! ! This is floppy bootblock to load the first item from a tar file. ! ! The tar file is constructed with a GNU TAR label at the start ! which is replaced with this by the makeboot.c program. ! ! The first item must be a Linux-8086 executable compiled with the -Ms option ! ! Copyright (C) 1996 Robert de Bath, distributed under the GPL Version 2. ! BOOTADDR= 0x7C00 ! The address that the boot seg is loaded. RELADDR = 0x0600 ! This is floppy, so we can relocate to 'super' address ! It appears the 0500 is also ok as that's DOS memory ! But then where can we get 200 bytes of stack! STACK = 0x0600 ! Inital stack, 0 makes bad_magic LOADSEG = 0x0080 ! Segment for program load, this must be 512b aligned ! The first 32 bytes are the a.out header. DEBUG=1 ! Print dots ... !-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- macro locn if *-start>?1 fail! ?1 endif .blkb ?1 + start-* mend ! On startup from a floppy boot it`s probably best if we assume _nothing_ ! that we don`t have to ... ! ! So, `start` is, erm, right here :-) ! The boot block is re-loaded from the floppy for relocation. !-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- use16 org RELADDR start: ! Don't even _think_ of changing this unless you're 110% sure! .byte 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90 .byte 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90 block start .asciz "ENIAC" .byte $C0 endb ! All right, I'll help, you can use any of these chars: ! "/?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO" ! Others are likely to cause ... problems. !-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ! Beware; the assumption is this code is relocatable. xor ax,ax mov ds,ax mov es,ax mov ss,ax if STACK = 0 mov sp,ax else mov sp,#STACK ! Stack location endif cld ! ASSUME ds=ss=es=cs=0 keep_trying1: ! Get the tar block after this program, and relocate this code. mov ax,#$0202 ! Read 2 sectors mov bx,#start ! Where this _should_ be mov cx,#$0001 ! From sector 1 xor dx,dx ! Of the floppy drive head zero int $13 jc keep_trying1 jmpi going,#0 going: ! OK. Code will now be run at correct address. if DEBUG call pboot endif mov al,tar_link cmp al,#'0 jnz nogood ! Make sure next item is file. call probe_floppy call get_size ! Get number of clicks in di cmp di,#0 jz nogood ! If it`s zero .. Hmm if STACK = 0 mov sp,#bad_magic ! Real bad magic :-) endif call load_sectors ! This requires that we have been relocated, so we can't call it too soon. nogood: push cs pop es hcode: mov ax,#$0201 ! Read 1 sector mov bx,#BOOTADDR ! into the boot area mov cx,#1 ! sector 1 mov dx,#$0080 ! hard drive head zero int $13 jc hcode ! Keep trying forever! jmpi BOOTADDR,#0 !-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ! ! These are the number of sectors per track that will be scanned for. ! For 3.5 inch floppies 36 is 2.88 Mb, 18 is 1.44Mb, 21 is 1.68Mb on ! a 1.44Mb floppy drive. 15 and 9 are for 5.25 inch floppies. disksizes: .byte 36,21,18,15,9 ! End of part 1 !-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ! This is important bits of the TAR Block. ! The chksum field will need to be changed if any mods are done to this ! file so that the bare header is a TAR file. If it's installed using ! makeboot that program will correct the sum as it also changes the time. locn(100) blk_mode: .asciz " 4111" blk_uid: .blkb 8 blk_gid: .blkb 8 blk_size: .blkb 12 blk_mtime: .asciz "6141567743 " if DEBUG blk_chksum: .asciz " 142273" else blk_chksum: .asciz " 127270" endif blk_link: .byte 'V ! Sneaks here, overlay zero init vars on tar data. block blk_mode public sectors sectors: .blkw 1 ! bios_disk: .blkb 12 ! BPB for FD0 head: .word 0 ! current head track: .word 0 ! current track endb !-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ! ! This code taken from the Linux bootsector and adjusted to suit ! ! Many BIOS's default disk parameter tables will not ! recognize multi-sector reads beyond the maximum sector number ! specified in the default diskette parameter tables - this may ! mean 7 sectors in some cases. ! ! Since single sector reads are slow and out of the question, ! we must take care of this by creating new parameter tables ! (for the first disk) in RAM. We will set the maximum sector ! count to 36 - the most we will encounter on an ED 2.88. ! ! High doesn't hurt. Low does. ! ! Segments are as follows: ds=es=ss=cs=0 ! probe_floppy: mov di,#bios_disk mov bx,#0x78 ! 0:bx is parameter table address push ds lds si,[bx] ! ds:si is source mov cl,#6 ! copy 12 bytes cld push di rep movsw pop di pop ds movb 4[di],*36 ! patch sector count mov [bx],di mov 2[bx],es ! It seems that there is no BIOS call to get the number of sectors. Guess ! 36 sectors if sector 36 can be read, 18 sectors if sector 18 can be read, ! 15 if sector 15 can be read. Otherwise guess 9. mov si,#disksizes ! table of sizes to try probe_loop: lodsb cbw ! extend to word mov sectors, ax cmp al,#9 je got_sectors ! if all else fails, try 9 xchg ax, cx ! cx = track and sector xor dx, dx ! drive 0, head 0 mov bx,#probe_buf ! address after setup (es = cs) mov ax,#0x0201 ! service 2, 1 sector int 0x13 jc probe_loop ! try next value got_sectors: ret !-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ! ! This function reads the size of the first file in the TAR image. It's ! stored in octal in the tar header that was loaded just after this block. get_size: mov di,#tar_size xor dx,dx xor bx,bx xor cx,cx next_dig: mov al,[di] and al,#$F8 cmp al,#'0 jne no_dig mov al,[di] and al,#$07 mov cl,#3 mul_loop: sal bx,#1 ! Double prec * 8 rcl dx,#1 loop mul_loop or bl,al no_dig: inc di cmp di,#tar_mtime jne next_dig add bx,#15 ! How many clicks ? adc dx,cx ! AKA zero mov cl,#4 div_loop: shr dx,#1 rcr bx,#1 loop div_loop mov di,bx bad_magic: ret !-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ! ! This is good so far, is it an 8086 a.out file ? ! If so start it. go_go_go: xor dx,dx ! DX=0 => floppy drive push dx ! CX=0 => partition offset = 0 mov si,[sectors] ! Save for monitor.out mov bx,#LOADSEG mov ds,bx ! DS = loadaddress inc bx inc bx ! bx = initial CS xor di,di ! Zero mov ax,[di] cmp ax,#0x0301 ! Right magic ? jnz bad_magic ! Yuk ... mov ax,[di+2] and ax,#$20 ! Is it split I/D ? jz impure ! No ... mov cl,#4 mov ax,[di+8] shr ax,cl impure: pop cx ! Partition offset. add ax,bx mov ss,ax mov sp,[di+24] ! Chmem value mov ds,ax push bx ! jmpi 0,#LOADSEG+2 push di ! AX=ds, BX=cs, CX=X, DX=X, SI=X, DI=0, BP=X, ES=X, DS=*, SS=*, CS=* retf !-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ! This isn't in a normal volume lable, no problem it leaves more space. ! ! locn(257) ! blk_magic: .ascii "ustar " ! .blkb 1 ! blk_uname: .ascii "TarBoot/Copyright" ! blk_uname_end: ! .blkb 32+blk_uname-blk_uname_end ! blk_gname: .ascii "R de Bath" ! blk_gname_end: ! .blkb 32+blk_gname-blk_gname_end ! blk_devmaj: .blkb 8 ! blk_devmin: .blkb 8 ! !-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- if DEBUG dot: mov al,#'. putc: push bx mov bx,#7 mov ah,#$E int $10 pop bx ret endif !-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ! ! This code taken from the Linux bootsector and adjusted to suit ! ! This routine loads the system at address LOADSEG, making sure ! no 64kB boundaries are crossed. We try to load it as fast as ! possible, loading whole tracks whenever we can. ! ! LOADSEG must be sector aligned and sectors will be loaded upto ! the next 64k boundry past the segment specified by DI. load_sectors: if LOADSEG & $F000 = 0 xor ax,ax else mov ax,#LOADSEG & $F000 ! segment to load to endif mov es,ax ! dx=sectors read of current track ! bx=offset in memory of block ! si=sectors read to block ! al=number to read read_it: mov dx,#2 ! Volume lable + tar header if LOADSEG & $0FFF = 0 xor si,si else mov si,#(LOADSEG & $FFF)>>5 endif add di,#LOADSEG rp_read: if DEBUG call dot endif mov ax,es cmp ax,di ! have we loaded all yet? jbe ok1_read jmp go_go_go ! Loaded, run it. ok1_read: mov ax,sectors ! nr of sectors/track sub ax,dx ! remaining of track mov cx,ax ! cx= remaining add cx,si ! boundary check cmp cl,#128 jbe ok2_read ! ! to much-> fill block mov ax,#128 ! ax=0 sub ax,si ! so much may be read ok2_read: mov bx,si mov cx,#9 shl bx,cl call read_track ! do it mov cx,ax ! cl=read blocks add ax,dx ! ax=new sectors cmp ax,sectors ! track done? jne ok3_read mov ax,#1 ! yes sub ax,head jne ok4_read ! next head inc track ! next track ok4_read: mov head,ax xor ax,ax ok3_read: mov dx,ax add si,cx cmp si,#128 jne rp_read mov ax,es add ah,#0x10 mov es,ax xor si,si jmp rp_read read_track: push dx push ax push bx mov cx,dx mov dx,track inc cx mov ch,dl mov dx,head mov dh,dl and dx,#0x0100 mov ah,#2 int 0x13 ! ah=02h al=nr sectors to read ! ch=cylinder ! cl=sector ! dh=head ! dl=drive ! es:bx=buffer jc bad_rt pop bx pop ax pop dx ret bad_rt: xor ah,ah xor dl,dl int 0x13 pop bx pop ax pop dx jmp read_track !-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ! ! This is the GNU-TAR 'isextended' field. It must be zero or gtar goes apeshit. locn(482) .byte 0 !-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- if DEBUG pboot: mov si,#mesg nextc: lodsb call putc cmp al,#0 jnz nextc ret locn(512-16) mesg: .ascii "Tarboot loading " endif !-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ! This isn't a hard disk boot sector so don't give it an HD magic ! locn(510) ! .word 0xAA55 if DEBUG = 0 locn(510) .word 0 endif ! From here down is where we load stuff. locn(512) blk_load: ! Address of block load tar_name: .blkb 100 tar_mode: .blkb 8 tar_uid: .blkb 8 tar_gid: .blkb 8 tar_size: .blkb 12 tar_mtime: .blkb 12 tar_chksum: .blkb 8 tar_link: .blkb 1 ! "0" tar_linkname: .blkb 100 tar_magic: .blkb 8 ! "ustar " tar_uname: .blkb 32 tar_gname: .blkb 32 tar_devmaj: .blkb 8 tar_devmin: .blkb 8 tar_padd: locn(1024) probe_buf: .blkb 512