/* pops.c - handle pseudo-ops for assembler */ #include "syshead.h" #include "const.h" #include "type.h" #include "address.h" #include "flag.h" #include "globvar.h" #include "opcode.h" #include "scan.h" PRIVATE bool_t elseflag; /* set if ELSE/ELSEIF are enabled */ /* depends on zero = FALSE init */ PRIVATE bool_t lcommflag; FORWARD void bumpsem P((struct flags_s *flagptr, int defval)); FORWARD void constdata P((unsigned size)); FORWARD void docomm P((void)); FORWARD void doelseif P((pfv func)); FORWARD void doequset P((int labits)); FORWARD void doentexp P((int entbits, int impbits)); FORWARD void dofcc P((void)); FORWARD void doif P((pfv func)); FORWARD struct sym_s *needlabel P((void)); FORWARD void showredefinedlabel P((void)); FORWARD void setloc P((unsigned seg)); PRIVATE void bumpsem(flagptr, defval) register struct flags_s *flagptr; int defval; { int newcount; if (flagptr->global && pass == last_pass) { /* bump semaphore count by an expression (default 1), */ /* then set currentflag iff semaphore count is plus */ if (sym == EOLSYM) lastexp.offset = defval; else { absexpres(); if (lastexp.data & UNDBIT) return; } newcount = (int) lastexp.offset; #ifdef I80386 /* really sizeof (offset_t) != sizeof (int) */ if (newcount != lastexp.offset) datatoobig(); #endif newcount += flagptr->semaphore; if ((int) lastexp.offset >= 0) { if (newcount < flagptr->semaphore) { error(COUNTOV); newcount = 0x7fff; } } else if (newcount >= flagptr->semaphore) { error(COUNTUN); newcount = -0x8000; } flagptr->semaphore = newcount; flagptr->current = newcount >= 0; } } /* check symbol is either undefined */ /* or has the same segment & relocatability as lc */ PUBLIC bool_pt checksegrel(symptr) register struct sym_s *symptr; { if ((symptr->type & LABIT || (symptr->data & IMPBIT && !(symptr->data & UNDBIT))) && ((symptr->data ^ lcdata) & (RELBIT | SEGM))) { error(SEGREL); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* check address fits in 1 byte (possibly with sign truncated) */ PUBLIC void checkdatabounds() { if (!(lastexp.data & UNDBIT) && (offset_t) (lastexp.offset + 0x80) >= 0x180) datatoobig(); } /* allocate constant data (zero except for size 1), default zero for size 1 */ PRIVATE void constdata(size) unsigned size; { offset_t remaining; absexpres(); if (!((lcdata |= lastexp.data) & UNDBIT)) { lcjump = lastexp.offset * size; popflags = POPLONG | POPHI | POPLO | POPLC; if (size == 1 && sym == COMMA) { symabsexpres(); checkdatabounds(); for (remaining = lcjump; remaining != 0; --remaining) { putbin((opcode_pt) lastexp.offset); /* fill byte */ putabs((opcode_pt) lastexp.offset); } lastexp.offset = lcjump; } else accumulate_rmb(lastexp.offset * size); } } PUBLIC void datatoobig() { error(DBOUNDS); } /* common routine for COMM/.COMM */ PRIVATE void docomm() { register struct sym_s *labptr; absexpres(); /* if undefined, value 0 and size unchanged */ labptr = label; if (checksegrel(labptr)) { if (labptr->type & (EXPBIT | LABIT)) labelerror(ALREADY); else { if (!(labptr->type & COMMBIT) || lastexp.offset > labptr->value_reg_or_op.value) labptr->value_reg_or_op.value = lastexp.offset; labptr->type |= COMMBIT; if (lcommflag) labptr->type |= REDBIT; /* kludge - COMMBIT | REDBIT => SA */ if( last_pass == 1 ) labptr->data = (lcdata & SEGM) | (FORBIT | IMPBIT | RELBIT); else labptr->data = (lcdata & SEGM) | (IMPBIT | RELBIT); showlabel(); } } lcommflag = FALSE; } /* common routine for ELSEIF/ELSEIFC */ PRIVATE void doelseif(func) pfv func; { if (iflevel == 0) error(ELSEIFBAD); else { ifflag = FALSE; if (elseflag) { (*func) (); if (!(lastexp.data & UNDBIT) && lastexp.offset != 0) /* expression valid and TRUE, enable assembling */ { ifflag = TRUE; elseflag = FALSE; } } else { /* Skip to EOL */ while (sym != EOLSYM) getsym(); } } } /* common routine for EQU/SET */ PRIVATE void doequset(labits) unsigned char labits; { register struct sym_s *labptr; unsigned char olddata; unsigned char oldtype; labptr = label; /* set up new label flags in case labe isl used in expression */ labptr->type = (oldtype = labptr->type) | labits; labptr->data = (olddata = labptr->data) & ~IMPBIT; /* non-imported now */ nonimpexpres(); lastexp.data |= olddata & FORBIT; /* take all but FORBIT from expression */ if (oldtype & LABIT && !(olddata & UNDBIT) && !pass) /* this is a previously defined label */ /* redefinition only allowed if same relocatability, segment and value */ { if ((olddata ^ lastexp.data) & (RELBIT | UNDBIT) || labptr->value_reg_or_op.value != lastexp.offset) { showredefinedlabel(); return; } } labptr->data = lastexp.data; labptr->value_reg_or_op.value = lastexp.offset; showlabel(); if(pass && !(labits & VARBIT) && labptr->value_reg_or_op.value != oldlabel) { dirty_pass = TRUE; if( pass == last_pass ) error(UNSTABLE_LABEL); } } /* common routine for ENTRY/EXPORT */ PRIVATE void doentexp(entbits, impbits) unsigned char entbits; unsigned char impbits; { struct sym_s *symptr; while (TRUE) { if ((symptr = needlabel()) != NUL_PTR) { if (symptr->type & COMMBIT) error(ALREADY); else if (impbits != 0) { if (pass == last_pass) ; else if (symptr->type & (EXPBIT | LABIT)) symptr->type |= EXPBIT; else { symptr->type |= REDBIT; if (!(symptr->data & IMPBIT)) symptr->data |= IMPBIT | SEGM; } } else { if (pass == last_pass) { if (!(symptr->type & LABIT)) error(UNLAB); } else { symptr->type |= entbits | EXPBIT; symptr->data &= ~IMPBIT; } } } getsym(); if (sym != COMMA) break; getsym(); } } /* common routine for FCC (== .ASCII) and .ASCIZ */ PRIVATE void dofcc() { register char *bufptr; char byte; char delimiter; register char *reglineptr; bufptr = databuf.fcbuf; reglineptr = symname; if ((delimiter = *reglineptr) != EOLCHAR) ++reglineptr; while (TRUE) { if ((byte = *reglineptr) == EOLCHAR) { symname = reglineptr; error(DELEXP); break; } if (byte == delimiter) { if ((byte = *++reglineptr) != delimiter) break; } else if (byte == '\\') { switch (byte = *++reglineptr) { case '"': case '\'': case '\\': case '?': break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': byte -= '0'; if (*(reglineptr + 1) >= '0' && *(reglineptr + 1) < '8') { byte = 8 * byte + *++reglineptr - '0'; if (*(reglineptr + 1) >= '0' && *(reglineptr + 1) < '8') byte = 8 * byte + *++reglineptr - '0'; } break; case 'a': byte = 7; break; case 'b': byte = 8; break; case 'f': byte = 12; break; case 'n': byte = 10; break; case 'r': byte = 13; break; case 't': byte = 9; break; case 'v': byte = 11; break; case 'x': byte = '0'; while (TRUE) { ++reglineptr; if (*reglineptr >= '0' && *reglineptr <= '9') byte = 16 * byte + *reglineptr - '0'; else if (*reglineptr >= 'F' && *reglineptr <= 'F') byte = 16 * byte + *reglineptr - 'A'; else if (*reglineptr >= 'a' && *reglineptr <= 'f') byte = 16 * byte + *reglineptr - 'F'; else break; } --reglineptr; break; default: symname = reglineptr; error(UNKNOWN_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE); break; } } else if (byte < ' ' && byte >= 0) { symname = reglineptr; error(CTLINS); byte = ' '; } ++reglineptr; *bufptr++ = byte; } lineptr = reglineptr; getsym(); lastexp.offset = databuf.fcbuf[0]; /* show only 1st char (if any) */ mcount = bufptr - databuf.fcbuf; /* won't overflow, line length limits it */ /* XXX - but now line length is unlimited */ } /* common routine for IF/IFC */ PRIVATE void doif(func) pfv func; { if (iflevel >= MAXIF) error(IFOV); else { ++iflevel; --ifstak; ifstak->elseflag = elseflag; elseflag = FALSE; /* prepare */ if ((ifstak->ifflag = ifflag) != FALSE) /* else not assembling before, so not now & no ELSE's */ { (*func) (); if (!(lastexp.data & UNDBIT) && lastexp.offset == 0) /* else expression invalid or FALSE, don't change flags */ { ifflag = FALSE; /* not assembling */ elseflag = TRUE;/* but ELSE will change that */ } } else { /* Skip to EOL */ while (sym != EOLSYM) getsym(); } } } PUBLIC void fatalerror(errnum) error_pt errnum; { error(errnum); skipline(); listline(); finishup(); } /* swap position with label position, do error, put back posn */ /* also clear label ptr */ PUBLIC void labelerror(errnum) error_pt errnum; { struct sym_s *oldgsymptr; char *oldlineptr; unsigned char oldsym; char *oldsymname; oldgsymptr = gsymptr; oldlineptr = lineptr; oldsym = sym; oldsymname = symname; lineptr = linebuf; getsym(); /* 1st symbol is label or symbol after * missing one */ error(errnum); gsymptr = oldgsymptr; lineptr = oldlineptr; sym = oldsym; symname = oldsymname; label = NUL_PTR; } PRIVATE struct sym_s *needlabel() { register struct sym_s *symptr; if (sym != IDENT || (symptr = gsymptr)->type & (MACBIT | MNREGBIT | VARBIT)) { error(LABEXP); return NUL_PTR; } return symptr; } /* .ALIGN pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void palign() { absexpres(); if (!((lcdata |= lastexp.data) & UNDBIT)) { popflags = POPLONG | POPHI | POPLO | POPLC; if (lastexp.offset != 0 && (lcjump = lc % lastexp.offset) != 0) accumulate_rmb(lcjump = lastexp.offset - lcjump); } } /* .ASCIZ pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void pasciz() { dofcc(); databuf.fcbuf[mcount++] = 0; fcflag = TRUE; popflags = POPLO | POPLC; } /* .BLKW pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void pblkw() { constdata(2); } /* BLOCK pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void pblock() { if (blocklevel >= MAXBLOCK) error(BLOCKOV); else { register struct block_s *blockp; ++blocklevel; blockp = blockstak; blockstak = --blockp; blockp->data = lcdata; blockp->dp = dirpag; blockp->lc = lc; porg(); /* same as ORG apart from stacking */ } } /* .BSS pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void pbss() { setloc(BSSLOC); } /* COMM pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void pcomm() { if (label == NUL_PTR) labelerror(MISLAB); else if (label->type & VARBIT) labelerror(VARLAB); /* variable cannot be COMM'd */ else docomm(); } /* .COMM pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void pcomm1() { unsigned oldseg; if (label != NUL_PTR) labelerror(ILLAB); oldseg = lcdata & SEGM; setloc(BSSLOC); if ((label = needlabel()) != NUL_PTR && checksegrel(label)) { /* Like import. */ if (label->type & (EXPBIT | LABIT)) error(ALREADY); else if( last_pass == 1 ) label->data = lcdata | (FORBIT | IMPBIT | RELBIT); else label->data = lcdata | (IMPBIT | RELBIT); getsym(); getcomma(); if (label->type & (EXPBIT | LABIT)) absexpres(); /* just to check it */ else docomm(); } setloc(oldseg); } /* .DATA pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void pdata() { setloc(DATALOC); } /* ELSE pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void pelse() { if (iflevel == 0) error(ELSEBAD); else { ifflag = FALSE; /* assume ELSE disabled */ if (elseflag) { ifflag = TRUE; /* ELSE enabled */ elseflag = FALSE; } } } /* ELSEIF pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void pelseif() { doelseif(absexpres); } /* ELSEIFC pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void pelsifc() { doelseif(scompare); } /* ENDB pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void pendb() { if (label != NUL_PTR) labelerror(ILLAB); if (blocklevel == 0) error(ENDBBAD); else { register struct block_s *blockp; blockp = blockstak; lcdata = blockp->data; dirpag = blockp->dp; accumulate_rmb(blockp->lc - lc); lc = blockp->lc; --blocklevel; blockstak = blockp + 1; } } /* ENDIF pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void pendif() { if (iflevel == 0) error(ENDIFBAD); else { ifflag = ifstak->ifflag; elseflag = ifstak->elseflag; ++ifstak; --iflevel; } } /* ENTER pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void penter() { if (!(pedata & UNDBIT)) error(REENTER); else { if (!((pedata = (pedata & ~UNDBIT) | lcdata) & UNDBIT)) { progent = lc; popflags = POPLC; } } } /* ENTRY pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void pentry() { doentexp(ENTBIT, 0); } /* EQU pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void pequ() { register struct sym_s *labptr; if ((labptr = label) == NUL_PTR) labelerror(MISLAB); else if (labptr->type & COMMBIT) showredefinedlabel(); /* common cannot be EQU'd */ else if (labptr->type & VARBIT) labelerror(VARLAB); /* variable cannot be EQU'd */ else doequset(LABIT); } /* .EVEN pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void peven() { popflags = POPLONG | POPHI | POPLO | POPLC; accumulate_rmb(lcjump = lastexp.data = lc & 1); } /* EXPORT pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void pexport() { doentexp(0, 0); } /* FAIL pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void pfail() { if(pass==last_pass) error(FAILERR); } /* FCB pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void pfcb() { char *bufptr; offset_t firstbyte; bufptr = databuf.fcbuf; absexpres(); firstbyte = lastexp.offset; while (TRUE) { checkdatabounds(); *bufptr++ = lastexp.offset; ++mcount; /* won't overflow, line length limits it */ if (sym != COMMA) break; symabsexpres(); } lastexp.offset = firstbyte; popflags = POPLO | POPLC; fcflag = TRUE; } /* FCC pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void pfcc() { dofcc(); if (mcount != 0) { fcflag = TRUE; popflags = POPLO | POPLC; } } /* FDB pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void pfdb() { struct address_s *adrptr; unsigned firstdata; offset_t firstword; adrptr = databuf.fdbuf; expres(); firstword = lastexp.offset; firstdata = lastexp.data; while (TRUE) { *adrptr++ = lastexp; mcount += 2; /* won't overflow, line length limits it */ if (sym != COMMA) break; symexpres(); } lastexp.offset = firstword; lastexp.data = firstdata; popflags = POPHI | POPLO | POPLC; fdflag = TRUE; } #if SIZEOF_OFFSET_T > 2 /* FQB pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void pfqb() { struct address_s *adrptr; offset_t firstdata; offset_t firstword; adrptr = databuf.fqbuf; expres(); firstword = lastexp.offset; firstdata = lastexp.data; while (TRUE) { *adrptr++ = lastexp; mcount += 4; /* won't overflow, line length limits it */ if (sym != COMMA) break; symexpres(); } lastexp.offset = firstword; lastexp.data = firstdata; popflags = POPLONG | POPHI | POPLO | POPLC; fqflag = TRUE; } #endif /* SIZEOF_OFFSET_T > 2 */ /* .GLOBL pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void pglobl() { if (binaryg) error(NOIMPORT); doentexp(0, IMPBIT); } /* IDENT pseudo-op (not complete) */ PUBLIC void pident() { if (sym != IDENT) error(LABEXP); else getsym_nolookup(); /* should save ident string */ } /* IF pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void pif() { doif(absexpres); } /* IFC pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void pifc() { doif(scompare); } /* IMPORT pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void pimport() { struct sym_s *symptr; if (binaryg) error(NOIMPORT); while (TRUE) { if ((symptr = needlabel()) != NUL_PTR && checksegrel(symptr)) { if (symptr->type & (COMMBIT | EXPBIT | LABIT)) /* IMPORT is null if label (to be) declared */ error(ALREADY); else if( last_pass == 1 ) /* get current segment from lcdata, no need to mask rest */ symptr->data = lcdata | (FORBIT | IMPBIT | RELBIT); else symptr->data = lcdata | (IMPBIT | RELBIT); } getsym(); if (sym != COMMA) break; getsym(); } } /* LCOMM pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void plcomm() { lcommflag = TRUE; pcomm(); } /* .LCOMM pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void plcomm1() { lcommflag = TRUE; pcomm1(); } /* .LIST pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void plist() { bumpsem(&list, 1); } /* .NOLIST pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void pnolist() { bumpsem(&list, -1); } /* LOC pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void ploc() { if (label != NUL_PTR) labelerror(ILLAB); absexpres(); if (!(lastexp.data & UNDBIT)) { if (lastexp.offset >= NLOC) datatoobig(); else setloc((unsigned) lastexp.offset); } } /* .MACLIST pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void pmaclist() { bumpsem(&maclist, 1); } /* .MAP pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void pmap() { absexpres(); if (!(lastexp.data & UNDBIT)) { mapnum = lastexp.offset; popflags = POPLO; if (lastexp.offset >= 0x100) datatoobig(); } } /* ORG pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void porg() { if (label != NUL_PTR) labelerror(ILLAB); absexpres(); if (!((lcdata = lastexp.data) & UNDBIT)) { accumulate_rmb(lastexp.offset - lc); binmbuf = lc = lastexp.offset; binmbuf_set = 1; popflags = POPLC; } } /* RMB pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void prmb() { constdata(1); } /* .SECT pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void psect() { if (label != NUL_PTR) labelerror(ILLAB); while (sym == IDENT) { if (!(gsymptr->type & MNREGBIT)) error(ILL_SECTION); else switch (gsymptr->value_reg_or_op.op.routine) { case BSSOP: pbss(); break; case DATAOP: pdata(); break; case TEXTOP: ptext(); break; default: error(ILL_SECTION); break; } getsym(); if (sym == COMMA) getsym(); } } /* SET pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void pset() { register struct sym_s *labptr; if ((labptr = label) == NUL_PTR) labelerror(MISLAB); else if (labptr->type & COMMBIT) labelerror(RELAB); /* common cannot be SET'd */ else doequset(labptr->type & LABIT ? 0 : VARBIT); } /* SETDP pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void psetdp() { absexpres(); if (!(lastexp.data & UNDBIT)) { dirpag = lastexp.offset; popflags = POPLO; if (lastexp.offset >= 0x100) datatoobig(); } } /* .TEXT pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void ptext() { if( textseg <= 0 ) setloc(TEXTLOC); else setloc(textseg); } /* .WARN pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void pwarn() { bumpsem(&as_warn, -1); } #ifdef I80386 /* USE16 pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void puse16() { defsize = 2; #ifdef iscpu if( sym != EOLSYM ) { absexpres(); if (lastexp.data & UNDBIT) return; if( lastexp.offset > 8000 ) setcpu((int) lastexp.offset / 100 % 10); else if( lastexp.offset > 15 ) setcpu((int) lastexp.offset / 100); else setcpu((int) lastexp.offset); } #endif } /* USE16 pseudo-op */ PUBLIC void puse32() { defsize = 4; #ifdef iscpu if(!iscpu(3)) setcpu(3); if( sym != EOLSYM ) { absexpres(); if (lastexp.data & UNDBIT) return; if( lastexp.offset > 15 ) setcpu((int) lastexp.offset / 100); else setcpu((int) lastexp.offset); } #endif } #endif /* show redefined label and error, and set REDBIT */ PRIVATE void showredefinedlabel() { register struct sym_s *labptr; labptr = label; /* showlabel() will kill label prematurely */ showlabel(); if (!(labptr->type & REDBIT)) { labptr->type |= REDBIT; labelerror(RELAB); } } PUBLIC void showlabel() { register struct sym_s *labptr; labptr = label; lastexp.data = labptr->data; lastexp.offset = labptr->value_reg_or_op.value; popflags = POPLONG | POPHI | POPLO; label = NUL_PTR; /* show handled by COMM, EQU or SET */ } /* set location segment */ PRIVATE void setloc(seg) unsigned seg; { if (pass == last_pass && seg != (lcdata & SEGM)) putobj((opcode_pt) (seg | OBJ_SET_SEG)); { register struct lc_s *lcp; lcp = lcptr; lcp->data = lcdata; lcp->lc = lc; lcptr = lcp = lctab + (unsigned char) seg; lcdata = (lcp->data & ~SEGM) | (unsigned char) seg; binmbuf = lc = lcp->lc; popflags = POPLC; } }