#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright © 2018 Tomasz Miąsko # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the licence, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, see . import mmap import os import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time import unittest from textwrap import dedent DAEMON_CONFIG = ''' session unix:tmpdir=/tmp {servicedir} EXTERNAL ''' SERVICE_CONFIG = '''\ [D-BUS Service] Name={name} Exec={exec} ''' def dconf(*args, **kwargs): argv = [dconf_exe] argv.extend(args) # Setup convenient defaults: kwargs.setdefault('check', True) kwargs.setdefault('stdout', subprocess.PIPE) kwargs.setdefault('universal_newlines', True) return subprocess.run(argv, **kwargs) def dconf_read(key): return dconf('read', key).stdout.rstrip('\n') def dconf_write(key, value): dconf('write', key, value) def dconf_list(key): return dconf('list', key).stdout.splitlines() def dconf_locks(key, **kwargs): lines = dconf('list-locks', key, **kwargs).stdout.splitlines() lines.sort() return lines def dconf_complete(suffix, prefix): lines = dconf('_complete', suffix, prefix).stdout.splitlines() lines.sort() return lines def dconf_watch(path): args = [dconf_exe, 'watch', path] return subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) class DBusTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.temporary_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() self.runtime_dir = os.path.join(self.temporary_dir.name, 'run') self.config_home = os.path.join(self.temporary_dir.name, 'config') self.dbus_dir = os.path.join(self.temporary_dir.name, 'dbus-1') os.mkdir(self.runtime_dir, mode=0o700) os.mkdir(self.config_home, mode=0o700) os.mkdir(self.dbus_dir, mode=0o700) os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.config_home, 'dconf')) os.environ['DCONF_BLAME'] = '' os.environ['XDG_RUNTIME_DIR'] = self.runtime_dir os.environ['XDG_CONFIG_HOME'] = self.config_home # Prepare dbus-daemon config. dbus_daemon_config = os.path.join(self.dbus_dir, 'session.conf') with open(dbus_daemon_config, 'w') as file: file.write(DAEMON_CONFIG.format(servicedir=self.dbus_dir)) # Prepare service config. name = 'ca.desrt.dconf' path = os.path.join(self.dbus_dir, '{}.service'.format(name)) with open(path, 'w') as file: config = SERVICE_CONFIG.format(name=name, exec=dconf_service_exe) file.write(config) # Pipe where daemon will write its address. read_fd, write_fd = os.pipe2(0) args = ['dbus-daemon', '--config-file={}'.format(dbus_daemon_config), '--nofork', '--print-address={}'.format(write_fd)] # Start daemon self.dbus_daemon_process = subprocess.Popen(args, pass_fds=[write_fd]) # Close our writing end of pipe. Daemon closes its own writing end of # pipe after printing address, so subsequent reads shouldn't block. os.close(write_fd) with os.fdopen(read_fd) as f: dbus_address = f.read().rstrip() # Prepare environment os.environ['DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS'] = dbus_address def tearDown(self): # Terminate dbus-daemon. p = self.dbus_daemon_process try: p.terminate() p.wait(timeout=0.5) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: p.kill() p.wait() self.temporary_dir.cleanup() def test_invalid_usage(self): """Invalid dconf usage results in non-zero exit code and help message. """ cases = [ # No command: [], # Invalid command: ['no-such-command'], # Too many arguments: ['blame', 'a'], # Missing arguments: ['compile'], ['compile', 'output'], # Too many arguments: ['compile', 'output', 'dir1', 'dir2'], # Missing arguments: ['_complete'], ['_complete', ''], # Too many arguments: ['_complete', '', '/', '/'], # Missing argument: ['dump'], # Dir is required: ['dump', '/key'], # Too many arguments: ['dump', '/a/', '/b/'], # Missing argument: ['list'], # Dir is required: ['list', '/foo/bar'], # Too many arguments: ['list', '/foo', '/bar'], # Missing argument: ['list-locks'], # Dir is required: ['list-locks', '/key'], # Too many arguments: ['list-locks', '/a/', '/b/'], # Missing argument: ['load'], # Dir is required: ['load', '/key'], # Too many arguments: ['load', '/a/', '/b/'], # Missing argument: ['read'], # Key is required: ['read', '/dir/'], # Too many arguments: ['read', '/a', '/b'], ['read', '-d', '/a', '/b'], # Missing arguments: ['reset'], # Invalid path: ['reset', 'test/test'], # Too many arguments: ['reset', '/test', '/test'], ['reset', '-f', '/', '/'], # Missing arguments: ['watch'], # Invalid path: ['watch', 'foo'], # Too many arguments: ['watch', '/a', '/b'], # Missing arguments: ['write'], ['write', '/key'], # Invalid value: ['write', '/key', 'not-a-gvariant-value'], # Too many arguments: ['write', '/key', '1', '2'], ] for args in cases: with self.subTest(args=args): with self.assertRaises(subprocess.CalledProcessError) as cm: dconf(*args, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) self.assertRegex(cm.exception.stderr, 'Usage:') def test_read_nonexisiting(self): """Reading missing key produces no output. """ self.assertEqual('', dconf_read('/key')) def test_write_read(self): """Read returns previously written value.""" dconf('write', '/key', '0') self.assertEqual('0', dconf_read('/key')) dconf('write', '/key', '"hello there"') self.assertEqual("'hello there'", dconf_read('/key')) def test_list(self): """List returns a list of names inside given directory. Results include both keys and subdirectories. """ dconf('write', '/org/gnome/app/fullscreen', 'true') dconf('write', '/org/gnome/terminal/profile', '"default"') dconf('write', '/key', '42') self.assertEqual(['key', 'org/'], dconf_list('/')) self.assertEqual(['gnome/'], dconf_list('/org/')) def test_list_missing(self): """List can be used successfully with non existing directories. """ self.assertEqual([], dconf_list('/no-existing/directory/')) def test_reset_key(self): """Reset can be used to reset a value of a single key.""" dconf('write', '/app/width', '1024') dconf('write', '/app/height', '768') dconf('write', '/app/fullscreen', 'true') # Sanity check. self.assertEqual(['fullscreen', 'height', 'width'], dconf_list('/app/')) # Reset one key after another: dconf('reset', '/app/fullscreen') self.assertEqual(['height', 'width'], dconf_list('/app/')) dconf('reset', '/app/width') self.assertEqual(['height'], dconf_list('/app/')) dconf('reset', '/app/height') self.assertEqual([], dconf_list('/app/')) def test_reset_dir(self): """Reseting whole directory is possible with -f option. It is an error not to use -f when resetting a dir. """ dconf('write', '/app/a', '1') dconf('write', '/app/b', '2') dconf('write', '/app/c/d', '3') dconf('write', '/x', '4') dconf('write', '/y/z', '5') with self.assertRaises(subprocess.CalledProcessError) as cm: dconf('reset', '/app/', stderr=subprocess.PIPE) self.assertRegex(cm.exception.stderr, '-f must be given') self.assertRegex(cm.exception.stderr, 'Usage:') # Nothing should be removed just yet. self.assertTrue(['a', 'b', 'c'], dconf_list('/app/')) # Try again with -f. dconf('reset', '-f', '/app/') # /app/ should be gone now: self.assertEqual(['x', 'y/'], dconf_list('/')) def test_watch(self): """Watch reports changes made using write command. Only changes made inside given subdirectory should be reported. """ watch_root = dconf_watch('/') watch_org = dconf_watch('/org/') # Arbitrary delay to give "dconf watch" time to set-up the watch. # In the case this turns out to be problematic, dconf tool could be # changed to produce debug message after `dconf_client_watch_sync`, # so that we could synchronize on its output. time.sleep(0.2) dconf('write', '/com/a', '1') dconf('write', '/org/b', '2') dconf('write', '/organ/c', '3') dconf('write', '/c', '4') # Again, give "dconf watch" some time to pick-up changes. time.sleep(0.2) watch_root.terminate() watch_org.terminate() watch_root.wait() watch_org.wait() # Watch for '/' should capture all writes. expected = '''\ /com/a 1 /org/b 2 /organ/c 3 /c 4 ''' self.assertEqual(dedent(expected), watch_root.stdout.read()) # Watch for '/org/' should capture only a subset of all writes: expected = '''\ /org/b 2 ''' self.assertEqual(dedent(expected), watch_org.stdout.read()) def test_dump_load(self): """Checks that output produced with dump can be used with load and vice versa. """ keyfile = dedent('''\ [/] password='secret' [org/editor] window-fullscreen=true window-size=(1024, 768) [org/editor/language/c-sharp] tab-width=8 [org/editor/language/c] tab-width=2 ''') # Load and dump is identity. dconf('load', '/', input=keyfile) self.assertEqual(dconf('dump', '/').stdout, keyfile) # Copy /org/ directory to /com/. keyfile = dconf('dump', '/org/').stdout dconf('load', '/com/', input=keyfile) # Verify that /org/ and /com/ are now exactly the same. keyfile_org = dconf('dump', '/org/').stdout keyfile_com = dconf('dump', '/com/').stdout self.assertEqual(keyfile_org, keyfile_com) def test_complete(self): """Tests _complete command used internally to implement bash completion. Runs completion queries after loading a sample database from key-file. """ keyfile = dedent('''\ [org] calamity=false [org/calculator] window-position=(0, 0) [org/calendar] window-position=(0, 0) [org/history] file0='/tmp/a' file1='/tmp/b' file2='/tmp/c' ''') dconf('load', '/', input=keyfile) # Empty string is completed to '/'. completions = dconf_complete('', '') self.assertEqual(completions, ['/']) completions = dconf_complete('/', '') self.assertEqual(completions, ['/']) # Invalid paths don't return any completions. completions = dconf_complete('', 'foo/') self.assertEqual(completions, []) completions = dconf_complete('/', 'foo/') self.assertEqual(completions, []) # Key completions include trailing whitespace, # directory completions do not. completions = dconf_complete('', '/org/') self.assertEqual(completions, ['/org/calamity ', '/org/calculator/', '/org/calendar/', '/org/history/']) # Only matches with given prefix are returned. completions = dconf_complete('', '/org/cal') self.assertEqual(completions, ['/org/calamity ', '/org/calculator/', '/org/calendar/']) # Only matches with given suffix are returned. completions = dconf_complete('/', '/org/cal') self.assertEqual(completions, ['/org/calculator/', '/org/calendar/']) def test_compile_precedence(self): """Compile processes key-files in reverse lexicographical order. When key occurs in multiple files, the value from file processed first is preferred. Test that by preparing four key-files each with a different value for '/org/file'. Compiling it directly into user database, and performing read to check which value had been selected. """ # Prepare key file database directory. user_d = os.path.join(self.temporary_dir.name, 'user.d') os.mkdir(user_d, mode=0o700) def write_config_d(name): keyfile = dedent(''' [org] file = {name} '''.format(name=name)) with open(os.path.join(user_d, name), 'w') as file: file.write(keyfile) write_config_d('00') write_config_d('25') write_config_d('50') write_config_d('99') # Compile directly into user configuration file. dconf('compile', os.path.join(self.config_home, 'dconf', 'user'), user_d) # Lexicographically last value should win: self.assertEqual(dconf_read('/org/file'), '99') @unittest.expectedFailure def test_redundant_disk_writes(self): """Redundant disk writes are avoided. When write or reset operations don't modify actual contents of the database, the database file shouldn't be needlessly rewritten. Check mtime after each redundant operation to verify that. """ config = os.path.join(self.config_home, 'dconf', 'user') def move_time_back(path): """Moves file mtime 60 seconds back and returns its new value. Used to avoid false positives during comparison checks in the case that mtime is stored with low precision. """ atime = os.path.getatime(config) mtime = os.path.getmtime(config) os.utime(config, times=(atime, mtime - 60)) return os.path.getmtime(config) # Activate service to trigger initial database write. dconf_write('/prime', '5') # Sanity check that database is rewritten when necessary. saved_mtime = move_time_back(config) dconf_write('/prime', '13') self.assertLess(saved_mtime, os.path.getmtime(config)) # Write the same value as one already in the database. saved_mtime = move_time_back(config) dconf('write', '/prime', '13') self.assertEqual(saved_mtime, os.path.getmtime(config)) # Reset not directory which is not present in the database. saved_mtime = move_time_back(config) dconf('reset', '-f', '/non-existing/directory/') self.assertEqual(saved_mtime, os.path.getmtime(config)) def test_compile_dotfiles(self): """Compile ignores files starting with a dot.""" user_d = os.path.join(self.temporary_dir.name, 'user.d') os.mkdir(user_d) a_conf = dedent('''\ [math] a=42 ''') a_conf_swp = dedent('''\ [math] b=13 ''') with open(os.path.join(user_d, 'a.conf'), 'w') as file: file.write(a_conf) with open(os.path.join(user_d, '.a.conf.swp'), 'w') as file: file.write(a_conf_swp) dconf('compile', os.path.join(self.config_home, 'dconf', 'user'), user_d) self.assertEqual(a_conf, dconf('dump', '/').stdout) def test_database_invalidation(self): """Update invalidates previous database by overwriting the header with null bytes. """ db = os.path.join(self.temporary_dir.name, 'db') local = os.path.join(db, 'local') local_d = os.path.join(db, 'local.d') os.makedirs(local_d) with open(os.path.join(local_d, 'local.conf'), 'w') as file: file.write(dedent('''\ [org/gnome/desktop/background] picture-uri = 'file:///usr/share/backgrounds/gnome/ColdWarm.jpg' ''')) # Compile database for the first time. dconf('update', db) with open(local, 'rb') as file: with mmap.mmap(file.fileno(), 8, mmap.MAP_SHARED, prot=mmap.PROT_READ) as mm: # Sanity check that database is valid. self.assertNotEqual(b'\0'*8, mm[:8]) dconf('update', db) # Now database should be marked as invalid. self.assertEqual(b'\0'*8, mm[:8]) def test_update_failure(self): """Update should skip invalid configuration directory and continue with others. Failure to update one of databases should be indicated with non-zero exit code. Regression test for issue #42. """ # A few different scenarios when loading data from key-file: valid_key_file = '[org]\na = 1' invalid_key_file = "This isn't a key-file nor valid HTML." invalid_group_name = dedent('''\ [org//no/me] a = 2 ''') invalid_key_name = dedent('''\ [org/gnome] b// = 2 ''') invalid_value = dedent('''\ [org/gnome] c = 2x2 ''') db = os.path.join(self.temporary_dir.name, 'db') # Database name, valid, content cases = [('site_aa', True, valid_key_file), ('site_bb', False, invalid_key_file), ('site_cc', False, invalid_group_name), ('site_dd', False, invalid_key_name), ('site_ee', False, invalid_value), ('site_ff', True, valid_key_file)] for (name, is_valid, content) in cases: conf_dir = os.path.join(db, '{}.d'.format(name)) conf_file = os.path.join(conf_dir, '{}.conf'.format(name)) os.makedirs(conf_dir) with open(conf_file, 'w') as file: file.write(content) # Return code should indicate failure. with self.assertRaises(subprocess.CalledProcessError) as cm: dconf('update', db, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) for (name, is_valid, content) in cases: path = os.path.join(db, name) if is_valid: # This one was valid so db should be written successfully. self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(path)) self.assertNotRegex(cm.exception.stderr, name) else: # This one was broken so we shouldn't create corresponding db. self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(path)) self.assertRegex(cm.exception.stderr, name) def test_locks(self): """Key paths can be locked in system databases. - Update configures locks based on files found in "locks" subdirectory. - Locks can be listed with list-locks command. - Locks are enforced during write. """ db = os.path.join(self.temporary_dir.name, 'db') profile = os.path.join(self.temporary_dir.name, 'profile') site = os.path.join(db, 'site') site_d = os.path.join(db, 'site.d') site_locks = os.path.join(db, site_d, 'locks') os.makedirs(site_locks) # For meaningful test of locks we need two sources, first of which # should be writable. We will use user-db and file-db. with open(profile, 'w') as file: file.write(dedent('''\ user-db:user file-db:{} '''.format(site))) # Environment to use for all dconf client invocations. env = dict(os.environ) env['DCONF_PROFILE'] = profile # Default settings with open(os.path.join(site_d, '10-site-defaults'), 'w') as file: file.write(dedent('''\ # Some useful default settings for our site [system/proxy/http] host='' enabled=true [org/gnome/desktop/background] picture-uri='file:///usr/local/rupert-corp/company-wallpaper.jpeg' ''')) # Lock proxy settings. with open(os.path.join(site_locks, '10-proxy-lock'), 'w') as file: file.write(dedent('''\ # Prevent changes to proxy /system/proxy/http/host /system/proxy/http/enabled /system/proxy/ftp/host /system/proxy/ftp/enabled ''')) # Compile site configuration. dconf('update', db) # Test list-locks: self.assertEqual(['/system/proxy/ftp/enabled', '/system/proxy/ftp/host', '/system/proxy/http/enabled', '/system/proxy/http/host'], dconf_locks('/', env=env)) self.assertEqual(['/system/proxy/http/enabled', '/system/proxy/http/host'], dconf_locks('/system/proxy/http/', env=env)) self.assertEqual([], dconf_locks('/org/gnome/', env=env)) # Changing unlocked defaults is fine. dconf('write', '/org/gnome/desktop/background/picture-uri', '"file:///usr/share/backgrounds/gnome/ColdWarm.jpg"', env=env) # It is an error to change locked keys. with self.assertRaises(subprocess.CalledProcessError) as cm: dconf('write', '/system/proxy/http/enabled', 'false', env=env, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) self.assertRegex(cm.exception.stderr, 'non-writable keys') def test_dconf_blame(self): """Blame returns recorded information about write operations. Recorded information include sender bus name, sender process id and object path the write operations was invoked on. """ p = subprocess.Popen([dconf_exe, 'write', '/prime', '307']) p.wait() blame = dconf('blame').stdout print(blame) self.assertRegex(blame, 'Sender: ') self.assertRegex(blame, 'PID: {}'.format(p.pid)) self.assertRegex(blame, 'Object path: /ca/desrt/dconf/Writer/user') if __name__ == '__main__': # Make sure we don't pick up mandatory profile. mandatory_profile = '/run/dconf/user/{}'.format(os.getuid()) assert not os.path.isfile(mandatory_profile) # Avoid profile sourced from environment or system data dirs. os.environ.pop('DCONF_PROFILE', None) os.environ.pop('XDG_DATA_DIRS', None) # Avoid interfering with external message buses. os.environ.pop('DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS', None) os.environ.pop('DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS', None) if len(sys.argv) < 3: message = 'Usage: {} path-to-dconf path-to-dconf-service'.format( sys.argv[0]) raise RuntimeError(message) dconf_exe, dconf_service_exe = sys.argv[1:3] del sys.argv[1:3] # Run tests! unittest.main()