/* exptree.c - expression tree routines for bcc */ /* Copyright (C) 1992 Bruce Evans */ #include "const.h" #include "types.h" #include "byteord.h" #include "gencode.h" #include "parse.h" #include "reg.h" #include "sc.h" #include "scan.h" #include "sizes.h" #include "type.h" #ifdef __AS386_16__ #define ETREESIZE 300 #else #define ETREESIZE 1200 #endif #define errtype itype #define redtype ctype #define uredtype uctype PRIVATE struct nodestruct etree[ETREESIZE]; /* expression tree */ PRIVATE struct nodestruct *ettop; FORWARD void badlvalue P((struct nodestruct *nodeptr)); FORWARD void binconvert P((struct nodestruct *nodeptr)); FORWARD void castiright P((struct nodestruct *nodeptr)); FORWARD void etreefull P((void)); FORWARD void fixnode P((struct nodestruct *nodeptr)); FORWARD bool_pt isconst0 P((struct nodestruct *nodeptr)); FORWARD bool_pt isnodecharconst P((struct nodestruct *nodeptr)); FORWARD void needint P((struct nodestruct *nodeptr)); FORWARD void neednonstruct P((struct nodestruct *nodeptr)); FORWARD void needscalar P((struct nodestruct *nodeptr)); FORWARD void needspv P((struct nodestruct *nodeptr)); FORWARD struct typestruct *nodetype P((struct nodestruct *nodeptr)); FORWARD int redscalar P((struct nodestruct *nodeptr)); FORWARD struct nodestruct *unconvert P((struct nodestruct *nodeptr)); PRIVATE void badlvalue(nodeptr) struct nodestruct *nodeptr; { error("invalid lvalue"); fixnode(nodeptr); } PRIVATE void binconvert(nodeptr) register struct nodestruct *nodeptr; { bool_t bothscalar; value_t divisor; scalar_t lscalar; register struct nodestruct *right; scalar_t rscalar; rscalar = (right = nodeptr->right)->nodetype->scalar; lscalar = nodeptr->left.nodeptr->nodetype->scalar; if ((bothscalar = lscalar | rscalar) & RSCALAR) { nodeptr->nodetype = dtype; if (!(lscalar & DOUBLE)) nodeptr->left.nodeptr = castnode(dtype, nodeptr->left.nodeptr); if (!(rscalar & DOUBLE)) nodeptr->right = castnode(dtype, right); } else if (!(bothscalar & DLONG) && ((nodeptr->tag == ANDOP && (redscalar(nodeptr->left.nodeptr) | redscalar(right)) & CHAR) || ((nodeptr->tag == EOROP || nodeptr->tag == OROP) && redscalar(nodeptr->left.nodeptr) & redscalar(right) & CHAR) || (nodeptr->tag == MODOP && right->tag == LEAF && right->left.symptr->storage == CONSTANT && (divisor = right->left.symptr->offset.offv, (uvalue_t) divisor <= MAXUCHTO + 1) && bitcount((uvalue_t) divisor) <= 1))) { /* result fits in char and extends correctly */ if (bothscalar & UNSIGNED) nodeptr->nodetype = uredtype; else nodeptr->nodetype = redtype; } else if (bothscalar & LONG) { nodeptr->nodetype = ltype; if (bothscalar & UNSIGNED) nodeptr->nodetype = ultype; if (bothscalar & (DLONG | SHORT | INT)) { /* XXX - otherwise both are long, or one is long with the same * size as int and the other is char, and we want the lower level * routines to handle the char. */ if (!(lscalar & LONG)) nodeptr->left.nodeptr = castnode(nodeptr->nodetype, nodeptr->left.nodeptr); if (!(rscalar & LONG)) nodeptr->right = castnode(nodeptr->nodetype, right); } } #ifdef I80386 else if (i386_32 && bothscalar & SHORT) { nodeptr->nodetype = itype; if (bothscalar & UNSIGNED) nodeptr->nodetype = uitype; if (lscalar & SHORT) nodeptr->left.nodeptr = castnode(nodeptr->nodetype, nodeptr->left.nodeptr); if (rscalar & SHORT) nodeptr->right = castnode(nodeptr->nodetype, right); } #endif else if (bothscalar & UNSIGNED) nodeptr->nodetype = uitype; else nodeptr->nodetype = itype; } PRIVATE void castiright(nodeptr) struct nodestruct *nodeptr; { nodeptr->right = castnode(itype, nodeptr->right); } PUBLIC struct nodestruct *castnode(type, nodeptr) struct typestruct *type; struct nodestruct *nodeptr; { struct symstruct *symptr; (symptr = constsym((value_t) 0))->type = type; return node(CASTOP, nodeptr, leafnode(symptr)); } PRIVATE void etreefull() { #if ETREESIZE == 1200 limiterror("expression too complex (1201 nodes)"); #else limiterror("expression too complex (ETREESIZE)"); #endif } PUBLIC void etreeinit() { ettop = (etptr = etree) + ETREESIZE; } PRIVATE void fixnode(nodeptr) register struct nodestruct *nodeptr; { nodeptr->tag = LEAF; nodeptr->flags = nodeptr->weight = 0; nodeptr->left.symptr = constsym((value_t) 0); /* this has type errtype */ nodeptr->nodetype = errtype; } PRIVATE bool_pt isconst0(nodeptr) register struct nodestruct *nodeptr; { register struct symstruct *symptr; return nodeptr->tag == LEAF && (symptr = nodeptr->left.symptr)->storage == CONSTANT && symptr->offset.offv == 0 && symptr->type->scalar & ISCALAR; } PRIVATE bool_pt isnodecharconst(nodeptr) register struct nodestruct *nodeptr; { register struct symstruct *symptr; if (nodeptr->tag == LEAF && (symptr = nodeptr->left.symptr)->storage == CONSTANT && ischarconst(symptr->offset.offv) && symptr->type->scalar & ISCALAR) return TRUE; return FALSE; } PUBLIC struct nodestruct *leafnode(source) struct symstruct *source; { register struct nodestruct *leafptr; if ((leafptr = etptr++) >= ettop) etreefull(); leafptr->tag = LEAF; leafptr->flags = leafptr->weight = 0; leafptr->nodetype = source->type; leafptr->left.symptr = source; leafptr->right = NULL; return leafptr; } PRIVATE void needint(nodeptr) struct nodestruct *nodeptr; { if (!(nodeptr->nodetype->scalar & ISCALAR)) { error("need integral type"); fixnode(nodeptr); } } PRIVATE void neednonstruct(nodeptr) struct nodestruct *nodeptr; { if (nodeptr->nodetype->constructor & STRUCTU) { error("need non-structure type"); fixnode(nodeptr); } } PRIVATE void needscalar(nodeptr) struct nodestruct *nodeptr; { if (!nodeptr->nodetype->scalar) { error("need scalar"); fixnode(nodeptr); } } PRIVATE void needspv(nodeptr) struct nodestruct *nodeptr; { if (nodeptr->nodetype->constructor & (ARRAY | FUNCTION | STRUCTU)) { error("need scalar or pointer or void"); fixnode(nodeptr); } } PUBLIC struct nodestruct *node(t, p1, p2) op_pt t; struct nodestruct *p1; struct nodestruct *p2; { #if MAXREGS != 1 weight_t rightweight; #endif double dsourceval = 0; /* for -Wall */ double dtargval = 0 ; /* for -Wall */ bool_t lflag; scalar_t lscalar; struct nodestruct *pswap; struct symstruct *source = NULL; /* for -Wall */ value_t sourceval = 0 ; /* for -Wall */ struct symstruct *target; offset_t targszdelta; value_t targval = 0; /* for -Wall */ scalar_t rscalar = 0; /* for -Wall */ bool_t uflag; switch ((op_t) t) { case ADDABOP: if (p1->nodetype->constructor & (ARRAY | POINTER)) t = PTRADDABOP; break; case ADDOP: if (p2->nodetype->constructor & (ARRAY | POINTER)) { pswap = p1; p1 = p2; p2 = pswap; } if (p1->nodetype->constructor & (ARRAY | POINTER)) t = PTRADDOP; break; case CONDOP: /* Change structs to struct pointers so condop() doesn't have to know * about structs. */ if (p2->nodetype->constructor & STRUCTU) { p2 = node(COLONOP, node(ADDRESSOP, p2->left.nodeptr, NULLNODE), node(ADDRESSOP, p2->right, NULLNODE)); return node(INDIRECTOP, node(CONDOP, p1, p2), NULLNODE); } break; case FUNCOP: if (p1->nodetype->constructor & (ARRAY | POINTER)) p1 = node(INDIRECTOP, p1, NULLNODE); break; case SUBABOP: if (p1->nodetype->constructor & (ARRAY | POINTER)) { t = PTRADDABOP; p2 = node(NEGOP, p2, NULLNODE); break; } case SUBOP: #if 0 /* This works but sometimes pessimizes the code by converting small * constants into large negative constants. It makes the most * difference for longs by avoiding stack tangles. longop could be * more careful. Only the case (regpair) - constant is naturally * tangled. */ if (p2->tag == LEAF && p2->nodetype->scalar && (source = p2->left.symptr)->storage == CONSTANT) { if (source->type->scalar & RSCALAR) *source->offset.offd = -*source->offset.offd; else source->offset.offv = -source->offset.offv; return node((op_t) t == SUBOP ? ADDOP : ADDABOP, p1, p2); } #endif if (p1->nodetype->constructor & (ARRAY | POINTER)) { if (p2->nodetype->nexttype == p1->nodetype->nexttype) t = PTRSUBOP; else { t = PTRADDOP; p2 = node(NEGOP, p2, NULLNODE); } } break; } if (((op_t) t == PTRADDABOP || (op_t) t == PTRADDOP) && p1->nodetype->nexttype->constructor & (FUNCTION | VOID)) error("arithmetic on pointer to function or void"); if (p1->tag != LEAF) goto node1; target = p1->left.symptr; switch ((op_t) t) { case ADDRESSOP: if (target->indcount == 0 && target->flags == REGVAR) error("register variable addressed"); else if (target->type->constructor & ARRAY) { if (target->indcount != 0) bugerror("botched array indirection count"); target->type = pointype(target->type); } else if (!(p1->flags & LVALUE)) badlvalue(p1); else { address(target); /* change p1, no code generated */ if (target->indcount == 2) /* XXX - MAXINDIRECT? */ /* just became direct enough */ p1->weight = 1; } p1->flags &= ~LVALUE; p1->nodetype = target->type; return p1; case CASTOP: needspv(p2); if (p1->nodetype == p2->nodetype) { p1->flags &= ~LVALUE; return p1; } if ((rscalar = p2->nodetype->scalar) & ISCALAR) neednonstruct(p1); else if (rscalar & RSCALAR) needscalar(p1); else /* POINTER */ neednonstruct(p1); /* H & S say functions & arrays must match */ if (((lscalar = p1->nodetype->scalar) | rscalar) & RSCALAR) { if (target->storage != CONSTANT) goto node1; if (lscalar & RSCALAR && !(rscalar & RSCALAR)) { double val; static double MAXULONG = (double)0xFFFFFFFFL +1; val = *target->offset.offd; if (val > maxlongto) val -= MAXULONG; target->offset.offv = (value_t) val; } if (!(lscalar & RSCALAR) && rscalar & RSCALAR) { value_t val; val = target->offset.offv; target->offset.offd = qmalloc(sizeof *target->offset.offd); if (lscalar & UNSIGNED) *target->offset.offd = (uvalue_t) val; else *target->offset.offd = val; } } if (target->storage == CONSTANT) { if (rscalar & CHAR) target->offset.offv &= CHMASKTO; else if (rscalar & SHORT) { target->offset.offv &= shortmaskto; if (!(rscalar & UNSIGNED) && target->offset.offv > maxshortto) target->offset.offv -= (maxushortto + 1); } else if (rscalar & INT) { target->offset.offv &= intmaskto; if (!(rscalar & UNSIGNED) && target->offset.offv > maxintto) target->offset.offv -= (maxuintto + 1); } else if (rscalar & FLOAT) *target->offset.offd = (float) *target->offset.offd; } else if ((targszdelta = ((p1->nodetype->constructor & (ARRAY | POINTER)) ? ptypesize : p1->nodetype->typesize) - p2->nodetype->typesize) == 0) ; else if (target->indcount == 1 && targszdelta > 0 && target->flags != REGVAR) { #if DYNAMIC_LONG_ORDER if (long_big_endian) #endif #if DYNAMIC_LONG_ORDER || LONG_BIG_ENDIAN # if BIG_ENDIAN target->offset.offi += targszdelta; # else { if (lscalar & DLONG) target->offset.offi += itypesize; /* discard msword */ } # endif #endif #if DYNAMIC_LONG_ORDER else #endif #if DYNAMIC_LONG_ORDER || LONG_BIG_ENDIAN == 0 # if BIG_ENDIAN { if (rscalar & CHAR) target->offset.offi += ctypesize; } # else ; # endif #endif } else goto node1; p1->flags &= ~LVALUE; p1->nodetype = target->type = p2->nodetype; return p1; case INDIRECTOP: if (!(target->type->constructor & (ARRAY | POINTER))) error("illegal indirection"); else { indirec(target); if (target->indcount == 3) /* XXX - MAXINDIRECT + 1? */ /* just became too indirect */ p1->weight = 1; p1->flags |= LVALUE; p1->nodetype = target->type; } return p1; case STRUCELTOP: /* p2 known leaf */ if (target->indcount != 1) break; /* struc() would generate code */ struc(p2->left.symptr, target); p1->flags |= LVALUE; p1->nodetype = target->type; return p1; } if (target->indcount != 0) goto node1; lscalar = target->type->scalar; if (target->storage == CONSTANT) { if (lscalar & RSCALAR) dtargval = *target->offset.offd; else targval = target->offset.offv; switch ((op_t) t) { case COMMAOP: return p2; case CONDOP: if ((lscalar & RSCALAR && dtargval != FALSE) || (!(lscalar & RSCALAR) && targval != FALSE)) { p2->left.nodeptr->nodetype = p2->nodetype; return p2->left.nodeptr; } p2->right->nodetype = p2->nodetype; return p2->right; case LOGANDOP: if ((lscalar & RSCALAR && dtargval != FALSE) || (!(lscalar & RSCALAR) && targval != FALSE)) break; p1->nodetype = target->type = itype; return p1; case LOGOROP: if ((lscalar & RSCALAR && dtargval == FALSE) || (!(lscalar & RSCALAR) && targval == FALSE)) break; target->offset.offv = TRUE; p1->nodetype = target->type = itype; return p1; } } switch ((op_t) t) { case COLONOP: case FUNCOP: case LISTOP: case ROOTLISTOP: goto node1; case PTRADDOP: if (p2->tag == LEAF && (source = p2->left.symptr)->storage == CONSTANT && source->type->scalar & ISCALAR) { indexadr(source, target); p1->flags &= ~LVALUE; p1->nodetype = target->type; return p1; } } if (target->storage != CONSTANT || !((lscalar & (ISCALAR | RSCALAR)) && (op_t) t != PTRSUBOP) || (p2 != NULL && (p2->tag != LEAF || (source = p2->left.symptr)->storage != CONSTANT || (!((rscalar = source->type->scalar) & (ISCALAR | RSCALAR)) && (op_t) t != PTRSUBOP)))) goto node1; lflag = lscalar & LONG; uflag = lscalar & UNSIGNED; if (p2 != NULL) { if (rscalar & RSCALAR) dsourceval = *source->offset.offd; else { sourceval = source->offset.offv; lflag |= rscalar & LONG; uflag |= rscalar & UNSIGNED; } } if (lscalar & RSCALAR || (p2 != NULL && rscalar & RSCALAR)) { if (!(lscalar & RSCALAR)) { if (uflag) dtargval = (uvalue_t) targval; else dtargval = targval; } if (p2 != NULL && !(rscalar & RSCALAR)) { if (rscalar & UNSIGNED) dsourceval = (uvalue_t) sourceval; else dsourceval = sourceval; } switch ((op_t) t) { case ADDOP: dtargval += dsourceval; break; case DIVOP: if (dsourceval == 0) { error("divison by 0"); dsourceval = 1; } dtargval /= dsourceval; break; case EQOP: targval = dtargval == dsourceval; goto intconst; case GEOP: targval = dtargval >= dsourceval; goto intconst; case GTOP: targval = dtargval > dsourceval; goto intconst; case LEOP: targval = dtargval <= dsourceval; goto intconst; case LOGANDOP: targval = dtargval && dsourceval; goto intconst; case LOGNOTOP: targval = !dtargval; goto intconst; case LOGOROP: targval = dtargval || dsourceval; goto intconst; case LTOP: targval = dtargval < dsourceval; goto intconst; case MULOP: dtargval *= dsourceval; break; case NEGOP: dtargval = -dtargval; break; case NEOP: targval = dtargval != dsourceval; goto intconst; case SUBOP: dtargval -= dsourceval; break; } /* XXX - leaks memory */ target->offset.offd = qmalloc(sizeof *target->offset.offd); *target->offset.offd = dtargval; p1->nodetype = target->type = dtype; return p1; } switch ((op_t) t) { case ADDOP: targval += sourceval; break; case ANDOP: targval &= sourceval; break; case DIVOP: if (sourceval == 0) { error("divison by 0"); sourceval = 1; } if (uflag) targval = (uvalue_t) targval / sourceval; else targval /= sourceval; break; case EOROP: targval ^= sourceval; break; case EQOP: targval = targval == sourceval; break; case GEOP: if (uflag) targval = (uvalue_t) targval >= sourceval; else targval = targval >= sourceval; goto intconst; case GTOP: if (uflag) targval = (uvalue_t) targval > sourceval; else targval = targval > sourceval; goto intconst; case LEOP: if (uflag) targval = (uvalue_t) targval <= sourceval; else targval = targval <= sourceval; goto intconst; case LOGANDOP: targval = targval && sourceval; goto intconst; case LOGNOTOP: targval = !targval; goto intconst; case LOGOROP: targval = targval || sourceval; goto intconst; case LTOP: if (uflag) targval = (uvalue_t) targval < sourceval; else targval = targval < sourceval; goto intconst; break; case MODOP: if (sourceval == 0) { error("modulo by 0"); sourceval = 1; } if (uflag) targval = (uvalue_t) targval % sourceval; else targval %= sourceval; break; case MULOP: targval *= sourceval; break; case NEGOP: targval = -targval; break; case NEOP: targval = targval != sourceval; goto intconst; case NOTOP: targval = ~targval; break; case OROP: targval |= sourceval; break; case PTRSUBOP: if (targval < sourceval) targval = -((uvalue_t) (sourceval - targval) / target->type->nexttype->typesize); else targval = (uvalue_t) (targval - sourceval) / target->type->nexttype->typesize; uflag = FALSE; break; case SLOP: targval <<= sourceval; /* assume shiftcount treated as unsigned */ lflag = lscalar & LONG; uflag = lscalar & UNSIGNED; break; case SROP: if (uflag) targval = (uvalue_t) targval >> sourceval; else targval >>= sourceval; lflag = lscalar & LONG; uflag = lscalar & UNSIGNED; break; case SUBOP: targval -= sourceval; break; } if (lflag) { target->type = ltype; if (uflag) target->type = ultype; } else { targval &= intmaskto; if (uflag) target->type = uitype; else { target->type = itype; if (targval > maxintto) targval -= (maxuintto + 1); } } target->offset.offv = targval; p1->nodetype = target->type; return p1; intconst: target->offset.offv = targval; p1->nodetype = target->type = itype; return p1; node1: { register struct nodestruct *nodeptr; register struct nodestruct *regp2; if ((nodeptr = etptr++) >= ettop) etreefull(); regp2 = p2; nodeptr->tag = t; nodeptr->left.nodeptr = p1; nodeptr->right = regp2; if ((op_t) t == FUNCOP) nodeptr->weight = MAXREGS + 1; else { #if MAXREGS == 1 if ((nodeptr->weight = p1->weight) <= MAXREGS && (regp2 == NULL || (nodeptr->weight = regp2->weight) < MAXREGS)) nodeptr->weight = MAXREGS; #else nodeptr->weight = p1->weight; if (regp2 == NULL) rightweight = 1; /* could do POST-ops with 0 */ else /* 0 more approp for LIST-ops but 1 OK */ rightweight = regp2->weight; if (nodeptr->weight < rightweight) nodeptr->weight = rightweight; else if (nodeptr->weight == rightweight && nodeptr->weight < MAXREGS) ++nodeptr->weight; #endif } nodeptr->nodetype = nodetype(nodeptr); return nodeptr; } } PRIVATE struct typestruct *nodetype(nodeptr) struct nodestruct *nodeptr; { scalar_t bothscalar; scalar_t lscalar; scalar_t rscalar; struct nodestruct *left; struct nodestruct *right; struct typestruct *targtype; if (nodeptr->tag == LEAF) return nodeptr->left.symptr->type; targtype = (left = nodeptr->left.nodeptr)->nodetype; right = nodeptr->right; switch (nodeptr->tag) { case FUNCOP: if (!(targtype->constructor & FUNCTION)) { error("call of non-function"); fixnode(nodeptr); return errtype; } return targtype->nexttype; case INDIRECTOP: if (!(targtype->constructor & (ARRAY | POINTER))) { error("illegal indirection"); fixnode(nodeptr); return errtype; } nodeptr->flags |= LVALUE; return targtype->nexttype; case LISTOP: case ROOTLISTOP: nodeptr->left.nodeptr = unconvert(left); return promote(targtype); case CASTOP: needspv(right); case COMMAOP: case CONDOP: return right->nodetype; case STRUCELTOP: nodeptr->flags |= LVALUE; return right->nodetype; case ADDRESSOP: if (!(left->flags & LVALUE)) { badlvalue(nodeptr); return errtype; } return pointype(targtype); case LOGNOTOP: neednonstruct(left); return redtype; case NEGOP: needscalar(left); return promote(left->nodetype); case NOTOP: needint(left); return promote(left->nodetype); case PREDECOP: case PREINCOP: case POSTDECOP: case POSTINCOP: neednonstruct(left); if (!(left->flags & LVALUE)) { badlvalue(nodeptr); return errtype; } break; case ANDOP: case EOROP: case MODOP: case OROP: needint(left); needint(right); /* fall through to redundant check and code to cast to same types */ case ADDOP: case DIVOP: case MULOP: case SUBOP: needscalar(left); needscalar(right); binconvert(nodeptr); return nodeptr->nodetype; case PTRADDABOP: if (!(left->flags & LVALUE)) { badlvalue(nodeptr); return errtype; } case PTRADDOP: /* right type conversion to same size as ptr */ needint(right); if (right->nodetype->scalar & LONG) castiright(nodeptr); break; case PTRSUBOP: /* already checked */ return itype; case SLOP: /* right type conversion always to int */ case SROP: /* ulong strictly to unsigned but no matter */ needint(left); needint(right); if (right->nodetype->scalar & LONG) castiright(nodeptr); return promote(left->nodetype); case LTOP: case LEOP: case GTOP: case GEOP: case EQOP: case LOGOROP: case LOGANDOP: case NEOP: neednonstruct(left); neednonstruct(right); nodeptr->left.nodeptr = left = unconvert(left); nodeptr->right = right = unconvert(right); #ifdef MAYBE_DO_LATER /* OK if pointers fit in uitype */ if (left->nodetype->constructor & POINTER) nodeptr->left.nodeptr = left = castnode(uitype, left); if (right->nodetype->constructor & POINTER) nodeptr->right = right = castnode(uitype, right); #endif binconvert(nodeptr); return redtype; case COLONOP: if (isnodecharconst(left) && isnodecharconst(right)) { targtype = (targtype->scalar | right->nodetype->scalar) & UNSIGNED ? uctype : ctype; left = castnode(targtype, left); right = castnode(targtype, right); } nodeptr->left.nodeptr = left = unconvert(left); nodeptr->right = right = unconvert(right); if ((targtype = left->nodetype) == right->nodetype) return targtype; /* XXX - reduced from promote(targtype) */ if ((lscalar = targtype->scalar) != 0 && (rscalar = right->nodetype->scalar) != 0) { /* promote minimally without using binconvert for char/short */ if ((bothscalar = lscalar | rscalar) & (LONG | RSCALAR)) { binconvert(nodeptr); return nodeptr->nodetype; } if (bothscalar & INT || (lscalar ^ rscalar) & UNSIGNED) targtype = itype; else if (bothscalar & SHORT) targtype = stype; else targtype = ctype; if (bothscalar & UNSIGNED) targtype = tounsigned(targtype); if ((!(bothscalar & INT) || (left->tag == LEAF && lscalar & INT)) || (right->tag == LEAF && rscalar & INT)) { /* this is correct even when the if fails (the casts have to */ /* be considered at a lower level) but gives worse code */ if (left->nodetype != targtype) nodeptr->left.nodeptr = castnode(targtype, left); if (right->nodetype != targtype) nodeptr->right = castnode(targtype, right); } return targtype; /* XXX - reduced from promote(targtype) */ } if (targtype->constructor & POINTER && (isconst0(right) || (right->nodetype->constructor & POINTER && right->nodetype->nexttype->constructor & VOID))) return targtype; if (right->nodetype->constructor & POINTER && (isconst0(left) || (targtype->constructor & POINTER && targtype->nexttype->constructor & VOID))) return right->nodetype; error("mismatched types"); fixnode(left); /* XXX - better to fix the CONDOP */ fixnode(right); return errtype; case ASSIGNOP: if (right->nodetype->constructor & VOID) { error("assignment of void"); fixnode(right); } if (targtype->constructor & (ARRAY | FUNCTION | VOID)) { error("assignment to array, function or void"); fixnode(nodeptr); return errtype; } if ((targtype->constructor | right->nodetype->constructor) & STRUCTU && targtype != right->nodetype) { error("assignment to/from struct/union of a different type"); fixnode(nodeptr); return errtype; } if (!(left->flags & LVALUE)) { badlvalue(nodeptr); return errtype; } #if 0 /* XXX - this is done at the lowest levels, with too many chances for * errors. */ if (targtype != right->nodetype) nodeptr->right = castnode(left->nodetype, right); #endif break; case ANDABOP: case EORABOP: case MODABOP: case ORABOP: needint(right); needint(left); if (!(left->flags & LVALUE)) { badlvalue(nodeptr); return errtype; } /* fall through to redundant check and code to cast to same types */ case ADDABOP: case SUBABOP: case DIVABOP: case MULABOP: needscalar(right); needscalar(left); if (!(left->flags & LVALUE)) { badlvalue(nodeptr); return errtype; } rscalar = right->nodetype->scalar; if ((lscalar = (targtype = left->nodetype)->scalar) & RSCALAR) { if (!(rscalar & DOUBLE)) nodeptr->right = castnode(dtype, right); } else if (lscalar & LONG) { if (!(rscalar & LONG)) nodeptr->right = castnode(rscalar & UNSIGNED ? ultype : targtype, right); } #ifdef I80386 else if (i386_32 && lscalar & INT) { if (rscalar & SHORT) nodeptr->right = castnode(rscalar & UNSIGNED ? uitype : targtype, right); } #endif break; case SLABOP: case SRABOP: needint(right); needint(left); if (!(left->flags & LVALUE)) { badlvalue(nodeptr); return errtype; } if (!(right->nodetype->scalar & INT)) castiright(nodeptr); break; } return left->nodetype; } PRIVATE int redscalar(nodeptr) register struct nodestruct *nodeptr; { if (isnodecharconst(nodeptr)) return CHAR; return nodeptr->nodetype->scalar; } PRIVATE struct nodestruct *unconvert(nodeptr) struct nodestruct *nodeptr; { if (nodeptr->nodetype->constructor & (ARRAY | FUNCTION)) return castnode(pointype(nodeptr->nodetype->constructor & ARRAY ? nodeptr->nodetype->nexttype : nodeptr->nodetype), nodeptr); return nodeptr; }