path: root/copt/rules.386
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'copt/rules.386')
1 files changed, 427 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/copt/rules.386 b/copt/rules.386
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2d07d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/copt/rules.386
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+# Rules to optimize BCC assembler output for 386
+# Rules for loading a long constant
+xor ax,ax
+xor %[bx|si|di]1,%[bx|si|di]1
+xor eax,eax
+xor eax,eax
+mov %[ebx|ecx|edx]1,eax
+xor %1,%1
+xor ax,ax
+mov %[bx|si|di]*,%[*|#]0%1
+mov eax,%0%1<<16
+mov ax,%[*|#]0%1
+xor %[bx|si|di]2,%[bx|si|di]2
+mov eax,%0%1 & $0000FFFF
+mov ax,%0[%1]
+xor %[bx|si|di]2,%[bx|si|di]2
+movzx eax,word ptr %0[%1]
+mov ax,%[si|di]1
+xor bx,bx
+movzx eax,%1
+%[movzx|movsx]5 eax,%1
+mov %[ebx|ecx|edx]2,eax
+%5 %2,%1
+%[movzx|movsx]5 %[ebx|ecx|edx]1,%2
+mov eax,%[#|*]0%3
+%[add|and|xor|or]4 eax,%[ebx|ecx|edx]1
+%5 eax,%2
+%4 eax,%0%3
+mov ax,%0[%1]
+movsx eax,word ptr %0[%1]
+mov ax,%[si|di]1
+movsx eax,%1
+mov ax,%[#|*]3%1
+mov %[bx|si|di]*,%[#|*]4%2
+mov eax,%4%2<<16 + %1
+# Rules for pushing variables and constants onto the stack
+push %![dword ptr]%1[%[bx|si|di|bp]3]
+push %![dword ptr]%(%1-2)[%[bx|si|di|bp]3]
+push dword ptr %(%1-2)[%3]
+push [%1+2]
+push [%1]
+push dword ptr [%1]
+push %[bx|si|di]*
+push ax
+push eax
+mov eax,%[#|*]0%1
+push eax
+push dword %0%1
+mov %1,%[eax|ebx|ecx|edx]2
+push dword ptr %1
+mov %1,%2
+push %2
+# Rules for loading long variables
+mov ax,[%1]
+mov %[bx|si|di]*,[%1+2]
+mov eax,[%1]
+mov ax,%1[%[bx|si|di|bp]3]
+mov %[bx|si|di]*,%(%1+2)[%[bx|si|di|bp]3]
+mov eax,%1[%3]
+mov ax,#%1[bx]
+mov %[bx|si|di]*,#%1+2[bx]
+mov eax,#%1[bx]
+mov [%1],ax
+mov [%1+2],%[bx|si|di]*
+mov [%1],eax
+mov [%1+%3],ax
+mov [%1+%(%3+2)],%[bx|si|di]*
+mov [%1+%3],eax
+mov %1[%[si|di|bp]3],ax
+mov %(%1+2)[%[si|di|bp]3],%[bx|si|di]*
+mov %1[%3],eax
+mov #%1[bx],ax
+mov #%1+2[bx],%[bx|si|di]*
+mov #%1[bx],eax
+mov eax,%[#|*]0%1
+mov %![dword ptr]%3[%2],eax
+mov dword ptr %3[%2],%0%1
+xor ax,ax
+xor %[bx|si|di]3,%[bx|si|di]3
+mov %1[%[bx|bp]4],ax
+mov %(%1+2)[%[bx|bp]4],%[bx|si|di]3
+mov dword ptr %1[%4],#0
+mov ax,%1
+mov %[bx|si|di]5,%2
+mov %3[%[bx|bp]6],ax
+mov %(%3+2)[%[bx|bp]6],%[bx|si|di]5
+mov eax,dword ptr %1
+mov dword ptr %3[%6],eax
+# Long return values are in EAX, so we can skip dx
+mov dx,bx
+add sp,*%1
+add sp,*%1
+# Rules for manipulating long values
+call %1
+mov bx,dx
+call %1
+call l%[tstu|tst]*l
+test eax,eax
+call l%[comu|com]*l
+not eax
+mov eax,eax
+mov %2,%[eax|ebx|ecx|edx]1
+mov %[eax|ebx|ecx|edx]1,%2
+mov %2,%1
+mov bx,dx
+mov %[ebx|ecx|edx]0,%1
+mov eax,%2
+%3 eax,%[ebc|ecx|edx]0
+mov eax,%2
+%3 eax,%1
+%[movzx|movsx|mov]0 %[eax|ebx|ecx|edx]2,%4
+%[add|and|xor|sub|or]1 %[eax|ebx|ecx|edx]2,%6
+mov %6,%[eax|ebx|ecx|edx]2
+%0 %2,%4
+%1 %6,%2
+mov eax,%[#|*]0%1
+cmp eax,%2
+%[jbe |jae |jne |jge |jle ]3 %4
+cmp dword ptr %2,%0%1
+%=[jbe |jae |jne |jge |jle ][jae |jbe |jne |jle |jge ]3 %4
+mov eax,%[#|*]0%1
+cmp eax,%2
+%[jb |ja |je |jg |jl ]3 %4
+cmp dword ptr %2,%0%1
+%=[jb |ja |je |jg |jl ][ja |jb |je |jl |jg ]3 %4
+mov eax,%1[%3]
+cmp eax,dword %[#|*]0%2
+cmp dword ptr %1[%3],%0%2
+# Rules for calling the bcc library routines.
+push %1
+push %2
+mov eax,%3[bp]
+%4 eax,%(%3-4)[bp]
+add sp,*8
+mov edx,%2
+mov eax,%1
+%4 eax,edx
+push %1
+mov eax,%2
+push eax
+mov eax,%3[bp]
+%4 eax,%(%3-4)[bp]
+add sp,*8
+mov edx,%2
+mov eax,%1
+%4 eax,edx
+push %1
+xor eax,eax
+push eax
+mov eax,%2[bp]
+%3 eax,%(%2-4)[bp]
+add sp,*8
+mov eax,%1
+%3 eax,#0
+push %1
+mov eax,%2
+%3 eax,%4[bp]
+add sp,*4
+mov edx,%1
+mov eax,%2
+%3 eax,edx
+push %1
+mov eax,%2
+%3 eax,%4[bp]
+mov %2,eax
+add sp,*4
+mov edx,%1
+%3 %2,edx
+push %1
+push %2
+mov eax,%3[bp]
+%4 eax,%(%3-4)[bp]
+lea sp,%(%3+4)[bp]
+mov edx,%2
+mov eax,%1
+%4 eax,edx
+push %1
+mov eax,%2
+push eax
+mov eax,%3[bp]
+%4 eax,%(%3-4)[bp]
+lea sp,%(%3+4)[bp]
+mov edx,%2
+mov eax,%1
+%4 eax,edx
+push %1
+xor eax,eax
+push eax
+mov eax,%2[bp]
+%3 eax,%(%2-4)[bp]
+lea sp,%(%2+4)[bp]
+mov eax,%1
+%3 eax,#0
+push %1
+mov eax,%2
+%3 eax,%4[bp]
+lea sp,%(%4+4)[bp]
+mov edx,%1
+mov eax,%2
+%3 eax,edx
+# Rules for calling the basic bcc library routines.
+mov di,#%2
+call l%3%[ul|l]*
+%3 eax,[%2]
+lea di,%2
+call l%3%[ul|l]*
+%3 eax,%2
+mov di,%[si|di]1
+call l%3%[ul|l]*
+%3 eax,[%1]
+mov di,%[ax|bx|cx|dx]1
+call l%3%[ul|l]*
+mov di,%[ax|bx|cx|dx]1
+%3 eax,[di]
+# Rules for pushing short values
+mov %[ax|bx|cx|dx|si|di]2,%0[%1]
+push %[ax|bx|cx|dx|si|di]2
+push word ptr %0[%1]
+mov %[ax|bx|cx|dx|si|di]2,%[#|*]0%1
+push %[ax|bx|cx|dx|si|di]2
+push word %0%1
+# Shifting rules
+%[shl|shr]2 %1,*1
+%[shl|shr]2 %1,*1
+%2 %1,*2
+mov cl,*%1
+%[shl|shr]2 %3,cl
+%2 %3,*%1
+mov dx,ax
+shl ax,*%1
+add ax,dx
+shl ax,*%2
+mov dx,ax
+imul ax,*%(1<%1+1<%2)
+mov dx,ax
+imul ax,*%1
+add ax,dx
+mov dx,ax
+imul ax,*%(%1+1)
+mov dx,ax
+imul ax,*%1
+shl ax,*%2
+mov dx,ax
+imul ax,*%(%1<%2)
+mov ax,%![#|*]%4
+mov dx,ax
+imul ax,*%1
+%[add|and|xor|sub|or]2 ax,%![dx]%3
+imul ax,%4,*%1
+%2 ax,%3
+mov ax,%![#|*]%4
+mov dx,ax
+imul ax,*%1
+push ax
+imul ax,%4,*%1
+push ax
+imul ax,%2,%[#|*]0%1
+add ax,%3
+mov bx,ax
+imul bx,%2,%0%1
+add bx,%3
+# Different rules
+%1 dword ptr %[eax|ebx|ecx|edx]3,*%2
+%1 %3,*%2
+%1 dword ptr %[eax|ebx|ecx|edx]3,#%2
+%1 %3,#%2
+eor %1,%2
+xor %1,%2
+com %1
+not %1