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authorEksperimental <>2018-04-25 13:17:30 +0700
committerAleksei Magusev <>2018-04-25 08:17:30 +0200
commitcccbcdf27b8f6a2575d994484a9185a869765d96 (patch)
parent76f3a106ba3df115682d96b3be8b6ffd4bc4fd69 (diff)
Improve String.printable?/2 (#7580)
* Improve specs to reflect that when limit is 0, it will return true, and mention this in the docs. * Remove unecessary spec for arity 1 * Add guards so it will fail when wrong types are given * Rename arg "limit" and "counter" to "character_limit" * Mention "character_limit" in function summary
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/lib/elixir/lib/string.ex b/lib/elixir/lib/string.ex
index 007fcd33b..477104650 100644
--- a/lib/elixir/lib/string.ex
+++ b/lib/elixir/lib/string.ex
@@ -224,10 +224,10 @@ defmodule String do
@conditional_mappings [:greek]
@doc """
- Checks if a string contains only printable characters.
+ Checks if a string contains only printable characters up to `character_limit`.
- Takes an optional `limit` as a second argument. `printable?/2` only
- checks the printability of the string up to the `limit`.
+ Takes an optional `character_limit` as a second argument. If `character_limit` is `0`, this
+ function will return `true`.
## Examples
@@ -240,37 +240,47 @@ defmodule String do
iex> String.printable?("abc" <> <<0>>, 2)
+ iex> String.printable?("abc" <> <<0>>, 0)
+ true
- @spec printable?(t) :: boolean
- @spec printable?(t, non_neg_integer | :infinity) :: boolean
- def printable?(string, counter \\ :infinity)
+ @spec printable?(t, 0) :: true
+ @spec printable?(t, pos_integer | :infinity) :: boolean
+ def printable?(string, character_limit \\ :infinity)
+ when is_binary(string) and
+ (character_limit == :infinity or
+ (is_integer(character_limit) and character_limit >= 0)) do
+ recur_printable?(string, character_limit)
+ end
- def printable?(<<>>, _), do: true
- def printable?(_, 0), do: true
+ defp recur_printable?(_string, 0), do: true
+ defp recur_printable?(<<>>, _character_limit), do: true
for char <- 0x20..0x7E do
- def printable?(<<unquote(char), rest::binary>>, counter) do
- printable?(rest, decrement(counter))
+ defp recur_printable?(<<unquote(char), rest::binary>>, character_limit) do
+ recur_printable?(rest, decrement(character_limit))
for char <- '\n\r\t\v\b\f\e\d\a' do
- def printable?(<<unquote(char), rest::binary>>, counter) do
- printable?(rest, decrement(counter))
+ defp recur_printable?(<<unquote(char), rest::binary>>, character_limit) do
+ recur_printable?(rest, decrement(character_limit))
- def printable?(<<char::utf8, rest::binary>>, counter)
- when char in 0xA0..0xD7FF
- when char in 0xE000..0xFFFD
- when char in 0x10000..0x10FFFF do
- printable?(rest, decrement(counter))
+ defp recur_printable?(<<char::utf8, rest::binary>>, character_limit)
+ when char in 0xA0..0xD7FF
+ when char in 0xE000..0xFFFD
+ when char in 0x10000..0x10FFFF do
+ recur_printable?(rest, decrement(character_limit))
- def printable?(binary, _) when is_binary(binary), do: false
+ defp recur_printable?(string, _character_limit) do
+ false
+ end
defp decrement(:infinity), do: :infinity
- defp decrement(counter), do: counter - 1
+ defp decrement(character_limit), do: character_limit - 1
@doc ~S"""
Divides a string into substrings at each Unicode whitespace