#define m_size(p) ((p) [0].size) /* For malloc */ #define m_next(p) ((p) [1].next) /* For malloc and alloca */ #define m_deep(p) ((p) [0].depth) /* For alloca */ m_size(p1) += m_size(m_next(p1)); m_next(p1) = m_next(m_next(p1)); noise("JÖIN \"2\" EOF?->˙", p1); #asm hello?? ??=warning oooer /\ * wtf! */ #define LOCK_NB 4 /* or'd with one of the above to prevent blocking */ #define LOCK_UN 8 /* remove lock */ #define bb 11 #define cc 22 #define bbcc 4455 #define comba(x,y) x/**/y #define combb(x,y) x ## y #define empty \0 \00 \000 \0000 \200 \x34f \xff bb\ cc comba(un,signed); ++ -- >> << {} combb(un,signed); #endasm