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diff --git a/doc/server/dbus/API.txt b/doc/server/dbus/API.txt
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+Dleyna-server-service is a middleware component. It is designed to be
+launched by d-Bus activation when needed. It automatically shuts down
+when the last of its clients quits or releases its connection.
+Dleyna-server-service currently connects to the d-Bus session bus,
+although this may change in the future. It exposes four different
+types of objects:
+1. A manager object. There is only ever a single instance of this
+object. It can be used to retrieve a list of the DMSs on the local
+area network. It is also used to perform certain server independent
+2. Server objects. One separate object is exposed for each DMS
+available on the LAN. These objects expose interfaces that allow
+clients to retrieve information about the servers and to browse and
+search their contents.
+3. Container objects. Container objects represent separate folders
+within the DMS. They allow clients to browse and search the contents
+of the folder to which they correspond.
+4. Item objects. Represent individual pieces of media content
+published by a DMS. These objects can be used to retrieve information
+about media objects, such as their name, their authors, and most
+importantly, their URLs.
+The remainder of this document will describe the four d-Bus objects
+listed above and the interfaces they support.
+The Manager Object:
+There is only ever a single instance of this object. The manager
+object exposes a single d-Bus interface,
+The interface contains 5 methods.
+Descriptions of each of these methods along with their d-Bus
+signatures are given below.
+GetServers() -> ao
+GetServers takes no parameters and returns an array of d-Bus object
+paths. Each of these paths reference a d-Bus object that represents a
+single DMS.
+GetVersion() -> s
+Returns the version number of dleyna-server-service
+Indicates to dleyna-server-service that a client is no longer interested
+in its services. Internally, dleyna-server-service maintains a reference
+count. This reference count is increased when a new client connects.
+It is decreased when a client quits. When the reference count reaches
+0, dleyna-server-service exits. A call to Release also decreases the
+reference count. Clients should call this method if they intend to
+keep running but they have no immediate plans to invoke any of
+dleyna-server-service's methods. This allows dleyna-server-service to quit,
+freeing up system resources.
+SetProtocolInfo(s ProtocolInfo) -> void
+Informs dleyna-server-service of the mime types and network protocols
+supported by the client.
+The explanation behind this function is a little complex. DMSs often
+support a feature call transcoding. This allows them to publish each
+media item they manage in a number of different formats. This is
+useful as not all devices support the same set of media formats and
+codecs. For example, a DMS might publish two separate URLS for a
+video file. The first URL might point to the file in its original
+format, e.g., to an ogg vorbis file. The second URL however, could
+point to a MP4 encoded version of the same file. The second URL might
+be preferable if viewing the file on a mobile device. In short,
+SetProtocolInfo allows clients to specify the formats that they would
+like to receive media content in. This function should be called by
+all MediaPlayers. Doing so, will ensure that dleyna-server-service only
+returns compatible URLs via the org.gnome.MediaItem2 interface. For
+more information see the section on MediaServer2Spec below.
+The Protocol info field is a comma separated list of protocol info
+values. Each protocol info value consists of 4 fields separated by
+colons. Unfortunately, the format is too complex to describe in this
+document. The reader is referred to the UPnP Connection Manager
+Service Template document (1) and the DLNA Guidelines (2) where it is
+described extensively. However, an example protocol info value is
+presented below, to give the reader an idea of what such a string
+might look like.
+The protocol info value above indicates that the client supports the
+retrieval, via HTTP, and the playback of audio MP4 and JPEG files.
+PreferLocalAddresses(b Prefer) -> void
+Indicates whether local addresses should be prioritized or not. DMSs
+tend to make their services available on multiple interfaces. If a DMP
+and a DMS are running on the same device, the DMP will have the option
+of communicating with the DMS over the loopback or the LAN. By
+default dleyna-server-service will return loopback addresses to clients
+running on the same device. This is not very helpful for DMCs who
+need non-local addresses to pass to renderers running on other
+devices. DMCs should therefore call this function with the value
+FALSE before requesting any URLs from any servers.
+The interface also exposes two signals.
+Is generated whenever a new DMS is detected on the local area network.
+The signal contains the path of the newly discovered server.
+Is generated whenever a DMS is shutdown. The signal contains the path
+of the server which has just been shutdown.
+The Server Objects:
+Dleyna-server-service exposes a separate d-Bus object for each DMS it
+detects on the LAN. These objects serve two purposes.
+1. They allow the client to retrieve information about the DMS, such
+as its name, the URL of its icon, its manufacturer, etc.
+2. They represent the root container of the DMS allowing clients to
+search and browse the DMSs contents.
+Each server object exposes three separate interfaces:, org.gnome.MediaObject2 and
+The interface exposes information about the
+DMS via a number of d-Bus properties. These properties are described
+| Name | Type |m/o*| Description |
+| DeviceType | s | m | The UPnP type of the device, e.g., |
+| | | | urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:\ |
+| | | | MediaServer:1 |
+| UDN | s | m | The Unique Device Name of the server. |
+| FriendlyName | s | m | The friendly name of the media server. |
+| IconURL | s | o | A URL pointing to an icon that |
+| | | | graphically identifies the server |
+| Manufacturer | s | m | A string identifying the manufacturer |
+| | | | of the server |
+| ManufacturerUrl | s | o | A URL pointing to the manufacturer's |
+| | | | web site. |
+| ModelDescription | s | o | A description of the server. |
+| ModelName | s | m | The model name of the server. |
+| ModelNumber | s | o | The server's version number |
+| SerialNumber | s | o | The server's serial number |
+| PresentationURL | s | o | The presentation URL of the server, |
+| | | | i.e., a link to it's HTML management |
+| | | | interface. |
+| DLNACaps | a{sv} | o | Represents the device capabilities as |
+| | | | announced in the device description |
+| | | | file via the dlna:X_DLNACAP element. (1)|
+| SearchCaps | as | m | List of property names that can be used |
+| | | | in search queries. |
+| | | | Empty if not supported by the device. |
+| SortCaps | as | m | List of property names that can be used |
+| | | | to sort Search() or Browse() action |
+| | | | results. |
+| | | | Empty if not supported by the device. |
+| SortExtCaps | as | o | List of sort modifiers that can be used |
+| | | | to sort Search() or Browse() results. |
+| | | | Empty if not supported by the device. |
+| FeatureList | a(ssao) | o | Each element in the FeatureList array |
+| | | | represents a feature supported by the |
+| | | | DMS. Each feature contains three pieces |
+| | | | of information, a name, a version number|
+| | | | and an array of object paths that can |
+| | | | clients can use to take advantage of the|
+| | | | feature. There are three standardized |
+| | | | feature names, BOOKMARK, EPG and TUNER. |
+| ServiceResetToken | s | o | A string containing the current |
+| | | | service reset token of the server. |
+| SystemUpdateID | u | m | An integer value that is incremenented |
+| | | | every time changes are made to the DMS. |
+(* where m/o indicates whether the property is optional or mandatory )
+(1) A value of -1 for the srs-rt-retention-period capability denotes an
+infinite retention period.
+All of the above properties are static with the sole exception
+of SystemUpdateID. A org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.PropertiesChanged signal
+is emitted when this property changes.
+The interface currently exposes seven methods:
+UploadToAnyContainer(s DisplayName, s FilePath) -> (u UploadId, o ObjectPath)
+UploadToAnyContainer allows a client to upload a local file to a DMS.
+The DMS chooses the best place to store the file based on the file's
+type. DisplayName is the friendly name the DMS should associate with
+the file and FilePath is a full path to the file. The successful
+completion of this method indicates that the upload has begun, but has
+not necessarily finished. There are two return values. The UploadId,
+which can be used to monitor the progress of the upload and to
+cancel it and ObjectPath, which contains the path of the newly created object.
+CreateContainerInAnyContainer(s DisplayName, s Type, as ChildTypes)
+ -> o ObjectPath
+Creates a new container. The DMS chooses the best place to create
+this new container. DisplayName is the name of the new container,
+Type is the type and ChildTypes is an array of types that can be stored
+in the new folder, e.g., ['video','container'].
+A special value of ['*'] indicates that no restriction is placed
+on the types of objects that can be stored in the container.
+The path of the newly created object is returned.
+CreatePlayListInAnyContainer(s Title, s Creator, s Genre, s Desc,
+ ao PlaylistItems ) -> (u UploadId, o ObjectPath)
+Create a new Playlist. The DMS chooses the best place to create this new
+container. Title is the name of the Playlist, Creator is the name of the
+creator of the Playlist, Genre is the genre of the playlist, Desc is a short
+description of the playlist and PlaylistItems is an array of Item path to be
+added in the playlist. Creator, Genre and Desc are optional, you can pass
+empty strings for these parameters.
+The successful completion of this method indicates that the upload has begun,
+but has not necessarily finished. There are two return values. The UploadId,
+which can be used to monitor the progress of the upload and to
+cancel it and ObjectPath, which contains the path of the newly created object.
+GetUploadStatus(u UploadId) -> (s UploadStatus, t Length, t Total)
+GetUploadStatus returns the current status of an upload previously
+started by a call to Upload or UploadToAnyContainer. Clients should
+pass in the UploadId they received as a return value from either
+of these two functions. This method returns three pieces of information.
+i. UploadStatus, indicating the status of the upload. Four separate
+ values are possible. "IN_PROGRESS", "CANCELLED", "ERROR", "COMPLETED"
+ii. Length, indicating the number of bytes that have been transferred so far.
+iii. Total, indicating the total size of the upload.
+Clients can call GetUploadStatus to retrieve the status of an upload up to
+30 seconds after the specified upload has finished.
+The only exception to this rule is if the DMS to which the file is being
+uploaded shuts down or disappears from the UPnP network. If this happens
+all active uploads to this DMS will be cancelled and the Device object
+representing this DMS will disappear. As the Device object is no longer
+available, clients cannot call GetUploadStatus to determine the status
+of their uploads. Clients that initiate uploads should listen for
+the LostServer signal. They should assume that any uploads to a DMS that
+were in progress when this signal is received for that DMS, have been
+GetUploadIDs() -> (au UploadIDs)
+GetUploadIDs returns an array containing the IDs of all the outstanding upload
+tasks. An empty array will be returned if no uploads are in progress on the
+current device. As with GetUploadStatus, the IDs of upload tasks will be
+returned by GetUploadIDs for 30 seconds after the uploads have finished.
+CancelUpload(u UploadId) -> void
+Cancels the upload identified by UploadId. This function has no effect if the
+upload has already completed, i.e., its status is set to COMPLETED.
+Cancel() -> void
+Cancels all requests a client has outstanding on that server.
+The interface also exposes three signals.
+LastChange (a(sv) StateEvent)
+The LastChange signal is generated by servers to provide precise information
+of changes that have taken place to their content. LastChange is useful for
+synchronisation controllers. It allows them to dynamically update their local
+cache of the server's content. This signal contains an array of zero or more
+elements, each of which represents a change to a specific object.
+The value of each dictionary entry depends on the key value.
+| Key values | R/O | Description |
+| "ADD" | O | Indicates that an object has been added. |
+| "MOD" | O | Indicates that an object has been modified. |
+| "DEL" | O | Indicates that an object has been deleted |
+| "DONE" | O | Indicates that an update to a sub-tree has completed. |
+| Dictionary value for key "ADD": Format (oubos) |
+| o | M | Contains the Object Path property of the object that was added. |
+| u | M | Contains the value of the SystemUpdateID when the object was added. |
+| b | M | True if the object was added as part of a subtree update |
+| o | M | Contains the Object Path property of the parent container to which |
+| | | this object was added. |
+| s | M | Contains the value of the Type (converted upnp:class property) |
+| | | of the object that was added. |
+| Dictionary value for key "MOD": Format (oub) |
+| o | M | Contains the Object Path property of the object that was modified. |
+| u | M | Contains the value of the SystemUpdateID when the object was added. |
+| b | M | True if the object was modified as part of a subtree update |
+| Dictionary value for key "DEL": Format (oub) |
+| o | M | Contains the Object Path property of the object that was deleted. |
+| u | M | Contains the value of the SystemUpdateID when the object was added. |
+| b | M | True if the object was deleted as part of a subtree update |
+| Dictionary value for key "DONE": Format (ou) |
+| o | M | Contains the Object Path of the updated sub-tree |
+| u | M | Contains the value of the SystemUpdateID when the object was added. |
+ContainerUpdateIDs(a(ou) ContainerPathsIDs)
+Is generated when the contents of one or more folders maintained by the
+server have changed. This signal contains an array of paths/ContainerUpdateID
+of the server containers that have changed.
+UploadUpdate(u UploadId, s UploadStatus, Length t, Total t)
+Is generated when an upload completes, fails or is cancelled. The first
+parameter is the ID of the upload. The second contains one of three values,
+"CANCELLED", "COMPLETED", "ERROR", indicating whether the upload was cancelled,
+completed successfully or failed, respectively. The third parameter indicates
+the total amount of bytes that were uploaded and the fourth, the size of the
+file being uploaded.
+Here is some example code in python that enumerates all the media
+servers present on the network and prints their names and the paths of
+the d-Bus objects that represent them, to the screen.
+import dbus
+bus = dbus.SessionBus()
+manager = dbus.Interface(bus.get_object('',
+ '/com/intel/dLeynaServer'),
+ '')
+for path in manager.GetServers():
+ server = dbus.Interface(bus.get_object(
+ '', path),
+ 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties')
+ folderName = server.Get("", "DisplayName")
+ print '{0:<30}{1:<30}'.format(folderName , path)
+Running this code on a LAN with 3 DMSs produces the following output:
+My Media /com/intel/dLeynaServer/server/3
+Root /com/intel/dLeynaServer/server/1
+Test Streams /com/intel/dLeynaServer/server/4
+The org.gnome.MediaObject2 interface exposes some basic properties of
+the server's root directory. This interface is described
+MediaServer2Spec specification (3). Dleyna-server-service enhances this
+interface by adding new properties and methods and by defining
+additional values for the Type property.
+Additional Values for the Type Property:
+The Type property tells what kind of object we are dealing with and
+which can take the below values in addition to those described
+in MediaServer2Spec specification (3).
+in case of Items:
+ 'video.musicclip', 'video.broadcast'
+ 'audio.broadcast', '',
+ 'playlist'
+and in case of Containers:
+ 'album', '', ''
+ 'person', 'person.musicartist'
+ 'genre', '', ''
+Additional Properties:
+| Name | Type | m/o* | Description |
+| DLNAManaged | a{sb} | o | A dictionary of boolean values |
+| | | | indicating the values of the various |
+| | | | DLNA managed attributes. There are 5 |
+| | | | keys: Upload, CreateContainer, Delete, |
+| | | | UploadDelete, ChangeMeta |
+| Restricted | b | m | Indicates whether the object is |
+| | | | modifiable. |
+| Creator | s | o | Indicates an entity that owns the |
+| | | | content or is primarily responsible for |
+| | | | creating the content. |
+| ObjectUpdateID | u | o | Represents a last-modified timestamp |
+| | | | for the object relative to the |
+| | | | SystemUpdateID state variable. |
+Additional Methods:
+Delete() -> void
+Delete will simply call the UPnP DestroyObject method on the relevant
+server side object. Note that calling Delete on the root object of a
+server will delete all the contents on the server but not the
+device object itself.
+Update(a{sv} ToAddUpdate, as ToDelete) -> void
+Updates the meta data of an existing DMS object. It is based on the
+MediaServerAv UpdateObject command. ToAddUpdate is a dictionary of
+property name value pairs that are to be updated, or added if they do
+not already exist. ToDelete is an array of properties to be deleted.
+The same property cannot appear in both ToAddUpdate and ToDelete.
+Only the following properties can be updated: 'Date', 'DisplayName',
+'Artists', 'Album', 'Type', 'TrackNumber'.
+The org.gnome.MediaContainer2 interface exposes some additional
+properties of the root directory. It also provides methods that can
+be used by clients to perform a recursive search on the root directory
+and to retrieve a list of its children. The org.gnome.MediaContainer2
+interface is documented in the MediaServer2Spec (3). However,
+dleyna-server-service's implementation of org.gnome.MediaContainer2
+differs slightly from the specification. These differences can be
+grouped into two categories: unsupported properties and new methods.
+Unsupported Properties:
+The properties org.gnome.UPnP.MediaContainer2.ChildCount and
+org.gnome.UPnP.MediaContainer2.ContainerCount are not implemented as
+there is no way to efficiently implement these properties in
+In addition, org.gnome.UPnP.MediaContainer2.Icon is not supported
+either as its implementation is really complicated, requiring the
+creation of virtual objects. Furthermore, it cannot be properly
+implemented in dleyna-server-service as the UPnP servers do not provide
+us with enough information to populate the mandatory properties for
+these virtual objects. Nevertheless, clients can retrieve a URL that
+points to a server's icon via the property
+Please note that none of these unsupported properties are mandatory,
+so their absence does not affect dleyna-server-service's compatibility
+with MediaServer2Spec.
+Additional properties unsupported by org.gnome.MediaContainer2
+| Name | Type | m/o* | Description |
+| CreateClasses |a(sb) | o | Array of UPnP createClasses |
+| | | | property. A createClasses |
+| | | | property is a tuple (sb) |
+| | | | representing the class and |
+| | | | whether derived values are |
+| | | | allowed for this class. |
+| ContainerUpdateID | u | o | Contains the value of the |
+| | | | SystemUpdateID state variable |
+| | | | generated by the most recent |
+| | | | container modification for that |
+| | | | container |
+| TotalDeletedChildCount | u | o | Contains the total number of |
+| | | | child objects that have been |
+| | | | deleted from a container object |
+| | | | since the last initialization |
+New Methods:
+Seven new methods have been added. These methods are:
+ListChildrenEx(u Offset, u Max, as Filter, s SortBy) -> aa{sv}
+ListItemsEx(u Offset, u Max, as Filter, s SortBy) -> aa{sv}
+ListContainersEx(u Offset, u Max, as Filter, s SortBy) -> aa{sv}
+SearchObjectsEx(s Query, u Offset, u Max, as Filter, s SortBy) -> aa{sv}
+Upload(s DisplayName, s FilePath) -> (u UploadId, o ObjectPath)
+CreateContainer(s DisplayName, s Type, as ChildTypes) -> o ObjectPath
+CreatePlayList(s Title, s Creator, s Genre, s Desc, ao PlaylistItems )
+ -> (u UploadId, o ObjectPath)
+The first four methods are identical in function and behaviour to
+existing the MediaServer2Spec functions ListChildren, ListItems,
+ListContainers, and SearchObjects, with the exception that they take
+one extra parameter, and in the case of SearchObjectsEx, return an
+extra result.
+This extra parameter allows clients to specify a sort
+order for the returned items. It is a string that specifies a comma
+separated list of PropertyNames, identifying the order in which
+returned items should be sorted. Each property name can be preceded
+with a '-' or a '+' to indicate descending or ascending order
+respectively. An example, is "+Date,-DisplayName", which will sort
+the return items first by date in ascending order and then by name in
+descending order. White space is not permitted in this string.
+The return signature of SearchObjectsEx is (aa{sv}u). Note the extra
+integer return value after the dictionary of objects. This integer
+contains the total number of items matching the specified search as
+opposed to the total number of objects contained in the returned dictionary
+of objects. These two values may differ if the client has used the
+Offset and Max parameters to request a portion of the total
+results returned, because for example its screen is only capable of
+displaying 20 objects at any one time. Knowing the total number of
+objects that match a search is useful for applications.
+It allows them to inform the user as to the total number of matches
+and to correctly compute the scrollbars of the list displaying
+the found items.
+A small Python function is given below to demonstrate how these new
+methods may be used. This function accepts one parameter, a path to a
+d-Bus container object, and it prints out the names of all the
+children of that object in descending order.
+def list_children(server_path):
+ bus = dbus.SessionBus()
+ container = dbus.Interface(bus.get_object(
+ '', path),
+ 'org.gnome.UPnP.MediaContainer2')
+ objects = container.ListChildrenEx(0, 0, ['DisplayName'], "-DisplayName")
+ for item in objects:
+ for key, value in item.iteritems():
+ print '{0:<30}{1:<30}'.format(key, value)
+The output of this function might look something like this:
+DisplayName Videos
+DisplayName Pictures
+DisplayName Music
+DisplayName Files & Folders
+when the server_path parameter contains the path of a server object.
+The fifth new method, Upload, allows clients to upload a local file to
+the org.gnome.UPnP.MediaContainer2 object upon which it was executed.
+It is identical in function and behavior to with the sole
+exception that Upload allows the client to specify the server-side
+container into which the file is to be uploaded whereas
+UploadToAnyContainer leaves it up to the server to determine the most
+suitable location for the file.
+The CreateContainer method creates a new child container.
+DisplayName is the name of the new container,
+Type is the type and ChildTypes is an array of types that can be stored
+in the new folder, e.g., ['video','container'].
+A special value of ['*'] indicates that no restriction is placed
+on the types of objects that can be stored in the container.
+The path of the newly created object is returned.
+The CreatePlayList method allows the creation of a playlist to
+the org.gnome.UPnP.MediaContainer2 object upon which it was executed.
+It is identical in function and behavior to CreatePlaylistInAnyContainer with the sole
+exception that CreatePlayList allows the client to specify the server-side
+container into which the Playlist is to be uploaded whereas
+CreatePlaylistInAnyContainer leaves it up to the server to determine the most
+suitable location for the file.
+Recommended Usage:
+All of the list and search functions supported by dleyna-server-service's
+implementation of org.gnome.UPnP.MediaContainer2 contain three
+parameters that should be used to improve the efficiency and
+responsiveness of applications built using dleyna-server-service.
+The first two parameters of interest are offset and max. These
+parameters allow the client application to retrieve the contents of a
+directory, or the results of a search, in chunks. This is vital if
+the client's user interface is limited to displaying a fixed number,
+let's say 30, items on the screen at any one time. Suppose the client
+performs a search which has 2000 results. If it passes the Search or
+SearchEx method an offset and a max of 0, all of the results will be
+returned to the client at once, even though it is only capable of
+display 30 items at a time. This will increase the memory
+requirements of the client and reduce its responsiveness as it must
+wait until all 2000 items have been received before it can update the
+UI. Also, if the user locates the item he is looking for in the first
+page of items, a lot of network and IPC traffic will have been
+generated in vain. For these reasons, it is better to retrieve items
+in chunks, as needed.
+The amount of network and IPC traffic can be reduced further by
+prudent use of the filter parameter. This parameter is an array of
+strings, each element of which corresponds to a property name. If the
+client invokes a function specifying a filter parameter that is set to
+a single element array containing the string '*', dleyna-server-service
+will include all the properties of all the requested objects in the
+result. However, often the client only needs to know a subset of
+these properties. A UI that displays results of a search might only
+want to display the names and perhaps the dates of the items that
+match the search. Once the user has identified the item he is looking
+for, the remaining properties for that item, and only that item, can
+be retrieved. As an example, consider the list_children function
+above. It requests that only the DisplayName of each of the
+containers' children be returned. Replacing ['DisplayName'] with
+['*'] will generate a lot more output.
+Container Objects:
+Container objects represent folders in a DMS. In order to manipulate
+a container object one first needs to discover its path. This can be
+done by calling one of the List or Search methods implemented by the
+server object or another container object. Note that a server object
+is also a container object so a container object can be constructed by
+using a server's d-Bus object path.
+Container objects support two interfaces: org.gnome.MediaObject2 and
+org.gnome.MediaContainer2. Both of these interfaces have been
+described in detail above and will not be discussed further in this
+An example of how container objects can be used is given in the
+following function.
+def tree(server_path, level=0):
+ bus = dbus.SessionBus()
+ container = dbus.Interface(bus.get_object(
+ '', server_path),
+ 'org.gnome.UPnP.MediaContainer2')
+ objects = container.ListChildren(0, 0, ["DisplayName", "Path", "Type"])
+ for props in objects:
+ print " " * (level * 4) + ( props["DisplayName"] +
+ " : (" + props["Path"]+ ")")
+ if props["Type"] == "container":
+ tree(props["Path"], level + 1)
+When given the path of a container, and this could be a server object
+which acts as a root container, it recursively prints the contents of
+that container in depth first order. For example, to dump the entire
+contents of the My Media server introduced above, one would simply
+need to invoke tree("/com/intel/dLeynaServer/server/3").
+Item Objects:
+Item objects represent a unique piece of media that can be downloaded
+or streamed. Each item object implements the
+org.gnome.UPnP.MediaObject2 interface, which is described above, and
+the org.gnome.UPnP.MediaItem2 interface that is documented in the
+MediaServer2Spec (3). Although the org.gnome.UPnP.MediaItem2 is
+documented elsewhere, there are some peculiarities of its
+implementation in dleyna-server-service that merit further explanation.
+These are described in the sections below.
+Transcoding and org.gnome.UPnP.MediaItem2
+As mentioned above, DMSs often provide different representations of
+the same media file. Separate sets of meta data, such as a mime type,
+a URL, a size, a ColorDepth, etc., are associated with each
+representation. Unfortunately, it is difficult to represent this in
+org.gnome.UPnP.MediaItem2. Although, org.gnome.UPnP.MediaItem2,
+allows multiple URLs to be specified, it only permits a single set of
+meta data to be associated with each item. For example, the MIMEType
+property is a single string and not an array. If multiple URLs were
+associated with the same item, one would not know to which URL the
+MIMEType property pertained. For this reason, dleyna-server-service only
+ever returns one element in the URLs property. By default, the value
+of this URL and all of the meta data properties that can change with a
+representation (MIMEType, DLNAProfile, Size, Duration, Bitrate,
+SampleRate, BitsPerSample, Width, Height, ColorDepth) refer to the
+first representation returned by the DMS for this item. However, the
+client can change this behaviour by calling If this is done,
+these properties correspond to the first representation returned by
+the server that is compatible with the specified protocol info. If no
+representations are compatible, these properties will not be present
+in the item.
+Dleyna-server-service offers a second solution to the above problem that
+may be useful in certain programming environments. It implements a
+non standard property called "Resources" which is an array of
+dictionaries. Each dictionary represents a separate representation of
+the item and contains all the properties, including the MIMEType and
+the URL that pertain to that representation. This can be convenient
+if you wish to display the media item in a web browser. You can
+simply create a video or an audio tag with one source for each element
+in the resources array and then let the browser work out which one
+suits it best. The specification for the Resources property is given
+in the table below:
+| Name | Type | m/o* | Description |
+| Resources |aa{sv}| m | Returns the set of resources associated |
+| | | | with an item |
+The names of the properties included in this array are identical to
+the names of the org.gnome.UPnP.MediaItem2 properties to which they
+correspond, e.g., MIMEType, Size.
+However, one additional property is included.
+Additional property
+| Name | Type | m/o* | Description |
+| UpdateCount | u | o | Contains the number of times the |
+| | | | implementation detects that a change was |
+| | | | made to the resource. |
+Please note that if you want this property to be included in the
+results of a call to one of the List or the Search functions, and you
+are explicitly filtering properties, you must include "Resource" in
+the filter array. The filter parameter also applies to the contents
+of the returned resources. So if you specify a filter of ["MIMEType",
+"URL"] the dictionaries in the resources array will contain only these
+A third option is provided to make the lives of DMC authors easier.
+In a DMC, the best resource is defined not by the local device but by
+the capabilities of the renderer chosen by the user to play the given
+item. Once the user selects a file to play and a renderer upon which
+to play it, the DMC needs to retrieve the renderer's Sink
+ProtocolInfo. It can then pass this data directly to a new function
+that dleyna-server-service adds to the org.gnome.UPnP.MediaItem2
+interface, called GetCompatibleResource. GetCompatibleResource
+returns a dictionary of properties that corresponds to the item
+representation that best matches a specified protocol info. The
+signature of GetCompatibleResources is given below:
+GetCompatibleResources(s protocol_info, as filter) -> a{sv}
+The first argument is a comma separated list of protocol info values,
+as described above. The second argument is an array of properties to
+be included in the returned dictionary. The format and the behaviour
+of this array is identical to the filter argument passed to the Search
+and List functions.
+Additional Properties
+Dleyna-server-service defines some additional properties for
+org.gnome.UPnP.MediaItem2. These properties are described in the table
+| Name | Type | m/o* | Description |
+| AlbumArtURL | s | o | Contains the URL of the album art |
+| | | | associated with an item |
+| RefPath | o | o | The presence of this property indicates |
+| | | | that the item is a reference item that |
+| | | | references another item located elsewhere|
+| | | | in the DMS's directory structure. The |
+| | | | value of this property is the path of |
+| | | | the referenced item. |
+| Artists | o | m | An array of all the artists who |
+| | | | contributed towards the creation of the |
+| | | | item. The array will be empty if no |
+| | | | artists are associated with the item. |
+Dleyna-server-service does not implement the
+org.gnome.UPnP.MediaItem2.AlbumArt property for the same reasons that
+it does not implement the org.gnome.UPnP.MediaContainer2.Icon
+property. However, it does provide an alternative method of retrieving
+the album art associated with media content. It does this through a
+new property called AlbumArtURL described in the table above that
+exposes the URL of the album art directly.
+Unimplemented Properties
+Dleyna-server-service does not support the following MediaServer2Spec
+However, as these properties are optional, dleyna-server-service's
+failure to support them does not affect its compatibility with
+1) ConnectionManager:2 Service Template (
+2) DLNA Guidelines December 2011, Part 1 Architectures and Protocols
+3) MediaServer2Spec (