/* debug.c - print debug messages for operators for bcc */ /* Copyright (C) 1992 Bruce Evans */ #include "const.h" #ifdef DEBUG #include "types.h" #include "gencode.h" #include "reg.h" #include "sc.h" #include "scan.h" #include "type.h" PRIVATE char *opname[LASTOP - FIRSTOP + 1] = /* operator names */ { /* order must agree with op.h */ "cond?", "or", "eor", "and", "gt", "lt", "add", "div", "mod", "lognot", "not", "strucelt", "strucptr", "eq", "addab", "andab", "divab", "eorab", "modab", "mulab", "orab", "slab", "srab", "subab", "comma", "cond:", "logor", "logand", "logeq", "ne", "ge", "le", "sl", "sr", "sub", "mul", "address", "cast", "indirect", "neg", "predec", "preinc", "postdec", "postinc", "func", "list", "rootlist", "leaf", "ptraddab", "ptradd", "ptrsub", }; FORWARD void outindchars P((int byte, indn_pt count)); PUBLIC void dbitem(item) struct symstruct *item; { dbtype(item->type); if (item->storage == NOSTORAGE) { outbyte(' '); outstr(item->name.namep + 2); outstr(" (offset "); outshex(item->offset.offi); outbyte(')'); return; } if (item->storage == LOCAL) { outbyte(' '); if (item->flags == TEMP) outstr("(temp)"); else outstr(item->name.namep); } outstr(" = "); outindchars('[', item->indcount); switch (item->storage) { case CONSTANT: outstr("const "); if (item->type->scalar & RSCALAR) outstr("(whatever)"); else if (item->type->scalar & UNSIGNED) outuvalue((uvalue_t) item->offset.offv); else outvalue(item->offset.offv); break; case BREG: case DREG: case INDREG0: case INDREG1: case INDREG2: #ifdef DATREG1 case DATREG1: #endif #ifdef DATREG2 case DATREG2: #endif outregname(item->storage); if (item->level == OFFKLUDGELEVEL) { outplus(); if (item->flags & LABELLED) outlabel(item->name.label); else outccname(item->name.namep); } break; case LOCAL: outbyte('S'); if (sp <= 0) outplus(); outshex(-sp); break; case GLOBAL: if (item->flags & LABELLED) outlabel(item->name.label); else outstr(item->name.namep); break; default: outstr("bad storage ("); outhex((uoffset_t) item->storage); outbyte(')'); outstr(" offset "); } if (item->storage != CONSTANT) { if (item->offset.offi >= 0) outplus(); outshex(item->offset.offi); } outindchars(']', item->indcount); } PUBLIC void dbtype(type) struct typestruct *type; { for ( ; type != NULL; type = type->nexttype) { outbyte(' '); switch (type->constructor) { case ARRAY: outbyte('['); outhex(type->typesize / type->nexttype->typesize); outbyte(']'); break; case FUNCTION: outstr("()"); break; case POINTER: outbyte('*'); break; case STRUCTU: outstr("struct "); default: if (type->scalar & UNSIGNED) outstr("unsigned "); outstr(type->tname); break; } } } PUBLIC void debug(exp) /* sub-nodes must be leaves */ struct nodestruct *exp; { if (!debugon) return; comment(); if (exp->tag < FIRSTOP && exp->tag > LASTOP) outstr("unknown op"); else outstr(opname[exp->tag - FIRSTOP]); if (exp->right != NULL && exp->tag != FUNCOP && exp->tag != LISTOP && exp->tag != ROOTLISTOP) { dbitem(exp->right->left.symptr); outstr(" to"); } dbitem(exp->left.nodeptr->left.symptr); outstr(" (used reg = "); if (reguse & INDREG0) outregname(INDREG0); if (reguse & INDREG1) outregname(INDREG1); if (reguse & INDREG2) outregname(INDREG2); outnstr(")"); } PUBLIC void debugswap() { if (debugon) outnstr("* swapping"); } PRIVATE void outindchars(byte, count) int byte; indn_pt count; { while (count--) outbyte(byte); } #endif /* DEBUG */