/* * This bootblock loads the linux-8086 executable in the file 'boot' * from the root directory of a minix filesystem. * * Copyright (C) 1990-1998 Robert de Bath, distributed under the GPL Version 2 * Based on minix filesystem definitions. * * TODO: * Alter nogood() to do a mov sp,... so the helper program can override * the panic message. */ #include #include "minix.h" /* #define DOTS /* define to have dots printed */ /* #define HARDDISK /* Define for hard disk version */ /* #define TRY_FLOPPY /* To do trial reads to find floppy size */ /* #define MIN_SPACE */ #define zone_shift 0 /* for any < 32M (!= 0 not supported yet, if ever) */ #define seg_at(k) ((k)*64) #define seg_of(p) ((unsigned int)p >>4) #define BOOTSEG (0x07c0) #define LOADSEG (0x1000) #define ORGADDR (0x0500) #ifdef HARDDISK #define get_now() #endif #ifdef zone_shift #if zone_shift == 0 #define load_zone load_block #endif #else static short zone_shift; #endif #asm BOOTADDR = 0x7c00 .text ! Apparently on startup the only things we can assume are that we start at ! `start` (ABS addr $07C00) and the boot sector is in the segment. ! So first set CS=DS=ES=SS=0 ! The we move this to $0500 and put the stack at the top of the first 64k. ! The directory 'file' is loaded $1500 and scanned there. ! The final executable will be loaded in the 2nd 64k chunk. ! org ORGADDR ! The lowest available address. start: #ifndef MIN_SPACE include sysboot.s org start ! The lowest available address, again. j skip_vars org dos_sysid .ascii "MINIXFS BOOT (C) 1990-1999, Robert de Bath" org codestart #endif ! A few variables we need to know the positions of for patching, so export ! them and as86_encaps will make some variables. Put them here at the start ! so they're in the same place for both Floppy and harddisk versions as they ! will be used by helper programs. export inode ! Inode to search inode: _inode: .word 1 ! ROOT_INODE #ifndef MIN_SPACE export dinode ! Inode of directory file was found in. dinode: _dinode: .word 1 ! ROOT_INODE #endif export bootfile ! File to boot, make this whatever you like, bootfile: ! 'boot' is good, 'linux' too. _bootfile: .ascii "boot" .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 skip_vars: #ifdef HARDDISK mov bx,[si+8] ! Fetch the linear address of part from DS:SI mov dh,[si+10] ! DL is drive number #endif xor ax,ax ! All segments are zero, first 64k of mem. mov ds,ax mov es,ax mov ss,ax mov sp,ax #ifndef HARDDISK loopy: mov ax,#$0203 ! Read 3 sectors, code + superblock. mov bx,#start ! Where this _should_ be mov cx,#$0001 ! From sector 1 xor dx,dx ! Of the floppy drive head zero int $13 jc loopy #else mov cx,#$100 ! Move 256 words mov si,#BOOTADDR ! From default BB mov di,#ORGADDR ! To the correct address. rep movsw xchg dl,dh mov [bootpart],bx ! Save the partition sector offset (and drive) mov [bootpart+2],dx ! Read next 2 sectors of hd. xor dx,dx mov cx,#1 mov bx,#ORGADDR+$200 mov al,#2 call load_sect #endif jmpi code,#0 #endasm /* /* */ /****************************************************************************/ /* Section cdef */ /****************************************************************************/ /* The name of the file and inode to start */ extern char bootfile[]; extern inode_nr inode; extern inode_nr dinode; /* For multi-sector reads */ extern sect_nr lastsect; extern sect_nr firstsect; extern unsigned loadaddr; extern unsigned loadcount; /* Keep track of zones to load */ extern zone_nr * next_zone; extern zone_nr * end_zone; extern zone_nr indirect; /* Where to load zones */ extern unsigned ldaddr; /* Directory reading */ extern dir_struct * dirptr; extern unsigned flength; extern unsigned dir_32; #ifndef HARDDISK /* The 'shape' of the floppy - intuit from superblock or try to read max */ extern unsigned n_sectors; #endif extern struct super_block b_super; extern d_inode b_inode[INODES_PER_BLOCK]; extern zone_nr b_zone[NR_INDIRECTS]; extern dir_struct directory[]; /* /* */ /****************************************************************************/ /* Section adef */ /****************************************************************************/ #asm .text #ifdef HARDDISK bootpart: .long 0 #else _loadcount: .word 0 _firstsect: .word 0 _loadaddr: .word 0 _lastsect: .word 0 #endif block start+0x400 _b_super: .blkb 512 #ifndef MIN_SPACE export helper helper: .blkb 1024 export helper_end helper_end: #endif _b_inode: .blkb 1024 _b_zone: .blkb 1024 #ifdef MIN_SPACE temp_space: .blkb 512 #endif probe_buf: _directory: .blkb 32768 endb #endasm /* /* */ /****************************************************************************/ /* Section nogood */ /****************************************************************************/ /* #if defined(HARDDISK) && !defined(SKIPBOOT) */ #ifndef SKIPBOOT static nogood() { #asm mov si,#fail_fs min_nextc: lodsb cmp al,#0 jz min_eos mov bx,#7 mov ah,#$E ! Can't use $13 cause that's AT+ only! int $10 jmp min_nextc min_eos: ! Wait for a key then reboot xor ax,ax int $16 jmpi $0,$FFFF ! Reboot. fail_fs: .byte 13,10 #if defined(HARDDISK) .asciz "Initial boot failed, press return to reboot\r\n" #else .asciz "Boot failed:" #endif #endasm } #else static nogood() { /* This didn't work, chain the boot sector of the HD */ #asm push cs pop es hcode: mov ax,#$0201 ! Read 1 sector mov bx,#BOOTADDR ! In the boot area mov cx,#$0001 ! From sector 1 mov dx,#$0080 ! Of the hard drive head zero int $13 jc hcode ! Keep trying forever! jmpi BOOTADDR,0 #endasm } #endif /* /* */ /****************************************************************************/ /* Section hd_sect */ /****************************************************************************/ #ifdef HARDDISK #asm ! ! Load AL sectors from linear sector DX:CX into location ES:BX ! Linear sector zero is at [bootpart] ! This loads one sector at a time, but that's OK cause even in the _very_ ! worst case it'll take no more that 5 seconds to load a 16 bit executable. ! load_sect: add cx,[bootpart] adc dx,[bootpart+2] moresect: cmp al,#0 jnz onesect clc ret ! Load one sector... onesect: push ax ! Save lots push di push si push cx ! Drive and sector. push dx push es ! Load location push bx push cx ! Drive and sector again. push dx ! Fetch drive 'shape' mov ah,#8 mov dl,dh int $13 ! DX:CX = drive specification jc _nogood and cx,#$3F ! Get sector count => DI mov di,cx xor dl,dl ! Get head count => SI xchg dl,dh inc dx mov si,dx pop dx ! Get back drive and sector pop ax mov bl,dh ! Save drive xor dh,dh div di ! DX=sector, AX=track number mov cx,dx inc cl ! CL=sector number xor dx,dx div si ! DX=head, AX=cylinder mov dh,dl mov dl,bl ! DX for int 1302 xchg al,ah ror al,#1 ror al,#1 or cx,ax ! CX for int 1302 pop bx ! ES:BX for int 1302 pop es mov di,#5 ! Lots of retries for a hd retry: mov ax,#$0201 int $13 jnc got_hd_sect xor ax,ax ! Reset between each try. int $13 dec di jnz retry br _nogood got_hd_sect: pop dx pop cx pop si pop di pop ax dec al add cx,#1 adc dh,#0 add bh,#2 jmp moresect #endasm #endif /****************************************************************************/ /* This is the end of the parts that MUST be in the first sector */ /* From here down the functions can safely be in any order. */ /****************************************************************************/ /* /* */ /****************************************************************************/ /* Section fd_block */ /****************************************************************************/ #ifndef HARDDISK static load_block(address, blkno) unsigned address, blkno; { register sect_nr sectno; if(blkno == 0) { zero_block(address); return; } #ifdef DOTS prt_dot(); #endif sectno = (sect_nr)blkno * 2; load_sect(address, sectno); load_sect(address+32, sectno+1); } #endif /****************************************************************************/ /* Section fd_bpb */ /****************************************************************************/ #ifndef HARDDISK #asm _set_bpb: #ifdef MIN_SPACE bios_tabl=temp_space ! Temp space. bios_disk=temp_space+4 ! #else bios_tabl=dosfs_stat ! Temp space. bios_disk=dosfs_stat+4 ! #endif #ifndef __CALLER_SAVES__ push si push di #endif mov di,#bios_disk mov bx,#0x78 ! 0:bx is parameter table address push ds push di mov si,[bx] mov ax,[bx+2] mov [bios_tabl],si mov [bios_tabl+2],ax push ax pop ds ! ds:si is source ! copy 12 bytes mov cl,#6 cld rep movsw pop di pop ds mov ax,[_n_sectors] movb 4[di],al ! patch sector count mov [bx],di mov 2[bx],es #ifndef __CALLER_SAVES__ pop si pop di #endif ret _unset_bpb: ! 0:0x78 is parameter table address mov ax,[bios_tabl] mov [0x78],ax mov ax,[bios_tabl+2] mov [0x78+2],ax ret #endasm #endif /****************************************************************************/ /* Section fd_get_now */ /****************************************************************************/ #ifndef HARDDISK static get_now() { #asm mov si,#5 retry_get: xor dx,dx mov cx,[_firstsect] shr ch,#1 adc dh,#0 mov es,[_loadaddr] xor bx,bx mov ax,[_loadcount] test ax,ax jz no_load mov ah,#2 int $13 ! Try fetch jnc no_load xor ax,ax ! Bad, retry. int $13 dec si jnz retry_get br _nogood no_load: xor ax,ax mov [_loadcount],ax #endasm } #endif /****************************************************************************/ /* Section fd_probe */ /****************************************************************************/ #ifndef HARDDISK #ifdef TRY_FLOPPY #asm !-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ! ! These are the number of sectors per track that will be scanned for. ! For 3.5 inch floppies 36 is 2.88 Mb, 18 is 1.44Mb, 21 is 1.68Mb on ! a 1.44Mb floppy drive. 15 and 9 are for 5.25 inch floppies. disksizes: .byte 36,21,18,15,9 ! It seems that there is no BIOS call to get the number of sectors. Guess ! 36 sectors if sector 36 can be read, 18 sectors if sector 18 can be read, ! 15 if sector 15 can be read. Otherwise guess 9. _probe_sectors: mov si,#disksizes ! table of sizes to try probe_loop: lodsb cbw ! extend to word mov _n_sectors, ax cmp al,#9 je got_sectors ! if all else fails, try 9 xchg ax, cx ! cx = track and sector xor dx, dx ! drive 0, head 0 mov bx,#probe_buf ! address after setup (es = cs) mov ax,#0x0201 ! service 2, 1 sector int 0x13 jc probe_loop ! try next value got_sectors: ret #endasm #else probe_sectors() { /* Guess the number of sectors based on the size of the file system */ if( (n_sectors = b_super.s_nzones / 40) > 11 ) n_sectors /= 2; } #endif #endif /****************************************************************************/ /* Section fd_sect */ /****************************************************************************/ #ifndef HARDDISK static load_sect(address, sectno) unsigned address; sect_nr sectno; { register sect_nr nsect; nsect = sectno%n_sectors +1; sectno /= n_sectors; nsect |= (sectno<<8); if( loadcount ) { lastsect++; if( ( address & 4095 ) && nsect == lastsect ) { loadcount++; return; } get_now(); } lastsect = firstsect = nsect; loadaddr = address; loadcount = 1; } #endif /****************************************************************************/ /* Section fd_zeroblk */ /****************************************************************************/ #ifndef HARDDISK static zero_block(address) { #asm #if __FIRST_ARG_IN_AX__ mov es,ax #else mov bx,sp mov es,[bx+2] #endif push di mov cx,#512 xor ax,ax mov di,ax rep stosw pop di #endasm } #endif /****************************************************************************/ /* Section hd_block */ /****************************************************************************/ #ifdef HARDDISK /*----------------------------------*/ /* Hard disk block driver */ /*----------------------------------*/ #asm _load_block: push bp mov bp,sp #if __FIRST_ARG_IN_AX__ ! Fetch load location mov es,ax ! Test for block zero mov ax,4[bp] #else ! Fetch load location mov ax,[bp+4] mov es,ax ! Test for block zero mov ax,6[bp] #endif test ax,ax jne real_block ! Iff block zero, zap memory push di mov cx,#512 xor ax,ax mov di,ax rep stosw pop di func_exit: mov sp,bp pop bp ret real_block: #ifdef DOTS push ax call _prt_dot pop ax #endif ! Load a real block. mov cx,ax xor dx,dx shl cx,#1 rcl dx,#1 xor bx,bx mov al,#2 call load_sect j func_exit #endasm #endif /****************************************************************************/ /* Section main */ /****************************************************************************/ #asm code: call _loadprog call _runprog br _nogood #endasm /****************************************************************************/ /* Section prt_dots */ /****************************************************************************/ #ifdef DOTS #asm _prt_crlf: mov al,#13 call outch mov al,#10 j outch _prt_dot: mov al,#'. outch: mov ah,#$0E mov bx,#7 int $10 ret #endasm #endif /****************************************************************************/ /* Section end_1 */ /****************************************************************************/ #if defined(HARDDISK) || !defined(MIN_SPACE) #asm end_of_part1: #ifdef HARDDISK if *>start+0x1FE ! Leave space for magic #else if *>start+0x200 #endif fail! Part 1 too large! endif .blkb 0x200+start-* #endasm #endif /****************************************************************************/ /* Section prog_load */ /****************************************************************************/ loadprog() { #ifdef DOTS prt_dot(); #endif if( b_super.s_magic == SUPER_MAGIC2 ) dir_32 = 1; else if( b_super.s_magic == SUPER_MAGIC ) dir_32 = 0; else nogood(); #ifdef zone_shift if( zone_shift != b_super.s_log_zone_size) nogood(); #else zone_shift = b_super.s_log_zone_size; #endif #ifndef HARDDISK probe_sectors(); /* if( (n_sectors = b_super.s_nzones / 40) > 11 ) n_sectors /= 2; */ set_bpb(); #endif try_again:; inode--; load_block(seg_of(b_inode), inode/INODES_PER_BLOCK + b_super.s_imap_blocks + b_super.s_zmap_blocks + 2); get_now(); ldaddr = LOADSEG; /* Load at 64k mark */ { register d_inode * i_ptr; i_ptr = b_inode + inode%INODES_PER_BLOCK; next_zone = i_ptr->i_zone; flength = i_ptr->i_size; if( (i_ptr->i_mode & I_TYPE) == I_DIRECTORY ) { ldaddr = seg_of(directory); #ifndef MIN_SPACE dinode = inode+1; /* Remember current directory */ #endif inode = 0; /* Mark - we've no _file_ inode yet */ } } end_zone = next_zone+NR_DZONE_NUM; load_zone(seg_of(b_zone), (indirect = next_zone[NR_DZONE_NUM])); get_now(); for(;;) { if( next_zone >= end_zone ) { if( indirect != 0 ) { next_zone = b_zone; end_zone = next_zone + NR_INDIRECTS; indirect = 0; continue; } break; } load_zone(ldaddr, *next_zone); next_zone++; ldaddr += (seg_at(1) << zone_shift); } get_now(); #ifdef DOTS prt_crlf(); #endif if(!inode) { dirptr = directory; while(flength > 0) { register char * s = bootfile; register char * p = dirptr->d_name; if( dirptr->d_inum ) { for(;;) { if( *s == '\0') { if(*p == '\0') { inode = dirptr->d_inum; goto try_again; } break; } if( *s++ != *p++ ) break; } } flength -= 16; dirptr++; if( dir_32 ) { flength -= 16; dirptr++; } } nogood(); } #ifndef HARDDISK unset_bpb(); #endif } /****************************************************************************/ /* Section prog_run */ /****************************************************************************/ static runprog() { /* It all worked, run the loaded executable */ #asm #ifdef HARDDISK mov dx,[bootpart+2] xchg dh,dl ! DX => hard drive push [bootpart] ! CX => partition offset xor si,si #else xor dx,dx ! DX=0 => floppy drive push dx ! CX=0 => partition offset = 0 mov si,[_n_sectors] ! Save for monitor.out #endif mov bx,#LOADSEG mov ds,bx ! DS = loadaddress xor di,di ! Zero mov ax,[di] cmp ax,#0x0301 ! Right magic ? jnz binfile ! Yuk ... assume .SYS inc bx inc bx ! bx = initial CS mov ax,[di+2] and ax,#$20 ! Is it split I/D ? jz impure ! No ... mov cl,#4 mov ax,[di+8] shr ax,cl impure: pop cx add ax,bx mov ss,ax mov sp,[di+24] ! Chmem value mov ds,ax binfile: push bx push di ! jmpi 0,#LOADSEG+2 retf #endasm } /****************************************************************************/ /* Section sys_libs */ /****************************************************************************/ #asm ! These functions are pulled from the C library. libstuff: imodu: xor dx,dx div bx mov ax,dx ! instruction queue full so xchg slower ret idiv_u: xor dx,dx div bx ret #ifndef zone_shift isl: islu: mov cl,bl shl ax,cl ret #endif libend: #endasm /****************************************************************************/ /* Section sys_vars */ /****************************************************************************/ #asm #ifdef MIN_SPACE block temp_space+64 #endif vars: #ifndef HARDDISK _n_sectors: .blkw 1 #endif _next_zone: .blkw 1 _end_zone: .blkw 1 _indirect: .blkw 1 _ldaddr: .blkw 1 _dirptr: .blkw 1 _flength: .blkw 1 _dir_32: .blkw 1 varend: #ifdef MIN_SPACE endb #endif #endasm /****************************************************************************/ /* Section end_2 */ /****************************************************************************/ #asm end_of_prog: if *>start+0x400 fail! Part 2 too large! endif if end_of_prog