path: root/unproto/tok_io.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'unproto/tok_io.c')
1 files changed, 464 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/unproto/tok_io.c b/unproto/tok_io.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab1129b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unproto/tok_io.c
@@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
+/* NAME
+/* tok_io 3
+/* token I/O
+/* unproto
+/* #include "token.h"
+/* struct token *tok_get(skip_flag)
+/* int skip_flag;
+/* void tok_unget(t)
+/* struct token *t;
+/* void tok_flush(t)
+/* struct token *t;
+/* void tok_show(t)
+/* struct token *t;
+/* void put_str(s)
+/* char *s;
+/* void put_ch(c)
+/* int c;
+/* void show_line_control()
+/* char curr_path[];
+/* int curr_line;
+/* These functions read from stdin and write to stdout. The
+/* output functions maintain some memory so that two successive
+/* words will always be separated by white space.
+/* The input routines eliminate backslash-newline from the input.
+/* tok_get() reads the next token from standard input. It returns
+/* a null pointer when the end of input is reached. If the skip_flag
+/* argument is nonzero, white space (except newline) will be skipped.
+/* tok_unget() implements a limited amount of token push back.
+/* tok_show() displays the contents of a (possibly composite) token
+/* on the standard output.
+/* tok_flush() displays the contents of a (possibly composite) token
+/* on the standard output and makes it available for re-use.
+/* put_str() writes a null-terminated string to standard output.
+/* put_ch() writes one character to standard output.
+/* show_line_control() displays the line number of the next line
+/* to be written to standard output, in a format suitable for the C
+/* compiler parser phase.
+/* The curr_path[] and curr_line variables contain the input file name and
+/* line number of the most recently read token.
+/* BUGS
+/* The tokenizer is just good enough for the unproto filter.
+/* As a benefit, it is quite fast.
+/* Wietse Venema
+/* Eindhoven University of Technology
+/* Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
+/* Den Dolech 2, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
+/* 91/11/30 21:10:26
+/* 1.2
+static char io_sccsid[] = "@(#) tok_io.c 1.2 91/11/30 21:10:26";
+/* C library */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+extern char *strchr();
+extern char *malloc();
+extern char *realloc();
+extern char *strcpy();
+/* Application-specific stuff */
+#include "token.h"
+#include "vstring.h"
+#include "error.h"
+/* Stuff to keep track of original source file name and position */
+char curr_path[BUFSIZ]; /* current file name */
+int curr_line = 0; /* # of last read line */
+/* Forward declarations */
+static void read_quoted();
+static void read_comment();
+/* Buffered i/o stuff */
+static struct vstring *buf = 0; /* read-ahead buffer */
+static char *bp = ""; /* buffer position */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#define INITBUF 1 /* small initial buffer size */
+#define INITBUF BUFSIZ /* reasonable initial buffer size */
+#define input() (*bp ? *bp++ : next_line())
+#define unput(c) (*--bp = (c))
+#define TOK_BUFSIZE 5 /* token push-back buffer size */
+static struct token *tok_buf[TOK_BUFSIZE];
+static int tok_bufpos = 0;
+/* Type of last token sent to output, for pretty printing */
+static int last_tok = 0;
+/* Directives that should be ignored. */
+static char *ignore_directives[] = {
+ 0,
+/* Modified string and ctype stuff. */
+#define STREQUAL(x,y) (*(x) == *(y) && strcmp((x),(y)) == 0)
+#define ISALNUM(c) (isalnum(c) || (c) == '_')
+#define ISALPHA(c) (isalpha(c) || (c) == '_')
+#define ISSPACE(c) (isspace(c) && c != '\n')
+#define ISDOT(c) (c == '.')
+/* Collect all characters that satisfy one condition */
+#define COLLECT(v,c,cond) { \
+ register struct vstring *vs = v; \
+ register char *cp = vs->str; \
+ *cp++ = c; \
+ for (;;) { \
+ if ((c = input()) == 0) { \
+ break; \
+ } else if (cond) { \
+ if (VS_ADDCH(vs, cp, c) == 0) \
+ error(1, "out of memory"); \
+ } else { \
+ unput(c); \
+ break; \
+ } \
+ } \
+ *cp = 0; \
+ }
+/* do_control - parse control line, uses tok_get() */
+static int do_control()
+ struct token *t1;
+ struct token *t2;
+ int pass_thru = 1; /* 0 = ignore, 1 = output */
+ (void) input(); /* skip the hash */
+ if (t1 = tok_get(NO_WSPACE)) {
+ switch (t1->tokno) {
+ /*
+ * In case of line number control, the remainder of the line has
+ * the format: linenumber "pathname".
+ */
+ case TOK_NUMBER:
+ if (t2 = tok_get(NO_WSPACE)) {
+ if (t2->tokno == '"') {
+ curr_line = atoi(t1->vstr->str) - 1;
+ strcpy(curr_path, t2->vstr->str);
+ }
+ tok_free(t2);
+ }
+ break;
+ case TOK_WORD:
+ /* Optionally ignore other #directives, such as #pragma. */
+ {
+ char **cpp;
+ char *cp = t1->vstr->str;
+ for (cpp = ignore_directives; *cpp; cpp++) {
+ if (STREQUAL(cp, *cpp)) {
+ pass_thru = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ tok_free(t1);
+ }
+ return (pass_thru);
+/* next_line - read one logical line, handle #control */
+static int next_line()
+ register int c;
+ register char *cp;
+ /* Allocate buffer upon first entry */
+ if (buf == 0)
+ buf = vs_alloc(INITBUF);
+ for (;;) {
+ cp = buf->str;
+ /* Account for EOF and line continuations */
+ while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) {
+ if (VS_ADDCH(buf, cp, c) == 0) /* store character */
+ error(1, "out of memory");
+ if (c == '\n') { /* real end of line */
+ curr_line++;
+ break;
+ } else if (c == '\\') {
+ if ((c = getchar()) == EOF) { /* XXX strip backslash-EOF */
+ break;
+ } else if (c == '\n') { /* strip backslash-newline */
+ curr_line++;
+ put_ch('\n'); /* preserve line count */
+ cp--; /* un-store backslash */
+ } else {
+ ungetc(c, stdin); /* keep backslash-other */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *cp = 0;
+ bp = buf->str;
+ /* Account for EOF and #control */
+ switch (bp[0]) {
+ case 0: /* EOF */
+ return (0);
+ case '#': /* control */
+ if (do_control())
+ fputs(buf->str, stdout); /* pass through */
+ else
+ putchar('\n'); /* filter out */
+ break;
+ default: /* non-control */
+ return (input());
+ }
+ }
+/* tok_unget - push back one token */
+void tok_unget(t)
+register struct token *t;
+ if (tok_bufpos >= TOK_BUFSIZE)
+ error(1, "too much pushback");
+ tok_buf[tok_bufpos++] = t;
+/* tok_get - get next token */
+struct token *tok_get(skip_flag)
+int skip_flag;
+ register struct token *t;
+ register int c;
+ int d;
+ /* Use push-back token, if any. */
+ if (tok_bufpos) {
+ t = tok_buf[--tok_bufpos];
+ return (t);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Get one from the pool and fill it in. The loop is here in case we
+ * should skip white-space tokens, which happens in a minority of all
+ * cases.
+ */
+ t = tok_alloc();
+ for (;;) {
+ if ((c = input()) == 0) {
+ tok_free(t);
+ return (0);
+ } else if (!isascii(c)) {
+ t->vstr->str[0] = c;
+ t->vstr->str[1] = 0;
+ t->tokno = TOK_OTHER;
+ return (t);
+ } else if (c == '"' || c == '\'') {
+ read_quoted(t, c);
+ t->tokno = c;
+ return (t);
+ } else if (ISALPHA(c)) {
+ COLLECT(t->vstr, c, ISALNUM(c));
+ t->tokno = TOK_WORD;
+ return (t);
+ } else if (isdigit(c)) {
+ COLLECT(t->vstr, c, isdigit(c));
+ t->tokno = TOK_NUMBER;
+ return (t);
+ } else if (ISSPACE(c)) {
+ COLLECT(t->vstr, c, ISSPACE(c));
+ if (skip_flag)
+ continue;
+ t->tokno = TOK_WSPACE;
+ return (t);
+ } else if (ISDOT(c)) {
+ COLLECT(t->vstr, c, ISDOT(c));
+ t->tokno = TOK_OTHER;
+ return (t);
+ } else {
+ t->vstr->str[0] = c;
+ if (c == '/') {
+ if ((d = input()) == '*') {
+ t->vstr->str[1] = d; /* comment */
+ read_comment(t->vstr);
+ if (skip_flag)
+ continue;
+ t->tokno = TOK_WSPACE;
+ return (t);
+ } else {
+ unput(d);
+ }
+ }
+ t->vstr->str[1] = 0;
+ t->tokno = c;
+ return (t);
+ }
+ }
+/* read_qouted - read string or character literal */
+static void read_quoted(t, ch)
+register struct token *t;
+int ch;
+ register char *cp = t->vstr->str;
+ register int c;
+ *cp++ = ch;
+ while (c = input()) {
+ if (c == '\n') { /* newline in string */
+ unput(c);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (VS_ADDCH(t->vstr, cp, c) == 0) /* store character */
+ error(1, "out of memory");
+ if (c == ch) /* end of string */
+ break;
+ if (c == '\\') /* eat next character */
+ if ((c = input()) != 0 && VS_ADDCH(t->vstr, cp, c) == 0)
+ error(1, "out of memory");
+ }
+ *cp = 0;
+ return;
+/* read_comment - stuff a whole comment into one huge token */
+static void read_comment(vs)
+register struct vstring *vs;
+ register char *cp = vs->str + 2; /* skip slash star */
+ register int c;
+ register int d;
+ while (c = input()) {
+ if (VS_ADDCH(vs, cp, c) == 0)
+ error(1, "out of memory");
+ if (c == '*') {
+ if ((d = input()) == '/') {
+ if (VS_ADDCH(vs, cp, d) == 0)
+ error(1, "out of memory");
+ break;
+ } else {
+ unput(d);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *cp = 0;
+/* put_str - output a string */
+void put_str(s)
+char *s;
+ fputs(s, stdout);
+ last_tok = s[0]; /* XXX */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ fflush(stdout);
+/* put_ch - put character */
+void put_ch(c)
+int c;
+ last_tok = putchar(c);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ fflush(stdout);
+/* tok_show - output (possibly composite) token */
+void tok_show(t)
+struct token *t;
+ register struct token *p;
+ register struct token *s;
+ switch (t->tokno) {
+ case TOK_LIST:
+ for (s = t->head; s; s = s->next) {
+ put_ch(s->tokno); /* opening paren or ',' */
+ for (p = s->head; p; p = p->next)
+ tok_show(p);
+ }
+ put_ch(')'); /* closing paren */
+ break;
+ case TOK_WORD:
+ if (ISALPHA(last_tok))
+ putchar(' ');
+ default:
+ fputs(t->vstr->str, stdout); /* token contents */
+ last_tok = t->vstr->str[0];
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ fflush(stdout);
+ if (t->head) /* trailing blanks */
+ for (p = t->head; p; p = p->next)
+ tok_show(p);
+ }