/* table.c - keyword tables and symbol table lookup for assembler */ #include "syshead.h" #include "const.h" #include "type.h" #include "globvar.h" #include "opcode.h" #include "scan.h" #define hconv(ch) ((unsigned char) (ch) - 0x41) /* better form for hashing */ #ifdef I80386 # ifdef MNSIZE EXTERN char bytesizeops[]; # endif #endif EXTERN char ops[]; EXTERN char page1ops[]; EXTERN char page2ops[]; EXTERN char regs[]; #ifdef I80386 EXTERN char typesizes[]; #endif #ifdef DEBUG unsigned nhash; unsigned nlookup; unsigned nsym; unsigned nx[30]; FORWARD void printchain P((void)); #endif FORWARD void install P((register char *keyptr, int data)); PUBLIC void inst_keywords() { install(regs, REGBIT); #ifdef I80386 install(typesizes, SIZEBIT); #endif install(ops, 0); install(page1ops, PAGE1); install(page2ops, PAGE2); #ifdef I80386 # ifdef MNSIZE install(bytesizeops, PAGE1 | PAGE2); # endif #endif } PRIVATE void install(keyptr, data) register char *keyptr; unsigned char data; { char lowcasebuf[20]; unsigned namelength; char *nameptr; char *namend; register struct sym_s *symptr; while (*keyptr != 0) { namelength = *keyptr++; lineptr = (symname = keyptr) + namelength; for (nameptr = lowcasebuf, namend = lowcasebuf + namelength; nameptr < namend;) { if (*keyptr < 'A' || *keyptr > 'Z') *nameptr++ = *keyptr++; else *nameptr++ = *keyptr++ + ('a' - 'A'); } symptr = lookup(); symptr->type = MNREGBIT; symptr->data = data; symptr->value_reg_or_op.op.routine = *keyptr; symptr->value_reg_or_op.op.opcode = keyptr[1]; lineptr = (symname = lowcasebuf) + namelength; symptr = lookup(); symptr->type = MNREGBIT; symptr->data = data; symptr->value_reg_or_op.op.routine = *keyptr; symptr->value_reg_or_op.op.opcode = keyptr[1]; keyptr += 2; } } /* Lookup() searches symbol table for the string from symname to lineptr - 1. * If string is not found and ifflag is TRUE, string is added to table, with * type = 0 * data = inidata (RELBIT | UNDBIT, possibly with IMPBIT | SEGM) * Returns pointer to symbol entry (NUL_PTR if not found and not installed) * unless symbol table overflows, when routine aborts. */ PUBLIC struct sym_s *lookup() { struct sym_s **hashptr; register char *nameptr; register struct sym_s *symptr; register unsigned hashval; register unsigned length; #ifdef DEBUG int tries; ++nlookup; tries = 0; #endif /* Hash function is a weighted xor of 1 to 4 chars in the string. * This works seems to work better than looking at all the chars. * It is important that the function be fast. * The string comparision function should also be fast and it helps * if it is optimized for mostly identical comparisions. * The multiplication by MULTIPLIER should compile as a shift. */ #define MULTIPLIER (SPTSIZ / (1 << USEFUL_BITS_IN_ASCII)) #define USEFUL_BITS_IN_ASCII 6 nameptr = lineptr; length = nameptr - symname; if (length <= 3) { if (length <= 2) hashval = hconv(nameptr[-1]) * MULTIPLIER; else hashval = hconv(nameptr[-2]) * MULTIPLIER, hashval ^= hconv(nameptr[-1]); } else hashval = hconv(nameptr[-(length / 2)]) * MULTIPLIER, hashval ^= hconv(nameptr[-2]) << 2, hashval ^= hconv(nameptr[-1]); nameptr = symname; if ((symptr = *(hashptr = spt + (hashval ^ (hconv(nameptr[0]) << 1)) % SPTSIZ)) != NUL_PTR) { do { #ifdef DEBUG if (tries != 0) --nx[tries]; ++tries; if (tries < sizeof nx / sizeof nx[0]) ++nx[tries]; if (tries >= 5) printchain(hashptr - spt) #endif if ((unsigned char) length != symptr->length) continue; if (memcmp(symptr->name, nameptr, length) == 0) return symptr; } while ((symptr = symptr->next) != NUL_PTR); /* Calculate last non-NUL_PTR hash ptr. * This is faster than keeping hashptr up to date in previous loop * since most lookups are successful and hash ptr is not needed. */ do { symptr = *hashptr; hashptr = &symptr->next; } while (symptr->next != NUL_PTR); } if (!ifflag) return NUL_PTR; align(heapptr); if (heapptr >= heapend) fatalerror(SYMOV); #ifdef DEBUG ++nsym; if (hashptr >= spt && hashptr < spt + SPTSIZ) ++nhash; #endif *hashptr = symptr = (struct sym_s *) heapptr; symptr->type = 0; symptr->data = inidata; symptr->length = length; symptr->value_reg_or_op.value = (offset_t) (symptr->next = NUL_PTR); heapptr = symptr->name; do *heapptr++ = *nameptr++; while (--length != 0); *heapptr++ = 0; return symptr; } #ifdef DEBUG static void printchain(hashval) unsigned hashval; { register struct sym_s *symptr; printf("%04x ", hashval); for (symptr = spt[hashval]; symptr != NUL_PTR; symptr = symptr->next) printf("%s ", symptr->name); printf("\n"); } #endif PUBLIC void statistics() { #ifdef DEBUG int i; int weight; for (i = 0; i < SPTSIZ; ++i) printchain(i); printf("nhash = %d, nsym = %d, nlookup = %d nx =\n", nhash, nsym, nlookup); weight = 0; for (i = 0; i < 30; ++i) { printf("%5d", nx[i]); weight += nx[i] * i; } printf("\n"); printf("weight = %d%d\n", w; #endif }