/* Copyright (C) 1996 Robert de Bath * This file is part of the Linux-8086 C library and is distributed * under the GNU Library General Public License. */ #ifdef __AS386_16__ #ifdef __STANDALONE__ #include #ifdef L_bios_putc bios_putc(c) { #asm #if !__FIRST_ARG_IN_AX__ mov bx,sp mov ax,[bx+2] #endif mov ah,#$0E mov bx,#7 int $10 #endasm } #endif /****************************************************************************/ #ifdef L_bios_getc bios_getc() { #asm xor ax,ax int $16 #endasm } #endif /****************************************************************************/ #ifdef L_bios_khit bios_khit() { #asm mov ah,#1 int $16 jz nokey cmp ax,#0 jnz dort mov ax,#3 dort: ret nokey: xor ax,ax #endasm } #endif /****************************************************************************/ #endif #endif