diff options
authorJosé Valim <>2019-06-18 23:35:34 +0200
committerJosé Valim <>2019-06-19 00:04:08 +0200
commitf38895cebba0fa06f686e1dd9b74e5729aebcb45 (patch)
parent8a743c1ea90db7de6f4511d41c0ee2601c159e8c (diff)
Add literal encoder option to Code.string_to_quoted
9 files changed, 176 insertions, 128 deletions
diff --git a/lib/elixir/lib/code.ex b/lib/elixir/lib/code.ex
index 1ad871f33..2ebc59239 100644
--- a/lib/elixir/lib/code.ex
+++ b/lib/elixir/lib/code.ex
@@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ defmodule Code do
- @doc """
+ @doc ~S"""
Converts the given string to its quoted form.
Returns `{:ok, quoted_form}` if it succeeds,
@@ -670,8 +670,15 @@ defmodule Code do
for closing tokens, end of expressions, as well as delimiters for
sigils. See `t:Macro.metadata/0`. Defaults to `false`.
- * `:static_atom_encoder` - the static atom encoder function, see
- "The `:static_atom_encoder` function" section below. Note this
+ * `:literal_encoder` - how to encode literals in the AST. It must
+ be a function that receives two arguments, the literal and its
+ metadata, and it must return `{:ok, ast :: Macro.t}` or
+ `{:error, reason :: binary}`. If you return anything than the literal
+ itself as the `term`, then the AST is no longer valid. This option
+ may still useful for textual analysis of the source code.
+ * `:static_atoms_encoder` - the static atom encoder function, see
+ "The `:static_atoms_encoder` function" section below. Note this
option overrides the `:existing_atoms_only` behaviour for static
atoms but `:existing_atoms_only` is still used for dynamic atoms,
such as atoms with interpolations.
@@ -686,9 +693,9 @@ defmodule Code do
`Macro.to_string/2`, which converts a quoted form to a string/binary
- ## The `:static_atom_encoder` function
+ ## The `:static_atoms_encoder` function
- When `static_atom_encoder: &my_encoder/2` is passed as an argument,
+ When `static_atoms_encoder: &my_encoder/2` is passed as an argument,
`my_encoder/2` is called every time the tokenizer needs to create a
"static" atom. Static atoms are atoms in the AST that function as
aliases, remote calls, local calls, variable names, regular atoms
@@ -713,7 +720,7 @@ defmodule Code do
* syntax keywords (`fn`, `do`, `else`, and so on)
- * atoms containing interpolation (`:"\#{1 + 1} is two"`), as these
+ * atoms containing interpolation (`:"#{1 + 1} is two"`), as these
atoms are constructed at runtime.
diff --git a/lib/elixir/lib/code/formatter.ex b/lib/elixir/lib/code/formatter.ex
index 2bb193b46..4cfdb8cb4 100644
--- a/lib/elixir/lib/code/formatter.ex
+++ b/lib/elixir/lib/code/formatter.ex
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ defmodule Code.Formatter do
parser_options = [
- elixir_private_wrap_literals: true,
+ literal_encoder: &{:ok, {:__block__, &2, [&1]}},
token_metadata: true
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ defmodule Code.Formatter do
not interpolated?(entries) ->
bitstring_to_algebra(meta, entries, state)
- meta[:format] == :bin_heredoc ->
+ meta[:delimiter] == ~s["""] ->
{doc, state} =
|> prepend_heredoc_line()
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ defmodule Code.Formatter do
not list_interpolated?(entries) ->
remote_to_algebra(quoted, context, state)
- meta[:format] == :list_heredoc ->
+ meta[:delimiter] == ~s['''] ->
{doc, state} =
|> prepend_heredoc_line()
@@ -433,12 +433,12 @@ defmodule Code.Formatter do
defp quoted_to_algebra({:__block__, meta, [list]}, _context, state) when is_list(list) do
- case meta[:format] do
- :list_heredoc ->
+ case meta[:delimiter] do
+ ~s['''] ->
string = list |> List.to_string() |> escape_heredoc()
{@single_heredoc |> concat(string) |> concat(@single_heredoc) |> force_unfit(), state}
- :charlist ->
+ ~s['] ->
string = list |> List.to_string() |> escape_string(@single_quote)
{@single_quote |> concat(string) |> concat(@single_quote), state}
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ defmodule Code.Formatter do
defp quoted_to_algebra({:__block__, meta, [string]}, _context, state) when is_binary(string) do
- if meta[:format] == :bin_heredoc do
+ if meta[:delimiter] == ~s["""] do
string = escape_heredoc(string)
{@double_heredoc |> concat(string) |> concat(@double_heredoc) |> force_unfit(), state}
@@ -463,11 +463,11 @@ defmodule Code.Formatter do
defp quoted_to_algebra({:__block__, meta, [integer]}, _context, state)
when is_integer(integer) do
- {integer_to_algebra(Keyword.fetch!(meta, :original)), state}
+ {integer_to_algebra(Keyword.fetch!(meta, :token)), state}
defp quoted_to_algebra({:__block__, meta, [float]}, _context, state) when is_float(float) do
- {float_to_algebra(Keyword.fetch!(meta, :original)), state}
+ {float_to_algebra(Keyword.fetch!(meta, :token)), state}
defp quoted_to_algebra(
@@ -1544,43 +1544,40 @@ defmodule Code.Formatter do
defp integer_to_algebra(text) do
case text do
- [?0, ?x | rest] ->
- "0x" <> String.upcase(List.to_string(rest))
+ <<?0, ?x, rest::binary>> ->
+ "0x" <> String.upcase(rest)
- [?0, base | _rest] = digits when base in [?b, ?o] ->
- List.to_string(digits)
+ <<?0, base, _::binary>> = digits when base in [?b, ?o] ->
+ digits
- [?? | _rest] = char ->
- List.to_string(char)
+ <<??, _::binary>> = char ->
+ char
decimal ->
- List.to_string(insert_underscores(decimal))
+ insert_underscores(decimal)
defp float_to_algebra(text) do
- {int_part, [?. | decimal_part]} = Enum.split_while(text, &(&1 != ?.))
- decimal_part =
- decimal_part
- |> List.to_string()
- |> String.downcase()
- List.to_string(insert_underscores(int_part)) <> "." <> decimal_part
+ [int_part, decimal_part] = :binary.split(text, ".")
+ decimal_part = String.downcase(decimal_part)
+ insert_underscores(int_part) <> "." <> decimal_part
defp insert_underscores(digits) do
cond do
- ?_ in digits ->
+ digits =~ "_" ->
- length(digits) >= 6 ->
+ byte_size(digits) >= 6 ->
+ |> String.to_charlist()
|> Enum.reverse()
|> Enum.chunk_every(3)
|> Enum.intersperse('_')
|> List.flatten()
|> Enum.reverse()
+ |> List.to_string()
true ->
@@ -2119,12 +2116,12 @@ defmodule Code.Formatter do
defp next_break_fits?({:<<>>, meta, [_ | _] = entries}, state) do
- meta[:format] == :bin_heredoc or
+ meta[:delimiter] == ~s["""] or
(not interpolated?(entries) and eol_or_comments?(meta, state))
defp next_break_fits?({{:., _, [List, :to_charlist]}, meta, [[_ | _]]}, _state) do
- meta[:format] == :list_heredoc
+ meta[:delimiter] == ~s[''']
defp next_break_fits?({{:., _, [_left, :{}]}, _, _}, _state) do
@@ -2132,11 +2129,11 @@ defmodule Code.Formatter do
defp next_break_fits?({:__block__, meta, [string]}, _state) when is_binary(string) do
- meta[:format] == :bin_heredoc
+ meta[:delimiter] == ~s["""]
defp next_break_fits?({:__block__, meta, [list]}, _state) when is_list(list) do
- meta[:format] != :charlist
+ meta[:delimeter] != ~s[']
defp next_break_fits?({form, _, [_ | _]}, _state) when form in [:fn, :%{}, :%] do
@@ -2208,25 +2205,17 @@ defmodule Code.Formatter do
if force_args?(arg), do: force_unfit(doc), else: doc
- defp keyword?([{key, _} | list]) do
- keyword_key?(key) and keyword?(list)
- end
- defp keyword?(rest) do
- rest == []
- end
+ defp keyword?([{_, _} | list]), do: keyword?(list)
+ defp keyword?(rest), do: rest == []
- defp keyword_key?({:__block__, meta, [_]}) do
- meta[:format] == :keyword
- end
+ defp keyword_key?({:__block__, meta, [atom]}) when is_atom(atom),
+ do: meta[:delimiter] != ":"
- defp keyword_key?({{:., _, [:erlang, :binary_to_atom]}, _, [{:<<>>, meta, _}, :utf8]}) do
- meta[:format] == :keyword
- end
+ defp keyword_key?({{:., _, [:erlang, :binary_to_atom]}, meta, [{:<<>>, _, _}, :utf8]}),
+ do: meta[:delimiter] != ":"
- defp keyword_key?(_) do
- false
- end
+ defp keyword_key?(_),
+ do: false
defp eol?(meta) do
Keyword.get(meta, :newlines, 0) > 0
diff --git a/lib/elixir/lib/macro.ex b/lib/elixir/lib/macro.ex
index da7cc3a8c..6b91354b1 100644
--- a/lib/elixir/lib/macro.ex
+++ b/lib/elixir/lib/macro.ex
@@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ defmodule Macro do
with parens. The `:closing` does not delimit the end of expression if
there are `:do` and `:end` metadata (when `:token_metadata` is true)
* `:column` - the column number of the AST node (when `:columns` is true)
- * `:delimiter` - contains the opening delimiter for sigils as a string
- (such as `"{"`, `"/"`, etc)
+ * `:delimiter` - contains the opening delimiter for sigils, strings, atoms,
+ and charlists as a string (such as `"{"`, `"/"`, `":"`, etc)
* `:do` - contains metadata about the `do` location in a function call with
`do/end` blocks (when `:token_metadata` is true)
* `:end` - contains metadata about the `end` location in a function call with
diff --git a/lib/elixir/src/elixir.erl b/lib/elixir/src/elixir.erl
index 98c7b8d9f..50e1b95dd 100644
--- a/lib/elixir/src/elixir.erl
+++ b/lib/elixir/src/elixir.erl
@@ -361,10 +361,14 @@ to_binary(List) when is_list(List) -> elixir_utils:characters_to_binary(List);
to_binary(Atom) when is_atom(Atom) -> atom_to_binary(Atom, utf8).
handle_parsing_opts(File, Opts) ->
- FormatterMetadata = lists:keyfind(elixir_private_wrap_literals, 1, Opts) == {elixir_private_wrap_literals, true},
- PairingMetadata = lists:keyfind(token_metadata, 1, Opts) == {token_metadata, true},
+ LiteralEncoder =
+ case lists:keyfind(literal_encoder, 1, Opts) of
+ {literal_encoder, Fun} -> Fun;
+ false -> false
+ end,
+ TokenMetadata = lists:keyfind(token_metadata, 1, Opts) == {token_metadata, true},
Columns = lists:keyfind(columns, 1, Opts) == {columns, true},
put(elixir_parser_file, File),
put(elixir_parser_columns, Columns),
- put(elixir_token_metadata, PairingMetadata),
- put(elixir_wrap_literals, FormatterMetadata).
+ put(elixir_token_metadata, TokenMetadata),
+ put(elixir_literal_encoder, LiteralEncoder).
diff --git a/lib/elixir/src/elixir_parser.yrl b/lib/elixir/src/elixir_parser.yrl
index 3ae5203c6..4c23f1903 100644
--- a/lib/elixir/src/elixir_parser.yrl
+++ b/lib/elixir/src/elixir_parser.yrl
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Terminals
capture_op rel_op
'true' 'false' 'nil' 'do' eol ';' ',' '.'
'(' ')' '[' ']' '{' '}' '<<' '>>' '%{}' '%'
- int float char
+ int flt char
Rootsymbol grammar.
@@ -253,21 +253,21 @@ access_expr -> tuple : '$1'.
access_expr -> 'true' : handle_literal(?id('$1'), '$1').
access_expr -> 'false' : handle_literal(?id('$1'), '$1').
access_expr -> 'nil' : handle_literal(?id('$1'), '$1').
-access_expr -> bin_string : build_bin_string('$1', [{format, string}]).
-access_expr -> list_string : build_list_string('$1', [{format, charlist}]).
+access_expr -> bin_string : build_bin_string('$1', delimiter(<<$">>)).
+access_expr -> list_string : build_list_string('$1', delimiter(<<$'>>)).
access_expr -> bin_heredoc : build_bin_heredoc('$1').
access_expr -> list_heredoc : build_list_heredoc('$1').
access_expr -> bit_string : '$1'.
access_expr -> sigil : build_sigil('$1').
-access_expr -> atom : handle_literal(?exprs('$1'), '$1', []).
-access_expr -> atom_safe : build_quoted_atom('$1', true, []).
-access_expr -> atom_unsafe : build_quoted_atom('$1', false, []).
+access_expr -> atom : handle_literal(?exprs('$1'), '$1', delimiter(<<$:>>)).
+access_expr -> atom_safe : build_quoted_atom('$1', true, delimiter(<<$:>>)).
+access_expr -> atom_unsafe : build_quoted_atom('$1', false, delimiter(<<$:>>)).
access_expr -> dot_alias : '$1'.
access_expr -> parens_call : '$1'.
-number -> int : handle_literal(number_value('$1'), '$1', [{original, ?exprs('$1')}]).
-number -> char : handle_literal(?exprs('$1'), '$1', [{original, number_value('$1')}]).
-number -> float : handle_literal(number_value('$1'), '$1', [{original, ?exprs('$1')}]).
+number -> int : handle_number(number_value('$1'), '$1', ?exprs('$1')).
+number -> flt : handle_number(number_value('$1'), '$1', ?exprs('$1')).
+number -> char : handle_number(?exprs('$1'), '$1', number_value('$1')).
%% Also used by maps and structs
parens_call -> dot_call_identifier call_args_parens : build_parens('$1', '$2', {[], []}).
@@ -526,12 +526,12 @@ call_args_parens -> open_paren call_args_parens_base ',' kw_base ',' close_paren
% KV
-kw_eol -> kw_identifier : handle_literal(?exprs('$1'), '$1', [{format, keyword}]).
-kw_eol -> kw_identifier eol : handle_literal(?exprs('$1'), '$1', [{format, keyword}]).
-kw_eol -> kw_identifier_safe : build_quoted_atom('$1', true, [{format, keyword}]).
-kw_eol -> kw_identifier_safe eol : build_quoted_atom('$1', true, [{format, keyword}]).
-kw_eol -> kw_identifier_unsafe : build_quoted_atom('$1', false, [{format, keyword}]).
-kw_eol -> kw_identifier_unsafe eol : build_quoted_atom('$1', false, [{format, keyword}]).
+kw_eol -> kw_identifier : handle_literal(?exprs('$1'), '$1').
+kw_eol -> kw_identifier eol : handle_literal(?exprs('$1'), '$1').
+kw_eol -> kw_identifier_safe : build_quoted_atom('$1', true, []).
+kw_eol -> kw_identifier_safe eol : build_quoted_atom('$1', true, []).
+kw_eol -> kw_identifier_unsafe : build_quoted_atom('$1', false, []).
+kw_eol -> kw_identifier_unsafe eol : build_quoted_atom('$1', false, []).
kw_base -> kw_eol container_expr : [{'$1', '$2'}].
kw_base -> kw_base ',' kw_eol container_expr : [{'$3', '$4'} | '$1'].
@@ -670,9 +670,24 @@ handle_literal(Literal, Token) ->
handle_literal(Literal, Token, []).
handle_literal(Literal, Token, ExtraMeta) ->
- case ?wrap_literals() of
- true -> {'__block__', ExtraMeta ++ meta_from_token(Token), [Literal]};
- false -> Literal
+ case get(elixir_literal_encoder) of
+ false ->
+ Literal;
+ Fun ->
+ Meta = ExtraMeta ++ meta_from_token(Token),
+ case Fun(Literal, Meta) of
+ {ok, EncodedLiteral} ->
+ EncodedLiteral;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ return_error(Meta, elixir_utils:characters_to_list(Reason) ++ [": "], "literal")
+ end
+ end.
+handle_number(Number, Token, Original) ->
+ case ?token_metadata() of
+ true -> handle_literal(Number, Token, [{token, elixir_utils:characters_to_binary(Original)}]);
+ false -> handle_literal(Number, Token, [])
number_value({_, {_, _, Value}, _}) ->
@@ -691,7 +706,7 @@ build_op({_Kind, Location, 'in'}, {UOp, _, [Left]}, Right) when ?rearrange_uop(U
build_op({_Kind, Location, 'not in'}, Left, Right) ->
InMeta = meta_from_location(Location),
NotMeta =
- case ?wrap_literals() of
+ case ?token_metadata() of
true -> [{operator, 'not in'} | InMeta];
false -> InMeta
@@ -863,16 +878,16 @@ build_sigil({sigil, Location, Sigil, Parts, Modifiers, Delimiter}) ->
[{'<<>>', Meta, string_parts(Parts)}, Modifiers]}.
build_bin_heredoc({bin_heredoc, Location, Args}) ->
- build_bin_string({bin_string, Location, Args}, [{format, bin_heredoc}]).
+ build_bin_string({bin_string, Location, Args}, delimiter(<<$", $", $">>)).
build_list_heredoc({list_heredoc, Location, Args}) ->
- build_list_string({list_string, Location, Args}, [{format, list_heredoc}]).
+ build_list_string({list_string, Location, Args}, delimiter(<<$', $', $'>>)).
build_bin_string({bin_string, _Location, [H]} = Token, ExtraMeta) when is_binary(H) ->
handle_literal(H, Token, ExtraMeta);
build_bin_string({bin_string, Location, Args}, ExtraMeta) ->
Meta =
- case ?wrap_literals() of
+ case ?token_metadata() of
true -> ExtraMeta ++ meta_from_location(Location);
false -> meta_from_location(Location)
@@ -883,7 +898,7 @@ build_list_string({list_string, _Location, [H]} = Token, ExtraMeta) when is_bina
build_list_string({list_string, Location, Args}, ExtraMeta) ->
Meta = meta_from_location(Location),
MetaWithExtra =
- case ?wrap_literals() of
+ case ?token_metadata() of
true -> ExtraMeta ++ Meta;
false -> Meta
@@ -895,11 +910,11 @@ build_quoted_atom({_, _Location, [H]} = Token, Safe, ExtraMeta) when is_binary(H
build_quoted_atom({_, Location, Args}, Safe, ExtraMeta) ->
Meta = meta_from_location(Location),
MetaWithExtra =
- case ?wrap_literals() of
+ case ?token_metadata() of
true -> ExtraMeta ++ Meta;
false -> Meta
- {{'.', Meta, [erlang, binary_to_atom_op(Safe)]}, Meta, [{'<<>>', MetaWithExtra, string_parts(Args)}, utf8]}.
+ {{'.', Meta, [erlang, binary_to_atom_op(Safe)]}, MetaWithExtra, [{'<<>>', Meta, string_parts(Args)}, utf8]}.
binary_to_atom_op(true) -> binary_to_existing_atom;
binary_to_atom_op(false) -> binary_to_atom.
@@ -910,12 +925,13 @@ charlist_part(Binary) when is_binary(Binary) ->
charlist_part({Begin, End, Tokens}) ->
Form = string_tokens_parse(Tokens),
- Meta =
- case ?wrap_literals() of
- true -> [{closing, meta_from_location(End)} | meta_from_location(Begin)];
- false -> meta_from_location(Begin)
+ Meta = meta_from_location(Begin),
+ MetaWithExtra =
+ case ?token_metadata() of
+ true -> [{closing, meta_from_location(End)} | Meta];
+ false -> Meta
- {{'.', Meta, ['Elixir.Kernel', to_string]}, Meta, [Form]}.
+ {{'.', Meta, ['Elixir.Kernel', to_string]}, MetaWithExtra, [Form]}.
string_parts(Parts) ->
[string_part(Part) || Part <- Parts].
@@ -923,12 +939,13 @@ string_part(Binary) when is_binary(Binary) ->
string_part({Begin, End, Tokens}) ->
Form = string_tokens_parse(Tokens),
- Meta =
- case ?wrap_literals() of
+ Meta = meta_from_location(Begin),
+ MetaWithExtra =
+ case ?token_metadata() of
true -> [{closing, meta_from_location(End)} | meta_from_location(Begin)];
false -> meta_from_location(Begin)
- {'::', Meta, [{{'.', Meta, ['Elixir.Kernel', to_string]}, Meta, [Form]}, {binary, Meta, nil}]}.
+ {'::', Meta, [{{'.', Meta, ['Elixir.Kernel', to_string]}, MetaWithExtra, [Form]}, {binary, Meta, nil}]}.
string_tokens_parse(Tokens) ->
case parse(Tokens) of
@@ -936,6 +953,12 @@ string_tokens_parse(Tokens) ->
{error, _} = Error -> throw(Error)
+delimiter(Delimiter) ->
+ case ?token_metadata() of
+ true -> [{delimiter, Delimiter}];
+ false -> []
+ end.
%% Keywords
check_stab([{'->', _, [_, _]}], _) -> stab;
diff --git a/lib/elixir/src/elixir_tokenizer.erl b/lib/elixir/src/elixir_tokenizer.erl
index 201d19fd9..b02250eaf 100644
--- a/lib/elixir/src/elixir_tokenizer.erl
+++ b/lib/elixir/src/elixir_tokenizer.erl
@@ -476,6 +476,8 @@ tokenize([$: | String] = Original, Line, Column, Scope, Tokens) ->
% Integers and floats
+% We use int and flt otherwise elixir_parser won't format them
+% properly in case of errors.
tokenize([H | T], Line, Column, Scope, Tokens) when ?is_digit(H) ->
case tokenize_number(T, [H], 1, false) of
@@ -485,7 +487,7 @@ tokenize([H | T], Line, Column, Scope, Tokens) when ?is_digit(H) ->
Token = {int, {Line, Column, Number}, Original},
tokenize(Rest, Line, Column + Length, Scope, [Token | Tokens]);
{Rest, Number, Original, Length} ->
- Token = {float, {Line, Column, Number}, Original},
+ Token = {flt, {Line, Column, Number}, Original},
tokenize(Rest, Line, Column + Length, Scope, [Token | Tokens])
diff --git a/lib/elixir/test/elixir/code_test.exs b/lib/elixir/test/elixir/code_test.exs
index 840ddf12c..3f3c8e9cb 100644
--- a/lib/elixir/test/elixir/code_test.exs
+++ b/lib/elixir/test/elixir/code_test.exs
@@ -301,41 +301,58 @@ defmodule CodeTest do
- test "string_to_quoted/2 with :elixir_private_wrap_literals wraps literals in blocks" do
- string_to_quoted = &Code.string_to_quoted!(&1, elixir_private_wrap_literals: true)
+ describe "string_to_quoted/2 with :literal_encoder" do
+ test "wraps literals in blocks" do
+ opts = [literal_encoder: &{:ok, {:__block__, &2, [&1]}}, token_metadata: true]
+ string_to_quoted = &Code.string_to_quoted!(&1, opts)
+ assert string_to_quoted.(~s("one")) == {:__block__, [delimiter: "\"", line: 1], ["one"]}
+ assert string_to_quoted.("'one'") == {:__block__, [delimiter: "'", line: 1], ['one']}
+ assert string_to_quoted.("?é") == {:__block__, [token: "?é", line: 1], [233]}
+ assert string_to_quoted.("0b10") == {:__block__, [token: "0b10", line: 1], [2]}
+ assert string_to_quoted.("12") == {:__block__, [token: "12", line: 1], [12]}
+ assert string_to_quoted.("0o123") == {:__block__, [token: "0o123", line: 1], [83]}
+ assert string_to_quoted.("0xEF") == {:__block__, [token: "0xEF", line: 1], [239]}
+ assert string_to_quoted.("12.3") == {:__block__, [token: "12.3", line: 1], [12.3]}
+ assert string_to_quoted.("nil") == {:__block__, [line: 1], [nil]}
+ assert string_to_quoted.(":one") == {:__block__, [delimiter: ":", line: 1], [:one]}
+ args = [[{:__block__, [token: "1", line: 1], [1]}]]
+ assert string_to_quoted.("[1]") ==
+ {:__block__, [closing: [line: 1], line: 1], args}
- assert string_to_quoted.(~s("one")) == {:__block__, [format: :string, line: 1], ["one"]}
- assert string_to_quoted.("'one'") == {:__block__, [format: :charlist, line: 1], ['one']}
- assert string_to_quoted.("?é") == {:__block__, [original: '?é', line: 1], [233]}
- assert string_to_quoted.("0b10") == {:__block__, [original: '0b10', line: 1], [2]}
- assert string_to_quoted.("12") == {:__block__, [original: '12', line: 1], [12]}
- assert string_to_quoted.("0o123") == {:__block__, [original: '0o123', line: 1], [83]}
- assert string_to_quoted.("0xEF") == {:__block__, [original: '0xEF', line: 1], [239]}
- assert string_to_quoted.("12.3") == {:__block__, [original: '12.3', line: 1], [12.3]}
- assert string_to_quoted.("nil") == {:__block__, [line: 1], [nil]}
- assert string_to_quoted.(":one") == {:__block__, [line: 1], [:one]}
- args = [[{:__block__, [original: '1', line: 1], [1]}]]
- assert string_to_quoted.("[1]") ==
- {:__block__, [line: 1], args}
+ args = [
+ {{:__block__, [delimiter: ":", line: 1], [:ok]},
+ {:__block__, [delimiter: ":", line: 1], [:test]}}
+ ]
- args = [{{:__block__, [line: 1], [:ok]}, {:__block__, [line: 1], [:test]}}]
+ assert string_to_quoted.("{:ok, :test}") ==
+ {:__block__, [closing: [line: 1], line: 1], args}
- assert string_to_quoted.("{:ok, :test}") ==
- {:__block__, [line: 1], args}
+ assert string_to_quoted.(~s("""\nhello\n""")) ==
+ {:__block__, [delimiter: ~s["""], line: 1], ["hello\n"]}
- assert string_to_quoted.(~s("""\nhello\n""")) ==
- {:__block__, [format: :bin_heredoc, line: 1], ["hello\n"]}
+ assert string_to_quoted.("'''\nhello\n'''") ==
+ {:__block__, [delimiter: ~s['''], line: 1], ['hello\n']}
- assert string_to_quoted.("'''\nhello\n'''") ==
- {:__block__, [format: :list_heredoc, line: 1], ['hello\n']}
+ args = [
+ {:->, [line: 1],
+ [
+ [{:__block__, [token: "1", line: 1, closing: [line: 1], line: 1], [1]}],
+ {:__block__, [delimiter: "\"", line: 1], ["hello"]}
+ ]}
+ ]
- left = {:__block__, [original: '1', line: 1, line: 1], [1]}
- right = {:__block__, [format: :string, line: 1], ["hello"]}
- args = [{:->, [line: 1], [[left], right]}]
+ assert string_to_quoted.(~s[fn (1) -> "hello" end]) ==
+ {:fn, [closing: [line: 1], line: 1], args}
+ end
- assert string_to_quoted.(~s[fn (1) -> "hello" end]) == {:fn, [line: 1], args}
+ test "raises on bad literal" do
+ assert_raise SyntaxError, "nofile:1: oops: literal", fn ->
+ Code.string_to_quoted!(":one", literal_encoder: fn _, _ -> {:error, "oops"} end)
+ end
+ end
test "compile source" do
diff --git a/lib/elixir/test/elixir/kernel/errors_test.exs b/lib/elixir/test/elixir/kernel/errors_test.exs
index f9cfaed12..4ef6159f1 100644
--- a/lib/elixir/test/elixir/kernel/errors_test.exs
+++ b/lib/elixir/test/elixir/kernel/errors_test.exs
@@ -1027,6 +1027,12 @@ defmodule Kernel.ErrorsTest do
assert_eval_raise SyntaxError, "nofile:1: syntax error before: ?す", ':ok ?す'
+ test "numbers are printed correctly in syntax errors" do
+ assert_eval_raise SyntaxError, "nofile:1: syntax error before: \"12\"", ':ok 12'
+ assert_eval_raise SyntaxError, "nofile:1: syntax error before: \"0b1\"", ':ok 0b1'
+ assert_eval_raise SyntaxError, "nofile:1: syntax error before: \"12.3\"", ':ok 12.3'
+ end
test "invalid \"fn do expr end\"" do
assert_eval_raise SyntaxError,
"nofile:1: unexpected token: do. Anonymous functions are written as:\n\n fn pattern -> expression end",
diff --git a/lib/elixir/test/erlang/tokenizer_test.erl b/lib/elixir/test/erlang/tokenizer_test.erl
index e7d71cf03..2ce0f4929 100644
--- a/lib/elixir/test/erlang/tokenizer_test.erl
+++ b/lib/elixir/test/erlang/tokenizer_test.erl
@@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ op_kw_test() ->
{atom, {1, 6, nil}, bar}] = tokenize(":foo+:bar").
scientific_test() ->
- [{float, {1, 1, 0.1}, "1.0e-1"}] = tokenize("1.0e-1"),
- [{float, {1, 1, 0.1}, "1.0E-1"}] = tokenize("1.0E-1"),
- [{float, {1, 1, 1.2345678e-7}, "1_234.567_8e-10"}] = tokenize("1_234.567_8e-10"),
+ [{flt, {1, 1, 0.1}, "1.0e-1"}] = tokenize("1.0e-1"),
+ [{flt, {1, 1, 0.1}, "1.0E-1"}] = tokenize("1.0E-1"),
+ [{flt, {1, 1, 1.2345678e-7}, "1_234.567_8e-10"}] = tokenize("1_234.567_8e-10"),
{1, 1, "invalid float number ", "1.0e309"} = tokenize_error("1.0e309").
hex_bin_octal_test() ->
@@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ int_test() ->
[{int, {1, 1, 100000}, "0100000"}] = tokenize("0100000").
float_test() ->
- [{float, {1, 1, 12.3}, "12.3"}] = tokenize("12.3"),
- [{float, {1, 1, 12.3}, "12.3"}, {';', {1, 5, 0}}] = tokenize("12.3;"),
- [{eol, {1, 1, 2}}, {float, {3, 1, 12.3}, "12.3"}] = tokenize("\n\n12.3"),
- [{float, {1, 3, 12.3}, "12.3"}, {float, {1, 9, 23.4}, "23.4"}] = tokenize(" 12.3 23.4 "),
- [{float, {1, 1, 12.3}, "00_12.3_00"}] = tokenize("00_12.3_00"),
+ [{flt, {1, 1, 12.3}, "12.3"}] = tokenize("12.3"),
+ [{flt, {1, 1, 12.3}, "12.3"}, {';', {1, 5, 0}}] = tokenize("12.3;"),
+ [{eol, {1, 1, 2}}, {flt, {3, 1, 12.3}, "12.3"}] = tokenize("\n\n12.3"),
+ [{flt, {1, 3, 12.3}, "12.3"}, {flt, {1, 9, 23.4}, "23.4"}] = tokenize(" 12.3 23.4 "),
+ [{flt, {1, 1, 12.3}, "00_12.3_00"}] = tokenize("00_12.3_00"),
OversizedFloat = string:copies("9", 310) ++ ".0",
{1, 1, "invalid float number ", OversizedFloat} = tokenize_error(OversizedFloat).