/* * @(#) stdarg.h 1.4 93/06/18 22:29:44 * * Sample stdarg.h file for use with the unproto filter. * * This file serves two purposes. * * 1 - On systems that do not have a /usr/include/stdarg.h file, it should be * included by C source files that implement ANSI-style variadic functions. * Ultrix 4.[0-2] comes with stdarg.h but still needs the one that is * provided with the unproto filter. * * 2 - To configure the unprototyper itself. If the _VA_ALIST_ macro is * defined, its value will appear in the place of the "..." at the end of * argument lists of variadic function *definitions* (not declarations). * Some compilers (such as Greenhills m88k) have a non-empty va_dcl * definition in the system header file varargs.h. If that is the case, * define "_VA_DCL_" with the same value as va_dcl. If _VA_DCL_ is defined, * the unprototyper will emit its value just before the opening "{". * * Compilers that always pass arguments via the stack can use the default code * at the end of this file (this usually applies for the vax, mc68k and * 80*86 architectures). * * Special tricks are needed for compilers that pass some or all function * arguments via registers. Examples of the latter are given for the mips * and sparc architectures. Usually the compiler special-cases an argument * declaration such as "va_alist" or "__builtin_va_alist". For inspiration, * see the local /usr/include/varargs.h file. * * You can use the varargs.c program provided with the unproto package to * verify that the stdarg.h file has been set up correctly. */ #ifdef sparc /* tested with SunOS 4.1.1 */ #define _VA_ALIST_ "__builtin_va_alist" typedef char *va_list; #define va_start(ap, p) (ap = (char *) &__builtin_va_alist) #define va_arg(ap, type) ((type *) __builtin_va_arg_incr((type *) ap))[0] #define va_end(ap) #else #ifdef mips /* tested with Ultrix 4.0 and 4.2 */ #define _VA_ALIST_ "va_alist" #include "/usr/include/stdarg.h" #else #ifdef m88k /* Motorola SYSTEM V/88 R32V3 */ #define _VA_ALIST_ "va_alist" #define _VA_DCL_ "va_type va_alist;" typedef struct _va_struct { int va_narg; int *va_stkaddr; int *va_iregs; } va_list; #define va_start(ap, p) \ ((ap).va_narg=(int *)&va_alist-va_stkarg, \ (ap).va_stkaddr=va_stkarg, \ (ap).va_iregs=(int *)va_intreg) #define va_end(p) #if defined(LittleEndian) #define va_arg(p,mode) \ (*(mode *)_gh_va_arg(&p, va_align(mode), va_regtyp(mode), sizeof(mode))) #else /* defined(LittleEndian) */ #define va_arg(p,mode) ( \ (p).va_narg += ((p).va_narg & (va_align(mode) == 8)) + \ (sizeof(mode)+3)/4, \ ((mode *)((va_regtyp(mode) && (p).va_narg <= 8 ? \ (p).va_iregs: \ (p).va_stkaddr) + (p).va_narg))[-1]) #endif /* defined(LittleEndian) */ #else /* vax, mc68k, 80*86 */ typedef char *va_list; #define va_start(ap, p) (ap = (char *) (&(p)+1)) #define va_arg(ap, type) ((type *) (ap += sizeof(type)))[-1] #define va_end(ap) #endif /* m88k */ #endif /* mips */ #endif /* sparc */