diff options
authorEric Meadows-Jönsson <>2019-06-28 16:10:23 +0200
committerEric Meadows-Jönsson <>2019-06-28 16:10:23 +0200
commit72cdd07b6502feb3d218f2d4fb6abbab0f5c3362 (patch)
parenta1a8b095e6701d600476102f7f9e7f79665ffbb4 (diff)
Remove xref compiler task
2 files changed, 4 insertions, 218 deletions
diff --git a/lib/mix/lib/mix/tasks/compile.xref.ex b/lib/mix/lib/mix/tasks/compile.xref.ex
index 4509e6c72..57d311036 100644
--- a/lib/mix/lib/mix/tasks/compile.xref.ex
+++ b/lib/mix/lib/mix/tasks/compile.xref.ex
@@ -1,110 +1,12 @@
defmodule Mix.Tasks.Compile.Xref do
use Mix.Task.Compiler
- alias Mix.Tasks.Compile.Elixir, as: E
- @recursive true
- @manifest "compile.xref"
- @manifest_vsn 1
- @moduledoc """
- Performs remote dispatch checking.
- It uses `mix xref` to check if any remote call does not exist or is
- deprecated, and emits warnings in such cases. This task does not show
- deprecated local calls (a call to a deprecated function or macro in the
- same module) nor calls to deprecated functionality in Elixir itself.
- When this task runs, it will check if the source code has been modified.
- If it has changed, `mix xref` will be run to check remote dispatches. You
- can force checking regardless of modification time by passing the `--force`
- option.
- ## Command line options
- * `--force` - forces checking regardless of modification time
- * `--warnings-as-errors` - treats warnings as errors and returns a non-zero exit code
- * `--all-warnings` - prints warnings even from files that do not need to be recompiled
- """
- @switches [all_warnings: :boolean, force: :boolean, warnings_as_errors: :boolean]
+ @moduledoc false
+ # TODO: Deprecate in v1.11
@impl true
- def run(args) do
- {opts, _, _} = OptionParser.parse(args, switches: @switches)
- warnings =
- if needs_xref?(opts) do
- run_xref()
- else
- read_manifest()
- end
- if warnings != [] and warnings_as_errors(opts) do
- {:error, to_diagnostics(warnings, :error)}
- else
- {:noop, to_diagnostics(warnings, :warning)}
- end
- end
- defp needs_xref?(opts) do
- # If all warnings is given, it is easier to check everything.
- !!opts[:force] or !!opts[:all_warnings] or Mix.Utils.stale?(E.manifests(), manifests())
- end
- defp run_xref do
- timestamp = System.os_time(:second)
- warnings = Mix.Tasks.Xref.warnings([])
- write_manifest(warnings, timestamp)
- warnings
- end
- defp warnings_as_errors(opts) do
- Keyword.get_lazy(opts, :warnings_as_errors, fn ->
- Mix.Project.config()[:elixirc_options][:warnings_as_errors]
- end)
- end
+ def run(_args), do: {:noop, []}
@impl true
- def manifests, do: [manifest()]
- defp manifest, do: Path.join(Mix.Project.manifest_path(), @manifest)
- defp write_manifest(warnings, timestamp) do
- manifest = manifest()
- File.mkdir_p!(Path.dirname(manifest))
- File.write!(manifest, :erlang.term_to_binary({@manifest_vsn, warnings}))
- File.touch(manifest, timestamp)
- end
- defp read_manifest() do
- try do
- manifest() |>!() |> :erlang.binary_to_term()
- rescue
- _ -> []
- else
- {@manifest_vsn, data} when is_list(data) -> data
- _ -> []
- end
- end
- @impl true
- def clean do
- File.rm(manifest())
- end
- defp to_diagnostics(warnings, severity) do
- for {message, locations} <- warnings,
- {file, line} <- locations do
- %Mix.Task.Compiler.Diagnostic{
- compiler_name: "Xref",
- file: Path.absname(file),
- message: to_string(message),
- position: line,
- severity: severity
- }
- end
- end
+ def manifests, do: []
diff --git a/lib/mix/test/mix/tasks/compile.xref_test.exs b/lib/mix/test/mix/tasks/compile.xref_test.exs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5394fcfba..000000000
--- a/lib/mix/test/mix/tasks/compile.xref_test.exs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-Code.require_file("../../test_helper.exs", __DIR__)
-defmodule Mix.Tasks.Compile.XrefTest do
- use MixTest.Case
- import ExUnit.CaptureIO
- setup do
- Mix.Project.push(MixTest.Case.Sample)
- :ok
- end
- test "doesn't xref if not stale, unless forced" do
- in_fixture("no_mixfile", fn ->
- write_deprecated_func()
- assert_warn(fn ->
- assert[]) == {:ok, []}
- assert {:noop, [_]} =[])
- end)
- assert_no_warn(fn -> assert {:noop, [_]} =[]) end)
- assert_warn(fn -> assert {:noop, [_]} =["--force"]) end)
- end)
- end
- test "doesn't xref if not stale, unless all warnings" do
- in_fixture("no_mixfile", fn ->
- write_deprecated_func()
- assert_warn(fn ->
- assert[]) == {:ok, []}
- assert {:noop, [_]} =[])
- end)
- assert_no_warn(fn -> assert {:noop, [_]} =[]) end)
- assert_warn(fn ->
- assert {:noop, [_]} =["--all-warnings"])
- end)
- end)
- end
- test "xrefs if stale" do
- in_fixture("no_mixfile", fn ->
- write_deprecated_func()
- assert_warn(fn ->
- assert[]) == {:ok, []}
- file = Path.absname("lib/a.ex")
- assert {:noop, [diagnostic]} =[])
- assert %Mix.Task.Compiler.Diagnostic{
- compiler_name: "Xref",
- file: ^file,
- message: "B.deprecated_func/0 is deprecated. message",
- position: 2,
- severity: :warning
- } = diagnostic
- end)
- [manifest] = Mix.Tasks.Compile.Elixir.manifests()
- future = {{2038, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 0}}
- File.touch!(manifest, future)
- Mix.Task.reenable("xref")
- assert_warn(fn -> assert {:noop, [_]} =[]) end)
- end)
- end
- test "exits if --warnings-as-errors" do
- in_fixture("no_mixfile", fn ->
- write_deprecated_func()
- assert_warn(fn ->
- assert[]) == {:ok, []}
- assert {:error, [diagnostic]} =["--warnings-as-errors"])
- assert %Mix.Task.Compiler.Diagnostic{severity: :error} = diagnostic
- end)
- end)
- end
- test "does not exit if --warnings-as-errors and no warnings" do
- in_fixture("no_mixfile", fn ->
- assert_no_warn(fn ->
- assert[]) == {:ok, []}
- assert["--warnings-as-errors"]) == {:noop, []}
- end)
- end)
- end
- defp write_deprecated_func do
- File.write!("lib/a.ex", """
- defmodule A do
- def a, do: B.deprecated_func
- end
- """)
- File.write!("lib/b.ex", """
- defmodule B do
- @deprecated "message"
- def deprecated_func, do: :ok
- end
- """)
- end
- defp assert_warn(fun) do
- assert capture_io(:stderr, fun) =~ "deprecated_func"
- end
- defp assert_no_warn(fun) do
- assert capture_io(:stderr, fun) == ""
- end