import logging import os import re import json from .. import constants from .. import errors from .. import auth from .. import utils log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class BuildApiMixin(object): def build(self, path=None, tag=None, quiet=False, fileobj=None, nocache=False, rm=False, stream=False, timeout=None, custom_context=False, encoding=None, pull=False, forcerm=False, dockerfile=None, container_limits=None, decode=False, buildargs=None, gzip=False): remote = context = None headers = {} container_limits = container_limits or {} if path is None and fileobj is None: raise TypeError("Either path or fileobj needs to be provided.") if gzip and encoding is not None: raise errors.DockerException( 'Can not use custom encoding if gzip is enabled' ) for key in container_limits.keys(): if key not in constants.CONTAINER_LIMITS_KEYS: raise errors.DockerException( 'Invalid container_limits key {0}'.format(key) ) if custom_context: if not fileobj: raise TypeError("You must specify fileobj with custom_context") context = fileobj elif fileobj is not None: context = utils.mkbuildcontext(fileobj) elif path.startswith(('http://', 'https://', 'git://', '', 'git@')): remote = path elif not os.path.isdir(path): raise TypeError("You must specify a directory to build in path") else: dockerignore = os.path.join(path, '.dockerignore') exclude = None if os.path.exists(dockerignore): with open(dockerignore, 'r') as f: exclude = list(filter(bool, context = utils.tar( path, exclude=exclude, dockerfile=dockerfile, gzip=gzip ) encoding = 'gzip' if gzip else encoding if utils.compare_version('1.8', self._version) >= 0: stream = True if dockerfile and utils.compare_version('1.17', self._version) < 0: raise errors.InvalidVersion( 'dockerfile was only introduced in API version 1.17' ) if utils.compare_version('1.19', self._version) < 0: pull = 1 if pull else 0 u = self._url('/build') params = { 't': tag, 'remote': remote, 'q': quiet, 'nocache': nocache, 'rm': rm, 'forcerm': forcerm, 'pull': pull, 'dockerfile': dockerfile, } params.update(container_limits) if buildargs: if utils.version_gte(self._version, '1.21'): params.update({'buildargs': json.dumps(buildargs)}) else: raise errors.InvalidVersion( 'buildargs was only introduced in API version 1.21' ) if context is not None: headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/tar'} if encoding: headers['Content-Encoding'] = encoding if utils.compare_version('1.9', self._version) >= 0: self._set_auth_headers(headers) response = self._post( u, data=context, params=params, headers=headers, stream=stream, timeout=timeout, ) if context is not None and not custom_context: context.close() if stream: return self._stream_helper(response, decode=decode) else: output = self._result(response) srch = r'Successfully built ([0-9a-f]+)' match =, output) if not match: return None, output return, output def _set_auth_headers(self, headers): log.debug('Looking for auth config') # If we don't have any auth data so far, try reloading the config # file one more time in case anything showed up in there. if not self._auth_configs: log.debug("No auth config in memory - loading from filesystem") self._auth_configs = auth.load_config() # Send the full auth configuration (if any exists), since the build # could use any (or all) of the registries. if self._auth_configs: log.debug( 'Sending auth config ({0})'.format( ', '.join(repr(k) for k in self._auth_configs.keys()) ) ) if utils.compare_version('1.19', self._version) >= 0: headers['X-Registry-Config'] = auth.encode_header( self._auth_configs ) else: headers['X-Registry-Config'] = auth.encode_header({ 'configs': self._auth_configs }) else: log.debug('No auth config found')