DevIL TODO: ----------- Denton: Bugs: - Conversion to IL_ALPHA seems to be crashing (WindowsTest.cpp). - Conversion to IL_ALPHA can be flipped? By next release: - - NVTT.dll as a delay-loaded DLL. - Update docs with next DXT code, new mipmap/cubemap access, new SaveL code. - Update DevIL website with file formats (psd-saving, etc.). - Add Nebula Device to projects page. - Add VTF Edit to projects page. - Add to projects page. - Verify all formats are listed in il_io.c Doxygen documentation. - - Check these. - Update Portable Any Map name in manual and code. - Update name as above. - Same with MNG - Update Targa extensions in manual. - Update license page on the website. Easier: - Find out what is different in the VTF headers that are 64 bytes. - Make DXT1 decompression function that does not do alpha. - Implement ilIsValid calls for ROT. - Make sure ilFixImage is called everytime something is loaded. - Add BLP loading of alpha sizes other than 0 and 1 for BLP2 RAW. - Add BLP loading of mipmaps for all other types (jpeg will be the hardest). - Find out why BLP2 files do not follow DXTC specs when width or height < 4. It looks like they are not wasting space with the small mipmaps. An example is a 2x8 image in DXT5. Their mipmap length claims to be 16, instead of 32. - Recompile libtiff with extra options (but not jpeg...). - Clean up ilSetAlpha. - DxtcReadColor and DxtcReadColors need to expand the colours from 565 to 888 properly. - Add faces to WindowsTest. - Add reading other files in directory to WindowsTest, so you can easily view all files in a dir. - Finish BLP loading (indexed mipmaps, jpeg data). - dcraw support - - Clean up WDP code. - Get WDP code to do conversions within the WDP library (check to see if type/format set by user). - Get WDP code to properly do float, short, etc. - Make DecompressDXT1 and DecompressDXT1a functions separate (.blp files could use this). - Keep TPL DXT data. - DecompressDXT1 (and more) do not set an error if returning IL_FALSE (should be an internal error, I think). - Add ilIsValidFits* functions to il_io.c. - Add ilIsValidWdp* functions. - iGetString may not work properly with Unicode strings. - Look at adding ilIsValid* for mng, iff, wbmp, wal and pxr. - Added ilSetError error codes to il_files.c. - Get rid of check for precache. - If IL_NO_JP2 is defined, lines 306-307 shouldn't just cause the entire thing to fail. We should just skip that entry. - Change ilConvertBuffer to be able to convert paletted images as well. - Fix MSVC8 solutions for text files. - ilSavePnmF needs to set FName if not called by ilSavePnm. - Make TPL_CMP case in iLoadTplInternal code more modular (also in il_dds.c). - Get rid of iluSwapColours call in ilutConvertToSDLSurface. - Use GL/glext.h. - Update Eclipse projects. - Add Code::Blocks projects. - Check to make sure all VTF formats are supported. - Look at DDSTextureLoader.cpp for new DDS formats. - - 3d mipmaps and better 2d: - Make libsquish and NVTT code compress volume textures (do each slice separately). - Check .dcx code - does it even load multiple images? - Make ilBlit either error with color indexed images or work with them. - iluScale: Make ilTexImage or whatever actually use Temp->Data instead of copying. - Get rid of globals in il_dds.c and ilu_scale2d.c. - Make ilApplyPal also work for file streams and lumps. - Make a version of ilApplyPal where a palette buffer and palette type are specified. - Renormalize FITS and DICOM files (make it an option?). - Add scaling functions to IL (and wrappers in ILU). - Fix DXT2 and DXT4 loading. - Add _ilLoadExt/_ilSaveExt Unicode in il_states.c. - XCF (Gimp) support More involved: - ILinfo struct still has number of images... - Use loaded mipmaps in OpenGL and DirectX. - JPEG and PNG in .bmp files? - It looks like ilSetRead/ilSetWrite don't actually do anything. - Run Valgrind on library - all functions. - Make iSaveJp2Internal and iSaveExrInternal work with palettes (make ilConvertBuffer work on palettes as well). - Make .ico/.icns uses Mipmaps field instead for smaller icons (can icns have multiple images?). - Work on page. - (lots of game graphics formats) - Strife textures - Starcraft GRP textures - - Commenting out lines 729-731 in pngread.c of libpng (1.2.9?) will allow reading of certain malformed Vista PNG-compressed .ico files with extra data at the end of the stream. An example can be found in test/in and was created using Microangelo. - Add .ico/.icns saving. - Readd CMAKE support - Better static lib support in MSVC++ 8/9 - Median cut quantization - Lib EXIF support - APNG support - Koala support - Flashpix (.fpx) support - Multipage PNM files - Fortran support - D language support - There exists a program to convert C headers to D. - Better DirectX 10 support - Open URL in WindowsTest not working - Should probably check for errors in iGetWdpHead and etc... - ilGetAlpha returns malloc'ed memory that cannot be freed by the caller. - Support for DX10 .dds files - one new format is found in HDRRendering sample in nVidia DX10 SDK. - More checks for headers of unknown file types - Set CompSize in ReadData of il_dds.c for DDS_LINEARSIZE flag? - Look at resize filters in VTFEdit. - Get rid of globals in il_dds.c. - TIFF with JPEG encoding - Bicubic scaling - Freebasic support - Multiple images in FITs files (through extensions). - Reorder loading/saving in il_io.c - Get il_vtf.c to do less memory allocation. Just use the precache function. - In il_gif.c, make sure subimages with offsets will not lead to an overflow. - il_bmp.c / il_dds.c / il_dds-save.c may not be safe for Big Endian for 16-bit data. - Change how mipmaps are stored (do not use Next pointer in ILimage). - Check ASCII PPM code for the ability to read data that wraps around to multiple lines. - Check return on all ilFixImage calls. - Printing not working from Windows test. - Can ilConvertImage deal correctly with signed image formats? - Add function to create cubemaps. - Request compressed texture data in ilutGLSetTex2D? - Upload cubemaps directly to OpenGL/D3D. - Change some calls (such as in il_tiff.c) to ilGetString to non-Unicode. - Check saving of Luminance (8 bpp/1 Bpp) BMP - Check compatibility with all the files in the BMP Suite. - IL_COLOUR_INDEX: must be implemented in iluReplaceColour(ILubyte Red, ILubyte Green, ILubyte Blue, ILfloat Tolerance); - iluEqualize must be implemented for various Bpc - Update the state stack in IL. Right now, it only saves part of the states when you push/pop. - Redo Compress in il_dds-save.c. - Check 16-bit images being loaded have their lower bits properly set. An example is the il_dds.c entry on 2009-01-15. - Fix image loading problems listed on - Look at - PNG and JPG compression in .bmp files? - Scan line table for RLE .tga files. - Allow more formats for saving .tga (does not do IL_ALPHA for instance) - also in iTargaSize. Make sure iConvertImage is called. Right now, it would not be. - XBM support. - Check XPM support for different types: - Find test images for all .tpl formats. - Create new palette types for luminance, luminance-alpha and alpha (.tpl has luminance-alpha) (also change ilutConvertToSDLSurface and maybe others). - iGetActiveNum needs to be rewritten somehow to allow for mipmaps under a cubemap in an animation chain (extreme example). - TPL saving - Test Windows Mobile code. - OpenMP support: - Shear rotation: - Icon Library (.icl) support. - Test all DDS types. - New (DX10) DDS types - Gamecube BMD and BTI support ( - Conversion from half to int is producing artifacts. - Support for mp3 frames with Unicode strings Lots of work: - Go through forks on GitHub to see what needs to be included in the main release - Thread safe version: look at - Linux Unicode support is partially broken. - Write own .exr routines. - Native WDP support - Enable descriptive error strings in IL. - Librsvg - Give estimates for buffer sizes for ilSaveL. - MNG saving - Metadata - Add flag for determining whether DDS data is outdated. - TIFF saving to file streams and lumps - Use fseek/ftell 64-bit? - Check for any external library pointers that are assumed to be 32-bit. - Possibly make palettes always 768 (or 1024) bytes so that it is not possible to access outside by bad data? - Add padding options, so that each line could be DWORD-padded, for instance. - Add dithering. - Work on making DevIL more stable. There's probably a few places where I don't check the return value of ilNewImage, for instance. - Add support for callbacks so that users can create progress meters for loading and saving in their applications. We could extend this idea further and allow cancellation of loading/saving images. - global use of restricted pointers where available (for now only il_bmp.{c,h} uses it) - iluScaleColours is BUGGED, doesn't handle the image with the correct type! more Bpc (except luminance and paletted one) - Add a real Layer facility. - IL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA support must be tested in ilApplyPal(); - ilApplyPal should work on any type of image, not only IL_BYTE or IL_UNSIGNED_BYTE - Look at adding FreeType support to ILU. - Work on the signed/unsigned conversions a bit more (IL_BYTE versus IL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, etc.). A good link for defining signed formats is . - Add TWAIN support. - Add clipboard and printing support in Linux. - Finish support for regions in ILU. - Add support for regions in IL. This could be used to save only a specific portion of an image. - Add support for user-defined filters (possibly of a user-defined size). - Add more filters. Some sites to look at are and . The last link describes ways to handle borders for the convolution filters. It might be worthwhile to allow these kinds of options. - Possibly add support for other colour spaces besides RGB (CMYK, YUV, etc.) - Implement a scripting "language" with LUA for ILU. This way, people can generate scripts to run a certain set of filters on all images. - Look at other rescaling algorithms: - ilKeyColor ilAddKey... - Find a way to make the filters (especially the convolution filters) work in three dimensions. - Make better versions of the DevIL ports of the NeHe tutorials. Several of the tutorials don't call ilInit, for instance. - Change parameters of iread to use ILsizei. - Make sure all bugs in bug tracker are squashed. Questions: - Should IL_CONV_PAL convert to more than RGB? - Possibly readd VC6 projects? - Add BeOS support back in? - Create Dev-C++/MingW/Cygwin .a files for releases? - Does ilIsValidTga generate an unnecessary IL_INVALID_EXTENSION error? - Why is IL_HALF even used in ilut_directx9.c? - Fix problems loading .dds files on Big Endian machines (still a problem or not?) - Should we be calculating DXT endpoints before converting data to 565 format? - Use Extreme DXT compression code? - Support half data internally? - Will ilDetermineType fail if file reading functions are overriden? - Is ilSaveCHeader fine with Unicode? - Should ilFlipSurfaceDxtcData and more work on mipmaps/cubemaps as well? - Should ilImageToDxtcData work on cubemaps? - Should we seek back to the initial position on filestreams? - Should we return the number of bytes read in loading lumps? - Should we be renormalizing float and double data in FITS files? From old TODO: For 1.7.0 - fixed OpenGL Loading (breaks old code which inverted the images) - iluReplaceColour should have a color to describe which color to set. - ilBindImage must return a result. It may fail! - ilInit() call iSetImage0 and ilBindTemp. This shouldn't happen and image names must start from 0 - Rename iGetIntegervImage to ilGetImageIntegerv and make it public Matej: - Make a test suite (IL ok, now ILU tests) - Make DevIL parts that require external libraries modular - Make the library include files correct (fix the config.h problem) - Look into TIFF loading (support for images with greater bpp should be possible) - Fix examples