This is a development environment for ELKS-86 You have to do make install as root Or: $ make bcc $ su -c "make install-bcc" $ make library $ su -c "make install-lib" $ make elksemu $ su -c "make install-emu" $ make tests All from the top directory. Once this is done new files will be /lib/elksemu, /usr/bcc/* and /usr/bin/bcc The bcc command defaults to using /usr/bcc/include and /usr/bcc/lib. Beware that /usr/bcc/include is a symlink into this directory. It is now also possible to make libc.a versions for MSDOS and a more compact version with 'CALLER_SAVES' and 'FIRST_ARG_IN_AX'. "Make install-lib2" does this and 'bcc -Md x.c -o" or "bcc x.c -Mf x.c -o x" uses the libs. To compile bcc using bcc this has to be done. The as86 and ld86 with this are _different_ from the ones needed for the linux-i386 kernel but can replace them, the kernel-i386 ones _will_ _not_ work correctly here! Unfortunatly, I've just discovered the dosemu folks have been using the '-r' option of ld86, Grrrrr. Well **** them, they can use as86_encap, it's better suited to the job anyway. To compile the various tools as Linux-8086 binaries cd into the relevent directory and do a "make clean ; make" from there. Bcc _WILL_ now work this way! Yippee! :-) I _strongly_ suggest you install the kernel patch or load the module in the elksemu directory in your Linux-i386 kernel, it makes things _much_ easier. -Rob.