("DCONF_PROFILE") == NULL); sources = dconf_engine_profile_open ("myprofile", &n_sources); verify_and_free (sources, n_sources, expected_names, n_expected); filename_to_replace = NULL; /* next try the same, via the environment */ g_setenv ("DCONF_PROFILE", "myprofile", TRUE); filename_to_replace = SYSCONFDIR "/dconf/profile/myprofile"; filename_to_replace_it_with = filename; sources = dconf_engine_profile_open (NULL, &n_sources); verify_and_free (sources, n_sources, expected_names, n_expected); g_unsetenv ("DCONF_PROFILE"); filename_to_replace = NULL; /* next try to have dconf pick it up as the default user profile */ filename_to_replace = SYSCONFDIR "/dconf/profile/user"; filename_to_replace_it_with = filename; g_assert (g_getenv ("DCONF_PROFILE") == NULL); sources = dconf_engine_profile_open (NULL, &n_sources); verify_and_free (sources, n_sources, expected_names, n_expected); filename_to_replace = NULL; filename_to_replace_it_with = NULL; g_free (expected_names); } typedef struct { const gchar *profile_path; const gchar *expected_stderr_pattern; } ProfileParserOpenData; static void test_profile_parser_errors (gconstpointer test_data) { const ProfileParserOpenData *data = test_data; DConfEngineSource **sources; gint n_sources; if (g_test_subprocess ()) { g_log_set_always_fatal (G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR); sources = dconf_engine_profile_open (data->profile_path, &n_sources); g_assert_cmpint (n_sources, ==, 0); g_assert (sources == NULL); return; } g_test_trap_subprocess (NULL, 0, 0); g_test_trap_assert_passed (); g_test_trap_assert_stderr (data->expected_stderr_pattern); } static void test_profile_parser (void) { DConfEngineSource **sources; gint n_sources; test_five_times (SRCDIR "/profile/empty-profile", 0); test_five_times (SRCDIR "/profile/test-profile", 1, "test"); test_five_times (SRCDIR "/profile/colourful", 4, "user", "other", "verylongnameverylongnameverylongnameverylongnameverylongnameverylongnameverylongnameverylongnameverylongnameverylongnameverylongnameverylongname", "nonewline"); test_five_times (SRCDIR "/profile/dos", 2, "user", "site"); test_five_times (SRCDIR "/profile/no-newline-longline", 0); test_five_times (SRCDIR "/profile/many-sources", 10, "user", "local", "room", "floor", "building", "site", "region", "division", "country", "global"); /* finally, test that we get the default profile if the user profile * file cannot be located and we do not specify another profile. */ filename_to_replace = SYSCONFDIR "/dconf/profile/user"; filename_to_replace_it_with = SRCDIR "/profile/this-file-does-not-exist"; g_assert (g_getenv ("DCONF_PROFILE") == NULL); sources = dconf_engine_profile_open (NULL, &n_sources); filename_to_replace = NULL; g_assert_cmpint (n_sources, ==, 1); g_assert_cmpstr (sources[0]->name, ==, "user"); dconf_engine_source_free (sources[0]); g_free (sources); dconf_mock_shm_reset (); } static gpointer test_signal_threadsafety_worker (gpointer user_data) { gint *finished = user_data; gint i; for (i = 0; i < 20000; i++) { DConfEngine *engine; engine = dconf_engine_new (NULL, NULL, NULL); dconf_engine_unref (engine); } g_atomic_int_inc (finished); return NULL; } static void test_signal_threadsafety (void) { #define N_WORKERS 4 GVariant *parameters; gint finished = 0; gint i; parameters = g_variant_new_parsed ("('/test/key', [''], 'tag')"); g_variant_ref_sink (parameters); for (i = 0; i < N_WORKERS; i++) g_thread_unref (g_thread_new ("testcase worker", test_signal_threadsafety_worker, &finished)); while (g_atomic_int_get (&finished) < N_WORKERS) dconf_engine_handle_dbus_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, ":1.2.3", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/user", "Notify", parameters); g_variant_unref (parameters); dconf_mock_shm_reset (); } static void test_user_source (void) { DConfEngineSource *source; GvdbTable *table; GvdbTable *locks; gboolean reopened; /* Create the source from a clean slate */ source = dconf_engine_source_new ("user-db:user"); g_assert (source != NULL); g_assert (source->values == NULL); g_assert (source->locks == NULL); /* Refresh it the first time. * This should cause it to open the shm. * FALSE should be returned because there is no database file. */ reopened = dconf_engine_source_refresh (source); g_assert (!reopened); dconf_mock_shm_assert_log ("open user;"); /* Try to refresh it. There must be no IO at this point. */ reopened = dconf_engine_source_refresh (source); g_assert (!reopened); dconf_mock_shm_assert_log (""); /* Add a real database. */ table = dconf_mock_gvdb_table_new (); dconf_mock_gvdb_table_insert (table, "/values/int32", g_variant_new_int32 (123456), NULL); dconf_mock_gvdb_install ("/HOME/.config/dconf/user", table); /* Try to refresh it again. * Because we didn't flag the change there must still be no IO. */ reopened = dconf_engine_source_refresh (source); g_assert (!reopened); g_assert (source->values == NULL); g_assert (source->locks == NULL); dconf_mock_shm_assert_log (""); /* Now flag it and reopen. */ dconf_mock_shm_flag ("user"); reopened = dconf_engine_source_refresh (source); g_assert (reopened); g_assert (source->values != NULL); g_assert (source->locks == NULL); g_assert (gvdb_table_has_value (source->values, "/values/int32")); dconf_mock_shm_assert_log ("close;open user;"); /* Do it again -- should get the same result, after some IO */ dconf_mock_shm_flag ("user"); reopened = dconf_engine_source_refresh (source); g_assert (reopened); g_assert (source->values != NULL); g_assert (source->locks == NULL); dconf_mock_shm_assert_log ("close;open user;"); /* "Delete" the gvdb and make sure dconf notices after a flag */ dconf_mock_gvdb_install ("/HOME/.config/dconf/user", NULL); dconf_mock_shm_flag ("user"); reopened = dconf_engine_source_refresh (source); g_assert (reopened); g_assert (source->values == NULL); g_assert (source->locks == NULL); dconf_mock_shm_assert_log ("close;open user;"); /* Add a gvdb with a lock */ table = dconf_mock_gvdb_table_new (); locks = dconf_mock_gvdb_table_new (); dconf_mock_gvdb_table_insert (table, "/values/int32", g_variant_new_int32 (123456), NULL); dconf_mock_gvdb_table_insert (locks, "/values/int32", g_variant_new_boolean (TRUE), NULL); dconf_mock_gvdb_table_insert (table, ".locks", NULL, locks); dconf_mock_gvdb_install ("/HOME/.config/dconf/user", table); /* Reopen and check if we have the lock */ dconf_mock_shm_flag ("user"); reopened = dconf_engine_source_refresh (source); g_assert (reopened); g_assert (source->values != NULL); g_assert (source->locks != NULL); g_assert (gvdb_table_has_value (source->values, "/values/int32")); g_assert (gvdb_table_has_value (source->locks, "/values/int32")); dconf_mock_shm_assert_log ("close;open user;"); /* Reopen one last time */ dconf_mock_shm_flag ("user"); reopened = dconf_engine_source_refresh (source); g_assert (reopened); g_assert (source->values != NULL); g_assert (source->locks != NULL); dconf_mock_shm_assert_log ("close;open user;"); dconf_engine_source_free (source); dconf_mock_shm_assert_log ("close;"); dconf_mock_gvdb_install ("/HOME/.config/dconf/user", NULL); dconf_mock_shm_reset (); } static void test_file_source (void) { DConfEngineSource *source; gboolean reopened; GvdbTable *table; GVariant *value; source = dconf_engine_source_new ("file-db:/path/to/db"); g_assert (source != NULL); g_assert (source->values == NULL); g_assert (source->locks == NULL); reopened = dconf_engine_source_refresh (source); g_assert (source->values == NULL); g_assert (source->locks == NULL); dconf_engine_source_free (source); assert_pop_message ("dconf", G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "unable to open file '/path/to/db'"); source = dconf_engine_source_new ("file-db:/path/to/db"); g_assert (source != NULL); g_assert (source->values == NULL); g_assert (source->locks == NULL); table = dconf_mock_gvdb_table_new (); dconf_mock_gvdb_table_insert (table, "/value", g_variant_new_string ("first file"), NULL); dconf_mock_gvdb_install ("/path/to/db", table); reopened = dconf_engine_source_refresh (source); g_assert (reopened); g_assert (source->values); g_assert (source->locks == NULL); value = gvdb_table_get_value (source->values, "/value"); g_assert_cmpstr (g_variant_get_string (value, NULL), ==, "first file"); g_variant_unref (value); /* Of course this should do nothing... */ reopened = dconf_engine_source_refresh (source); g_assert (!reopened); /* Invalidate and replace */ dconf_mock_gvdb_table_invalidate (table); table = dconf_mock_gvdb_table_new (); dconf_mock_gvdb_table_insert (table, "/value", g_variant_new_string ("second file"), NULL); dconf_mock_gvdb_install ("/path/to/db", table); /* Even when invalidated, this should still do nothing... */ reopened = dconf_engine_source_refresh (source); g_assert (!reopened); value = gvdb_table_get_value (source->values, "/value"); g_assert_cmpstr (g_variant_get_string (value, NULL), ==, "first file"); g_variant_unref (value); dconf_mock_gvdb_install ("/path/to/db", NULL); dconf_engine_source_free (source); } static gboolean service_db_created; static GvdbTable *service_db_table; static GVariant * handle_service_request (GBusType bus_type, const gchar *bus_name, const gchar *object_path, const gchar *interface_name, const gchar *method_name, GVariant *parameters, const GVariantType *expected_type, GError **error) { g_assert_cmpstr (bus_name, ==, "ca.desrt.dconf"); g_assert_cmpstr (interface_name, ==, "ca.desrt.dconf.Writer"); g_assert_cmpstr (method_name, ==, "Init"); g_assert_cmpstr (g_variant_get_type_string (parameters), ==, "()"); if (g_str_equal (object_path, "/ca/desrt/dconf/shm/nil")) { service_db_table = dconf_mock_gvdb_table_new (); dconf_mock_gvdb_table_insert (service_db_table, "/values/int32", g_variant_new_int32 (123456), NULL); dconf_mock_gvdb_install ("/RUNTIME/dconf-service/shm/nil", service_db_table); /* Make sure this only happens the first time... */ g_assert (!service_db_created); service_db_created = TRUE; return g_variant_new ("()"); } else { g_set_error_literal (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_NOENT, "Unknown DB type"); return NULL; } } static void test_service_source (void) { DConfEngineSource *source; gboolean reopened; /* Make sure we deal with errors from the service sensibly */ if (g_test_subprocess ()) { g_log_set_always_fatal (G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR); source = dconf_engine_source_new ("service-db:unknown/nil"); dconf_mock_dbus_sync_call_handler = handle_service_request; g_assert (source != NULL); g_assert (source->values == NULL); g_assert (source->locks == NULL); reopened = dconf_engine_source_refresh (source); return; } g_test_trap_subprocess (NULL, 0, 0); g_test_trap_assert_passed (); g_test_trap_assert_stderr ("*WARNING*: unable to open file*unknown/nil*expect degraded performance*"); /* Set up one that will work */ source = dconf_engine_source_new ("service-db:shm/nil"); g_assert (source != NULL); g_assert (source->values == NULL); g_assert (source->locks == NULL); /* Refresh it the first time. * * This should cause the service to be asked to create it. * * This should return TRUE because we just opened it. */ dconf_mock_dbus_sync_call_handler = handle_service_request; reopened = dconf_engine_source_refresh (source); dconf_mock_dbus_sync_call_handler = NULL; g_assert (service_db_created); g_assert (reopened); /* After that, a refresh should be a no-op. */ reopened = dconf_engine_source_refresh (source); g_assert (!reopened); /* Close it and reopen it, ensuring that we don't hit the service * again (because the file already exists). * * Note: dconf_mock_dbus_sync_call_handler = NULL, so D-Bus calls will * assert. */ dconf_engine_source_free (source); source = dconf_engine_source_new ("service-db:shm/nil"); g_assert (source != NULL); reopened = dconf_engine_source_refresh (source); g_assert (reopened); /* Make sure it has the content we expect to see */ g_assert (gvdb_table_has_value (source->values, "/values/int32")); /* Now invalidate it and replace it with an empty one */ dconf_mock_gvdb_table_invalidate (service_db_table); service_db_table = dconf_mock_gvdb_table_new (); dconf_mock_gvdb_install ("/RUNTIME/dconf-service/shm/nil", service_db_table); /* Now reopening should get the new one */ reopened = dconf_engine_source_refresh (source); g_assert (reopened); /* ...and we should find it to be empty */ g_assert (!gvdb_table_has_value (source->values, "/values/int32")); /* We're done. */ dconf_engine_source_free (source); /* This should not have done any shm... */ dconf_mock_shm_assert_log (""); dconf_mock_gvdb_install ("/RUNTIME/dconf-service/shm/nil", NULL); service_db_table = NULL; } static void test_system_source (void) { DConfEngineSource *source; GvdbTable *first_table; GvdbTable *next_table; gboolean reopened; source = dconf_engine_source_new ("system-db:site"); g_assert (source != NULL); /* Check to see that we get the warning about the missing file. */ if (g_test_subprocess ()) { g_log_set_always_fatal (G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR); /* Failing to open should return FALSE from refresh */ reopened = dconf_engine_source_refresh (source); g_assert (!reopened); g_assert (source->values == NULL); /* Attempt the reopen to make sure we don't get two warnings. * We should see FALSE again since we go from NULL to NULL. */ reopened = dconf_engine_source_refresh (source); g_assert (!reopened); /* Create the file after the fact and make sure it opens properly */ first_table = dconf_mock_gvdb_table_new (); dconf_mock_gvdb_install (SYSCONFDIR "/dconf/db/site", first_table); reopened = dconf_engine_source_refresh (source); g_assert (reopened); g_assert (source->values != NULL); dconf_engine_source_free (source); return; } g_test_trap_subprocess (NULL, 0, 0); g_test_trap_assert_passed (); /* Check that we only saw the warning, but only one time. */ g_test_trap_assert_stderr ("*this gvdb does not exist; expect degraded performance*"); g_test_trap_assert_stderr_unmatched ("*degraded*degraded*"); /* Create the file before the first refresh attempt */ first_table = dconf_mock_gvdb_table_new (); dconf_mock_gvdb_install (SYSCONFDIR "/dconf/db/site", first_table); /* Hang on to a copy for ourselves for below... */ dconf_mock_gvdb_table_ref (first_table); /* See that we get the database. */ reopened = dconf_engine_source_refresh (source); g_assert (reopened); g_assert (source->values == first_table); /* Do a refresh, make sure there is no change. */ reopened = dconf_engine_source_refresh (source); g_assert (!reopened); g_assert (source->values == first_table); /* Replace the table on "disk" but don't invalidate the old one */ next_table = dconf_mock_gvdb_table_new (); dconf_mock_gvdb_install (SYSCONFDIR "/dconf/db/site", next_table); /* Make sure the old table remains open (ie: no IO performed) */ reopened = dconf_engine_source_refresh (source); g_assert (!reopened); g_assert (source->values == first_table); /* Now mark the first table invalid and reopen */ dconf_mock_gvdb_table_invalidate (first_table); gvdb_table_free (first_table); reopened = dconf_engine_source_refresh (source); g_assert (reopened); g_assert (source->values == next_table); /* Remove the file entirely and do the same thing */ dconf_mock_gvdb_install (SYSCONFDIR "/dconf/db/site", NULL); reopened = dconf_engine_source_refresh (source); g_assert (!reopened); dconf_engine_source_free (source); } static void invalidate_state (guint n_sources, guint source_types, gpointer *state) { gint i; for (i = 0; i < n_sources; i++) if (source_types & (1u << i)) { if (state[i]) { dconf_mock_gvdb_table_invalidate (state[i]); gvdb_table_free (state[i]); } } else { dconf_mock_shm_flag (state[i]); g_free (state[i]); } } static void setup_state (guint n_sources, guint source_types, guint database_state, gpointer *state) { gint i; for (i = 0; i < n_sources; i++) { guint contents = database_state % 7; GvdbTable *table = NULL; gchar *filename; if (contents) { table = dconf_mock_gvdb_table_new (); /* Even numbers get the value setup */ if ((contents & 1) == 0) dconf_mock_gvdb_table_insert (table, "/value", g_variant_new_uint32 (i), NULL); /* Numbers above 2 get the locks table */ if (contents > 2) { GvdbTable *locks; locks = dconf_mock_gvdb_table_new (); /* Numbers above 4 get the lock set */ if (contents > 4) dconf_mock_gvdb_table_insert (locks, "/value", g_variant_new_boolean (TRUE), NULL); dconf_mock_gvdb_table_insert (table, ".locks", NULL, locks); } } if (source_types & (1u << i)) { if (state) { if (table) state[i] = dconf_mock_gvdb_table_ref (table); else state[i] = NULL; } filename = g_strdup_printf (SYSCONFDIR "/dconf/db/db%d", i); } else { if (state) state[i] = g_strdup_printf ("db%d", i); filename = g_strdup_printf ("/HOME/.config/dconf/db%d", i); } dconf_mock_gvdb_install (filename, table); g_free (filename); database_state /= 7; } } static void create_profile (const gchar *filename, guint n_sources, guint source_types) { GError *error = NULL; GString *profile; gint i; profile = g_string_new (NULL); for (i = 0; i < n_sources; i++) if (source_types & (1u << i)) g_string_append_printf (profile, "system-db:db%d\n", i); else g_string_append_printf (profile, "user-db:db%d\n", i); g_file_set_contents (filename, profile->str, profile->len, &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_string_free (profile, TRUE); } static GQueue read_through_queues[12]; static void check_read (DConfEngine *engine, guint n_sources, guint source_types, guint database_state) { gboolean any_values = FALSE; gboolean any_locks = FALSE; guint first_contents; gint underlying = -1; gint expected = -1; gboolean writable; GVariant *value; gchar **list; guint i; gint n; /* The value we expect to read is number of the first source that has * the value set (ie: odd digit in database_state) up to the lowest * level lock. * * We go over each database. If 'expected' has not yet been set and * we find that we should have a value in this database, we set it. * If we find that we should have a lock in this database, we unset * any previous values (since they should not have been written). * * We intentionally code this loop in a different way than the one in * dconf itself is currently implemented... * * We also take note of if we saw any locks and cross-check that with * dconf_engine_is_writable(). We check if we saw and values at all * and cross-check that with dconf_engine_list() (which ignores * locks). */ first_contents = database_state % 7; for (i = 0; i < n_sources; i++) { guint contents = database_state % 7; /* A lock here should prevent higher reads */ if (contents > 4) { /* Locks in the first database don't count... */ if (i != 0) any_locks = TRUE; expected = -1; } /* A value here should be read */ if (contents && !(contents & 1)) { if (i != 0 && underlying == -1) underlying = i; if (expected == -1) { any_values = TRUE; expected = i; } } database_state /= 7; } value = dconf_engine_read (engine, DCONF_READ_FLAGS_NONE, NULL, "/value"); if (expected != -1) { g_assert (g_variant_is_of_type (value, G_VARIANT_TYPE_UINT32)); g_assert_cmpint (g_variant_get_uint32 (value), ==, expected); g_variant_unref (value); } else g_assert (value == NULL); /* We are writable if the first database is a user database and we * didn't encounter any locks... */ writable = dconf_engine_is_writable (engine, "/value"); g_assert_cmpint (writable, ==, n_sources && !(source_types & 1) && !any_locks); /* Check various read-through scenarios. Read-through should only be * effective if the database is writable. */ for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (read_through_queues); i++) { gint our_expected = expected; if (writable) { /* If writable, see what our changeset did. * * 0: nothing * 1: reset value (should see underlying value) * 2: set value to 123 */ if ((i % 3) == 1) our_expected = underlying; else if ((i % 3) == 2) our_expected = 123; } value = dconf_engine_read (engine, DCONF_READ_FLAGS_NONE, &read_through_queues[i], "/value"); if (our_expected != -1) { g_assert (g_variant_is_of_type (value, G_VARIANT_TYPE_UINT32)); g_assert_cmpint (g_variant_get_uint32 (value), ==, our_expected); g_variant_unref (value); } else g_assert (value == NULL); } /* Check listing */ g_strfreev (dconf_engine_list (engine, "/", &n)); list = dconf_engine_list (engine, "/", NULL); g_assert_cmpint (g_strv_length (list), ==, n); if (any_values) { g_assert_cmpstr (list[0], ==, "value"); g_assert (list[1] == NULL); } else g_assert (list[0] == NULL); g_strfreev (list); /* Check the user value. * * This should be set only in the case that the first database is a * user database (ie: writable) and the contents of that database are * set (ie: 2, 4 or 6). See the table in the comment below. * * Note: we do not consider locks. */ value = dconf_engine_read (engine, DCONF_READ_USER_VALUE, NULL, "/value"); if (value) { g_assert (first_contents && !(first_contents & 1) && !(source_types & 1)); g_assert (g_variant_is_of_type (value, G_VARIANT_TYPE_UINT32)); g_assert_cmpint (g_variant_get_uint32 (value), ==, 0); g_variant_unref (value); } else { /* Three possibilities for failure: * - first db did not exist * - value was missing from first db * - first DB was system-db */ g_assert (!first_contents || (first_contents & 1) || (source_types & 1)); } /* Check read_through vs. user-value */ for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (read_through_queues); i++) { /* It is only possible here to see one of three possibilities: * * - NULL * - 0 (value from user's DB) * - 123 (value from queue) * * We see these values regardless of writability. We do however * ensure that we have a writable database as the first one. */ value = dconf_engine_read (engine, DCONF_READ_USER_VALUE, &read_through_queues[i], "/value"); /* If we have no first source, or the first source is non-user * than we should always do nothing (since we can't queue changes * against a system db or one that doesn't exist). */ if (n_sources == 0 || (source_types & 1) || (i % 3) == 0) { /* Changeset did nothing, so it should be same as above. */ if (value) { g_assert (first_contents && !(first_contents & 1) && !(source_types & 1)); g_assert (g_variant_is_of_type (value, G_VARIANT_TYPE_UINT32)); g_assert_cmpint (g_variant_get_uint32 (value), ==, 0); } else g_assert (!first_contents || (first_contents & 1) || (source_types & 1)); } else if ((i % 3) == 1) { /* Changeset did a reset, so we should always see NULL */ g_assert (value == NULL); } else if ((i % 3) == 2) { /* Changeset set a value, so we should see it */ g_assert_cmpint (g_variant_get_uint32 (value), ==, 123); } if (value) g_variant_unref (value); } } static void test_read (void) { #define MAX_N_SOURCES 2 gpointer state[MAX_N_SOURCES]; gchar *profile_filename; GError *error = NULL; DConfEngine *engine; guint i, j, k; guint n; /* This test throws a lot of messages about missing databases. * Capture and ignore them. */ /* Our test strategy is as follows: * * We only test a single key name. It is assumed that gvdb is working * properly already so we are only interested in interactions between * multiple databases for a given key name. * * The outermost loop is over 'n'. This is how many sources are in * our test. We test 0 to 3 (which should be enough to cover all * 'interesting' possibilities). 4 takes too long to run (2*7*7 ~= * 100 times as long as 3). * * The next loop is over 'i'. This goes from 0 to 2^n - 1, with each * bit deciding the type of source of the i-th element * * 0: user * * 1: system * * The next loop is over 'j'. This goes from 0 to 7^n - 1, with each * base-7 digit deciding the state of the database file associated * with the i-th source: * * j file has value has ".locks" has lock * ---------------------------------------------------- * 0 0 - - - * 1 1 0 0 - * 2 1 1 0 - * 3 1 0 1 0 * 4 1 1 1 0 * 5 1 0 1 1 * 6 1 1 1 1 * * Where 'file' is if the database file exists, 'has value' is if a * value exists at '/value' within the file, 'has ".locks"' is if * there is a ".locks" subtable and 'has lock' is if there is a lock * for '/value' within that table. * * Finally, we loop over 'k' as a state to transition to ('k' works * the same way as 'j'). * * Once we know 'n' and 'i', we can write a profile file. * * Once we know 'j' we can setup the initial state, create the engine * and check that we got the expected value. Then we transition to * state 'k' and make sure everything still works as expected. * * Since we want to test all j->k transitions, we do the initial setup * of the engine (according to j) inside of the 'k' loop, since we * need to test all possible transitions from 'j'. * * We additionally test the effect of read-through queues in 4 * situations: * * - NULL: no queue * - 0: queue with no effect * - 1: queue that resets the value * - 2: queue that sets the value to 123 * * For the cases (0, 1, 2) we can have multiple types of queue that * achieve the desired effect. We can put more than 3 items in * read_through_queues -- the expected behaviour is dictated by the * value of (i % 3) where i is the array index. */ { /* We use a scheme to set up each queue. Again, we assume that * GHashTable is working OK, so we only bother having "/value" as a * changeset item (or not). * * We have an array of strings, each string defining the * configuration of one queue. In each string, each character * represents the contents of a changeset within the queue, in * order. * * ' ' - empty changeset * 's' - set value to 123 * 'r' - reset value * 'x' - set value to 321 */ const gchar *queue_configs[] = { "", "r", "s", " ", "rr", "ss", " ", "rs", "sr", " ", "rx", "sx" }; gint i; G_STATIC_ASSERT (G_N_ELEMENTS (queue_configs) == G_N_ELEMENTS (read_through_queues)); for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (read_through_queues); i++) { const gchar *conf = queue_configs[i]; gint j; for (j = 0; conf[j]; j++) { DConfChangeset *changeset; changeset = dconf_changeset_new (); switch (conf[j]) { case ' ': break; case 'r': dconf_changeset_set (changeset, "/value", NULL); break; case 's': dconf_changeset_set (changeset, "/value", g_variant_new_uint32 (123)); break; case 'x': dconf_changeset_set (changeset, "/value", g_variant_new_uint32 (321)); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } g_queue_push_head (&read_through_queues[i], changeset); } } } /* We need a place to put the profile files we use for this test */ close (g_file_open_tmp ("dconf-testcase.XXXXXX", &profile_filename, &error)); g_assert_no_error (error); for (n = 0; n <= MAX_N_SOURCES; n++) for (i = 0; i < pow (2, n); i++) { gint n_possible_states = pow (7, n); /* Step 1: write out the profile file */ create_profile (profile_filename, n, i); for (j = 0; j < n_possible_states; j++) for (k = 0; k < n_possible_states; k++) { guint64 old_state, new_state; /* Step 2: setup the state */ setup_state (n, i, j, (j != k) ? state : NULL); /* Step 3: create the engine */ engine = dconf_engine_new (profile_filename, NULL, NULL); /* Step 4: read, and check result */ check_read (engine, n, i, j); old_state = dconf_engine_get_state (engine); /* Step 5: change to the new state */ if (j != k) { setup_state (n, i, k, NULL); invalidate_state (n, i, state); } /* Step 6: read, and check result */ check_read (engine, n, i, k); new_state = dconf_engine_get_state (engine); g_assert ((j == k) == (new_state == old_state)); /* Clean up */ setup_state (n, i, 0, NULL); dconf_engine_unref (engine); assert_maybe_pop_message ("dconf", G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "unable to open file '" SYSCONFDIR "/dconf/db"); } } /* Clean up the tempfile we were using... */ g_unlink (profile_filename); g_free (profile_filename); dconf_mock_shm_reset (); assert_no_messages (); } static void test_watch_fast (void) { DConfEngine *engine; GvdbTable *table; GVariant *triv; guint64 a, b, c; change_log = g_string_new (NULL); table = dconf_mock_gvdb_table_new (); dconf_mock_gvdb_install ("/HOME/.config/dconf/user", table); table = dconf_mock_gvdb_table_new (); dconf_mock_gvdb_install (SYSCONFDIR "/dconf/db/site", table); triv = g_variant_ref_sink (g_variant_new ("()")); engine = dconf_engine_new (SRCDIR "/profile/dos", NULL, NULL); /* Check that establishing a watch works properly in the normal case. */ a = dconf_engine_get_state (engine); dconf_engine_watch_fast (engine, "/a/b/c"); /* watches do not count as outstanding changes */ g_assert (!dconf_engine_has_outstanding (engine)); dconf_engine_sync (engine); b = dconf_engine_get_state (engine); g_assert_cmpuint (a, ==, b); /* both AddMatch results come back before shm is flagged */ dconf_mock_dbus_async_reply (triv, NULL); dconf_mock_dbus_async_reply (triv, NULL); dconf_mock_dbus_assert_no_async (); dconf_mock_shm_flag ("user"); b = dconf_engine_get_state (engine); g_assert_cmpuint (a, !=, b); g_assert_cmpstr (change_log->str, ==, ""); dconf_engine_unwatch_fast (engine, "/a/b/c"); dconf_mock_dbus_async_reply (triv, NULL); dconf_mock_dbus_async_reply (triv, NULL); dconf_mock_dbus_assert_no_async (); /* Establish a watch and fail the race. */ a = dconf_engine_get_state (engine); dconf_engine_watch_fast (engine, "/a/b/c"); g_assert (!dconf_engine_has_outstanding (engine)); dconf_engine_sync (engine); b = dconf_engine_get_state (engine); g_assert_cmpuint (a, ==, b); /* one AddMatch result comes back -after- shm is flagged */ dconf_mock_dbus_async_reply (triv, NULL); dconf_mock_shm_flag ("user"); dconf_mock_dbus_async_reply (triv, NULL); dconf_mock_dbus_assert_no_async (); b = dconf_engine_get_state (engine); g_assert_cmpuint (a, !=, b); g_assert_cmpstr (change_log->str, ==, "/a/b/c:1::nil;"); /* Try to establish a watch again for the same path */ dconf_engine_watch_fast (engine, "/a/b/c"); g_assert (!dconf_engine_has_outstanding (engine)); dconf_engine_sync (engine); c = dconf_engine_get_state (engine); g_assert_cmpuint (b, ==, c); /* The watch result was not sent, because the path was already watched */ dconf_mock_dbus_assert_no_async (); c = dconf_engine_get_state (engine); g_assert_cmpuint (b, ==, c); /* Since the path was already being watched, * do not expect a second false change notification */ g_assert_cmpstr (change_log->str, ==, "/a/b/c:1::nil;"); dconf_engine_unwatch_fast (engine, "/a/b/c"); /* nothing was done, because there is still a subscription left */ dconf_mock_dbus_assert_no_async (); dconf_engine_unwatch_fast (engine, "/a/b/c"); dconf_mock_dbus_async_reply (triv, NULL); dconf_mock_dbus_async_reply (triv, NULL); dconf_mock_dbus_assert_no_async (); dconf_mock_gvdb_install ("/HOME/.config/dconf/user", NULL); dconf_mock_gvdb_install (SYSCONFDIR "/dconf/db/site", NULL); dconf_engine_unref (engine); g_string_free (change_log, TRUE); change_log = NULL; g_variant_unref (triv); } static void test_watch_fast_simultaneous_subscriptions (void) { /** * Test that creating multiple subscriptions to the same path * simultaneously (before receiving replies from D-Bus) only results in * a single D-Bus match rule, and that it is removed at the right time. */ DConfEngine *engine; GvdbTable *table; GVariant *triv; /* Set up */ table = dconf_mock_gvdb_table_new (); dconf_mock_gvdb_install ("/HOME/.config/dconf/user", table); table = dconf_mock_gvdb_table_new (); dconf_mock_gvdb_install (SYSCONFDIR "/dconf/db/site", table); triv = g_variant_ref_sink (g_variant_new ("()")); change_log = g_string_new (NULL); engine = dconf_engine_new (SRCDIR "/profile/dos", NULL, NULL); /* Subscribe to the same path 3 times. Both AddMatch results succeed * (one for each source). There is only one for each source*path. */ dconf_engine_watch_fast (engine, "/a/b/c"); dconf_engine_watch_fast (engine, "/a/b/c"); dconf_engine_watch_fast (engine, "/a/b/c"); dconf_mock_dbus_async_reply (triv, NULL); dconf_mock_dbus_async_reply (triv, NULL); dconf_mock_dbus_assert_no_async (); /* Unsubscribe twice, after the AddMatch succeeds. There is still one * active subscription, so no RemoveMatch request is sent. */ dconf_engine_unwatch_fast (engine, "/a/b/c"); dconf_engine_unwatch_fast (engine, "/a/b/c"); dconf_mock_dbus_assert_no_async (); /* Unsubscribe once more. The number of active subscriptions falls to 0 * and the D-Bus match rule is removed */ dconf_engine_unwatch_fast (engine, "/a/b/c"); dconf_mock_dbus_async_reply (triv, NULL); dconf_mock_dbus_async_reply (triv, NULL); dconf_mock_dbus_assert_no_async (); /* The shm was not flagged at any point - so no change notifications * should not have been sent */ g_assert_cmpstr (change_log->str, ==, ""); /* Clean up */ dconf_engine_unref (engine); g_string_free (change_log, TRUE); change_log = NULL; g_variant_unref (triv); } static void test_watch_fast_successive_subscriptions (void) { /** * Test that subscribing to the same path multiple times successively * (after waiting for any expected replies from D-Bus) results in only * a single D-Bus match rule being created, and that it is created and * destroyed at the right times. */ DConfEngine *engine; GvdbTable *table; GVariant *triv; /* Set up */ table = dconf_mock_gvdb_table_new (); dconf_mock_gvdb_install ("/HOME/.config/dconf/user", table); table = dconf_mock_gvdb_table_new (); dconf_mock_gvdb_install (SYSCONFDIR "/dconf/db/site", table); triv = g_variant_ref_sink (g_variant_new ("()")); change_log = g_string_new (NULL); engine = dconf_engine_new (SRCDIR "/profile/dos", NULL, NULL); /* Subscribe to a path, and simulate a change to the database while the * AddMatch request is in progress */ dconf_engine_watch_fast (engine, "/a/b/c"); dconf_mock_shm_flag ("user"); dconf_mock_dbus_async_reply (triv, NULL); dconf_mock_dbus_async_reply (triv, NULL); /* When the AddMatch requests succeeds, expect a change notification * for the path */ dconf_mock_dbus_assert_no_async (); g_assert_cmpstr (change_log->str, ==, "/a/b/c:1::nil;"); /* Subscribe to a path twice again, and simulate a change to the * database */ dconf_engine_watch_fast (engine, "/a/b/c"); dconf_engine_watch_fast (engine, "/a/b/c"); dconf_mock_shm_flag ("user"); /* There was already a match rule in place, so there should be no D-Bus * requests and no change notifications */ dconf_mock_dbus_assert_no_async (); g_assert_cmpstr (change_log->str, ==, "/a/b/c:1::nil;"); /* Unsubscribe */ dconf_engine_unwatch_fast (engine, "/a/b/c"); dconf_engine_unwatch_fast (engine, "/a/b/c"); dconf_mock_dbus_assert_no_async (); dconf_engine_unwatch_fast (engine, "/a/b/c"); dconf_mock_dbus_async_reply (triv, NULL); dconf_mock_dbus_async_reply (triv, NULL); dconf_mock_dbus_assert_no_async (); /* Clean up */ dconf_engine_unref (engine); g_string_free (change_log, TRUE); change_log = NULL; g_variant_unref (triv); } static void test_watch_fast_short_lived_subscriptions (void) { /** * Test that subscribing and then immediately unsubscribing (without * waiting for replies from D-Bus) multiple times to the same path * correctly triggers D-Bus requests and change notifications in cases * where the D-Bus match rule was not in place when the database was * changed. */ DConfEngine *engine; GvdbTable *table; GVariant *triv; /* Set up */ table = dconf_mock_gvdb_table_new (); dconf_mock_gvdb_install ("/HOME/.config/dconf/user", table); table = dconf_mock_gvdb_table_new (); dconf_mock_gvdb_install (SYSCONFDIR "/dconf/db/site", table); triv = g_variant_ref_sink (g_variant_new ("()")); change_log = g_string_new (NULL); engine = dconf_engine_new (SRCDIR "/profile/dos", NULL, NULL); /* Subscribe to a path twice, and simulate a change to the database * while the AddMatch request is in progress */ dconf_engine_watch_fast (engine, "/a/b/c"); dconf_engine_watch_fast (engine, "/a/b/c"); dconf_mock_shm_flag ("user"); dconf_engine_unwatch_fast (engine, "/a/b/c"); dconf_engine_unwatch_fast (engine, "/a/b/c"); dconf_mock_dbus_async_reply (triv, NULL); dconf_mock_dbus_async_reply (triv, NULL); dconf_mock_dbus_async_reply (triv, NULL); dconf_mock_dbus_async_reply (triv, NULL); dconf_mock_dbus_assert_no_async (); /* When the AddMatch requests succeed, expect a change notification * to have been sent for the path, even though the client has since * unsubscribed. */ g_assert_cmpstr (change_log->str, ==, "/a/b/c:1::nil;"); /* Clean up */ dconf_engine_unref (engine); g_string_free (change_log, TRUE); change_log = NULL; g_variant_unref (triv); } static const gchar *match_request_type; static gboolean got_match_request[5]; static GVariant * handle_match_request (GBusType bus_type, const gchar *bus_name, const gchar *object_path, const gchar *interface_name, const gchar *method_name, GVariant *parameters, const GVariantType *expected_type, GError **error) { const gchar *match_rule; g_assert_cmpstr (bus_name, ==, "org.freedesktop.DBus"); /* any object path works... */ g_assert_cmpstr (interface_name, ==, "org.freedesktop.DBus"); g_assert_cmpstr (method_name, ==, match_request_type); g_assert_cmpstr (g_variant_get_type_string (parameters), ==, "(s)"); g_variant_get (parameters, "(&s)", &match_rule); g_assert (strstr (match_rule, "arg0path='/a/b/c'")); g_assert (!got_match_request[bus_type]); got_match_request[bus_type] = TRUE; return g_variant_new ("()"); } static void test_watch_sync (void) { DConfEngine *engine; dconf_mock_dbus_sync_call_handler = handle_match_request; engine = dconf_engine_new (SRCDIR "/profile/dos", NULL, NULL); match_request_type = "AddMatch"; /* A match rule should be added when the first subscription is established */ dconf_engine_watch_sync (engine, "/a/b/c"); g_assert (got_match_request[G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION]); g_assert (got_match_request[G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM]); got_match_request[G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION] = FALSE; got_match_request[G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM] = FALSE; /* The match rule is now already in place, so more are not needed */ dconf_engine_watch_sync (engine, "/a/b/c"); g_assert_false (got_match_request[G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION]); g_assert_false (got_match_request[G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM]); dconf_engine_watch_sync (engine, "/a/b/c"); g_assert_false (got_match_request[G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION]); g_assert_false (got_match_request[G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM]); match_request_type = "RemoveMatch"; /* There are 3 subscriptions, so removing 2 should not remove * the match rule */ dconf_engine_unwatch_sync (engine, "/a/b/c"); g_assert_false (got_match_request[G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION]); g_assert_false (got_match_request[G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM]); dconf_engine_unwatch_sync (engine, "/a/b/c"); g_assert_false (got_match_request[G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION]); g_assert_false (got_match_request[G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM]); /* The match rule should be removed when the last subscription is * removed */ dconf_engine_unwatch_sync (engine, "/a/b/c"); g_assert (got_match_request[G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION]); g_assert (got_match_request[G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM]); got_match_request[G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION] = FALSE; got_match_request[G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM] = FALSE; dconf_engine_unref (engine); dconf_mock_dbus_sync_call_handler = NULL; match_request_type = NULL; } static void test_change_fast (void) { DConfChangeset *empty, *good_write, *bad_write, *very_good_write, *slightly_bad_write; GvdbTable *table, *locks; DConfEngine *engine; gboolean success; GError *error = NULL; GVariant *value; change_log = g_string_new (NULL); table = dconf_mock_gvdb_table_new (); locks = dconf_mock_gvdb_table_new (); dconf_mock_gvdb_table_insert (locks, "/locked", g_variant_new_boolean (TRUE), NULL); dconf_mock_gvdb_table_insert (table, ".locks", NULL, locks); dconf_mock_gvdb_install (SYSCONFDIR "/dconf/db/site", table); empty = dconf_changeset_new (); good_write = dconf_changeset_new_write ("/value", g_variant_new_string ("value")); bad_write = dconf_changeset_new_write ("/locked", g_variant_new_string ("value")); very_good_write = dconf_changeset_new_write ("/value", g_variant_new_string ("value")); dconf_changeset_set (very_good_write, "/to-reset", NULL); slightly_bad_write = dconf_changeset_new_write ("/locked", g_variant_new_string ("value")); dconf_changeset_set (slightly_bad_write, "/to-reset", NULL); engine = dconf_engine_new (SRCDIR "/profile/dos", NULL, NULL); success = dconf_engine_change_fast (engine, empty, NULL, &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_assert (success); success = dconf_engine_change_fast (engine, empty, NULL, &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_assert (success); success = dconf_engine_change_fast (engine, bad_write, NULL, &error); g_assert_error (error, DCONF_ERROR, DCONF_ERROR_NOT_WRITABLE); g_clear_error (&error); g_assert (!success); success = dconf_engine_change_fast (engine, slightly_bad_write, NULL, &error); g_assert_error (error, DCONF_ERROR, DCONF_ERROR_NOT_WRITABLE); g_clear_error (&error); g_assert (!success); /* Up to now, no D-Bus traffic should have been sent at all because we * only had trivial and non-writable attempts. * * Now try some working cases */ dconf_mock_dbus_assert_no_async (); g_assert_cmpstr (change_log->str, ==, ""); success = dconf_engine_change_fast (engine, good_write, NULL, &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_assert (success); /* That should have emitted a synthetic change event */ g_assert_cmpstr (change_log->str, ==, "/value:1::nil;"); g_string_set_size (change_log, 0); /* Verify that the value is set */ value = dconf_engine_read (engine, DCONF_READ_FLAGS_NONE, NULL, "/value"); g_assert_cmpstr (g_variant_get_string (value, NULL), ==, "value"); g_variant_unref (value); /* Fail the attempted write. This should cause a warning and a change. */ error = g_error_new_literal (G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_NOENT, "something failed"); dconf_mock_dbus_async_reply (NULL, error); g_clear_error (&error); g_assert_cmpstr (change_log->str, ==, "/value:1::nil;"); g_string_set_size (change_log, 0); assert_pop_message ("dconf", G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "failed to commit changes to dconf: something failed"); /* Verify that the value became unset due to the failure */ value = dconf_engine_read (engine, DCONF_READ_FLAGS_NONE, NULL, "value"); g_assert (value == NULL); /* Now try a successful write */ dconf_mock_dbus_assert_no_async (); g_assert_cmpstr (change_log->str, ==, ""); success = dconf_engine_change_fast (engine, good_write, NULL, &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_assert (success); /* That should have emitted a synthetic change event */ g_assert_cmpstr (change_log->str, ==, "/value:1::nil;"); g_string_set_size (change_log, 0); /* Verify that the value is set */ value = dconf_engine_read (engine, DCONF_READ_FLAGS_NONE, NULL, "/value"); g_assert_cmpstr (g_variant_get_string (value, NULL), ==, "value"); g_variant_unref (value); /* ACK the write. */ error = g_error_new_literal (G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_NOENT, "something failed"); dconf_mock_dbus_async_reply (g_variant_new ("(s)", "tag"), NULL); g_clear_error (&error); /* No change this time, since we already did it. */ g_assert_cmpstr (change_log->str, ==, ""); /* Verify that the value became unset due to the in-flight queue * clearing... */ value = dconf_engine_read (engine, DCONF_READ_FLAGS_NONE, NULL, "value"); g_assert (value == NULL); /* Do that all again for a changeset with more than one item */ dconf_mock_dbus_assert_no_async (); g_assert_cmpstr (change_log->str, ==, ""); success = dconf_engine_change_fast (engine, very_good_write, NULL, &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_assert (success); g_assert_cmpstr (change_log->str, ==, "/:2:to-reset,value:nil;"); g_string_set_size (change_log, 0); value = dconf_engine_read (engine, DCONF_READ_FLAGS_NONE, NULL, "/value"); g_assert_cmpstr (g_variant_get_string (value, NULL), ==, "value"); g_variant_unref (value); error = g_error_new_literal (G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_NOENT, "something failed"); dconf_mock_dbus_async_reply (NULL, error); g_clear_error (&error); g_assert_cmpstr (change_log->str, ==, "/:2:to-reset,value:nil;"); g_string_set_size (change_log, 0); assert_pop_message ("dconf", G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "failed to commit changes to dconf: something failed"); value = dconf_engine_read (engine, DCONF_READ_FLAGS_NONE, NULL, "value"); g_assert (value == NULL); dconf_mock_dbus_assert_no_async (); g_assert_cmpstr (change_log->str, ==, ""); success = dconf_engine_change_fast (engine, very_good_write, NULL, &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_assert (success); g_assert_cmpstr (change_log->str, ==, "/:2:to-reset,value:nil;"); g_string_set_size (change_log, 0); value = dconf_engine_read (engine, DCONF_READ_FLAGS_NONE, NULL, "/value"); g_assert_cmpstr (g_variant_get_string (value, NULL), ==, "value"); g_variant_unref (value); error = g_error_new_literal (G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_NOENT, "something failed"); dconf_mock_dbus_async_reply (g_variant_new ("(s)", "tag"), NULL); g_clear_error (&error); g_assert_cmpstr (change_log->str, ==, ""); value = dconf_engine_read (engine, DCONF_READ_FLAGS_NONE, NULL, "value"); g_assert (value == NULL); dconf_engine_unref (engine); dconf_changeset_unref (empty); dconf_changeset_unref (good_write); dconf_changeset_unref (very_good_write); dconf_changeset_unref (bad_write); dconf_changeset_unref (slightly_bad_write); g_string_free (change_log, TRUE); change_log = NULL; } static GError *change_sync_error; static GVariant *change_sync_result; static GVariant * handle_write_request (GBusType bus_type, const gchar *bus_name, const gchar *object_path, const gchar *interface_name, const gchar *method_name, GVariant *parameters, const GVariantType *expected_type, GError **error) { g_assert_cmpstr (bus_name, ==, "ca.desrt.dconf"); g_assert_cmpstr (interface_name, ==, "ca.desrt.dconf.Writer"); /* Assume that the engine can format the method call properly, but * test that it can properly handle weird replies. */ *error = change_sync_error; return change_sync_result; } static void test_change_sync (void) { DConfChangeset *empty, *good_write, *bad_write, *very_good_write, *slightly_bad_write; GvdbTable *table, *locks; DConfEngine *engine; gboolean success; GError *error = NULL; gchar *tag; table = dconf_mock_gvdb_table_new (); locks = dconf_mock_gvdb_table_new (); dconf_mock_gvdb_table_insert (locks, "/locked", g_variant_new_boolean (TRUE), NULL); dconf_mock_gvdb_table_insert (table, ".locks", NULL, locks); dconf_mock_gvdb_install (SYSCONFDIR "/dconf/db/site", table); empty = dconf_changeset_new (); good_write = dconf_changeset_new_write ("/value", g_variant_new_string ("value")); bad_write = dconf_changeset_new_write ("/locked", g_variant_new_string ("value")); very_good_write = dconf_changeset_new_write ("/value", g_variant_new_string ("value")); dconf_changeset_set (very_good_write, "/to-reset", NULL); slightly_bad_write = dconf_changeset_new_write ("/locked", g_variant_new_string ("value")); dconf_changeset_set (slightly_bad_write, "/to-reset", NULL); engine = dconf_engine_new (SRCDIR "/profile/dos", NULL, NULL); success = dconf_engine_change_sync (engine, empty, &tag, &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_assert (success); g_free (tag); success = dconf_engine_change_sync (engine, empty, NULL, &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_assert (success); success = dconf_engine_change_sync (engine, bad_write, &tag, &error); g_assert_error (error, DCONF_ERROR, DCONF_ERROR_NOT_WRITABLE); g_clear_error (&error); g_assert (!success); success = dconf_engine_change_sync (engine, slightly_bad_write, NULL, &error); g_assert_error (error, DCONF_ERROR, DCONF_ERROR_NOT_WRITABLE); g_clear_error (&error); g_assert (!success); /* Up to now, no D-Bus traffic should have been sent at all because we * only had trivial and non-writable attempts. * * Now try some working cases */ dconf_mock_dbus_sync_call_handler = handle_write_request; change_sync_result = g_variant_new ("(s)", "mytag"); success = dconf_engine_change_sync (engine, good_write, &tag, &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_assert (success); g_assert_cmpstr (tag, ==, "mytag"); g_free (tag); change_sync_result = NULL; change_sync_error = g_error_new_literal (G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_NOENT, "something failed"); success = dconf_engine_change_sync (engine, very_good_write, &tag, &error); g_assert_error (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_NOENT); g_assert (!success); g_clear_error (&error); change_sync_error = NULL; dconf_changeset_unref (empty); dconf_changeset_unref (good_write); dconf_changeset_unref (very_good_write); dconf_changeset_unref (bad_write); dconf_changeset_unref (slightly_bad_write); dconf_engine_unref (engine); } static void send_signal (GBusType type, const gchar *name, const gchar *path, const gchar *signame, const gchar *args) { GVariant *value; value = g_variant_ref_sink (g_variant_new_parsed (args)); dconf_engine_handle_dbus_signal (type, name, path, signame, value); g_variant_unref (value); } static void test_signals (void) { DConfEngine *engine; change_log = g_string_new (NULL); engine = dconf_engine_new (SRCDIR "/profile/dos", NULL, NULL); /* Throw some non-sense at it to make sure it gets rejected */ /* Invalid signal name */ send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/user", "UnNotify", "('/', [''], 'tag')"); send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/site", "UnNotify", "('/', [''], 'tag')"); g_assert_cmpstr (change_log->str, ==, ""); /* Bad path */ send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/use", "Notify", "('/', [''], 'tag')"); send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/use", "WritabilityNotify", "('/',)"); send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/sit", "Notify", "('/', [''], 'tag')"); send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/sit", "WritabilityNotify", "('/',)"); g_assert_cmpstr (change_log->str, ==, ""); /* Wrong signature for signal */ send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/user", "Notify", "('/',)"); send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/user", "WritabilityNotify", "('/', [''], '')"); send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/site", "Notify", "('/',)"); send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/site", "WritabilityNotify", "('/', [''], '')"); g_assert_cmpstr (change_log->str, ==, ""); /* Signal delivered on wrong bus type */ send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/user", "Notify", "('/', [''], 'tag')"); send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/site", "Notify", "('/', [''], 'tag')"); send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/user", "WritabilityNotify", "('/',)"); send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/site", "WritabilityNotify", "('/',)"); g_assert_cmpstr (change_log->str, ==, ""); /* Empty changeset */ send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/user", "Notify", "('/a', @as [], 'tag')"); send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/user", "Notify", "('/a/', @as [], 'tag')"); send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/site", "Notify", "('/a', @as [], 'tag')"); send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/site", "Notify", "('/a/', @as [], 'tag')"); /* Try to notify on some invalid paths to make sure they get properly * rejected by the engine and not passed onto the user... */ send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/user", "Notify", "('', [''], 'tag')"); send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/user", "Notify", "('a', [''], 'tag')"); send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/user", "Notify", "('a/', [''], 'tag')"); send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/user", "Notify", "('/b//a/', [''], 'tag')"); send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/user", "Notify", "('/b//a', [''], 'tag')"); send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/user", "WritabilityNotify", "('',)"); send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/user", "WritabilityNotify", "('a',)"); send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/user", "WritabilityNotify", "('a/',)"); send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/user", "WritabilityNotify", "('/b//a/',)"); send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/user", "WritabilityNotify", "('/b//a',)"); g_assert_cmpstr (change_log->str, ==, ""); /* Invalid gluing of segments: '/a' + 'b' != '/ab' */ send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/user", "Notify", "('/a', ['b'], 'tag')"); send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/user", "Notify", "('/a', ['b', 'c'], 'tag')"); g_assert_cmpstr (change_log->str, ==, ""); /* Also: '/a' + '/b' != '/a/b' */ send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/user", "Notify", "('/a', ['/b'], 'tag')"); send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/user", "Notify", "('/a', ['', '/b'], 'tag')"); g_assert_cmpstr (change_log->str, ==, ""); /* Invalid (non-relative) changes */ send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/user", "Notify", "('/', ['/'], 'tag')"); send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/user", "Notify", "('/', ['/a'], 'tag')"); send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/user", "Notify", "('/', ['a', '/a'], 'tag')"); send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/user", "Notify", "('/', ['a', 'a//b'], 'tag')"); g_assert_cmpstr (change_log->str, ==, ""); /* Now try some real cases */ send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/user", "Notify", "('/', [''], 'tag')"); g_assert_cmpstr (change_log->str, ==, "/:1::tag;"); g_string_set_size (change_log, 0); send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/user", "Notify", "('/one/key', [''], 'tag')"); g_assert_cmpstr (change_log->str, ==, "/one/key:1::tag;"); g_string_set_size (change_log, 0); send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/user", "Notify", "('/two/', ['keys', 'here'], 'tag')"); g_assert_cmpstr (change_log->str, ==, "/two/:2:keys,here:tag;"); g_string_set_size (change_log, 0); send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/user", "Notify", "('/some/path/', ['a', 'b/', 'c/d'], 'tag')"); g_assert_cmpstr (change_log->str, ==, "/some/path/:3:a,b/,c/d:tag;"); g_string_set_size (change_log, 0); send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/user", "WritabilityNotify", "('/other/key',)"); g_assert_cmpstr (change_log->str, ==, "w:/other/key:1::;"); g_string_set_size (change_log, 0); send_signal (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, ":1.123", "/ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/user", "WritabilityNotify", "('/other/dir/',)"); g_assert_cmpstr (change_log->str, ==, "w:/other/dir/:1::;"); g_string_set_size (change_log, 0); dconf_engine_unref (engine); } static gboolean it_is_good_to_be_done; static gpointer waiter_thread (gpointer user_data) { DConfEngine *engine = user_data; dconf_engine_sync (engine); g_assert (g_atomic_int_get (&it_is_good_to_be_done)); return NULL; } static void test_sync (void) { GThread *waiter_threads[5]; DConfChangeset *change; DConfEngine *engine; GError *error = NULL; gboolean success; gint i; engine = dconf_engine_new (SRCDIR "/profile/dos", NULL, NULL); /* Make sure a waiter thread returns straight away if nothing is * outstanding. */ g_atomic_int_set (&it_is_good_to_be_done, TRUE); g_thread_join (g_thread_new ("waiter", waiter_thread, engine)); g_atomic_int_set (&it_is_good_to_be_done, FALSE); /* The write will try to check the system-db for a lock. That will * fail because it doesn't exist... */ change = dconf_changeset_new_write ("/value", g_variant_new_boolean (TRUE)); success = dconf_engine_change_fast (engine, change, NULL, &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_assert (success); assert_pop_message ("dconf", G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "unable to open file"); /* Spin up some waiters */ for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (waiter_threads); i++) waiter_threads[i] = g_thread_new ("test waiter", waiter_thread, engine); g_usleep(100 * G_TIME_SPAN_MILLISECOND); /* Release them by completing the pending async call */ g_atomic_int_set (&it_is_good_to_be_done, TRUE); dconf_mock_dbus_async_reply (g_variant_new ("(s)", "tag"), NULL); /* Make sure they all quit by joining them */ for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (waiter_threads); i++) g_thread_join (waiter_threads[i]); g_atomic_int_set (&it_is_good_to_be_done, FALSE); /* Do the same again, but with a failure as a result */ success = dconf_engine_change_fast (engine, change, NULL, &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_assert (success); for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (waiter_threads); i++) waiter_threads[i] = g_thread_new ("test waiter", waiter_thread, engine); g_usleep(100 * G_TIME_SPAN_MILLISECOND); error = g_error_new_literal (G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_NOENT, "some error"); g_atomic_int_set (&it_is_good_to_be_done, TRUE); dconf_mock_dbus_async_reply (NULL, error); g_clear_error (&error); assert_pop_message ("dconf", G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "failed to commit changes to dconf: some error"); /* Make sure they all quit by joining them */ for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (waiter_threads); i++) g_thread_join (waiter_threads[i]); g_atomic_int_set (&it_is_good_to_be_done, FALSE); /* Now put two changes in the queue and make sure we have to reply to * both of them before the waiters finish. */ success = dconf_engine_change_fast (engine, change, NULL, &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_assert (success); success = dconf_engine_change_fast (engine, change, NULL, &error); g_assert_no_error (error); g_assert (success); for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (waiter_threads); i++) waiter_threads[i] = g_thread_new ("test waiter", waiter_thread, engine); g_usleep(100 * G_TIME_SPAN_MILLISECOND); dconf_mock_dbus_async_reply (g_variant_new ("(s)", "tag1"), NULL); /* Still should not have quit yet... wait a bit to let the waiters try * to shoot themselves in their collective feet... */ g_usleep(100 * G_TIME_SPAN_MILLISECOND); /* Will be OK after the second reply */ g_atomic_int_set (&it_is_good_to_be_done, TRUE); dconf_mock_dbus_async_reply (g_variant_new ("(s)", "tag2"), NULL); /* Make sure they all quit by joining them */ for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (waiter_threads); i++) g_thread_join (waiter_threads[i]); g_atomic_int_set (&it_is_good_to_be_done, FALSE); dconf_changeset_unref (change); dconf_engine_unref (engine); dconf_mock_shm_reset (); } /* Log handling. */ typedef struct { GLogLevelFlags log_level; GLogField *fields; gsize n_fields; } LogMessage; static void log_message_clear (LogMessage *message) { gsize i; for (i = 0; i < message->n_fields; i++) { g_free ((gpointer) message->fields[i].key); g_free ((gpointer) message->fields[i].value); } } static GArray *logged_messages = NULL; static GLogWriterOutput log_writer_cb (GLogLevelFlags log_level, const GLogField *fields, gsize n_fields, gpointer user_data) { LogMessage *message; gsize i; /* If we’re running as a subprocess, the parent process is going to be * checking our stderr, so just behave normally. */ if (g_test_subprocess ()) return g_log_writer_default (log_level, fields, n_fields, user_data); /* We only care about dconf messages and non-debug messages. */ if (log_level == G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) return G_LOG_WRITER_HANDLED; for (i = 0; i < n_fields; i++) { if (g_strcmp0 (fields[i].key, "GLIB_DOMAIN") == 0 && g_strcmp0 (fields[i].value, "dconf") != 0) return G_LOG_WRITER_HANDLED; } /* Append the message to the queue. */ g_array_set_size (logged_messages, logged_messages->len + 1); message = &g_array_index (logged_messages, LogMessage, logged_messages->len - 1); message->log_level = log_level; message->fields = g_new0 (GLogField, n_fields); message->n_fields = n_fields; for (i = 0; i < n_fields; i++) { gsize length = (fields[i].length < 0) ? strlen (fields[i].value) + 1 : fields[i].length; message->fields[i].key = g_strdup (fields[i].key); message->fields[i].value = g_malloc0 (length); memcpy ((gpointer) message->fields[i].value, fields[i].value, length); message->fields[i].length = fields[i].length; } return G_LOG_WRITER_HANDLED; } /* Assert there are no logged messages in the queue. */ static void assert_no_messages (void) { g_assert_cmpuint (logged_messages->len, ==, 0); } /* Assert there is at least one logged message in the queue, and the oldest * logged message matches the given expectations. If so, pop it from the queue; * if not, abort. */ static void assert_pop_message (const gchar *expected_domain, GLogLevelFlags expected_log_level, const gchar *expected_message_fragment) { const LogMessage *logged_message; gsize i; const gchar *message = NULL, *domain = NULL; g_assert_cmpuint (logged_messages->len, >, 0); logged_message = &g_array_index (logged_messages, LogMessage, 0); for (i = 0; i < logged_message->n_fields; i++) { if (g_strcmp0 (logged_message->fields[i].key, "MESSAGE") == 0) message = logged_message->fields[i].value; else if (g_strcmp0 (logged_message->fields[i].key, "GLIB_DOMAIN") == 0) domain = logged_message->fields[i].value; } g_assert_cmpstr (domain, ==, expected_domain); g_assert_cmpuint (logged_message->log_level, ==, expected_log_level); g_assert_cmpstr (strstr (message, expected_message_fragment), !=, NULL); g_array_remove_index (logged_messages, 0); } /* If there is at least one logged message in the queue, act like * assert_pop_message(). Otherwise, if the queue is empty, return. */ static void assert_maybe_pop_message (const gchar *expected_domain, GLogLevelFlags expected_log_level, const gchar *expected_message_fragment) { if (logged_messages->len == 0) return; assert_pop_message (expected_domain, expected_log_level, expected_message_fragment); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { const ProfileParserOpenData profile_parser0 = { SRCDIR "/profile/this-file-does-not-exist", "*WARNING*: unable to open named profile*" }; const ProfileParserOpenData profile_parser1 = { SRCDIR "/profile/broken-profile", "*WARNING*: unknown dconf database*unknown dconf database*" }; const ProfileParserOpenData profile_parser2 = { SRCDIR "/profile/gdm", "*WARNING*: unknown dconf database*unknown dconf database*" }; int retval; g_setenv ("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR", "/RUNTIME/", TRUE); g_setenv ("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", "/HOME/.config", TRUE); g_unsetenv ("DCONF_PROFILE"); logged_messages = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (LogMessage)); g_array_set_clear_func (logged_messages, (GDestroyNotify) log_message_clear); g_log_set_writer_func (log_writer_cb, NULL, NULL); main_thread = g_thread_self (); g_test_init (&argc, &argv, NULL); g_test_add_data_func ("/engine/profile-parser/errors/0", &profile_parser0, test_profile_parser_errors); g_test_add_data_func ("/engine/profile-parser/errors/1", &profile_parser1, test_profile_parser_errors); g_test_add_data_func ("/engine/profile-parser/errors/2", &profile_parser2, test_profile_parser_errors); g_test_add_func ("/engine/profile-parser", test_profile_parser); g_test_add_func ("/engine/signal-threadsafety", test_signal_threadsafety); g_test_add_func ("/engine/sources/user", test_user_source); g_test_add_func ("/engine/sources/system", test_system_source); g_test_add_func ("/engine/sources/file", test_file_source); g_test_add_func ("/engine/sources/service", test_service_source); g_test_add_func ("/engine/read", test_read); g_test_add_func ("/engine/watch/fast", test_watch_fast); g_test_add_func ("/engine/watch/fast/simultaneous", test_watch_fast_simultaneous_subscriptions); g_test_add_func ("/engine/watch/fast/successive", test_watch_fast_successive_subscriptions); g_test_add_func ("/engine/watch/fast/short_lived", test_watch_fast_short_lived_subscriptions); g_test_add_func ("/engine/watch/sync", test_watch_sync); g_test_add_func ("/engine/change/fast", test_change_fast); g_test_add_func ("/engine/change/sync", test_change_sync); g_test_add_func ("/engine/signals", test_signals); g_test_add_func ("/engine/sync", test_sync); retval = g_test_run (); assert_no_messages (); g_array_unref (logged_messages); return retval; }