/* @(#) stdlib.h 1.1 92/02/15 17:25:45 */ #ifndef _stdlib_h_ #define _stdlib_h_ /* NULL is also defined in */ #ifndef NULL #define NULL 0 #endif /* * Some functions in this file will be missing from the typical pre-ANSI * UNIX library. Some pre-ANSI UNIX library functions have return types * that differ from what ANSI requires. */ extern double atof(); extern int atoi(); extern long atol(); extern double strtod(); extern long strtol(); extern unsigned long strtoul(); extern int rand(); extern void srand(); extern char *calloc(); extern char *malloc(); extern char *realloc(); extern void free(); extern void abort(); extern void exit(); extern int atextit(); extern int system(); extern char *getenv(); extern char *bsearch(); extern void qsort(); extern int abs(); extern long labs(); typedef struct { int quot; int rem; } div_t; typedef struct { long quot; long rem; } ldiv_t; extern div_t div(); extern ldiv_t ldiv(); #endif /* _stdlib_h_ */