/* express.c - expression parsing routines for bcc */ /* Copyright (C) 1992 Bruce Evans */ #include "const.h" #include "types.h" #include "gencode.h" #include "parse.h" #include "reg.h" #include "sc.h" #include "scan.h" #include "table.h" /* just for charptr for string constant */ #include "type.h" PRIVATE unsigned insizeof; /* nest level for getsizeof */ /* used to avoid aborting undefined idents */ /* to 0 when they appear in a cpp expression */ /* under sizeof */ /* names of expression functions are related to the 15 precedence levels */ /* on p49 of K & R */ FORWARD struct nodestruct *cast_exp P((void)); FORWARD struct nodestruct *exp2 P((void)); FORWARD struct nodestruct *exp3to12 P((fastin_pt lprecedence)); FORWARD struct nodestruct *listargs P((void)); FORWARD struct nodestruct *postfix_exp P((bool_pt seenlp)); FORWARD struct nodestruct *primary_exp P((void)); FORWARD struct nodestruct *unary_exp P((void)); PRIVATE struct nodestruct *cast_exp() { struct nodestruct *nodeptr; scalar_t scalar; struct typestruct *vartype; if (sym != LPAREN) return unary_exp(); nextsym(); if ((vartype = typename()) == NULL) return postfix_exp(TRUE); rparen(); scalar = (nodeptr = cast_exp())->nodetype->scalar; if (vartype->scalar & INT && scalar & (CHAR | SHORT | INT) && !((vartype->scalar ^ scalar) & UNSIGNED)) { nodeptr->flags &= ~LVALUE; return nodeptr; /* skip casts that are default promotions */ } return castnode(vartype, nodeptr); } PUBLIC struct nodestruct *assignment_exp() { struct nodestruct *lhs; op_pt op; lhs = exp2(); if (sym >= ASSIGNOP && sym <= SUBABOP) /* assign-op syms in order! */ { op = sym; nextsym(); lhs = node(op, lhs, assignment_exp()); } return lhs; } PUBLIC struct nodestruct *expression() { struct nodestruct *lhs; lhs = assignment_exp(); while (sym == COMMA) { nextsym(); lhs = node(COMMAOP, lhs, assignment_exp()); } return lhs; } PRIVATE struct nodestruct *exp2() { struct nodestruct *lhs; struct nodestruct *rhs; lhs = exp3to12(0); if (sym == CONDOP) { nextsym(); rhs = expression(); colon(); lhs = node(CONDOP, lhs, node(COLONOP, rhs, exp2())); } return lhs; } PRIVATE struct nodestruct *exp3to12(lprecedence) fastin_pt lprecedence; { struct nodestruct *lhs; op_pt op; fastin_t rprecedence; lhs = cast_exp(); while (TRUE) { rprecedence = 0; switch (sym) { case LOGOROP: if ((fastin_t) lprecedence <= 1) rprecedence = 2; break; case LOGANDOP: if ((fastin_t) lprecedence <= 3) rprecedence = 4; break; case OROP: if ((fastin_t) lprecedence <= 5) rprecedence = 6; break; case EOROP: if ((fastin_t) lprecedence <= 7) rprecedence = 8; break; case AMPERSAND: if ((fastin_t) lprecedence <= 9) { sym = ANDOP; rprecedence = 10; } break; case EQOP: case NEOP: if ((fastin_t) lprecedence <= 11) rprecedence = 12; break; case GEOP: case GTOP: case LEOP: case LTOP: if ((fastin_t) lprecedence <= 13) rprecedence = 14; break; case SLOP: case SROP: if ((fastin_t) lprecedence <= 15) rprecedence = 16; break; case HYPHEN: if ((fastin_t) lprecedence <= 17) { sym = SUBOP; rprecedence = 18; } break; case ADDOP: if ((fastin_t) lprecedence <= 17) rprecedence = 18; break; case STAR: if ((fastin_t) lprecedence <= 19) { sym = MULOP; rprecedence = 20; } break; case DIVOP: case MODOP: if ((fastin_t) lprecedence <= 19) rprecedence = 20; break; } if (rprecedence == 0) break; op = sym; nextsym(); lhs = node(op, lhs, exp3to12(rprecedence)); } return lhs; } PRIVATE struct nodestruct *listargs() { struct nodestruct *parent; struct nodestruct *nextright; if (sym == RPAREN) { nextsym(); return NULLNODE; } parent = node(arg1op, assignment_exp(), NULLNODE); nextright = parent; while (sym == COMMA) { nextsym(); nextright = nextright->right = node(LISTOP, assignment_exp(), NULLNODE); } rparen(); return parent; } PRIVATE struct nodestruct *postfix_exp(seenlp) bool_pt seenlp; { struct nodestruct *nodeptr; struct symstruct *symptr; if (seenlp) { nodeptr = expression(); rparen(); } else nodeptr = primary_exp(); while (TRUE) { switch (sym) { case DECSYM: nextsym(); nodeptr = node(POSTDECOP, nodeptr, NULLNODE); continue; case INCSYM: nextsym(); nodeptr = node(POSTINCOP, nodeptr, NULLNODE); continue; case LBRACKET: nextsym(); nodeptr = node(INDIRECTOP, node(ADDOP, nodeptr, expression()), NULLNODE); rbracket(); continue; case LPAREN: nextsym(); nodeptr = node(FUNCOP, nodeptr, listargs()); { register struct nodestruct *np; for (np = nodeptr->right; np != NULL; np = np->right) { if (np->nodetype->scalar & RSCALAR) { np = nodeptr->left.nodeptr; if (np->tag != LEAF) printf_fp = TRUE; else { unsigned len; register char *name; name = np->left.symptr->name.namep; if ((len = strlen(name)) >= 6 && strcmp(name + len - 6, "printf") == 0) printf_fp = TRUE; } break; } } for (np = nodeptr->right; np != NULL; np = np->right) { if (np->nodetype->constructor & POINTER && np->nodetype->nexttype->scalar & RSCALAR) { np = nodeptr->left.nodeptr; if (np->tag != LEAF) scanf_fp = TRUE; else { unsigned len; register char *name; name = np->left.symptr->name.namep; if ((len = strlen(name)) >= 5 && strcmp(name + len - 5, "scanf") == 0) scanf_fp = TRUE; } break; } } } continue; case STRUCPTROP: nodeptr = node(INDIRECTOP, nodeptr, NULLNODE); case STRUCELTOP: nextsym(); gs2name[0] = nodeptr->nodetype->structkey[0]; gs2name[1] = nodeptr->nodetype->structkey[1]; if ((gsymptr = findlorg(gs2name)) == NULL) { error("undefined structure element"); gsymptr = addglb(gs2name, itype); } symptr = exprsym(gsymptr); nextsym(); nodeptr = node(STRUCELTOP, nodeptr, leafnode(symptr)); continue; default: return nodeptr; } } } PRIVATE struct nodestruct *primary_exp() { bool_t isdefined; struct nodestruct *nodeptr; uoffset_t stringlen; struct symstruct *symptr; struct symstruct *symptr1; bool_t waslparen; switch (sym) { case IDENT: if (incppexpr && !insizeof) { cpp_ident: nextsym(); return leafnode(constsym((value_t) 0)); } if ((symptr = gsymptr) != NULL) nextsym(); else { symptr = addglb(gsname, fitype); nextsym(); if (sym != LPAREN) { error2error(symptr->name.namea, " undeclared"); symptr->indcount = 1; symptr->type = itype; } } symptr1 = exprsym(symptr); if (symptr->flags & STATIC && symptr->level != GLBLEVEL) { symptr1->flags |= LABELLED; symptr1->offset.offi = 0; symptr1->name.label = symptr->offset.offlabel; } nodeptr = leafnode(symptr1); if (!(nodeptr->nodetype->constructor & (ARRAY | FUNCTION | VOID))) nodeptr->flags = LVALUE; return nodeptr; case TYPEDEFNAME: if (incppexpr && !insizeof) goto cpp_ident; /* else fall through */ default: error("bad expression"); constant.value.v = 0; constant.type = itype; case CHARCONST: case INTCONST: /* this includes enumeration-constants */ symptr = constsym(constant.value.v); symptr->type = constant.type; if (!(ltype->scalar & LONG)) { if (symptr->type == ltype) symptr->type = itype; else if (symptr->type == ultype) symptr->type = uitype; } nextsym(); return leafnode(symptr); case DEFINEDSYM: waslparen = isdefined = FALSE; if (!blanksident()) { nextsym(); if (sym != LPAREN) lparen(); else waslparen = TRUE; } if (waslparen && !blanksident()) needvarname(); else { if ((symptr = findlorg(gsname)) != NULL && symptr->flags == DEFINITION) isdefined = TRUE; nextsym(); } if (waslparen) rparen(); return leafnode(constsym((value_t) isdefined)); case FLOATCONST: symptr = constsym((value_t) 0); symptr->type = constant.type; symptr->offset.offd = qmalloc(sizeof *symptr->offset.offd); *symptr->offset.offd = constant.value.d; nextsym(); return leafnode(symptr); case LPAREN: nextsym(); nodeptr = expression(); rparen(); return nodeptr; case STRINGCONST: symptr = constsym((value_t) 0); symptr->storage = GLOBAL; symptr->flags = LABELLED | STRING; /* string length before defstr() or prefix() updates charptr */ stringlen = charptr - constant.value.s + 1; symptr->name.label = defstr(constant.value.s, charptr, FALSE); symptr->type = prefix(ARRAY, stringlen, ctype); nextsym(); return leafnode(symptr); } } PRIVATE struct nodestruct *unary_exp() { value_t size; struct typestruct *vartype; switch (sym) { case ADDOP: nextsym(); return cast_exp(); case AMPERSAND: nextsym(); return node(ADDRESSOP, cast_exp(), NULLNODE); /* maybe unary_exp */ case DECSYM: nextsym(); return node(PREDECOP, unary_exp(), NULLNODE); case HYPHEN: nextsym(); return node(NEGOP, cast_exp(), NULLNODE); case INCSYM: nextsym(); return node(PREINCOP, unary_exp(), NULLNODE); case LOGNOTOP: nextsym(); return node(LOGNOTOP, cast_exp(), NULLNODE); case NOTOP: nextsym(); return node(NOTOP, cast_exp(), NULLNODE); case SIZEOFSYM: nextsym(); ++insizeof; if (sym != LPAREN) size = unary_exp()->nodetype->typesize; else { nextsym(); if ((vartype = typename()) != NULL) { rparen(); size = vartype->typesize; } else size = postfix_exp(TRUE)->nodetype->typesize; } --insizeof; return leafnode(constsym(size)); case STAR: nextsym(); return node(INDIRECTOP, cast_exp(), NULLNODE); /* maybe unary_exp */ } return postfix_exp(FALSE); }