diff options
authorAndrea Leopardi <>2018-03-30 13:22:26 +0200
committerAndrea Leopardi <>2018-03-30 13:22:26 +0200
commitbbf396a0d7883cbfb9cb5d9ce332437abfdee4a0 (patch)
parent7d58bb89d72acc76cd7179e7fb47f82db5c65f08 (diff)
Use elixir_errors:form_warn/4 when possible in elixir_clausesal/use-warn
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/lib/elixir/src/elixir_clauses.erl b/lib/elixir/src/elixir_clauses.erl
index 478b83da9..df21562e5 100644
--- a/lib/elixir/src/elixir_clauses.erl
+++ b/lib/elixir/src/elixir_clauses.erl
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
-export([match/3, clause/5, def/2, head/2,
'case'/3, 'receive'/3, 'try'/3, 'cond'/3, with/3,
--import(elixir_errors, [form_error/4]).
+-import(elixir_errors, [form_error/4, form_warn/4]).
match(Fun, Expr, #{context := match} = E) ->
@@ -46,22 +46,14 @@ guard(Guard, E) ->
warn_zero_length_guard(EGuard, EG),
{EGuard, EG}.
-warn_zero_length_guard({{'.', _, [erlang, '==']}, Meta,
- [{{'.', _, [erlang, length]}, _, [Arg]}, 0]}, E) ->
- ArgString = 'Elixir.Macro':to_string(Arg),
- Message = io_lib:format("do not use \"length(~ts) == 0\" to check if a list is empty "
- "since length always traverses the whole list. "
- "Prefer to pattern match on an empty list or use "
- "\"~ts == []\" as a guard", [ArgString, ArgString]),
- elixir_errors:warn(?line(Meta), ?key(E, file), Message);
-warn_zero_length_guard({{'.', _, [erlang, '>']}, Meta,
- [{{'.', _, [erlang, length]}, _, [Arg]}, 0]}, E) ->
- ArgString = 'Elixir.Macro':to_string(Arg),
- Message = io_lib:format("do not use \"length(~ts) > 0\" to check if a list is not empty "
- "since length always traverses the whole list. "
- "Prefer to pattern match on a non-empty list, such as [_ | _], "
- "or use \"~ts != []\" as a guard", [ArgString, ArgString]),
- elixir_errors:warn(?line(Meta), ?key(E, file), Message);
+warn_zero_length_guard({{'.', _, [erlang, Op]}, Meta,
+ [{{'.', _, [erlang, length]}, _, [Arg]}, 0]}, E) when Op == '=='; Op == '>' ->
+ Warn =
+ case Op of
+ '==' -> {zero_list_length_in_guard, Arg};
+ '>' -> {positive_list_length_in_guard, Arg}
+ end,
+ form_warn(Meta, ?key(E, file), ?MODULE, Warn);
warn_zero_length_guard({Op, _, [L, R]}, E) when Op == 'or'; Op == 'and' ->
warn_zero_length_guard(L, E),
warn_zero_length_guard(R, E);
@@ -178,11 +170,8 @@ expand_with_else(Meta, Opts, E, HasMatch) ->
case lists:keytake(else, 1, Opts) of
{value, Pair, RestOpts} ->
- HasMatch ->
- ok;
- true ->
- Message = "\"else\" clauses will never match because all patterns in \"with\" will always match",
- elixir_errors:warn(?line(Meta), ?key(E, file), Message)
+ HasMatch -> ok;
+ true -> form_warn(Meta, ?key(E, file), ?MODULE, unmatchable_else_in_with)
Fun = expand_one(Meta, 'with', 'else', fun head/2),
{EPair, EE} = expand_clauses(Meta, 'with', Fun, Pair, E),
@@ -322,11 +311,10 @@ assert_at_most_once(Kind, [{Kind, _} | Rest], Count, Fun) ->
assert_at_most_once(Kind, [_ | Rest], Count, Fun) ->
assert_at_most_once(Kind, Rest, Count, Fun).
-warn_catch_before_rescue([], _, _, _) -> ok;
-warn_catch_before_rescue([{'rescue', _} | _], Meta, E, true) ->
- Message = "\"catch\" should always come after \"rescue\" in try",
- elixir_errors:warn(?line(Meta), ?key(E, file), Message),
+warn_catch_before_rescue([], _, _, _) ->
+warn_catch_before_rescue([{'rescue', _} | _], Meta, E, true) ->
+ form_warn(Meta, ?key(E, file), ?MODULE, catch_before_rescue);
warn_catch_before_rescue([{'catch', _} | Rest], Meta, E, _) ->
warn_catch_before_rescue(Rest, Meta, E, true);
warn_catch_before_rescue([_ | Rest], Meta, E, Found) ->
@@ -351,4 +339,22 @@ format_error(multiple_after_clauses_in_receive) ->
format_error(invalid_rescue_clause) ->
"invalid \"rescue\" clause. The clause should match on an alias, a variable "
- "or be in the \"var in [alias]\" format".
+ "or be in the \"var in [alias]\" format";
+format_error(catch_before_rescue) ->
+ "\"catch\" should always come after \"rescue\" in try";
+format_error(unmatchable_else_in_with) ->
+ "\"else\" clauses will never match because all patterns in \"with\" will always match";
+format_error({zero_list_length_in_guard, ListArg}) ->
+ Arg = 'Elixir.Macro':to_string(ListArg),
+ io_lib:format("do not use \"length(~ts) == 0\" to check if a list is empty since length "
+ "always traverses the whole list. Prefer to pattern match on an empty list or "
+ "use \"~ts == []\" as a guard", [Arg, Arg]);
+format_error({positive_list_length_in_guard, ListArg}) ->
+ Arg = 'Elixir.Macro':to_string(ListArg),
+ io_lib:format("do not use \"length(~ts) > 0\" to check if a list is not empty since length "
+ "always traverses the whole list. Prefer to pattern match on a non-empty list, "
+ "such as [_ | _], or use \"~ts != []\" as a guard", [Arg, Arg]).