/* codefrag.c - code fragments for bcc */ /* Copyright (C) 1992 Bruce Evans */ #include "const.h" #include "types.h" #include "byteord.h" #include "condcode.h" #include "gencode.h" #include "label.h" #include "output.h" #include "reg.h" #include "scan.h" #include "sizes.h" #define DEFSTR_BYTEMAX 10 #define DEFSTR_DELIMITER '"' #define DEFSTR_STRINGMAX 40 #define EOS_TEXT '0' #define MAXPRINTCHAR '~' #define MINPRINTCHAR ' ' /* segment numbers */ #ifdef I8088 # define CSEG 0 # define outcseg() outop0str(".text\n") # define DSEG 1 # define outdseg() outop0str(".data\n") # define BSSSEG 2 # define outbssseg() outop0str(".bss\n") #endif #ifdef MC6809 # define CSEG 0 # define outcseg() outop0str("LOC\t0\n") # define DPSEG 2 # define outdpseg() outop0str("LOC\t2\n") # define DSEG 3 # define outdseg() outop0str("LOC\t3\n") # define STRSEG 1 # define outstrseg() outop0str("LOC\t1\n") #endif #ifdef I8088 FORWARD void adjcarry P((void)); #endif FORWARD void clr P((store_pt reg)); FORWARD bool_pt lowregisDreg P((void)); #ifdef I8088 FORWARD void outand P((void)); FORWARD void outequate P((void)); # ifdef XENIX_AS FORWARD void outexport P((void)); # endif FORWARD void outmovsx P((void)); FORWARD void outmovzx P((void)); FORWARD void tfrhilo P((void)); FORWARD void tfrlohi P((void)); #endif #ifdef MC6809 FORWARD void negBsbcA P((void)); #endif FORWARD void outaccum P((void)); FORWARD void outstackreg P((void)); FORWARD void opregadr P((void)); /* operator and miscellaneous strings */ #ifdef I8088 # define ACCHISTR "ah" # define ANDSTRING "and\t" # define DEFSTR_QUOTER '\\' # define EORSTRING "xor\t" # define MAX_INLINE_SHIFT 2 /* better 3 for 88, 1 for 186 and above */ # define ORSTRING "or\t" # define TARGET_FIRST # define addfactor(reg) (outadd(), outregname(reg), outncregname(DXREG)) # define defstorage() outop0str(".blkb\t") # define extBnegD() (ctoi(), negDreg()) # define finishfactor() /* save/add/subfactor() ended already */ # define outadc() outop3str("adc\t") # define outandac() (outand(), outaccum(), bumplc()) # define outandlo() (outand(), outstr(acclostr)) # define outbimmed() outbyte('*') # define outcommon() outop0str(".comm\t") # define outcwd() outnop1str("cwd") # define outdefstr() outop0str(".ascii\t\"") # define outexchange() outop1str("xchg\t") # define outglobl() outop0str(".globl\t") # ifdef XENIX_AS # define outimport() outexport() # else # define outexport() outop0str("export\t") # define outimport() outop0str("import\t") # endif # ifdef XENIX_AS # define outj1switch() outop3str("seg\tcs\nbr\t@"); # else # define outj1switch() outop3str("seg\tcs\nbr\t"); # endif # define outj2switch() \ (outindleft(), outstr(ireg0str), outindright(), bumplc2(), outnl()) # define outlcommon() outop0str("\tlcomm\t") # define outlswitch() (outload(), outstr(ireg0str), outncregname(DREG)) # define outnc1() outnstr(",*1") # define outsbc() outop3str("sbb\t") # define outset() outstr ("\tset\t") # define outsl() outop2str("shl\t") # define outsr() outop2str("sar\t") # define outtransfer() outload() # define outusr() outop2str("shr\t") # define outxor() outop2str(EORSTRING) # define reclaimfactor() /* factor in DXREG, DXREG now junk */ # define savefactor(reg) regtransfer((reg), DXREG) # define smiDreg() (outcwd(), regexchange(DREG, DXREG)) # define sr1() (outsr(), outaccum(), outnc1()) # define subfactor(reg) (outsub(), outregname(reg), outncregname(DXREG)) # define usr1() (outusr(), outaccum(), outnc1()) PRIVATE void adjcarry() { outop3str("rcl\t"); outregname(DXREG); outncimmadr((offset_t) 9); outand(); bumplc2(); bumplc2(); outregname(DXREG); outncimmadr((offset_t) 0x100); } PUBLIC void clrBreg() { outxor(); outstr(acclostr); outncregname(BREG); } PUBLIC void comment() { outstr("! "); } PUBLIC void ctoi() { if (i386_32) { outmovzx(); outaccum(); outncregname(BREG); } else { outxor(); outhiaccum(); outcomma(); outhiaccum(); outnl(); } } PUBLIC void defbyte() { outop0str(".byte\t"); } #ifdef XENIX_AS PUBLIC void defword() { } /* don't have to print ".word\t" */ #else PUBLIC void defword() { outop0str(".word\t"); } #endif PUBLIC void defdword() { outop0str("dd\t"); } PUBLIC void even() { outop0str(".even\n"); } PUBLIC void negDreg() { outop2str("neg\t"); outnregname(DREG); } PUBLIC void comDreg() { outop2str("not\t"); outnregname(DREG); } PUBLIC void outadd() { outop2str("add\t"); } PUBLIC void outaddsp() { outadd(); outstackreg(); outcomma(); outimmed(); bumplc2(); } PRIVATE void outand() { outop2str(ANDSTRING); } #ifdef XENIX_AS PUBLIC void outcalladr() { outop2str("call\t@"); } #else PUBLIC void outcalladr() { outop2str("call\t"); } #endif PUBLIC void outcmp() { outop2str("cmp\t"); } PUBLIC void outdec() { outop1str("dec\t"); } PUBLIC void outdword() { outstr("dword "); } PRIVATE void outequate() { outop0str("\t=\t"); } #ifdef XENIX_AS PRIVATE void outexport() { outop0str(".globl\t"); } #endif PUBLIC void outfail() { outop0str(".fail\t"); } PUBLIC void outinc() { outop1str("inc\t"); } #ifdef XENIX_AS PUBLIC void outindleft() { outbyte('('); } PUBLIC void outindright() { outbyte(')'); } #else PUBLIC void outindleft() { outbyte('['); } PUBLIC void outindright() { outbyte(']'); } #endif #ifndef FRAMEPOINTER PUBLIC void outindstackreg() { outindleft(); outregname(STACKREG); outindright(); } #endif PUBLIC void outldaccum() { outload(); outaccum(); outcomma(); } PUBLIC void outldmulreg() { outload(); outregname(MULREG); outcomma(); } PUBLIC void outlea() { outop2str("lea\t"); } PUBLIC void outleasp() { outlea(); outstackreg(); outcomma(); } PUBLIC void outload() { outop2str("mov\t"); } PRIVATE void outmovsx() { outop3str("movsx\t"); } PRIVATE void outmovzx() { outop3str("movzx\t"); } PUBLIC void outmulmulreg() { outop2str("mul\t"); outnregname(MULREG); } PUBLIC void outopsep() { outcomma(); } PUBLIC void outpshs() { outop1str("push"); } PUBLIC void outpuls() { outop1str("pop"); } PUBLIC void outreturn() { outnop1str("ret"); } PUBLIC void outstore() { outload(); } PUBLIC void outsub() { outop2str("sub\t"); } PUBLIC void outtest() { outop2str("test\t"); } PUBLIC void outword() { outstr("word "); } PUBLIC void sctoi() { if (i386_32) { outmovsx(); outncregname(BREG); } else outnop1str("cbw"); } PUBLIC void stoi() { outnop1str("cwde"); } PRIVATE void tfrhilo() { outload(); outstr(acclostr); outcomma(); outhiaccum(); outnl(); } PRIVATE void tfrlohi() { outload(); outhiaccum(); outncregname(BREG); } PUBLIC void ustoi() { outmovzx(); outaccum(); outcomma(); outshortregname(DREG); outnl(); } #endif /* I8088 */ #ifdef MC6809 # define ACCHISTR "A" # define ANDSTRING "AND" # define DEFSTR_QUOTER '"' # define EORSTRING "EOR" # define MAX_INLINE_SHIFT 16 # define ORSTRING "OR" # define addfactor(reg) outop2str("ADDD\t,S") # define defstorage() outop0str("RMB\t") # define extBnegD() (ctoi(), negBsbcA()) # define finishfactor() outnl() # define outadc() outop2str("ADC") # define outandhi() outop2str("ANDA") # define outandlo() outop2str("ANDB") # define outcommon() outop0str("\tCOMM\t") # define outdefstr() outop0str("FCC\t\"") # define outequate() outop0str("\tEQU\t") # define outexchange() outop2str("EXG\t") # define outexport() outop0str("EXPORT\t") # define outglobl() outop0str("GLOBL\t") # define outimport() outop0str("IMPORT\t") # define outjswitch() outnop2str("JMP\t[D,X]") # define outlcommon() outop0str("\tLCOMM\t") # define outlswitch() outop3str("LDX\t#") # define outpijswitch() outnop2str("JMP\tD,X") # define outpil1switch() outop3str("LEAX\t<") # define outpil2switch() outnop2str("LDD\tD,X") # define outrolhi() outnop1str("ROLA"); # define outsbc() outop2str("SBC") # define outset() outstr ("\tSET\t") # define outsl() outop1str("LSL") # define outtransfer() outop2str("TFR\t") # define reclaimfactor() outnstr ("++") /* discard factor from stack */ # define savefactor(reg) outop2str("PSHS\tD") # define smiDreg() (clrBreg(), outnop1str("ROLA"), \ outnop2str("SBCB\t#0"), sctoi()) /* this tricky sequence is twice as fast as TFR A,B; SEX; TFR A,B */ /* it gets the sign bit of A in the carry */ /* then subtracts it from 0 in D (effectively) */ # define sr1() (outnop1str("ASRA"), outnop1str("RORB")) # define stackregstr "S" # define subfactor(reg) outop2str("SUBD\t,S") # define testhi() outnop1str("TSTA") # define tfrhilo() outnop2str("TFR\tA,B") # define tfrlohi() outnop2str("TFR\tB,A") # define usr1() (outnop1str("LSRA"), outnop1str("RORB")) PUBLIC void clrBreg() { outnop1str("CLRB"); } PUBLIC void comment() { outstr("| "); } PUBLIC void defbyte() { outop0str("FCB\t"); } PUBLIC void defword() { outop0str("FDB\t"); } PUBLIC void negDreg() { outnop1str("NEGA"); negBsbcA(); } PRIVATE void negBsbcA() { outnop1str("NEGB"); sbc0(); } PUBLIC void comDreg() { outnop1str("COMA"); outnop1str("COMB"); } PUBLIC void outABX() { outnop1str("ABX"); } PUBLIC void outadd() { outop2str("ADD"); } PUBLIC void outaddsp() { outleasp(); bumplc2(); } PUBLIC void outcalladr() { outop2str("JSR"); } PUBLIC void outcmp() { outop2str("CMP"); } PUBLIC void outdec() { outop1str("DEC"); } PUBLIC void outdirectpage() { outbyte('<'); } PUBLIC void outextended() { outbyte('>'); } PUBLIC void outfail() { outop0str("FAIL\t"); } PUBLIC void outinc() { outop1str("INC"); } PUBLIC void outindleft() { outbyte('['); } PUBLIC void outindright() { outbyte(']'); } PUBLIC void outldaccum() { outload(); outaccum(); } PUBLIC void outldmulreg() { outop2str("LDA"); } PUBLIC void outlea() { outop2str("LEA"); } PUBLIC void outleasp() { outop2str("LEAS\t"); } PUBLIC void outload() { outop2str("LD"); } PUBLIC void outmulmulreg() { outnop1str("MUL"); } PUBLIC void outncspregname() { outcomma(); outstackreg(); outnl(); } PUBLIC void outopsep() { } /* is tab, but already done by outadr() */ PUBLIC void outpshs() { outop2str("PSHS"); } PUBLIC void outpuls() { outop2str("PULS"); } PUBLIC void outreturn() { outnop1str("RTS"); } PUBLIC void outstore() { outop2str("ST"); } PUBLIC void outsub() { outop2str("SUB"); } PUBLIC void outtest() { outop1str("TST"); } PUBLIC void sctoi() { outnop1str("SEX"); } PUBLIC void ctoi() { outnop1str("CLRA"); } #endif /* MC6809 */ #ifdef FRAMEREG PUBLIC void outindframereg() { outindleft(); outregname(FRAMEREG); outindright(); } #endif typedef fastin_t seg_t; /* range 0..3 */ PRIVATE seg_t segment; /* current seg, depends on init to CSEG = 0 */ /* add carry resulting from char addition */ PUBLIC void adc0() { #ifdef I8088 if (i386_32) { adjcarry(); outadd(); outaccum(); outncregname(DXREG); } else #endif { outadc(); outhiaccum(); outncimmadr((offset_t) 0); } } /* add constant to register */ PUBLIC void addconst(offset, reg) offset_t offset; store_pt reg; { #ifdef I8088 if ((i386_32 && (uoffset_t) offset + 1 <= 2) /* do -1 to 1 by dec/inc */ || (!i386_32 && (uoffset_t) offset + 2 <= 4)) /* do -2 to 2 */ { if (reg == ALREG) reg = AXREG; /* shorter and faster */ do { if (offset < 0) { outdec(); ++offset; } else /* if offset == 0, do inc + dec */ { outinc(); --offset; /* shouldn't happen and harmless */ } outnregname(reg); } while (offset); } else #endif #ifdef MC6809 if (!(reg & ALLDATREGS)) lea(offset, reg, reg); else if (reg == BREG && (offset == 1 || offset == -1)) { if (offset < 0) outdec(); else outinc(); outnregname(reg); } else #endif { outadd(); outimadj(offset, reg); } } /* adjust lc for signed offset */ PUBLIC void adjlc(offset, reg) offset_t offset; store_pt reg; { if (!(reg & CHARREGS)) { bumplc(); if (!isbyteoffset(offset)) { #ifdef I8088 if ((store_t) reg != AXREG) #endif bumplc(); #ifdef I8088 if (i386_32) bumplc2(); #endif } } } /* adjust stack ptr by adding a labelled constant less current sp */ PUBLIC void adjsp(label) label_t label; { outaddsp(); outbyte(LOCALSTARTCHAR); outlabel(label); if (switchnow != NULL) { outminus(); outswstacklab(); } else { outplus(); outhex((uoffset_t) - sp); } #ifdef MC6809 outcregname(LOCAL); #endif #ifdef I8088 if (i386_32) bumplc2(); #endif outnl(); } /* and accumulator with constant */ PUBLIC void andconst(offset) offset_t offset; { char_t botbits; uoffset_t topbits; if ((topbits = offset & ~(uoffset_t) CHMASKTO & intmaskto) != 0 && topbits != (~(uoffset_t) CHMASKTO & intmaskto)) /* if topbits == 0, callers reduce the type */ { #ifdef OP1 outandhi(); outncimmadr((offset_t) (topbits >> (INT16BITSTO - CHBITSTO))); #else outandac(); if (i386_32) bumplc2(); outncimmadr(offset); return; #endif } if ((botbits = (char_t) offset & CHMASKTO) == 0) clrBreg(); else if (botbits != CHMASKTO) { outandlo(); outncimmadr((offset_t) botbits); } } #ifdef I8088 /* set bss segment */ PUBLIC void bssseg() { if (segment != BSSSEG) { segment = BSSSEG; outbssseg(); } } #endif /* jump to case of switch */ PUBLIC label_t casejump() { label_t jtablelab; #ifdef I8088 outlswitch(); outj1switch(); outlabel(jtablelab = getlabel()); outj2switch(); if (i386_32) bumplc2(); #endif #ifdef MC6809 if (posindependent) { outpil1switch(); outlabel(jtablelab = getlabel()); outncregname(GLOBAL); outpil2switch(); outpijswitch(); } else { outlswitch(); outnlabel(jtablelab = getlabel()); outjswitch(); } #endif return jtablelab; } /* clear register to 0 */ PRIVATE void clr(reg) store_pt reg; { loadconst((offset_t) 0, reg); } /* define common storage */ PUBLIC void common(name) char *name; { #ifdef I8088 outcommon(); outccname(name); outcomma(); #endif #ifdef MC6809 outccname(name); outcommon(); #endif } /* set code segment */ PUBLIC void cseg() { if (segment != CSEG) { segment = CSEG; outcseg(); } } /* define long */ PUBLIC void deflong(value) uoffset_t value; { uoffset_t longhigh; uoffset_t longlow; longlow = value & (uoffset_t) intmaskto; #ifdef I8088 if (i386_32) defdword(); else #endif { longhigh = (value >> INT16BITSTO) & (uoffset_t) intmaskto; defword(); #if DYNAMIC_LONG_ORDER if (long_big_endian) #endif #if DYNAMIC_LONG_ORDER || LONG_BIG_ENDIAN outnhex(longhigh); #endif #if DYNAMIC_LONG_ORDER else #endif #if DYNAMIC_LONG_ORDER || LONG_BIG_ENDIAN == 0 { outnhex(longlow); longlow = longhigh; } #endif defword(); } outnhex(longlow); } /* define null storage */ PUBLIC void defnulls(nullcount) uoffset_t nullcount; { if (nullcount != 0) { defstorage(); outnhex(nullcount); } } /* define string */ PUBLIC label_t defstr(sptr, stop, dataflag) char *sptr; char *stop; bool_pt dataflag; { int byte; /* promoted char for output */ label_t strlab; seg_t oldsegment; fastin_t count; /* range 0..max(DEFSTR_BYTEMAX,DEFSTR_STRMAX) */ #ifdef HOLDSTRINGS if (!(bool_t) dataflag) return holdstr(sptr, stop); #endif oldsegment = segment; #ifdef I8088 dseg(); #endif #ifdef MC6809 if (dataflag) dseg(); else { segment = STRSEG; /* could use dseg() */ outstrseg(); /* this brings strings together */ } #endif outnlabel(strlab = getlabel()); byte = (unsigned char) *sptr++; while (sptr <= stop) { if ((unsigned char) byte >= MINPRINTCHAR && (unsigned char) byte <= MAXPRINTCHAR) { outdefstr(); count = DEFSTR_STRINGMAX; while (count-- > 0 && (unsigned char) byte >= MINPRINTCHAR && (unsigned char) byte <= MAXPRINTCHAR && sptr <= stop) { #if DEFSTR_DELIMITER - DEFSTR_QUOTER if ((unsigned char) byte == DEFSTR_DELIMITER || (unsigned char) byte == DEFSTR_QUOTER) #else if ((unsigned char) byte == DEFSTR_DELIMITER) #endif outbyte(DEFSTR_QUOTER); outbyte(byte); byte = (unsigned char) *sptr++; } outnbyte(DEFSTR_DELIMITER); } else { defbyte(); count = DEFSTR_BYTEMAX; while (count-- > 0 && ((unsigned char) byte < MINPRINTCHAR || (unsigned char) byte > MAXPRINTCHAR) && sptr <= stop) { if (count < DEFSTR_BYTEMAX - 1) outcomma(); /* byte separator */ outhex((uoffset_t) byte); byte = (unsigned char) *sptr++; } outnl(); } } defbyte(); outnbyte(EOS_TEXT); switch (oldsegment) { case CSEG: cseg(); break; case DSEG: dseg(); break; #ifdef I8088 case BSSSEG: bssseg(); break; #endif #ifdef MC6809 case DPSEG: dpseg(); break; #endif } return strlab; } /* divide D register by a constant if it is easy to do with shifts */ PUBLIC bool_pt diveasy(divisor, uflag) value_t divisor; bool_pt uflag; { bool_t sign; sign = FALSE; if (divisor < 0 && !(bool_t) uflag) { sign = TRUE; divisor = -divisor; } if (bitcount((uvalue_t) divisor) > 1) return FALSE; if (divisor == 0) clr(DREG); else { if (sign) negDreg(); srconst((value_t) highbit((uvalue_t) divisor), uflag); } return TRUE; } #ifdef MC6809 /* set direct page segment */ PUBLIC void dpseg() { if (segment != DPSEG) { segment = DPSEG; outdpseg(); } } #endif /* set data segment */ PUBLIC void dseg() { if (segment != DSEG) { segment = DSEG; outdseg(); } } /* equate a name to an EOL-terminated string */ PUBLIC void equ(name, string) char *name; char *string; { outstr(name); outequate(); outline(string); } /* equate a local label to a value */ PUBLIC void equlab(label, offset) label_t label; offset_t offset; { outbyte(LOCALSTARTCHAR); outlabel(label); outequate(); outshex(offset); outnl(); } /* import or export a variable */ PUBLIC void globl(name) char *name; { outglobl(); outnccname(name); } /* import a variable */ PUBLIC void import(name) char *name; { outimport(); outnccname(name); } /* extend an int to a long */ PUBLIC void itol(reg) store_pt reg; { #define TEMP_LABEL_FOR_REGRESSION_TESTS #ifdef TEMP_LABEL_FOR_REGRESSION_TESTS getlabel(); #endif if (lowregisDreg()) { #ifdef I8088 outcwd(); regtransfer(DXREG, reg); #else label_t exitlab; clr(reg); testhi(); sbranch(GE, exitlab = getlabel()); loadconst((offset_t) - 1, reg); outnlabel(exitlab); #endif } else { regtransfer(DREG, reg); smiDreg(); } } /* define local common storage */ PUBLIC void lcommlab(label) label_t label; { outlabel(label); outlcommon(); } PUBLIC void lcommon(name) char *name; { outccname(name); outlcommon(); } #ifdef MC6809 /* load effective address */ PUBLIC void lea(offset, sourcereg, targreg) offset_t offset; store_pt sourcereg; store_pt targreg; { outlea(); outregname(targreg); outtab(); outshex(offset); outncregname(sourcereg); } #endif /* load constant into given register */ PUBLIC void loadconst(offset, reg) offset_t offset; store_pt reg; { #ifdef I8088 if (offset == 0) { outxor(); outregname(reg); outncregname(reg); } else #endif #ifdef MC6809 if (offset == 0 && reg == BREG) clrBreg(); else #endif { outload(); outregname(reg); #ifdef MC6809 if (reg == YREG) bumplc2(); else #endif if (reg != BREG) { bumplc(); #ifdef I8088 if (i386_32) bumplc2(); #endif } outncimmadr(offset); } } /* convert index half of long reg pair into low half of pair */ PRIVATE bool_pt lowregisDreg() { #if DYNAMIC_LONG_ORDER if (long_big_endian) #endif # if DYNAMIC_LONG_ORDER || LONG_BIG_ENDIAN return FALSE; #endif #if DYNAMIC_LONG_ORDER else #endif #if DYNAMIC_LONG_ORDER || LONG_BIG_ENDIAN == 0 return TRUE; #endif } /* partially long shift left register by a constant (negative = infinity) */ PUBLIC int lslconst(shift, reg) value_t shift; store_pt reg; { if ((uvalue_t) shift >= INT16BITSTO) { slconst(shift - INT16BITSTO, lowregisDreg() ? DREG : reg); regexchange(reg, DREG); clr(lowregisDreg() ? DREG : reg); return 0; } #ifdef I8088 if (shift >= CHBITSTO) { if (long_big_endian) { tfrlohi(); outnop2str("mov\tal,bh"); outnop2str("mov\tbh,bl"); outnop2str("sub\tbl,bl"); } else { outnop2str("mov\tbh,bl"); outnop2str("mov\tbl,ah"); tfrlohi(); clrBreg(); } return (int) shift - CHBITSTO; } #endif return (int) shift; } /* partially long shift right register by a constant (negative = infinity) */ PUBLIC int lsrconst(shift, reg, uflag) value_t shift; store_pt reg; bool_pt uflag; { if ((uvalue_t) shift >= INT16BITSTO) { if (lowregisDreg()) regexchange(reg, DREG); srconst(shift - INT16BITSTO, uflag); if ((bool_t) uflag) uitol(reg); else itol(reg); return 0; } #ifdef I8088 if (shift >= CHBITSTO) { if (long_big_endian) { outnop2str("mov\tbl,bh"); outnop2str("mov\tbh,al"); tfrhilo(); if ((bool_t) uflag) ctoi(); else sctoi(); } else { tfrhilo(); outnop2str("mov\tah,bl"); outnop2str("mov\tbl,bh"); if ((bool_t) uflag) outnop2str("sub\tbh,bh"); else { regexchange(reg, DREG); sctoi(); regexchange(reg, DREG); } } return (int) shift - CHBITSTO; } #endif return (int) shift; } /* take D register modulo a constant if it is easy to do with a mask */ PUBLIC bool_pt modeasy(divisor, uflag) value_t divisor; bool_pt uflag; { bool_t sign; sign = FALSE; if (divisor < 0 && !(bool_t) uflag) { sign = TRUE; divisor = -divisor; } if (bitcount((uvalue_t) divisor) > 1) return FALSE; if (--divisor == 0) clrBreg(); /* original divisor 1 or -1 yields 0 */ else { if (sign) negDreg(); andconst((offset_t) divisor); /* if original divisor 0, this is null */ if (sign) negDreg(); } return TRUE; } /* multiply register by a constant if it is easy to do with shifts */ PUBLIC bool_pt muleasy(factor, reg) uvalue_t factor; store_pt reg; { int mulstack[MAXINTBITSTO / 2 + 1]; /* must be signed, not a fastin_t */ fastin_pt count; fastin_t single1skip; fastin_t lastcount; fastin_t mulsp; int stackentry; /* signed */ if (factor == 0) { clr(reg); return TRUE; } single1skip = 0; mulsp = -1; /* may be unsigned, but bumps to 0 */ while (factor != 0) { for (lastcount = single1skip; (factor & 1) == 0; factor >>= 1) ++lastcount; mulstack[(int)++mulsp] = lastcount; /* first time bumps mulsp to 0 even if an unsigned char */ for (count = 0; (factor & 1) != 0; factor >>= 1) ++count; single1skip = 1; if (count == 2 && factor == 0) /* 3 = 2 + 1 better than 3 = 4 - 1 */ /* but rest of algorithm messed up unless factor now 0 */ mulstack[(int)++mulsp] = 1; else if (count > 1) { single1skip = 0; if (lastcount == 1 && mulsp != 0) mulstack[(int)mulsp] = -1 - count; else mulstack[(int)++mulsp] = -count; } } if (mulsp > 3) return FALSE; if (mulsp != 0) { savefactor(reg); /* on stack or in reg as nec */ do { finishfactor(); /* finish save/add/subfactor() if nec */ stackentry = mulstack[(int)mulsp--]; if (stackentry < 0) { #ifdef I8088 if (stackentry == -INT32BITSTO) clr(reg); /* shifting would do nothing */ else #endif slconst((value_t) - stackentry, reg); subfactor(reg); /* from wherever put by savefactor() */ } else { slconst((value_t) stackentry, reg); addfactor(reg); /* from wherever put by savefactor() */ } } while (mulsp != 0); reclaimfactor(); /* reclaim storage if nec */ } slconst((value_t) mulstack[0], reg); return TRUE; } /* negate a register */ PUBLIC void negreg(reg) store_pt reg; { if ((store_t) reg == BREG) extBnegD(); else negDreg(); } /* return string of operator */ PUBLIC char *opstring(op) op_pt op; { switch (op) { case ANDOP: return ANDSTRING; case EOROP: return EORSTRING; case OROP: return ORSTRING; } return "badop"; } /* print DREG (accumulator) */ PRIVATE void outaccum() { outstr(accumstr); } /* print a c compiler name with leading CCNAMEPREXFIX */ PUBLIC void outccname(name) char *name; { outbyte(CCNAMEPREFIX); outstr(name); } /* print high byte of word accumulator */ PUBLIC void outhiaccum() { outstr(ACCHISTR); } /* print immediate address */ PUBLIC void outimmadr(offset) offset_t offset; { #ifdef I8088 if (!isbyteoffset(offset)) outimmed(); else outbimmed(); #else outimmed(); #endif outshex(offset); } /* print register, comma, immediate address and adjust lc */ PUBLIC void outimadj(offset, targreg) offset_t offset; store_pt targreg; { outregname(targreg); adjlc(offset, targreg); outncimmadr(offset); } /* print immediate address designator */ PUBLIC void outimmed() { outbyte('#'); } PUBLIC void outjumpstring() { outop3str(jumpstring); #ifdef I8088 if (i386_32) bumplc2(); #endif } /* print cc name, then newline */ PUBLIC void outnccname(name) char *name; { outccname(name); outnl(); } /* print separator, immediate address, newline */ PUBLIC void outncimmadr(offset) offset_t offset; { #ifdef I8088 outcomma(); #endif #ifdef MC6809 outtab(); #endif outimmadr(offset); outnl(); } /* print signed offset and adjust lc */ PUBLIC void outoffset(offset) offset_t offset; { #ifdef MC6809 if (!is5bitoffset(offset)) #endif adjlc(offset, INDREG0); outshex(offset); } /* print stack register */ PRIVATE void outstackreg() { outstr(stackregstr); } PUBLIC void public(name) char *name; { #ifndef AS09 outexport(); outnccname(name); #endif outccname(name); outnbyte(PUBLICENDCHAR); } /* print cc name as a private label */ PUBLIC void private(name) char *name; { #ifdef LABELENDCHAR outccname(name); outnbyte(LABELENDCHAR); #else outnccname(name); #endif } /* exchange registers */ PUBLIC void regexchange(sourcereg, targreg) store_pt sourcereg; store_pt targreg; { outexchange(); outregname(sourcereg); outncregname(targreg); #ifdef I8088 if (!((sourcereg | targreg) & AXREG)) bumplc(); #endif } /* transfer a register */ PUBLIC void regtransfer(sourcereg, targreg) store_pt sourcereg; store_pt targreg; { outtransfer(); #ifdef TARGET_FIRST outregname(targreg); outncregname(sourcereg); #else outregname(sourcereg); outncregname(targreg); #endif } /* subtract carry resulting from char addition */ PUBLIC void sbc0() { #ifdef I8088 if (i386_32) { adjcarry(); outsub(); outaccum(); outncregname(DXREG); } else #endif { outsbc(); outhiaccum(); outncimmadr((offset_t) 0); } } /* set a name to a value */ PUBLIC void set(name, value) char *name; offset_t value; { outccname(funcname); outbyte(LOCALSTARTCHAR); outstr(name); outset(); outshex(value); outnl(); } /* shift left register by 1 */ PUBLIC void sl1(reg) store_pt reg; { outsl(); #ifdef I8088 outregname(reg); outnc1(); #endif #ifdef MC6809 outnregname(BREG); outrolhi(); #endif } /* shift left register by a constant (negative = infinity) */ PUBLIC void slconst(shift, reg) value_t shift; store_pt reg; { #ifdef I8088 if (i386_32) { if ((shift = (uvalue_t) shift % INT32BITSTO) != 0) { outsl(); if (shift != 1) bumplc(); outregname(reg); outncimmadr((offset_t) shift); } return; } #endif if ((uvalue_t) shift >= INT16BITSTO) clr(reg); else { if (shift >= CHBITSTO && reg == DREG) { tfrlohi(); clrBreg(); shift -= CHBITSTO; } #ifdef I8088 # if MAX_INLINE_SHIFT < INT16BITSTO if (shift > MAX_INLINE_SHIFT) { outload(); outregname(SHIFTREG); outcomma(); outimmadr((offset_t) shift); outnl(); outsl(); outregname(reg); outncregname(SHIFTREG); } else # endif #endif while (shift--) sl1(reg); } } /* shift right D register by a constant (negative = infinity) */ PUBLIC void srconst(shift, uflag) value_t shift; bool_pt uflag; { #ifdef I8088 if (i386_32) { if ((shift = (uvalue_t) shift % INT32BITSTO) != 0) { if (uflag) outusr(); else outsr(); if (shift != 1) bumplc(); outaccum(); outncimmadr((offset_t) shift); } return; } #endif if ((uvalue_t) shift >= INT16BITSTO) /* covers negatives too */ { if ((bool_t) uflag) clr(DREG); else /* make D == 0 if D >= 0, else D == -1 */ smiDreg(); /* special case of 68020 Scc instruction */ } else { if (shift >= CHBITSTO) { tfrhilo(); if ((bool_t) uflag) ctoi(); else sctoi(); shift -= CHBITSTO; } #ifdef I8088 # if MAX_INLINE_SHIFT < INT16BITSTO if (shift > MAX_INLINE_SHIFT) { outload(); outregname(SHIFTREG); outcomma(); outimmadr((offset_t) shift); outnl(); if ((bool_t) uflag) outusr(); else outsr(); outaccum(); outncregname(SHIFTREG); } else # endif #endif while (shift--) { if ((bool_t) uflag) usr1(); else sr1(); } } } /* extend an unsigned in DREG to a long */ PUBLIC void uitol(reg) store_pt reg; { if (lowregisDreg()) clr(reg); else { regexchange(DREG, reg); clr(DREG); } } PRIVATE char opregstr[] = "_opreg"; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- opregadr() outputs address of variable opreg where OPREG is saved -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PRIVATE void opregadr() { #ifdef I8088 outindleft(); outccname(opregstr); outindright(); bumplc2(); if (i386_32) bumplc2(); #endif #ifdef MC6809 outregname(OPREG); outtab(); if (posindependent) { outccname(opregstr); outncregname(GLOBAL); bumplc(); } else { outextended(); outnccname(opregstr); } bumplc(); #endif } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- restoreopreg() restores register OPREG from static location >opreg if it is was use -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PUBLIC void restoreopreg() { if (reguse & OPREG) { #ifdef I8088 outload(); outregname(OPREG); outopsep(); opregadr(); outnl(); #endif #ifdef MC6809 outload(); opregadr(); #endif } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- saveopreg() saves register OPREG to static location >opreg if it is in use this makes the flop routines non-reentrant. It is too messy to push it because the flop routines leave results on the stack -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PUBLIC void saveopreg() { if (reguse & OPREG) { #ifdef I8088 bssseg(); common(opregstr); outnhex(opregsize); cseg(); outstore(); opregadr(); outncregname(OPREG); #endif #ifdef MC6809 dseg(); common(opregstr); outnhex(opregsize); cseg(); outstore(); opregadr(); #endif } }