import base64 import json import logging from . import credentials from . import errors from .utils import config INDEX_NAME = '' INDEX_URL = f'https://index.{INDEX_NAME}/v1/' TOKEN_USERNAME = '' log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def resolve_repository_name(repo_name): if '://' in repo_name: raise errors.InvalidRepository( f'Repository name cannot contain a scheme ({repo_name})' ) index_name, remote_name = split_repo_name(repo_name) if index_name[0] == '-' or index_name[-1] == '-': raise errors.InvalidRepository( 'Invalid index name ({}). Cannot begin or end with a' ' hyphen.'.format(index_name) ) return resolve_index_name(index_name), remote_name def resolve_index_name(index_name): index_name = convert_to_hostname(index_name) if index_name == 'index.' + INDEX_NAME: index_name = INDEX_NAME return index_name def get_config_header(client, registry): log.debug('Looking for auth config') if not client._auth_configs or client._auth_configs.is_empty: log.debug( "No auth config in memory - loading from filesystem" ) client._auth_configs = load_config(credstore_env=client.credstore_env) authcfg = resolve_authconfig( client._auth_configs, registry, credstore_env=client.credstore_env ) # Do not fail here if no authentication exists for this # specific registry as we can have a readonly pull. Just # put the header if we can. if authcfg: log.debug('Found auth config') # auth_config needs to be a dict in the format used by # username , password, serveraddress, email return encode_header(authcfg) log.debug('No auth config found') return None def split_repo_name(repo_name): parts = repo_name.split('/', 1) if len(parts) == 1 or ( '.' not in parts[0] and ':' not in parts[0] and parts[0] != 'localhost' ): # This is a docker index repo (ex: username/foobar or ubuntu) return INDEX_NAME, repo_name return tuple(parts) def get_credential_store(authconfig, registry): if not isinstance(authconfig, AuthConfig): authconfig = AuthConfig(authconfig) return authconfig.get_credential_store(registry) class AuthConfig(dict): def __init__(self, dct, credstore_env=None): if 'auths' not in dct: dct['auths'] = {} self.update(dct) self._credstore_env = credstore_env self._stores = {} @classmethod def parse_auth(cls, entries, raise_on_error=False): """ Parses authentication entries Args: entries: Dict of authentication entries. raise_on_error: If set to true, an invalid format will raise InvalidConfigFile Returns: Authentication registry. """ conf = {} for registry, entry in entries.items(): if not isinstance(entry, dict): log.debug( 'Config entry for key {} is not auth config'.format( registry ) ) # We sometimes fall back to parsing the whole config as if it # was the auth config by itself, for legacy purposes. In that # case, we fail silently and return an empty conf if any of the # keys is not formatted properly. if raise_on_error: raise errors.InvalidConfigFile( 'Invalid configuration for registry {}'.format( registry ) ) return {} if 'identitytoken' in entry: log.debug( 'Found an IdentityToken entry for registry {}'.format( registry ) ) conf[registry] = { 'IdentityToken': entry['identitytoken'] } continue # Other values are irrelevant if we have a token if 'auth' not in entry: # Starting with engine v1.11 (API 1.23), an empty dictionary is # a valid value in the auths config. # log.debug( 'Auth data for {} is absent. Client might be using a ' 'credentials store instead.'.format(registry) ) conf[registry] = {} continue username, password = decode_auth(entry['auth']) log.debug( 'Found entry (registry={}, username={})' .format(repr(registry), repr(username)) ) conf[registry] = { 'username': username, 'password': password, 'email': entry.get('email'), 'serveraddress': registry, } return conf @classmethod def load_config(cls, config_path, config_dict, credstore_env=None): """ Loads authentication data from a Docker configuration file in the given root directory or if config_path is passed use given path. Lookup priority: explicit config_path parameter > DOCKER_CONFIG environment variable > ~/.docker/config.json > ~/.dockercfg """ if not config_dict: config_file = config.find_config_file(config_path) if not config_file: return cls({}, credstore_env) try: with open(config_file) as f: config_dict = json.load(f) except (OSError, KeyError, ValueError) as e: # Likely missing new Docker config file or it's in an # unknown format, continue to attempt to read old location # and format. log.debug(e) return cls(_load_legacy_config(config_file), credstore_env) res = {} if config_dict.get('auths'): log.debug("Found 'auths' section") res.update({ 'auths': cls.parse_auth( config_dict.pop('auths'), raise_on_error=True ) }) if config_dict.get('credsStore'): log.debug("Found 'credsStore' section") res.update({'credsStore': config_dict.pop('credsStore')}) if config_dict.get('credHelpers'): log.debug("Found 'credHelpers' section") res.update({'credHelpers': config_dict.pop('credHelpers')}) if res: return cls(res, credstore_env) log.debug( "Couldn't find auth-related section ; attempting to interpret " "as auth-only file" ) return cls({'auths': cls.parse_auth(config_dict)}, credstore_env) @property def auths(self): return self.get('auths', {}) @property def creds_store(self): return self.get('credsStore', None) @property def cred_helpers(self): return self.get('credHelpers', {}) @property def is_empty(self): return ( not self.auths and not self.creds_store and not self.cred_helpers ) def resolve_authconfig(self, registry=None): """ Returns the authentication data from the given auth configuration for a specific registry. As with the Docker client, legacy entries in the config with full URLs are stripped down to hostnames before checking for a match. Returns None if no match was found. """ if self.creds_store or self.cred_helpers: store_name = self.get_credential_store(registry) if store_name is not None: log.debug( f'Using credentials store "{store_name}"' ) cfg = self._resolve_authconfig_credstore(registry, store_name) if cfg is not None: return cfg log.debug('No entry in credstore - fetching from auth dict') # Default to the public index server registry = resolve_index_name(registry) if registry else INDEX_NAME log.debug(f"Looking for auth entry for {repr(registry)}") if registry in self.auths: log.debug(f"Found {repr(registry)}") return self.auths[registry] for key, conf in self.auths.items(): if resolve_index_name(key) == registry: log.debug(f"Found {repr(key)}") return conf log.debug("No entry found") return None def _resolve_authconfig_credstore(self, registry, credstore_name): if not registry or registry == INDEX_NAME: # The ecosystem is a little schizophrenic with VS # - in that case, it seems the full URL is necessary. registry = INDEX_URL log.debug(f"Looking for auth entry for {repr(registry)}") store = self._get_store_instance(credstore_name) try: data = store.get(registry) res = { 'ServerAddress': registry, } if data['Username'] == TOKEN_USERNAME: res['IdentityToken'] = data['Secret'] else: res.update({ 'Username': data['Username'], 'Password': data['Secret'], }) return res except credentials.CredentialsNotFound: log.debug('No entry found') return None except credentials.StoreError as e: raise errors.DockerException( f'Credentials store error: {repr(e)}' ) def _get_store_instance(self, name): if name not in self._stores: self._stores[name] = credentials.Store( name, environment=self._credstore_env ) return self._stores[name] def get_credential_store(self, registry): if not registry or registry == INDEX_NAME: registry = INDEX_URL return self.cred_helpers.get(registry) or self.creds_store def get_all_credentials(self): auth_data = self.auths.copy() if self.creds_store: # Retrieve all credentials from the default store store = self._get_store_instance(self.creds_store) for k in store.list().keys(): auth_data[k] = self._resolve_authconfig_credstore( k, self.creds_store ) auth_data[convert_to_hostname(k)] = auth_data[k] # credHelpers entries take priority over all others for reg, store_name in self.cred_helpers.items(): auth_data[reg] = self._resolve_authconfig_credstore( reg, store_name ) auth_data[convert_to_hostname(reg)] = auth_data[reg] return auth_data def add_auth(self, reg, data): self['auths'][reg] = data def resolve_authconfig(authconfig, registry=None, credstore_env=None): if not isinstance(authconfig, AuthConfig): authconfig = AuthConfig(authconfig, credstore_env) return authconfig.resolve_authconfig(registry) def convert_to_hostname(url): return url.replace('http://', '').replace('https://', '').split('/', 1)[0] def decode_auth(auth): if isinstance(auth, str): auth = auth.encode('ascii') s = base64.b64decode(auth) login, pwd = s.split(b':', 1) return login.decode('utf8'), pwd.decode('utf8') def encode_header(auth): auth_json = json.dumps(auth).encode('ascii') return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(auth_json) def parse_auth(entries, raise_on_error=False): """ Parses authentication entries Args: entries: Dict of authentication entries. raise_on_error: If set to true, an invalid format will raise InvalidConfigFile Returns: Authentication registry. """ return AuthConfig.parse_auth(entries, raise_on_error) def load_config(config_path=None, config_dict=None, credstore_env=None): return AuthConfig.load_config(config_path, config_dict, credstore_env) def _load_legacy_config(config_file): log.debug("Attempting to parse legacy auth file format") try: data = [] with open(config_file) as f: for line in f.readlines(): data.append(line.strip().split(' = ')[1]) if len(data) < 2: # Not enough data raise errors.InvalidConfigFile( 'Invalid or empty configuration file!' ) username, password = decode_auth(data[0]) return {'auths': { INDEX_NAME: { 'username': username, 'password': password, 'email': data[1], 'serveraddress': INDEX_URL, } }} except Exception as e: log.debug(e) log.debug("All parsing attempts failed - returning empty config") return {}