path: root/bin86-0.3/ld/readobj.c
diff options
authorRobert de Bath <>1996-03-24 17:45:55 +0100
committerLubomir Rintel <>2013-10-23 23:29:43 +0200
commitfe22c37817ce338fbbc90b239320248c270957fa (patch)
treed9550410c4a20bdd382fcc58d2d3d7c5e04e5245 /bin86-0.3/ld/readobj.c
parenta7aba15e8efffb1c5d3097656f1a93955a64f01f (diff)
parent42192453ea219b80d0bf9f41e51e36d3d4d0740b (diff)
Import Dev86-0.0.4.tar.gzv0.0.4
Diffstat (limited to 'bin86-0.3/ld/readobj.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 368 deletions
diff --git a/bin86-0.3/ld/readobj.c b/bin86-0.3/ld/readobj.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c4dd72..0000000
--- a/bin86-0.3/ld/readobj.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
- * bin86/ld/readobj.c
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1992 Bruce Evans
- */
-/* readobj.c - read object file for linker */
-#include "ar.h" /* maybe local copy of <ar.h> for cross-link */
-#include "const.h"
-#include "byteord.h"
-#include "obj.h"
-#include "type.h"
-#include "globvar.h"
- Linking takes 2 passes. The 1st pass reads through all files specified
-in the command line, and all libraries. All public symbols are extracted
-and stored in a chained hash table. For each module, its file and header
-data recorded, and the resulting structures are chained together
-(interleaved with the symbols).
- The symbol descriptors are separated from the symbol names, so we must
-record all the descriptors of a module before putting the symbols in the
-symbol table (poor design). The descriptors are stored in the symbol
-table, then moved to the top of the table to make room for the symols.
-The symbols referred to in a given module are linked together by a chain
-beginning in the module descriptor.
-PRIVATE char convertsize[NSEG / 4] = {0, 1, 2, 4};
-PRIVATE struct entrylist *entrylast; /* last on list of entry symbols */
-PRIVATE struct redlist *redlast; /* last on list of redefined symbols */
-PRIVATE struct modstruct *modlast; /* data for last module */
-FORWARD long readarheader P((char **parchentry));
-FORWARD unsigned readfileheader P((void));
-FORWARD void readmodule P((char *filename, char *archentry));
-FORWARD void reedmodheader P((void));
-FORWARD bool_pt redsym P((struct symstruct *symptr, offset_t value));
-FORWARD unsigned checksum P((char *string, unsigned length));
-FORWARD unsigned segbits P((unsigned seg, char *sizedesc));
-/* initialise object file handler */
-PUBLIC void objinit()
- modfirst = modlast = NULL;
- entryfirst = entrylast = NULL;
- redfirst = redlast = NULL;
-/* read all symbol definitions in an object file */
-PUBLIC void readsyms(filename, trace)
-char *filename;
-bool_pt trace;
- char *archentry;
- long filelength;
- char filemagic[SARMAG];
- long filepos;
- unsigned modcount;
- if (trace)
- errtrace(filename, 0);
- openin(filename); /* input is not open, so position is start */
- switch ((unsigned) readsize(2))
- {
- case OMAGIC:
- seekin(0L);
- for (modcount = readfileheader(); modcount-- != 0;)
- readmodule(filename, (char *) NULL);
- break;
- default:
- seekin(0L);
- readin(filemagic, sizeof filemagic);
- if (strncmp(filemagic, ARMAG, sizeof filemagic) != 0)
- input1error(" has bad magic number");
- filepos = SARMAG;
- while ((filelength = readarheader(&archentry)) > 0)
- {
- if (trace)
- errtrace(archentry, 2);
- filepos += sizeof(struct ar_hdr);
- for (modcount = readfileheader(); modcount-- != 0;)
- {
- readmodule(stralloc(filename), archentry);
- modlast->textoffset += filepos;
- }
- seekin(filepos += ld_roundup(filelength, 2, long));
- }
- break;
- }
- closein();
-/* read archive header and return length */
-PRIVATE long readarheader(parchentry)
-char **parchentry;
- struct ar_hdr arheader;
- char *endptr;
- char *nameptr;
- if (readineofok((char *) &arheader, sizeof arheader))
- return 0;
- strncpy (*parchentry = nameptr = ourmalloc(sizeof arheader.ar_name + 1),
- arheader.ar_name, sizeof arheader.ar_name);
- endptr = nameptr + sizeof arheader.ar_name;
- do
- *endptr = 0;
- while (endptr > nameptr && *--endptr == ' ');
- return strtoul(arheader.ar_size, (char **) NULL, 0);
-/* read and check file header of the object file just opened */
-PRIVATE unsigned readfileheader()
- struct
- {
- char magic[2];
- char count[2]; /* really an int */
- }
- fileheader;
- char filechecksum; /* part of fileheader but would unalign */
- readin((char *) &fileheader, sizeof fileheader);
- readin(&filechecksum, sizeof filechecksum);
- if (filechecksum != checksum((char *) &fileheader, sizeof fileheader))
- input1error(" is not an object file");
- return c2u2(fileheader.count);
-/* read the next module */
-PRIVATE void readmodule(filename, archentry)
-char *filename;
-char *archentry;
- struct symdstruct /* to save parts of symbol before name known */
- {
- offset_t dvalue;
- flags_t dflags;
- };
- struct symdstruct *endsymdptr;
- flags_t flags;
- unsigned nsymbol;
- struct symdstruct *symdptr;
- char *symname;
- struct symstruct **symparray;
- struct symstruct *symptr;
- reedmodheader();
- modlast->filename = filename;
- modlast->archentry = archentry;
- nsymbol = readsize(2);
- symdptr = (struct symdstruct *)
- ourmalloc(nsymbol * sizeof(struct symdstruct));
- for (endsymdptr = symdptr + nsymbol; symdptr < endsymdptr; ++symdptr)
- {
- readsize(2); /* discard string offset, assume strings seq */
- symdptr->dflags = flags = readsize(2);
- symdptr->dvalue = readconvsize((flags & SZ_MASK) >> SZ_SHIFT);
- /* NB unsigned flags to give logical shift */
- /* bug in Xenix 2.5 cc causes (int) of the */
- /* argument to turn flags into an int */
- }
- symdptr = (struct symdstruct *)
- moveup(nsymbol * sizeof(struct symdstruct));
- modlast->symparray = symparray = (struct symstruct **)
- ourmalloc((nsymbol + 1) * sizeof(struct symstruct *));
- symname = readstring(); /* module name */
- modlast->modname = stralloc(symname); /* likely OK overlapped copy */
- for (endsymdptr = symdptr + nsymbol; symdptr < endsymdptr;
- *symparray++ = symptr, release((char *) ++symdptr))
- {
- symname = readstring();
- if ((flags = symdptr->dflags) & (E_MASK | I_MASK) &&
- (symptr = findsym(symname)) != NULL)
- {
- /*
- weaken segment-checking by letting the maximum segment
- (SEGM_MASK) mean any segment
- */
- if ((symptr->flags & SEGM_MASK) == SEGM_MASK)
- symptr->flags &= ~SEGM_MASK | (flags & SEGM_MASK);
- else if ((flags & SEGM_MASK) == SEGM_MASK)
- flags &= ~SEGM_MASK | (symptr->flags & SEGM_MASK);
- if ((flags ^ symptr->flags) & (N_MASK | A_MASK | SEGM_MASK))
- {
- redefined(symname, " with different segment or relocatability",
- archentry, symptr->modptr->filename,
- symptr->modptr->archentry);
- continue;
- }
- if (symptr->flags & E_MASK)
- {
- if (flags & E_MASK && redsym(symptr, symdptr->dvalue))
- redefined(symname, "", archentry, symptr->modptr->filename,
- symptr->modptr->archentry);
- continue;
- }
- if (flags & I_MASK && symdptr->dvalue <= symptr->value)
- continue;
- }
- else
- symptr = addsym(symname);
- symptr->modptr = modlast;
- symptr->value = symdptr->dvalue;
- symptr->flags = flags;
- if (flags & N_MASK)
- entrysym(symptr);
- }
- *symparray = NULL;
-/* put symbol on entry symbol list if it is not already */
-PUBLIC void entrysym(symptr)
-struct symstruct *symptr;
- register struct entrylist *elptr;
- for (elptr = entryfirst; elptr != NULL; elptr = elptr->elnext)
- if (symptr == elptr->elsymptr)
- return;
- elptr = (struct entrylist *) ourmalloc(sizeof(struct entrylist));
- elptr->elnext = NULL;
- elptr->elsymptr = symptr;
- if (entryfirst == NULL)
- entryfirst = elptr;
- else
- entrylast->elnext = elptr;
- entrylast = elptr;
-/* read the header of the next module */
-PRIVATE void reedmodheader()
- struct
- {
- char htextoffset[4]; /* offset to module text in file */
- char htextsize[4]; /* size of text (may be 0 for last mod) */
- char stringssize[2]; /* size of string area */
- char hclass; /* module class */
- char revision; /* module revision */
- }
- modheader;
- unsigned seg;
- unsigned count;
- char *cptr;
- struct modstruct *modptr;
- readin((char *) &modheader, sizeof modheader);
- modptr = (struct modstruct *) ourmalloc(sizeof(struct modstruct));
- modptr->modnext = NULL;
- modptr->textoffset = c4u4(modheader.htextoffset);
- modptr->class = modheader.hclass;
- readin(modptr->segmaxsize, sizeof modptr->segmaxsize);
- readin(modptr->segsizedesc, sizeof modptr->segsizedesc);
- cptr = modptr->segsize;
- for (seg = 0; seg < NSEG; ++seg)
- {
- if ((count = segsizecount(seg, modptr)) != 0)
- {
- if (cptr == modptr->segsize)
- ourmalloc(count - 1); /* 1st byte reserved in struct */
- else
- ourmalloc(count);
- readin(cptr, count);
- cptr += count;
- }
- }
- if (modfirst == NULL)
- modfirst = modptr;
- else
- modlast->modnext = modptr;
- modlast = modptr;
-PRIVATE bool_pt redsym(symptr, value)
-register struct symstruct *symptr;
-offset_t value;
- register struct redlist *rlptr;
- char class;
- if (symptr->modptr->class != (class = modlast->class))
- for (rlptr = redfirst;; rlptr = rlptr->rlnext)
- {
- if (rlptr == NULL)
- {
- rlptr = (struct redlist *)
- ourmalloc(sizeof(struct redlist));
- rlptr->rlnext = NULL;
- rlptr->rlsymptr = symptr;
- if (symptr->modptr->class < class)
- /* prefer lower class - put other on redlist */
- {
- rlptr->rlmodptr = modlast;
- rlptr->rlvalue = value;
- }
- else
- {
- rlptr->rlmodptr = symptr->modptr;
- symptr->modptr = modlast;
- rlptr->rlvalue = symptr->value;
- symptr->value = value;
- }
- if (redfirst == NULL)
- redfirst = rlptr;
- else
- redlast->rlnext = rlptr;
- redlast = rlptr;
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (symptr == rlptr->rlsymptr && class == rlptr->rlmodptr->class)
- break;
- }
- return TRUE;
-PRIVATE unsigned checksum(string, length)
-char *string;
-unsigned length;
- unsigned char sum; /* this is a 1-byte checksum */
- for (sum = 0; length-- != 0;)
- sum += *string++ & 0xFF;
- return sum;
-PUBLIC offset_t readconvsize(countindex)
-unsigned countindex;
- return readsize(convertsize[countindex]);
-PUBLIC offset_t readsize(count)
-unsigned count;
- char buf[MAX_OFFSET_SIZE];
- if (count == 0)
- return 0;
- readin(buf, count);
- return cntooffset(buf, count);
-PRIVATE unsigned segbits(seg, sizedesc)
-unsigned seg;
-char *sizedesc;
- return 3 & ((unsigned) sizedesc[((NSEG - 1) - seg) / 4] >> (2 * (seg % 4)));
- /* unsigned to give logical shift */
-PUBLIC unsigned segsizecount(seg, modptr)
-unsigned seg;
-struct modstruct *modptr;
- return convertsize[segbits(seg, modptr->segsizedesc)];