/* input.c - input for bcc */ /* Copyright (C) 1992 Bruce Evans */ #define ARBITRARY_BACKSLASH_NEWLINES_NOT #define INSERT_BACKSLASH_NEWLINES_NOT #include "const.h" #include "types.h" #include "gencode.h" #include "output.h" #include "os.h" #include "sc.h" #include "scan.h" #include "table.h" #undef EXTERN #define EXTERN #include "input.h" #define INBUFSIZE 2048 struct fbufstruct /* file buffer structure */ { struct fcbstruct fcb; /* status after opening an include sub-file */ char *fname; /* file name */ bool_t fname_malloced; /* nonzero if fname was malloced */ char pushback[3]; /* allows pushback to 2 before start of fbuf * XXX 3 chars before? * XXX should do everything in fbuf */ char fbuf[INBUFSIZE + 1]; /* buffer to read into */ }; struct inclist /* list of include file directories */ { char *incdirname; struct inclist *incnext; }; PRIVATE char filemacro[] = "__FILE__"; PRIVATE struct inclist incabsolute; /* dummy list for absolute names */ /* depends on zero (NULL) init */ PRIVATE struct inclist incfirst; /* begin include searches here for "" */ /* at next in list for <> */ /* -I directories are put in list */ /* between first and last */ PRIVATE struct inclist inclast = { #ifdef DEFAULT_INCLUDE_DIR DEFAULT_INCLUDE_DIR, #endif NULL, }; PRIVATE fastin_t inclevel; /* nest level of include files */ /* depends on zero init */ PRIVATE struct fbufstruct *inputbuf; /* current input file buffer */ /* its fcb only to date in includes */ /* depends on zero (NULL) init */ PRIVATE bool_t suppress_line_numbers; #ifdef ARBITRARY_BACKSLASH_NEWLINES FORWARD void backslash P((void)); #endif FORWARD void definefile P((char *fname)); FORWARD void inputinit P((char *fname, fd_t fd)); FORWARD void leaveinclude P((void)); FORWARD void usage P((void)); #ifdef ARBITRARY_BACKSLASH_NEWLINES PRIVATE void backslash() { static unsigned nbackslash; if (nbackslash != 0) --nbackslash; more: ++nbackslash; while (*(lineptr + 1) == '\\') { ++nbackslash; ++lineptr; } if (*(lineptr + 1) != EOL) { if (--nbackslash != 0) *--lineptr = '\\'; /* force look at current backslash again */ return; } ch = *++lineptr; more1: if (!eof && lineptr >= input.limit) skipeol(); if (ch == EOL) { --nbackslash; if (eof) eofin("backslash-newline"); else { skipeol(); if (ch == EOL && !eof && lineptr >= input.limit) skipeol(); #ifdef COEOL /* XXX - this should go through specialchar() */ if (ch == COEOL) { ch = *++lineptr; if (ch == EOL && !eof && lineptr >= input.limit) skipeol(); } #endif } if (ch == '\\') goto more; if (nbackslash != 0 && ch == EOL && !eof) goto more1; if (nbackslash != 0) { ch = *--lineptr = '\\'; if (--nbackslash != 0) ch = *--lineptr = '\\'; } return; } if (ch == '\\') goto more; if (ch == EOL && !eof) goto more1; ch = *--lineptr = '\\'; /* pushback */ if (--nbackslash != 0) ch = *--lineptr = '\\'; } #endif PUBLIC void closein() { #ifdef FAKE_INBUFSIZE_1 fclose(input.fp); #else close(input.fd); #endif while (inclevel != 0) leaveinclude(); } PRIVATE void definefile(fname) char *fname; { char *def; def = ourmalloc(sizeof filemacro - 1 + 2 + strlen(fname) + 1 + 1); strcpy(def, filemacro); strcat(def, "=\""); strcat(def, fname); strcat(def, "\""); definestring(def); ourfree(def); } PUBLIC void errorloc() { register struct fbufstruct *infbuf; if ((infbuf = inputbuf) == NULL) return; outstr(infbuf->fname); outbyte(':'); if (eof) outstr("eof"); else { outudec(input.linenumber); outbyte('.'); if (maclevel == 0) outudec((unsigned) (lineptr - inputbuf->fbuf) - input.lineoffset); else { outudec((unsigned) (savedlineptr() - inputbuf->fbuf) - input.lineoffset); outstr(" (macro level "); outudec((unsigned) maclevel); outbyte(')'); } } infbuf->fcb.includer = input.includer; while ((infbuf = infbuf->fcb.includer) != NULL) { outstr(" (from "); outstr(infbuf->fname); outbyte(':'); outudec(infbuf->fcb.linenumber); outbyte(')'); } outstr(": "); } /* gch1() - get next char, advance ptr (only works on current line) */ PUBLIC void gch1() { if (SYMOFCHAR(ch = *++lineptr) != SPECIALCHAR) return; specialchar(); } /* process #include */ PUBLIC void include() { char *dirnameptr; char *dirnamend; unsigned dirnamelen; fd_t fd; char *fnameptr; char *fullnameptr; struct inclist *incptr; char terminator; while (blanksident()) { if ((gsymptr = findlorg(gsname)) == NULL || gsymptr->flags != DEFINITION) break; entermac(); } if ((terminator = ch) == '<') terminator = '>'; else if (terminator != '"') { error("bad file name"); return; } gch1(); fnameptr = charptr; while (TRUE) { if (ch == EOL) /* no escapes in file names */ break; if (ch == terminator) { gch1(); break; } if (charptr >= chartop) fnameptr = growobject(fnameptr, 1); #ifdef TS ++ts_n_filename; ++ts_s_filename; ++ts_s_filename_tot; #endif *charptr++ = ch; gch1(); } if (charptr >= chartop) fnameptr = growobject(fnameptr, 1); #ifdef TS ++ts_n_filename_term; ++ts_s_filename_term; ++ts_s_filename_tot; #endif *charptr++ = 0; dirnamend = NULL; if (isabspath(fnameptr, &ch)) incptr = &incabsolute; else { incptr = &incfirst; if (terminator == '>') incptr = incptr->incnext; else { dirnameptr = inputbuf->fname; if ((dirnamend = strrchr(dirnameptr, DIRCHAR)) == NULL) incptr->incdirname = NULL; else { *dirnamend = 0; incptr->incdirname = dirnameptr; } } } do { if (incptr->incdirname == NULL) { fullnameptr = ourmalloc(strlen(fnameptr) + 1); #ifdef TS ++ts_n_pathname; ts_s_pathname += strlen(fnameptr) + 1; ts_s_pathname_tot += strlen(fnameptr) + 1; #endif strcpy(fullnameptr, fnameptr); } else { dirnamelen = strlen(incptr->incdirname); fullnameptr = ourmalloc(dirnamelen + (int) (charptr - fnameptr) + 2); /* 2 extra for null and maybe DIRCHAR */ #ifdef TS ++ts_n_pathname; ts_s_pathname += dirnamelen + (charptr - fnameptr) + 2; ts_s_pathname_tot += dirnamelen + (charptr - fnameptr) + 2; #endif dirnameptr = fullnameptr + dirnamelen; strcpy(fullnameptr, incptr->incdirname); if (*fullnameptr != 0 && *(dirnameptr - 1) != DIRCHAR) strcat(fullnameptr, DIRSTRING); strcat(fullnameptr, fnameptr); if (dirnamend != NULL) { *dirnamend = DIRCHAR; dirnamend = NULL; } } fd = open(fullnameptr, 0); if (fd >= 0) { #ifdef TS ts_s_filename_tot -= charptr - fnameptr; #endif charptr = fnameptr; input.lineptr = lineptr; inputbuf->fcb = input; ++inclevel; /* XXX - will run out of memory before overflow */ inputinit(fullnameptr, fd); inputbuf->fname_malloced = TRUE; return; } #ifdef TS ts_s_pathname_tot -= strlen(fullnameptr) + 1; #endif ourfree(fullnameptr); } while ((incptr = incptr->incnext) != NULL); fullnameptr = ourmalloc(strlen(fnameptr) + 40); strcpy(fullnameptr, "cannot find include file "); strcat(fullnameptr, fnameptr); error(fullnameptr); ourfree(fullnameptr); #ifdef TS ts_s_filename_tot -= charptr - fnameptr; #endif charptr = fnameptr; } /* initialise current input file */ PRIVATE void inputinit(fname, fd) char *fname; fd_t fd; { register struct fbufstruct *newinputbuf; /* don't allocate after saying input.includer = inputbuf (to save a reg) * or an error in the alloc would cycle trying to print the include list */ newinputbuf = (struct fbufstruct *) ourmalloc(sizeof *inputbuf); #ifdef TS ++ts_n_inputbuf; ts_s_inputbuf += sizeof *inputbuf; ts_s_inputbuf_tot += sizeof *inputbuf; #endif input.fd = fd; #ifdef FAKE_INBUFSIZE_1 input.fp = fdopen(fd, "r"); #endif input.linenumber = 0; input.lineoffset = 0; input.includer = inputbuf; inputbuf = newinputbuf; newinputbuf->fname = fname; newinputbuf->fname_malloced = FALSE; undefinestring(filemacro); definefile(fname); if (orig_cppmode && !suppress_line_numbers) outcpplinenumber(1, fname, input.includer == NULL ? "" : " 1"); *(input.limit = newinputbuf->fbuf) = EOL; /* dummy line so #include processing can start with skipline() */ ch = *(lineptr = newinputbuf->fbuf - 1) = EOL; } PUBLIC void linecontol() { static char linename[32]; char * ptr; int i=0; blanks(); input.linenumber = atoi(lineptr)-1; while( SYMOFCHAR(ch) == INTCONST ) gch1(); blanks(); if( ch != '"' ) return; for(ptr=lineptr+1; *ptr && *ptr != EOL && *ptr != '"' && ifname_malloced) { #ifdef TS ts_s_pathname_tot -= strlen(inputbuf->fname) + 1; #endif ourfree(inputbuf->fname); } inputbuf->fname_malloced = FALSE; inputbuf->fname = linename; ptr=lineptr; undefinestring(filemacro); definefile(inputbuf->fname); ch = *(lineptr = ptr); } /* switch from include file to file which included it */ PRIVATE void leaveinclude() { --inclevel; if (inputbuf->fname_malloced) { #ifdef TS ts_s_pathname_tot -= strlen(inputbuf->fname) + 1; #endif ourfree(inputbuf->fname); } #ifdef TS ts_s_inputbuf_tot -= sizeof *inputbuf; #endif ourfree((char *) inputbuf); close(input.fd); #ifdef FAKE_INBUFSIZE_1 fclose(input.fp); #endif inputbuf = input.includer; input = inputbuf->fcb; undefinestring(filemacro); definefile(inputbuf->fname); ch = *(lineptr = input.lineptr); skipline(); if (orig_cppmode && !suppress_line_numbers) outcpplinenumber(input.linenumber, inputbuf->fname, " 2"); } /* open input and output files and get options */ PUBLIC void openio(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { register char *arg; int argn; fd_t fd; char *fname; struct inclist *incnew; struct inclist *incptr; bool_t flag[128]; #if 0 lineptr = "\n"; /* empty line in case error message */ #endif fd = 0; /* standard input */ memset(flag, 0, sizeof flag); flag['3'] = sizeof (int) >= 4; fname = "stdin"; (incptr = &incfirst)->incnext = &inclast; initout(); for (argn = 1; argn < argc; ++argn) { arg = argv[argn]; if (*arg != '-') { if (fd != 0) fatalerror("more than one input file"); fname = arg; if ((fd = open(arg, 0)) < 0) fatalerror("cannot open input"); } else switch (arg[1]) { #ifdef I8088 case '0': /* generate 16-bit code */ case '3': /* generate 32-bit code */ #endif case 'c': /* caller saves */ #ifdef DEBUG case 'd': /* print debugging information in asm output */ #endif case 'E': /* acting as cpp */ case 'f': /* pass first argument in register */ #ifdef DYNAMIC_LONG_ORDER case 'l': /* long big-endian */ #endif case 'P': /* if acting as cpp, suppress line numbers */ #ifdef POSINDEPENDENT case 'p': /* generate almost-position-independent code */ #endif case 't': /* print source code in asm output */ case 'w': /* watch location counter */ if (arg[2] == 0) flag[(int)arg[1]] = TRUE; else if (arg[2] == '-' && arg[3] == 0) flag[(int)arg[1]] = FALSE; else usage(); if (arg[1] == '0') /* flag 0 is negative logic flag 3 */ flag['3'] = TRUE + FALSE - flag['0']; break; case 'D': definestring(arg + 2); break; case 'I': (incnew = (struct inclist *) ourmalloc(sizeof *incnew)) ->incdirname = arg + 2; #ifdef TS ++ts_n_includelist; ts_s_includelist += sizeof *incnew; #endif incnew->incnext = incptr->incnext; incptr = incptr->incnext = incnew; break; case 'U': undefinestring(arg + 2); break; case 'o': if (arg[2] != 0 || ++argn >= argc) usage(); openout(argv[argn]); break; default: usage(); break; } } #ifdef I8088 if (flag['3']) { i386_32 = TRUE; definestring("__AS386_32__"); } else definestring("__AS386_16__"); #endif #ifdef MC6809 definestring("__AS09__"); #endif if (flag['c']) { callersaves = TRUE; definestring("__CALLER_SAVES__"); } #ifdef DEBUG debugon = flag['d']; #endif orig_cppmode = cppmode = flag['E']; if (flag['f']) { arg1inreg = TRUE; #ifdef I8088 definestring("__FIRST_ARG_IN_AX__"); #endif #ifdef MC6808 definestring("__FIRST_ARG_IN_X__"); #endif } arg1op = arg1inreg ? ROOTLISTOP : LISTOP; #ifdef DYNAMIC_LONG_ORDER if (flag['l']) { long_big_endian = TRUE; definestring("__LONG_BIG_ENDIAN__"); } #endif suppress_line_numbers = flag['P']; #ifdef POSINDEPENDENT if (flag['p']) { posindependent = TRUE; definestring("__POS_INDEPENDENT__"); } #endif ctext = flag['t']; watchlc = flag['w']; setoutbufs(); inputinit(fname, fd); } /* advance over EOL sentinel to new line */ PUBLIC void skipeol() { #ifdef FAKE_INBUFSIZE_1 static int ich; #endif #ifdef INSERT_BACKSLASH_NEWLINES static int bs_state; static bool_t skip_printing_nl; #endif int nread; if (eof) return; if (lineptr < input.limit) { ++input.linenumber; ch = *++lineptr; if (ctext && !asmmode) { comment(); outudec(input.linenumber); outbyte(' '); outline(lineptr); } if (orig_cppmode && !asmmode) #ifdef INSERT_BACKSLASH_NEWLINES if (!skip_printing_nl) #endif outbyte('\n'); #ifdef INSERT_BACKSLASH_NEWLINES if (bs_state == 1 && *(lineptr - 1) == EOL) #endif input.lineoffset = (int) (lineptr - inputbuf->fbuf); return; } input.lineoffset -= (int) (lineptr - inputbuf->fbuf); #ifdef FAKE_INBUFSIZE_1 lineptr = inputbuf->fbuf; #ifdef INSERT_BACKSLASH_NEWLINES switch (bs_state) { case0: case 0: bs_state = nread = (ich = getc(input.fp)) == EOF ? 0 : 1; skip_printing_nl = FALSE; break; case 1: if (ich == '\\') goto case0; /* avoid chance of splitting \EOL */ ich = '\\'; nread = 1; bs_state = 2; ++input.lineoffset; break; case 2: ich = EOL; nread = 1; bs_state = 0; skip_printing_nl = TRUE; ++input.lineoffset; --input.linenumber; break; } #else nread = (ich = getc(input.fp)) == EOF ? 0 : 1; #endif *lineptr = ich; #else nread = read(input.fd, lineptr = inputbuf->fbuf, INBUFSIZE); #endif if (nread < 0) fatalerror("input error"); *(input.limit = lineptr + nread) = EOL; ch = *lineptr; if (nread == 0) { if (inclevel == 0) { eof = TRUE; checknotinif(); } else { leaveinclude(); skipeol(); } return; } if (ctext && !asmmode) { comment(); outudec(input.linenumber); outbyte(' '); outline(lineptr); } } PUBLIC void specialchar() { if (maclevel != 0) { if (ch == EOL) /* it might also be backslash or COEOL */ leavemac(); if (ch != EOL) return; } more: #ifdef ARBITRARY_BACKSLASH_NEWLINES if (ch == '\\') backslash(); #endif if (!eof && lineptr >= input.limit) { skipeol(); #ifdef ARBITRARY_BACKSLASH_NEWLINES if (ch == '\\') backslash(); #endif } #ifndef ARBITRARY_BACKSLASH_NEWLINES if (ch == '\\') { if (*(lineptr + 1) == EOL) { if (lineptr + 1 >= input.limit) { ++lineptr; skipeol(); ch = *--lineptr = '\\'; /* pushback */ } if (*(lineptr + 1) == EOL) { if (eof) eofin("backslash-newline"); else { ++lineptr; skipeol(); if (SYMOFCHAR(ch) == SPECIALCHAR) { #ifdef COEOL if (ch != COEOL || SYMOFCHAR(ch = *++lineptr) == SPECIALCHAR) #endif goto more; } } } } #endif } #ifdef COEOL if (ch == EOL && !eof) { if (*(lineptr + 1) == EOL && lineptr + 1 >= input.limit) { ++lineptr; skipeol(); /* refill buffer */ ch = *--lineptr = EOL; /* pushback */ } if (*(lineptr + 1) == COEOL) *++lineptr = EOL; /* discard COEOL */ } #endif } PRIVATE void usage() { fatalerror( #ifdef MC6809 "usage: cc1 [-cdfptw[-]] [-Ddefine] [-Iincdir] [-Uundef] [-o outfile] [infile]"); #else "usage: cc1 [-03cdfltw[-]] [-Ddefine] [-Iincdir] [-Uundef] [-o outfile] [infile]"); #endif }