# Copyright (C) 1996 Robert de Bath # This file is part of the Linux-8086 C library and is distributed # under the GNU Library General Public License. BCC=bcc CC=$(BCC) CFLAGS=-O SRC=env.c ft.c hd.c size.c sync.c compr.c ucomp.c ouch.c lines.c \ wc.c line2.c rand.c grab.c OBJ= EXE=env ft hd size sync compr ucomp ouch lines wc line2 rand grab LINK_FILES=cat chgrp chmod chown cp install ln mkdir mkfifo mknod mv rm all: $(EXE) install links: for i in $(LINK_FILES) ; do ln -s ft $$i ; done no_links: rm -f $(LINK_FILES) clean realclean: rm -f $(OBJ) $(EXE) $(LINK_FILES)