as options ---------- as [-03agjuw] [-b [bin]] [-lm [list]] [-n name] [-o obj] [-s sym] src The 6809 version does not support -0, -3, -a or -j. The 'src' file can be '-' for stdin but ONLY on 'big' machines. defaults (off or none except for these; no output is produced without a flag): -03 native list stdout (beware of clobbering next arg) name basename of the source name -0 start with 16-bit code segment -3 start with 32-bit code segment -a enable partial compatibility with asld -g only put global symbols in object or symbol file -j force all jumps to be long -l produce list file, filename may follow -m print macro expansions in listing -n name of module follows (goes in object instead of source name) -o produce object file, filename follows -b produce a raw binary file, filename may follow -s produce an ASCII symbol file, filename follows -u take undefined symbols as imported-with-unspecified segment -w don't print warnings The -u and -w options are perhaps back to front because they are needed for cc1 output and Minix's make does the wrong thing with .s files left around. However, all assembler code not written by compilers should assemble with them turned off. The -b flag now produces a 'raw' binary file with no header, if there's no -s flag the file starts at location 0. The -s generates an ASCII symbol table, if a binary file doesn't start at location zero the first two items are the start and end addresses of the binary file. BCC is classed as a 'small' compiler, with this there is a maximum line length of 256 characters. Using GASP ---------- The Gnu assembler preprocessor provides some reasonable implementations of user biased pseudo operations. It can be invoked as: gasp [-a] ... file.s [file2.s ...] | as86 [...] - [-o obj] [-b bin] Notes: Gasp generates an error for '.org' commands if you're not using 'alternate' syntax you can use 'org' instead, otherwise use 'block'. Export is translated in .global, if you are making a 'bin' file use 'public' or '.define' instead. The GASP list options have no support in as86. as source --------- Conditionals: IF, ELSE, ELSEIF, ENDIF Numeric condition IFC, ELSEIFC String compare (str1,str2) FAIL .FAIL Generate user error. Segments: .TEXT .ROM .DATA .BSS .SECT Follow with one of above LOC Set numeric segment 0=TEXT, 3=DATA,ROM,BSS, 15=MAX Lable type definition: Export label defined in this object: EXPORT PUBLIC .DEFINE Force linker to include label in a.out: ENTRY Define label as external or imported: .GLOBL .GLOBAL Import list of externally defined labels: EXTRN EXTERN IMPORT .EXTERN NB: Can't use imports in 'bin' files. Mark entry for old binary file (obs) .ENTER Data init 1 byte: DB .DATA1 .BYTE FCB 2 byte: DW .DATA2 .SHORT FDB .WORD 4 byte: DD .DATA4 .LONG String: .ASCII FCC String+Zero: .ASCIZ Data uninit byte count: .BLKB RMB .SPACE word count: .BLKW .ZEROW Data Common COMM .COMM LCOMM .LCOMM Alignment .ALIGN .EVEN Misc EQU Define label SET Define re-definable label ORG .ORG Set assemble location BLOCK Set assemble location and stack old one ENDB Return to stacked assemble location GET INCLUDE Insert new file (no quotes on name) USE16 Define default operand size as 16 bit USE32 Define default operand size as 32 bit END End of compilation for this file. .WARN Switch warnings .LIST Listings on/off (1,-1) .MACLIST Macro listings on/off (1,-1) Macros MACRO sax mov ax,#?1 MEND sax(1) Unimplemented/unused. IDENT Define object identity string. SETDP Set DP value on 6809 .MAP Set binary symbol table map number. Registers BP BX DI SI EAX EBP EBX ECX EDI EDX ESI ESP AX CX DX SP AH AL BH BL CH CL DH DL CS DS ES FS GS SS CR0 CR2 CR3 DR0 DR1 DR2 DR3 DR6 DR7 TR3 TR4 TR5 TR6 TR7 ST Operand type specifiers BYTE DWORD FWORD FAR PTR PWORD QWORD TBYTE WORD NEAR Instructions AAA AAD AAM AAS ADC ADD AND ARPL BCC BCS BEQ BGE BGT BHI BHIS BLE BLO BLOS BLT BMI BNE BOUND BPC BPL BPS BR BVC BVS CALL CALLF CALLI CBW CLC CLD CLI CMC CMP CMPS CMPSB CMPSD CMPSW CMPW CSEG CWD CWDE CDQ DAA DAS DSEG DEC DIV ENTER ESEG FSEG GSEG HLT IDIV IMUL IN INC INS INSB INSD INSW INT INTO INW IRET IRETD J JA JAE JB JBE JC JCXE JCXZ JECXE JECXZ JE JG JGE JL JLE JMP JMPF JMPI JNA JNAE JNB JNBE JNC JNE JNG JNGE JNL JNLE JNO JNP JNS JNZ JO JP JPE JPO JS JZ LAHF LDS LEA LEAVE LES LOCK LODB LODS LODSB LODSD LODSW LODW LOOP LOOPE LOOPNE LOOPNZ LOOPZ MOV MOVS MOVSB MOVSD MOVSW MOVW MUL NEG NOP NOT OR OUT OUTS OUTSB OUTSD OUTSW OUTW POP POPA POPAD POPF POPFD PUSH PUSHA PUSHAD PUSHF PUSHFD RCL RCR ROL ROR REP REPE REPNE REPNZ REPZ RET RETF RETI SAHF SAL SAR SBB SCAB SCAS SCASB SCASD SCASW SCAW SEG SHL SHR SSEG STC STD STI STOB STOS STOSB STOSD STOSW STOW SUB TEST WAIT XCHG XLAT XLATB XOR F2XM1 FABS FADD FADDP FBLD FBSTP FCHS FCLEX FCOM FCOMP FCOMPP FCOS FDECSTP FDISI FDIV FDIVP FDIVR FDIVRP FENI FFREE FIADD FICOM FICOMP FIDIV FIDIVR FILD FIMUL FINCSTP FINIT FIST FISTP FISUB FISUBR FLD FLD1 FLDL2E FLDL2T FLDCW FLDENV FLDLG2 FLDLN2 FLDPI FLDZ FMUL FMULP FNCLEX FNDISI FNENI FNINIT FNOP FNSAVE FNSTCW FNSTENV FNSTSW FPATAN FPREM FPREM1 FPTAN FRNDINT FRSTOR FSAVE FSCALE FSETPM FSIN FSINCOS FSQRT FST FSTCW FSTENV FSTP FSTSW FSUB FSUBP FSUBR FSUBRP FTST FUCOM FUCOMP FUCOMPP FWAIT FXAM FXCH FXTRACT FYL2X FYL2XP1 BSF BSR BSWAP BT BTC BTR BTS CLTS CMPXCHG INVD INVLPG LAR LFS LGDT LGS LIDT LLDT LMSW LSL LSS LTR MOVSX MOVZX SETA SETAE SETB SETBE SETC SETE SETG SETGE SETL SETLE SETNA SETNAE SETNB SETNBE SETNC SETNE SETNG SETNGE SETNL SETNLE SETNO SETNP SETNS SETNZ SETO SETP SETPE SETPO SETS SETZ SGDT SIDT SHLD SHRD SLDT SMSW STR VERR VERW WBINVD XADD ADCB ADDB ANDB CMPB DECB DIVB IDIVB IMULB INB INCB MOVB MULB NEGB NOTB ORB OUTB RCLB RCRB ROLB RORB SALB SARB SHLB SHRB SBBB SUBB TESTB XCHGB XORB