/* opcode.h - routine numbers and special opcodes for assembler */ enum { /* Pseudo-op routine numbers. * Conditionals are first - this is used to test if op is a conditional. */ ELSEOP, ELSEIFOP, ELSEIFCOP, ENDIFOP, IFOP, IFCOP, #define MIN_NONCOND ALIGNOP ALIGNOP, ASCIZOP, BLKWOP, BLOCKOP, BSSOP, COMMOP, COMMOP1, DATAOP, ENDBOP, ENTEROP, ENTRYOP, EQUOP, EVENOP, EXPORTOP, FAILOP, FCBOP, FCCOP, FDBOP, FQBOP, GETOP, GLOBLOP, IDENTOP, IMPORTOP, LCOMMOP, LCOMMOP1, LISTOP, LOCOP, MACLISTOP, MACROOP, MAPOP, ORGOP, PROCEOFOP, RMBOP, SECTOP, SETOP, SETDPOP, TEXTOP, #ifdef I80386 USE16OP, USE32OP, #endif WARNOP, /* Machine-op routine numbers. */ #ifdef I80386 BCC, BSWAP, CALL, CALLI, DIVMUL, ENTER, EwGw, ExGx, F_INHER, F_M, F_M2, F_M2_AX, F_M2_M4, F_M2_M4_M8, F_M4_M8_OPTST, F_M4_M8_ST, F_M4_M8_STST, F_M4_M8_M10_ST, F_M10, F_OPTST, F_ST, F_STST, F_W_INHER, F_W_M, F_W_M2, F_W_M2_AX, GROUP1, GROUP2, GROUP6, GROUP7, GROUP8, GvEv, GvMa, GvMp, IMUL, IN, INCDEC, INHER, INHER16, INHER32, INHER_A, INT, JCC, JCXZ, LEA, MOV, MOVX, NEGNOT, OUT, PUSHPOP, RET, SEG, SETCC, SH_DOUBLE, TEST, XCHG #endif /* I80386 */ #ifdef MC6809 ALL, /* all address modes allowed, like LDA */ ALTER, /* all but immediate, like STA */ IMMED, /* immediate only (ANDCC, ORCC) */ INDEXD, /* indexed (LEA's) */ INHER, /* inherent, like CLC or CLRA */ LONG, /* long branches */ SHORT, /* short branches */ SSTAK, /* S-stack (PSHS, PULS) */ SWAP, /* TFR, EXG */ USTAK /* U-stack (PSHU,PULU) */ #endif /* MC6809 */ }; /* Special opcodes. */ #ifdef I80386 # define CMP_OPCODE_BASE 0x38 # define CMPSB_OPCODE 0xA6 # define CMPSW_OPCODE 0xA7 # define ESCAPE_OPCODE_BASE 0xD8 # define FST_ENCODED 0x12 # define FSTP_ENCODED 0x13 # define JMP_OPCODE 0xE9 # define JMP_SHORT_OPCODE 0xEB # define JSR_OPCODE 0xE8 # define MOVSB_OPCODE 0xA4 # define MOVSW_OPCODE 0xA5 # define PAGE1_OPCODE 0x0F # define POP_OPCODE 0x8F # define PUSH_OPCODE 0xFF # define WAIT_OPCODE 0x9B #endif #ifdef MC6809 # define JMP_OPCODE 0x7E # define JSR_OPCODE 0xBD # define PAGE1_OPCODE 0x10 # define PAGE2_OPCODE 0x11 #endif