/* io.c - input/output and error modules for linker */ /* Copyright (C) 1994 Bruce Evans */ #include "syshead.h" #include "const.h" #include "type.h" #include "globvar.h" #define DRELBUFSIZE 3072 #define ERR (-1) #define ERRBUFSIZE 1024 #define INBUFSIZE 1024 #define OUTBUFSIZE 2048 #define TRELBUFSIZE 1024 #ifdef REL_OUTPUT PRIVATE char *drelbuf; /* extra output buffer for data relocations */ PRIVATE char *drelbufptr; /* data relocation output buffer ptr */ PRIVATE char *drelbuftop; /* data relocation output buffer top */ #endif PRIVATE char *errbuf; /* error buffer (actually uses STDOUT) */ PRIVATE char *errbufptr; /* error buffer ptr */ PRIVATE char *errbuftop; /* error buffer top */ PRIVATE char *inbuf; /* input buffer */ PRIVATE char *inbufend; /* input buffer top */ PRIVATE char *inbufptr; /* end of input in input buffer */ PRIVATE int infd; /* input file descriptor */ PRIVATE char *inputname; /* name of current input file */ PRIVATE char *outbuf; /* output buffer */ PRIVATE char *outbufptr; /* output buffer ptr */ PRIVATE char *outbuftop; /* output buffer top */ PRIVATE int outfd; /* output file descriptor */ PRIVATE mode_t outputperms; /* permissions of output file */ PRIVATE char *outputname; /* name of output file */ PRIVATE char *refname; /* name of program for error reference */ #ifdef REL_OUTPUT PRIVATE char *trelbuf; /* extra output buffer for text relocations */ PRIVATE char *trelbufptr; /* text relocation output buffer ptr */ PRIVATE char *trelbuftop; /* text relocation output buffer top */ PRIVATE int trelfd; /* text relocation output file descriptor */ #endif PRIVATE unsigned warncount; /* count of warnings */ FORWARD void errexit P((char *message)); FORWARD void flushout P((void)); #ifdef REL_OUTPUT FORWARD void flushtrel P((void)); #endif FORWARD void outhexdigs P((bin_off_t num)); FORWARD void outputerror P((char *message)); FORWARD void put04x P((unsigned num)); FORWARD void putstrn P((char *message)); FORWARD void refer P((void)); PUBLIC void ioinit(progname) char *progname; { infd = ERR; if (*progname) refname = progname; /* name must be static (is argv[0]) */ else refname = "link"; #ifdef REL_OUTPUT drelbuf = malloc(DRELBUFSIZE); drelbuftop = drelbuf + DRELBUFSIZE; #endif errbuf = malloc(ERRBUFSIZE); errbufptr = errbuf; errbuftop = errbuf + ERRBUFSIZE; inbuf = malloc(INBUFSIZE); outbuf = malloc(OUTBUFSIZE);/* outbuf invalid if this fails but then */ /* will not be used - tableinit() aborts */ outbuftop = outbuf + OUTBUFSIZE; #ifdef REL_OUTPUT trelbuf = malloc(TRELBUFSIZE); trelbuftop = trelbuf + TRELBUFSIZE; #endif } PUBLIC void closein() { if (infd != ERR && close(infd) < 0) inputerror("cannot close"); infd = ERR; } PUBLIC void closeout() { #ifdef REL_OUTPUT unsigned nbytes; #endif flushout(); #ifdef REL_OUTPUT flushtrel(); nbytes = drelbufptr - drelbuf; if (write(trelfd, drelbuf, nbytes) != nbytes) outputerror("cannot write"); #endif if (close(outfd) == ERR) outputerror("cannot close"); #ifdef REL_OUTPUT if (close(trelfd) == ERR) outputerror("cannot close"); #endif } PUBLIC void errtrace(name, level) char *name; int level; { while (level-- > 0) putbyte(' '); putstrn(name); } PUBLIC void executable() { mode_t oldmask; if (errcount == 0) { oldmask = umask(0); umask(oldmask); chmod(outputname, outputperms | (EXEC_PERMS & ~oldmask)); } } PUBLIC void flusherr() { write(STDOUT_FILENO, errbuf, (unsigned) (errbufptr - errbuf)); errbufptr = errbuf; } PRIVATE void flushout() { unsigned nbytes; nbytes = outbufptr - outbuf; if (write(outfd, outbuf, nbytes) != nbytes) outputerror("cannot write"); outbufptr = outbuf; } #ifdef REL_OUTPUT PRIVATE void flushtrel() { unsigned nbytes; nbytes = trelbufptr - trelbuf; if (write(trelfd, trelbuf, nbytes) != nbytes) outputerror("cannot write"); trelbufptr = trelbuf; } #endif PUBLIC void openin(filename) char *filename; { #if 0 /* XXX - this probably won't work with constructed lib names? */ if (infd == ERR || strcmp(inputname, filename) != 0) #endif { closein(); inputname = filename; /* this relies on filename being static */ if ((infd = open(filename, O_BINARY|O_RDONLY)) < 0) inputerror("cannot open"); inbufptr = inbufend = inbuf; } } PUBLIC void openout(filename) char *filename; { struct stat statbuf; outputname = filename; if ((outfd = open(filename, O_BINARY|O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, CREAT_PERMS)) == ERR) outputerror("cannot open"); if (fstat(outfd, &statbuf) != 0) outputerror("cannot stat"); outputperms = statbuf.st_mode; chmod(filename, outputperms & ~EXEC_PERMS); #ifdef REL_OUTPUT drelbufptr = drelbuf; #endif outbufptr = outbuf; #ifdef REL_OUTPUT if ((trelfd = open(filename, O_BINARY|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, CREAT_PERMS)) == ERR) outputerror("cannot reopen"); trelbufptr = trelbuf; #endif } PRIVATE void outhexdigs(num) register bin_off_t num; { if (num >= 0x10) { outhexdigs(num / 0x10); num %= 0x10; } putbyte(hexdigit[num]); } PRIVATE void put04x(num) register unsigned num; { putbyte(hexdigit[num / 0x1000]); putbyte(hexdigit[(num / 0x100) & 0x0F]); putbyte(hexdigit[(num / 0x10) & 0x0F]); putbyte(hexdigit[num & 0x0F]); } #ifdef LONG_OFFSETS PUBLIC void put08lx(num) register bin_off_t num; { put04x(num / 0x10000); put04x(num % 0x10000); } #else /* not LONG_OFFSETS */ PUBLIC void put08x(num) register bin_off_t num; { putstr("0000"); put04x(num); } #endif /* not LONG_OFFSETS */ PUBLIC void putbstr(width, str) unsigned width; char *str; { unsigned length; for (length = strlen(str); length < width; ++length) putbyte(' '); putstr(str); } PUBLIC void putbyte(ch) int ch; { register char *ebuf; ebuf = errbufptr; if (ebuf >= errbuftop) { flusherr(); ebuf = errbufptr; } *ebuf++ = ch; errbufptr = ebuf; } PUBLIC void putstr(message) char *message; { while (*message != 0) putbyte(*message++); } PRIVATE void putstrn(message) char *message; { putstr(message); putbyte('\n'); flusherr(); } PUBLIC int readchar() { int ch; register char *ibuf; int nread; ibuf = inbufptr; if (ibuf >= inbufend) { ibuf = inbufptr = inbuf; nread = read(infd, ibuf, INBUFSIZE); if (nread <= 0) { inbufend = ibuf; return ERR; } inbufend = ibuf + nread; } ch = (unsigned char) *ibuf++; inbufptr = ibuf; return ch; } PUBLIC void readin(buf, count) char *buf; unsigned count; { int ch; while (count--) { if ((ch = readchar()) < 0) prematureeof(); *buf++ = ch; } } PUBLIC bool_pt readineofok(buf, count) char *buf; unsigned count; { int ch; while (count--) { if ((ch = readchar()) < 0) return TRUE; *buf++ = ch; } return FALSE; } PUBLIC void seekin(offset) unsigned long offset; { inbufptr = inbufend = inbuf; if (lseek(infd, (off_t) offset, SEEK_SET) != offset) prematureeof(); } PUBLIC void seekout(offset) unsigned long offset; { flushout(); if (lseek(outfd, (off_t) offset, SEEK_SET) != offset) outputerror("cannot seek in"); } #ifdef REL_OUTPUT PUBLIC void seektrel(offset) unsigned long offset; { flushtrel(); if (lseek(trelfd, (off_t) offset, SEEK_SET) != offset) outputerror("cannot seek in"); } #endif PUBLIC void writechar(ch) int ch; { register char *obuf; obuf = outbufptr; if (obuf >= outbuftop) { flushout(); obuf = outbufptr; } *obuf++ = ch; outbufptr = obuf; } #ifdef REL_OUTPUT PUBLIC void writedrel(buf, count) register char *buf; unsigned count; { register char *rbuf; rbuf = drelbufptr; while (count--) { if (rbuf >= drelbuftop) inputerror("data relocation buffer full while processing"); *rbuf++ = *buf++; } drelbufptr = rbuf; } #endif PUBLIC void writeout(buf, count) register char *buf; unsigned count; { register char *obuf; obuf = outbufptr; while (count--) { if (obuf >= outbuftop) { outbufptr = obuf; flushout(); obuf = outbufptr; } *obuf++ = *buf++; } outbufptr = obuf; } #ifdef REL_OUTPUT PUBLIC void writetrel(buf, count) register char *buf; unsigned count; { register char *rbuf; rbuf = trelbufptr; while (count--) { if (rbuf >= trelbuftop) { trelbufptr = rbuf; flushtrel(); rbuf = trelbufptr; } *rbuf++ = *buf++; } trelbufptr = rbuf; } #endif /* error module */ PRIVATE void errexit(message) char *message; { putstrn(message); exit(2); } PUBLIC void fatalerror(message) char *message; { refer(); errexit(message); } PUBLIC void inputerror(message) char *message; { refer(); putstr(message); putstr(" input file "); errexit(inputname); } PUBLIC void input1error(message) char *message; { refer(); putstr(inputname); errexit(message); } PRIVATE void outputerror(message) char *message; { refer(); putstr(message); putstr(" output file "); errexit(outputname); } PUBLIC void outofmemory() { inputerror("out of memory while processing"); } PUBLIC void prematureeof() { inputerror("premature end of"); } PUBLIC void redefined(name, message, archentry, deffilename, defarchentry) char *name; char *message; char *archentry; char *deffilename; char *defarchentry; { ++warncount; refer(); putstr("warning: "); putstr(name); putstr(" redefined"); putstr(message); putstr(" in file "); putstr(inputname); if (archentry != NUL_PTR) { putbyte('('); putstr(archentry); putbyte(')'); } putstr("; using definition in "); putstr(deffilename); if (defarchentry != NUL_PTR) { putbyte('('); putstr(defarchentry); putbyte(')'); } putbyte('\n'); } PRIVATE void refer() { putstr(refname); putstr(": "); } PUBLIC void reserved(name) char *name; { ++errcount; putstr("incorrect use of reserved symbol: "); putstrn(name); } PUBLIC void size_error(seg, count, size) int seg; bin_off_t count; bin_off_t size; { refer(); putstr("seg "); outhexdigs((bin_off_t) seg); putstr(" has wrong size "); outhexdigs(count); putstr(", supposed to be "); outhexdigs(size); errexit("\n"); } PUBLIC void undefined(name) char *name; { ++errcount; putstr("undefined symbol: "); putstrn(name); } PUBLIC void usage() { putstr("usage: "); putstr(refname); #ifdef REL_OUTPUT errexit("\ [-03NMdimrstz[-]] [-llib_extension] [-o outfile] [-Ccrtfile]\n\ [-Llibdir] [-Olibfile] [-T textaddr] [-D dataaddr] infile..."); #else errexit("\ [-03NMdimstz[-]] [-llib_extension] [-o outfile] [-Ccrtfile]\n\ [-Llibdir] [-Olibfile] [-T textaddr] [-D dataaddr] infile..."); #endif } PUBLIC void use_error(message) char *message; { refer(); putstrn(message); usage(); }