/* arch/i86/include/asm/types.h - Basic Linux/MT data types. */ #ifndef __LINUXMT_8086_TYPES #define __LINUXMT_8086_TYPES /* First we define all of the __u and __s types...*/ typedef unsigned char __u8; typedef unsigned char * __pu8; typedef char __s8; typedef char * __ps8; typedef unsigned short __u16; typedef unsigned short * __pu16; typedef short __s16; typedef short * __ps16; typedef unsigned long __u32; typedef unsigned long * __pu32; typedef long __s32; typedef long * __ps32; /* __uint == 16bit here */ typedef unsigned int __uint; typedef int __sint; typedef unsigned int * __puint; typedef int * __psint; /* Then we define registers, etc... */ struct _registers { __u16 ksp, sp, ss, ax, bx, cx, dx, di, si, ds, es, bp, ip, cs, flags; }; typedef struct _registers __registers; typedef struct _registers * __pregisters; typedef __u32 __pptr; struct _mminit { __u16 cs, endcs, ds, endds, ss, endss, lowss; }; typedef struct _mminit __arch_mminit; typedef struct _mminit * __parch_mminit; #endif