import contextlib import json import shutil import socket import tarfile import tempfile import threading import pytest import six from six.moves import BaseHTTPServer from six.moves import socketserver import docker from ..helpers import requires_api_version, requires_experimental from .base import BaseAPIIntegrationTest, TEST_IMG class ListImagesTest(BaseAPIIntegrationTest): def test_images(self): res1 = self.client.images(all=True) assert 'Id' in res1[0] res10 = res1[0] assert 'Created' in res10 assert 'RepoTags' in res10 distinct = [] for img in res1: if img['Id'] not in distinct: distinct.append(img['Id']) assert len(distinct) ==['Images'] def test_images_quiet(self): res1 = self.client.images(quiet=True) assert type(res1[0]) == six.text_type class PullImageTest(BaseAPIIntegrationTest): def test_pull(self): try: self.client.remove_image('hello-world') except docker.errors.APIError: pass res = self.client.pull('hello-world') self.tmp_imgs.append('hello-world') assert type(res) == six.text_type assert len(self.client.images('hello-world')) >= 1 img_info = self.client.inspect_image('hello-world') assert 'Id' in img_info def test_pull_streaming(self): try: self.client.remove_image('hello-world') except docker.errors.APIError: pass stream = self.client.pull( 'hello-world', stream=True, decode=True) self.tmp_imgs.append('hello-world') for chunk in stream: assert isinstance(chunk, dict) assert len(self.client.images('hello-world')) >= 1 img_info = self.client.inspect_image('hello-world') assert 'Id' in img_info @requires_api_version('1.32') @requires_experimental(until=None) def test_pull_invalid_platform(self): with pytest.raises(docker.errors.APIError) as excinfo: self.client.pull('hello-world', platform='foobar') # Some API versions incorrectly returns 500 status; assert 4xx or 5xx assert excinfo.value.is_error() assert 'unknown operating system' in excinfo.exconly() \ or 'invalid platform' in excinfo.exconly() class CommitTest(BaseAPIIntegrationTest): def test_commit(self): container = self.client.create_container(TEST_IMG, ['touch', '/test']) id = container['Id'] self.client.start(id) self.tmp_containers.append(id) res = self.client.commit(id) assert 'Id' in res img_id = res['Id'] self.tmp_imgs.append(img_id) img = self.client.inspect_image(img_id) assert 'Container' in img assert img['Container'].startswith(id) assert 'ContainerConfig' in img assert 'Image' in img['ContainerConfig'] assert TEST_IMG == img['ContainerConfig']['Image'] busybox_id = self.client.inspect_image(TEST_IMG)['Id'] assert 'Parent' in img assert img['Parent'] == busybox_id def test_commit_with_changes(self): cid = self.client.create_container(TEST_IMG, ['touch', '/test']) self.tmp_containers.append(cid) self.client.start(cid) img_id = self.client.commit( cid, changes=['EXPOSE 8000', 'CMD ["bash"]'] ) self.tmp_imgs.append(img_id) img = self.client.inspect_image(img_id) assert 'Container' in img assert img['Container'].startswith(cid['Id']) assert '8000/tcp' in img['Config']['ExposedPorts'] assert img['Config']['Cmd'] == ['bash'] class RemoveImageTest(BaseAPIIntegrationTest): def test_remove(self): container = self.client.create_container(TEST_IMG, ['touch', '/test']) id = container['Id'] self.client.start(id) self.tmp_containers.append(id) res = self.client.commit(id) assert 'Id' in res img_id = res['Id'] self.tmp_imgs.append(img_id) logs = self.client.remove_image(img_id, force=True) assert {"Deleted": img_id} in logs images = self.client.images(all=True) res = [x for x in images if x['Id'].startswith(img_id)] assert len(res) == 0 class ImportImageTest(BaseAPIIntegrationTest): '''Base class for `docker import` test cases.''' TAR_SIZE = 512 * 1024 def write_dummy_tar_content(self, n_bytes, tar_fd): def extend_file(f, n_bytes): - 1) f.write(bytearray([65])) tar = tarfile.TarFile(fileobj=tar_fd, mode='w') with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f: extend_file(f, n_bytes) tarinfo = tar.gettarinfo(, arcname='testdata') tar.addfile(tarinfo, fileobj=f) tar.close() @contextlib.contextmanager def dummy_tar_stream(self, n_bytes): '''Yields a stream that is valid tar data of size n_bytes.''' with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tar_file: self.write_dummy_tar_content(n_bytes, tar_file) yield tar_file @contextlib.contextmanager def dummy_tar_file(self, n_bytes): '''Yields the name of a valid tar file of size n_bytes.''' with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as tar_file: self.write_dummy_tar_content(n_bytes, tar_file) yield def test_import_from_bytes(self): with self.dummy_tar_stream(n_bytes=500) as f: content = # The generic import_image() function cannot import in-memory bytes # data that happens to be represented as a string type, because # import_image() will try to use it as a filename and usually then # trigger an exception. So we test the import_image_from_data() # function instead. statuses = self.client.import_image_from_data( content, repository='test/import-from-bytes') result_text = statuses.splitlines()[-1] result = json.loads(result_text) assert 'error' not in result img_id = result['status'] self.tmp_imgs.append(img_id) def test_import_from_file(self): with self.dummy_tar_file(n_bytes=self.TAR_SIZE) as tar_filename: # statuses = self.client.import_image( # src=tar_filename, repository='test/import-from-file') statuses = self.client.import_image_from_file( tar_filename, repository='test/import-from-file') result_text = statuses.splitlines()[-1] result = json.loads(result_text) assert 'error' not in result assert 'status' in result img_id = result['status'] self.tmp_imgs.append(img_id) def test_import_from_stream(self): with self.dummy_tar_stream(n_bytes=self.TAR_SIZE) as tar_stream: statuses = self.client.import_image( src=tar_stream, repository='test/import-from-stream') # statuses = self.client.import_image_from_stream( # tar_stream, repository='test/import-from-stream') result_text = statuses.splitlines()[-1] result = json.loads(result_text) assert 'error' not in result assert 'status' in result img_id = result['status'] self.tmp_imgs.append(img_id) def test_import_image_from_data_with_changes(self): with self.dummy_tar_stream(n_bytes=500) as f: content = statuses = self.client.import_image_from_data( content, repository='test/import-from-bytes', changes=['USER foobar', 'CMD ["echo"]'] ) result_text = statuses.splitlines()[-1] result = json.loads(result_text) assert 'error' not in result img_id = result['status'] self.tmp_imgs.append(img_id) img_data = self.client.inspect_image(img_id) assert img_data is not None assert img_data['Config']['Cmd'] == ['echo'] assert img_data['Config']['User'] == 'foobar' def test_import_image_with_changes(self): with self.dummy_tar_file(n_bytes=self.TAR_SIZE) as tar_filename: statuses = self.client.import_image( src=tar_filename, repository='test/import-from-file', changes=['USER foobar', 'CMD ["echo"]'] ) result_text = statuses.splitlines()[-1] result = json.loads(result_text) assert 'error' not in result img_id = result['status'] self.tmp_imgs.append(img_id) img_data = self.client.inspect_image(img_id) assert img_data is not None assert img_data['Config']['Cmd'] == ['echo'] assert img_data['Config']['User'] == 'foobar' # Docs say output is available in 1.23, but this test fails on 1.12.0 @requires_api_version('1.24') def test_get_load_image(self): test_img = 'hello-world:latest' self.client.pull(test_img) data = self.client.get_image(test_img) assert data output = self.client.load_image(data) assert any([ line for line in output if 'Loaded image: {}'.format(test_img) in line.get('stream', '') ]) @contextlib.contextmanager def temporary_http_file_server(self, stream): '''Serve data from an IO stream over HTTP.''' class Handler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def do_GET(self): self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/x-tar') self.end_headers() shutil.copyfileobj(stream, self.wfile) server = socketserver.TCPServer(('', 0), Handler) thread = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_forever) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() yield 'http://%s:%s' % (socket.gethostname(), server.server_address[1]) server.shutdown() @pytest.mark.skipif(True, reason="Doesn't work inside a container - FIXME") def test_import_from_url(self): # The crappy test HTTP server doesn't handle large files well, so use # a small file. tar_size = 10240 with self.dummy_tar_stream(n_bytes=tar_size) as tar_data: with self.temporary_http_file_server(tar_data) as url: statuses = self.client.import_image( src=url, repository='test/import-from-url') result_text = statuses.splitlines()[-1] result = json.loads(result_text) assert 'error' not in result assert 'status' in result img_id = result['status'] self.tmp_imgs.append(img_id) @requires_api_version('1.25') class PruneImagesTest(BaseAPIIntegrationTest): def test_prune_images(self): try: self.client.remove_image('hello-world') except docker.errors.APIError: pass # Ensure busybox does not get pruned ctnr = self.client.create_container(TEST_IMG, ['sleep', '9999']) self.tmp_containers.append(ctnr) self.client.pull('hello-world', tag='latest') self.tmp_imgs.append('hello-world') img_id = self.client.inspect_image('hello-world')['Id'] result = self.client.prune_images() assert img_id not in [ img.get('Deleted') for img in result.get('ImagesDeleted') or [] ] result = self.client.prune_images({'dangling': False}) assert result['SpaceReclaimed'] > 0 assert 'hello-world:latest' in [ img.get('Untagged') for img in result['ImagesDeleted'] ] assert img_id in [ img.get('Deleted') for img in result['ImagesDeleted'] ] class SaveLoadImagesTest(BaseAPIIntegrationTest): @requires_api_version('1.23') def test_get_image_load_image(self): with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as f: stream = self.client.get_image(TEST_IMG) for chunk in stream: f.write(chunk) result = self.client.load_image( success = False result_line = 'Loaded image: {}\n'.format(TEST_IMG) for data in result: print(data) if 'stream' in data: if data['stream'] == result_line: success = True break assert success is True @requires_api_version('1.30') class InspectDistributionTest(BaseAPIIntegrationTest): def test_inspect_distribution(self): data = self.client.inspect_distribution('busybox:latest') assert data is not None assert 'Platforms' in data assert {'os': 'linux', 'architecture': 'amd64'} in data['Platforms']