/* * This is a combination of three tools for decoding information from * Dev86/ELKS object files and executables. * * This executable can be given the names: * * objdump86: Dumps detailed information about a binary file. * size86: Summary sizes of the data in a binary file. * nm86: The symbol table of the binary file. * * None of these programs have any options. * This may be a minor problem with nm86. * * Copyright (c) 1999 by Greg Haerr * Added archive file reading capabilties */ #include #include #include #ifdef __STDC__ #include #endif #include "ar.h" #include "obj.h" FILE * ifd; char * ifname; #ifdef __STDC__ #define _(x) x #else #define _(x) () #endif long get_long _((void)); long get_sized _((int sz)); unsigned int get_word _((void)); int main _((int argc, char**argv)); void do_file _((char * fname)); long read_arheader _((char *archentry)); void do_module _((char * fname, char *archive)); int error _((char * str)); int read_objheader _((void)); int read_sectheader _((void)); int read_syms _((void)); void read_databytes _((void)); void hex_output _((int ch)); void fetch_aout_hdr _((void)); void dump_aout _((void)); void size_aout _((void)); void nm_aout _((void)); int sections; long segsizes[16]; long textoff, textlen; long str_off, str_len; long filepos; char ** symnames; char * symtab; int display_mode = 0; int multiple_files = 0; int byte_order = 0; long size_text, size_data, size_bss; int main(argc, argv) int argc; char ** argv; { int ar; char * p; ifd = stdin; /* In Libc6 stdin is weird */ p = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); if(p) p++; else p=argv[0]; if( p[0] == 's' ) display_mode = 1; if( p[0] == 'n' ) display_mode = 2; multiple_files = 0; for(ar=1; ar1); if( display_mode == 1 ) printf("text\tdata\tbss\tdec\thex\tfilename\n"); for(ar=1; ar 0) { filepos += sizeof(struct ar_hdr); magic = get_word(); if(magic == 0x86A3) { /* OMAGIC*/ fseek(ifd, filepos, 0); do_module(archentry, fname); } else if(magic == 0x3C21 ) /* "!<" */ filelength = SARMAG; filepos += ld_roundup(filelength, 2, long); fseek(ifd, filepos, 0); } } else { fseek(ifd, 0L, 0); do_module(fname, NULL); } fclose(ifd); } /* read archive header and return length */ long read_arheader(archentry) char *archentry; { char * endptr; struct ar_hdr arheader; if(fread((char *)&arheader, sizeof(arheader), 1, ifd) != 1) return 0; strncpy(archentry, arheader.ar_name, sizeof(arheader.ar_name)); archentry[sizeof(arheader.ar_name)] = 0; endptr = archentry + sizeof(arheader.ar_name); do { *endptr-- = 0; } while(endptr > archentry && (*endptr == ' ' || *endptr == '/')); return strtoul(arheader.ar_size, (char **)NULL, 0); } void do_module(fname, archive) char * fname; char * archive; { int modno, i, ch; size_text = size_data = size_bss = 0; byte_order = 0; if( !display_mode ) { if(archive) printf("ARCHIVEFILE '%s'\n", archive); printf("OBJECTFILE '%s'\n", fname); } switch( read_objheader() ) { case 0: /* as86 object file */ for(modno=1; modno<=sections; modno++) { if( modno != 1 && !display_mode ) printf("OBJECTSECTION %d\n", modno); if( read_sectheader() < 0 ) break; /* segments 0, 4-E are text, 1-3 are data*/ for(i=0; i<16; i++) { if(i < 1 || i > 4) size_text += segsizes[i]; else size_data += segsizes[i]; } if( read_syms() < 0 ) break; if( display_mode == 0 ) printf("text\tdata\tbss\tdec\thex\tfilename\n"); if( display_mode != 2 ) { printf("%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%lx\t", size_text, size_data, size_bss, size_text+ size_data+ size_bss, size_text+ size_data+ size_bss); if(archive) printf("%s(%s)\n", archive, fname); else printf("%s\n", fname); } if( sections == 1 && display_mode != 0 ) break; read_databytes(); } if( !archive && !display_mode ) { i=0; while( (ch=getc(ifd)) != EOF ) { if( i == 0 ) { printf("TRAILER\n"); i=1; } hex_output(ch); } hex_output(EOF); } break; case 1: /* ELKS executable */ fseek(ifd, 0L, 0); fetch_aout_hdr(); switch(display_mode) { case 0: dump_aout(); break; case 1: size_aout(); break; case 2: nm_aout(); break; } break; } if( symtab ) free(symtab); if( symnames ) free(symnames); symtab = 0; symnames = 0; } int error(str) char * str; { switch( display_mode ) { case 1: fprintf(stderr, "size: %s: %s\n", ifname, str); break; case 2: fprintf(stderr, "nm: %s: %s\n", ifname, str); break; default: printf("Error: %s\n", str); break; } return -1; } int read_objheader() { unsigned char buf[5]; if( fread(buf, 1, 5, ifd) != 5 ) return error("Cannot read object header"); if( buf[0] != 0xA3 || buf[1] != 0x86 ) { if( buf[0] == 1 && buf[1] == 3 ) { sections = 1; return 1; } return error("Bad magic number"); } if( (unsigned char)(buf[0] + buf[1] + buf[2] + buf[3]) != buf[4] ) return error("Bad header checksum"); sections= buf[2]+256*buf[3]; return 0; } int read_sectheader() { long ssenc, cpos; int i, ver; textoff = get_long(); textlen = get_long(); str_len=get_word(); str_off=textoff-str_len; ver = get_word(); symtab = malloc((unsigned int)str_len+1); if( symtab == 0 ) return error("Out of memory"); cpos = ftell(ifd); fseek(ifd, filepos+str_off, 0); fread(symtab, 1, (unsigned int)str_len, ifd); fseek(ifd, cpos, 0); if( !display_mode ) { printf("MODULE '%s'\n", symtab); printf("BYTEPOS %08lx\n", textoff); printf("BINLEN %08lx\n", textlen); printf("STRINGS %04lx +%04lx\n", str_off, str_len); printf("VERSION %d.%d\n", ver/256, ver%256); } (void)get_long(); /* Ignore fives */ ssenc=get_long(); for(i=0; i<16; i++) { int ss; ss = (i^3); ss = ((ssenc>>(2*(15-ss)))&3); segsizes[i] = get_sized(ss); if( segsizes[i] && !display_mode ) printf("SEG%x %08lx\n", i, segsizes[i]); } if( !display_mode ) printf("\n"); return 0; } int read_syms() { int syms, i; syms=get_word(); if( !display_mode ) printf("SYMS %u\n", syms); if( syms < 0 ) return error("Bad symbol table"); symnames = malloc(syms*sizeof(char*)+1); if( symnames == 0 ) return error("Out of memory"); if(display_mode == 2 && multiple_files) printf("\n%s:\n", ifname); for(i=0; i>14)&3); symtype &= 0x3FFF; if (nameoff > str_len || nameoff < 0) symnames[i] = symtab + str_len; else symnames[i] = symtab+nameoff; if( !display_mode ) { printf("SYM %-4d %08lx ", i, offset); printf("%s", (symtype&0x2000)?"C":"."); printf("%s", (symtype&0x0100)?"N":"."); printf("%s", (symtype&0x0080)?"E":"."); printf("%s", (symtype&0x0040)?"I":"."); printf("%c", "T12D456789abcdeUAhijklmnopqrstuv"[symtype&0x1F]); if( symtype &0x1E20 ) printf(" %04x", symtype); printf(" %s\n", symnames[i]); } if( display_mode == 2 ) { if( symtype == 0x004f || symtype == 0x0040 ) printf(" "); else printf("%08lx ", offset); switch(symtype) { case 0x004F: putchar('U'); break; case 0x0000: putchar('t'); break; case 0x0003: putchar('d'); break; case 0x2003: putchar('b'); break; case 0x0043: putchar('C'); break; case 0x0083: putchar('D'); break; case 0x0080: putchar('T'); break; case 0x0040: putchar('T'); break; case 0x0180: putchar('N'); break; case 0x0010: putchar('a'); break; case 0x0090: putchar('A'); break; default: if((symtype & ~0xF) == 0x40 ) putchar('u'); else if((symtype & ~0xF) == 0x80 ) printf("%c", "T12D456789abcdeU"[symtype&0xF]); else putchar('?'); break; } printf(" %s\n", symnames[i]); } if( symtype == 0x43 || symtype == 0x2003 ) size_bss += offset; } if( !display_mode ) printf("\n"); return 0; } void read_databytes() { static char * relstr[] = {"ERR", "DB", "DW", "DD"}; long l; int ch, i; int curseg = 0; int relsize = 0; fseek(ifd, filepos+textoff, 0); printf("\nBYTECODE\n"); for(;;) { if( (ch=getc(ifd)) == EOF ) break; if( ch == 0 ) break; switch( ch & 0xC0 ) { case 0x00: switch(ch & 0xF0) { case 0x00: /* Relocator size */ printf("RELSZ %d\n", relsize= (ch&0xF)); if(relsize>3) relsize=3; break; case 0x10: /* Skip bytes */ printf("SKP %ld\n", get_sized(ch&0xF)); break; case 0x20: /* Segment */ printf("SEG %x\n", curseg= (ch&0xF)); break; default: printf("CODE %02x - unknown\n", ch); return ; } break; case 0x40: /* Raw bytes */ { int abscnt = (ch&0x3F); if( abscnt == 0 ) abscnt = 64; for( i=0; i7), buf, 2); if( ch > ' ' && ch <= '~' ) linebuf[50+pos] = ch; else linebuf[50+pos] = '.'; pos = ((pos+1) & 0xF); if( pos == 0 ) { printf(": %.66s\n", linebuf); memset(linebuf, ' ', sizeof(linebuf)); } } } /************************************************************************/ /* ELKS a.out versions */ long header[12]; int h_len, h_flgs, h_cpu; void fetch_aout_hdr() { int i; header[0] = get_long(); header[1] = get_long(); byte_order = ((header[0]>>24) & 3); h_len = (header[1] & 0xFF); h_flgs = ((header[0]>>16) & 0xFF); h_cpu = ((header[0]>>24) & 0xFF); for(i=2; i<8; i++) { if( i*4 <= h_len ) header[i] = get_long(); else header[i] = 0; } } void dump_aout() { static char * cpu[] = { "unknown", "8086", "m68k", "ns16k", "i386", "sparc" }; static char * byteord[] = { "LITTLE_ENDIAN", "(2143)","(3412)","BIG_ENDIAN" }; int i; long l; if( h_cpu > 0x17 ) h_cpu &= 3; printf("HLEN %d\n", h_len); printf("CPU %s %s\n", cpu[h_cpu>>2], byteord[h_cpu&3]); printf("FLAGS:"); if( h_flgs & 0x01 ) printf(" A_UZP"); if( h_flgs & 0x02 ) printf(" A_PAL"); if( h_flgs & 0x04 ) printf(" A_NSYM"); if( h_flgs & 0x08 ) printf(" FLG-08"); if( h_flgs & 0x10 ) printf(" A_EXEC"); if( h_flgs & 0x20 ) printf(" A_SEP"); if( h_flgs & 0x40 ) printf(" A_PURE"); if( h_flgs & 0x80 ) printf(" A_TOVLY"); printf("\n"); if( header[5] ) printf("a_entry = 0x%08lx\n", header[5]); printf("a_total = 0x%08lx\n", header[6]); if( header[7] ) printf("a_syms = 0x%08lx\n", header[7]); if( h_len >= 36 ) printf("a_trsize = 0x%08lx\n", header[8]); if( h_len >= 40 ) printf("a_drsize = 0x%08lx\n", header[9]); if( h_len >= 44 ) printf("a_tbase = 0x%08lx\n", header[10]); if( h_len >= 48 ) printf("a_dbase = 0x%08lx\n", header[11]); printf("\n"); size_aout(); printf("\n"); if( header[7] ) { printf("SYMBOLS\n"); nm_aout(); } else printf("NO SYMBOLS\n"); printf("\n"); printf("TEXTSEG\n"); fseek(ifd, (long)h_len, 0); for(l=0; l 16) { if( fread(n_name, 1, 8, ifd) != 8 ) break; n_name[8] = 0; n_value = get_long(); if( (n_sclass = getc(ifd)) == EOF ) break; if( (n_numaux = getc(ifd)) == EOF ) break; n_type = get_word(); if( pending_nl && n_sclass == 0 ) { printf("%s", n_name); continue; } if( pending_nl ) putchar('\n'); if( n_sclass == 0x10 ) printf(" "); else printf("%08lx ", n_value); switch(n_sclass) { case 0x01: printf("a "); break; case 0x12: printf("T "); break; case 0x13: printf("D "); break; case 0x14: printf("C "); break; case 0x1a: printf("t "); break; case 0x1b: printf("d "); break; case 0x1c: printf("b "); break; case 0x10: printf("U "); break; default: if( display_mode ) { printf("? "); break; } printf("n_sclass="); switch(n_sclass>>3) { case 0: printf("C_NULL,"); break; case 2: printf("C_EXT,"); break; case 3: printf("C_STAT,"); break; default: printf("%04o,", n_sclass&0xF8); } switch(n_sclass&7) { case 0: printf("N_UNDF "); break; case 1: printf("N_ABS "); break; case 2: printf("N_TEXT "); break; case 3: printf("N_DATA "); break; case 4: printf("N_BSS "); break; case 5: printf("N_COMM "); break; default: printf("%o ", n_sclass&7); break; } break; } if( display_mode == 0 ) { if( n_numaux ) printf("n_numaux=%02x ", n_numaux); if( n_type ) printf("n_type=%04x ", n_type); } printf("%s", n_name); pending_nl=1; } if( pending_nl ) putchar('\n'); }