#include #include #include #include "i86_funcs.h" int x86 = 0; /* CPU major number */ char *x86_name = ""; /* and it's name */ int x86_emu = 0; /* Is this a PC emulator ? */ int x86_a20_closed = 1; /* Is the A20 gate closed ? */ int x86_test = 0; /* In test mode */ int x86_fpu = 0; unsigned boot_mem_top = 0x2000; /* Default 128k, the minimum */ long main_mem_top = 0; /* K of extended memory */ int a20_closed() { register int v, rv = 0; if (x86_test) return 1; /* If not standalone don't try */ __set_es(0); v = __peek_es(512); __set_es(0xFFFF); if (v == __peek_es(512+16)) { __set_es(0); __poke_es(512, v+1); __set_es(0xFFFF); if (v+1 == __peek_es(512+16)) rv = 1; __set_es(0); __poke_es(512, v); } return x86_a20_closed = rv; } void open_a20() { #asm call empty_8042 mov al,#0xD1 ! command write out #0x64,al call empty_8042 mov al,#0xDF ! A20 on out #0x60,al empty_8042: .word 0x00eb,0x00eb in al,#0x64 ! 8042 status port test al,#2 ! is input buffer full? jnz empty_8042 ! yes - loop, with no timeout! #endasm } /* This calls the BIOS to open the A20 gate, officially this is only supported on PS/2s but if the normal routine fails we may as well try this. */ void bios_open_a20() { #asm mov ax,#$2401 int $15 jc bios_failed_a20 xor ax,ax bios_failed_a20: mov al,ah xor ah,ah #endasm } void cpu_check() { static char *name_808x[] = { "8088", "8086", "80C88", "80C86", "NEC V20", "NEC V30", "808x Clone" }; static char *name_8018x[] = { "80188", "80186", "8018x Clone" }; static char cpubuf[] = "80x86+"; int c, major; c = cputype(0); x86_fpu = (c < 0); major = ((c >> 8) & 0x1F); c &= 0xFF; x86 = (major&0xF); if (major == 0) { if (c > 6) c = 6; x86_name = name_808x[c]; } else if (major == 1) { if (c > 3) c = 3; x86_name = name_8018x[c]; } else { cpubuf[2] = (major&0xF)+'0'; cpubuf[5] = (major > 15 ? '+' : '\0'); x86_name = cpubuf; if (c & 0x01) x86_emu = 1; /* Already in protected mode !!! */ } } void mem_check() { if (x86_test) return; /* If not standalone don't try */ { #asm int 0x12 ! Amount of boot memory mov cl,#6 sal ax,cl ! In segments mov [_boot_mem_top],ax ! Next check for extended mov al,[_x86] ! If we ain't got a 286+ we can't access it anyway cmp al,#2 jl is_xt mov ah,#0x88 ! int 0x15 jnc got_ext ! Error!? This should _not_ happen ... but ... is_xt: xor ax,ax got_ext: mov word ptr [_main_mem_top+2],#0 mov [_main_mem_top],ax #endasm } if( main_mem_top == 0xFFFFL ) { /* It say 64Mb-1k - Hmmmm I think it might be 128! */ } } #define RIGHTS (0x93000000L) static struct { char gdt0[8]; char gdt1[8]; unsigned short src_len; long src_seg; unsigned short spad; unsigned short dst_len; long dst_seg; unsigned short dpad; char gdt5[8]; } GDT = { "","", 0xFFFF, RIGHTS, 0, 0xFFFF, RIGHTS, 0, "" }; ext_put(from, to, length) unsigned int from, to, length; { if(x86_test) return 3; GDT.src_seg = RIGHTS + from + ((long)__get_ds()<<4); GDT.dst_seg = RIGHTS + ((long)to<<8); if( length == 0xFFFF ) length = 0x8000; else length = ((length+1)>>1); return asm_copy(length); } ext_get(from, to, length) unsigned int from, to, length; { if(x86_test) return 3; GDT.src_seg = RIGHTS + ((long)from<<8); GDT.dst_seg = RIGHTS + to + ((long)__get_ds()<<4); if( length == 0xFFFF ) length = 0x8000; else length = ((length+1)>>1); return asm_copy(length); } static asm_copy(length) { #asm #if !__FIRST_ARG_IN_AX__ mov bx,sp mov ax,[bx+2] #endif push es push si mov cx,ax mov ah,#$87 push ds pop es mov si,#_GDT int $15 jc err xor ax,ax err: mov al,ah xor ah,ah pop si pop es #endasm }