diff options
authorEric Meadows-Jönsson <>2019-08-19 17:28:36 -0700
committerEric Meadows-Jönsson <>2019-08-19 17:31:14 -0700
commita3578df71321e13ad1d9340590239754e46ce275 (patch)
parentd4fff4377523657cd7f5e7e96bf866a8f9187a87 (diff)
Add unit testsemj/types-split
4 files changed, 307 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/lib/elixir/lib/module/types.ex b/lib/elixir/lib/module/types.ex
index c9af04f07..11b7472b7 100644
--- a/lib/elixir/lib/module/types.ex
+++ b/lib/elixir/lib/module/types.ex
@@ -86,6 +86,26 @@ defmodule Module.Types do
+ # TODO: Remove this and let multiple when be treated as multiple clauses,
+ # meaning they will be intersection types
+ defp guards_to_or([]) do
+ []
+ end
+ defp guards_to_or(guards) do
+ Enum.reduce(guards, fn guard, acc -> {{:., [], [:erlang, :orelse]}, [], [guard, acc]} end)
+ end
+ defp guards_to_expr([], left) do
+ left
+ end
+ defp guards_to_expr([guard | guards], left) do
+ guards_to_expr(guards, {:when, [], [left, guard]})
+ end
# Lift type variable to its infered types from the context
@@ -148,24 +168,6 @@ defmodule Module.Types do
{type, context}
- # TODO: Remove this and let multiple when be treated as multiple clauses,
- # meaning they will be intersection types
- defp guards_to_or([]) do
- []
- end
- defp guards_to_or(guards) do
- Enum.reduce(guards, fn guard, acc -> {{:., [], [:erlang, :orelse]}, [], [guard, acc]} end)
- end
- defp guards_to_expr([], left) do
- left
- end
- defp guards_to_expr([guard | guards], left) do
- guards_to_expr(guards, {:when, [], [left, guard]})
- end
def format_warning({:unable_unify, left, right, expr, traces}) do
@@ -246,6 +248,16 @@ defmodule Module.Types do
"[#{format_type(left)} | #{format_type(right)}]"
+ def format_type({:map, pairs}) do
+ case List.keytake(pairs, :__struct__, 0) do
+ {{:__struct__, struct}, pairs} ->
+ "%#{inspect(struct)}{#{format_map_pairs(pairs)}}"
+ nil ->
+ "%{#{format_map_pairs(pairs)}}"
+ end
+ end
def format_type({:literal, literal}) do
@@ -262,6 +274,12 @@ defmodule Module.Types do
+ defp format_map_pairs(pairs) do
+ Enum.map_join(pairs, ", ", fn {left, right} ->
+ "#{format_type(left)} => #{format_type(right)}"
+ end)
+ end
defp expr_to_string(expr) do
|> rewrite_guard()
diff --git a/lib/elixir/lib/module/types/infer.ex b/lib/elixir/lib/module/types/infer.ex
index 544e8f3cd..ade413a35 100644
--- a/lib/elixir/lib/module/types/infer.ex
+++ b/lib/elixir/lib/module/types/infer.ex
@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ defmodule Module.Types.Infer do
+ # TODO: structs
def of_pattern({:%, _meta, _args}, context) do
{:ok, {:map, []}, context}
@@ -382,7 +383,7 @@ defmodule Module.Types.Infer do
_ ->
case :maps.find(right, context.types) do
{:ok, {:var, new_right}} -> variable_same?(left, new_right, context)
- :error -> false
+ _ -> false
@@ -391,7 +392,7 @@ defmodule Module.Types.Infer do
%{context | unify_stack: [var | context.unify_stack]}
- defp new_var(var, context) do
+ def new_var(var, context) do
case :maps.find(var_name(var), context.vars) do
{:ok, type} ->
{type, context}
@@ -434,7 +435,7 @@ defmodule Module.Types.Infer do
# Check if a variable is recursive and incompatible with itself
# Bad: `{var} = var`
# Good: `x = y; y = z; z = x`
- def recursive_type?({:var, var} = parent, parents, context) do
+ defp recursive_type?({:var, var} = parent, parents, context) do
case :maps.get(var, context.types) do
:unbound ->
@@ -448,23 +449,23 @@ defmodule Module.Types.Infer do
- def recursive_type?({:cons, left, right} = parent, parents, context) do
+ defp recursive_type?({:cons, left, right} = parent, parents, context) do
recursive_type?(left, [parent | parents], context) or
recursive_type?(right, [parent | parents], context)
- def recursive_type?({:tuple, types} = parent, parents, context) do
+ defp recursive_type?({:tuple, types} = parent, parents, context) do
Enum.any?(types, &recursive_type?(&1, [parent | parents], context))
- def recursive_type?({:map, pairs} = parent, parents, context) do
+ defp recursive_type?({:map, pairs} = parent, parents, context) do
Enum.any?(pairs, fn {key, value} ->
recursive_type?(key, [parent | parents], context) or
recursive_type?(value, [parent | parents], context)
- def recursive_type?(_other, _parents, _context) do
+ defp recursive_type?(_other, _parents, _context) do
@@ -486,12 +487,9 @@ defmodule Module.Types.Infer do
def to_union(types, context) when types != [] do
if :dynamic in types do
+ # NOTE: Or filter away dynamic()?
- # Filter subtypes
- # `boolean() | atom()` => `atom()`
- # `:foo | atom()` => `atom()`
- # Does not unify `true | false` => `boolean()`
case unique_super_types(types, context) do
[type] -> type
types -> {:union, types}
@@ -499,6 +497,10 @@ defmodule Module.Types.Infer do
+ # Filter subtypes
+ # `boolean() | atom()` => `atom()`
+ # `:foo | atom()` => `atom()`
+ # Does not unify `true | false` => `boolean()`
defp unique_super_types([type | types], context) do
types = Enum.reject(types, &subtype?(&1, type, context))
@@ -516,7 +518,7 @@ defmodule Module.Types.Infer do
# Collect relevant information from context and traces to report error
defp error({:unable_unify, left, right}, context) do
{fun, arity} = context.function
- line = get_meta(, 0))[:line]
+ line = get_meta(hd(context.expr_stack))[:line]
location = {context.file, line, {context.module, fun, arity}}
traces = type_traces(context)
diff --git a/lib/elixir/test/elixir/module/types/infer_test.exs b/lib/elixir/test/elixir/module/types/infer_test.exs
index 1ee69dd4b..228ea667c 100644
--- a/lib/elixir/test/elixir/module/types/infer_test.exs
+++ b/lib/elixir/test/elixir/module/types/infer_test.exs
@@ -2,18 +2,26 @@ Code.require_file("../../test_helper.exs", __DIR__)
defmodule Module.Types.InferTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
+ import Module.Types.Infer
alias Module.Types
- alias Module.Types.Infer
defmacrop quoted_pattern(expr) do
quote do
- Infer.of_pattern(unquote(Macro.escape(expr)), new_context())
+ of_pattern(unquote(Macro.escape(expr)), new_context())
|> lift_result()
+ defp unify_lift(left, right, context \\ new_context()) do
+ unify(left, right, context)
+ |> lift_result()
+ end
defp new_context() do
- Types.context("types_test.ex", TypesTest, {:test, 0})
+ %{
+ Types.context("types_test.ex", TypesTest, {:test, 0})
+ | expr_stack: [{:foo, [], nil}]
+ }
defp lift_result({:ok, type, context}) do
@@ -29,7 +37,7 @@ defmodule Module.Types.InferTest do
assert {:error, {{:unable_unify, :binary, :integer, expr, traces}, location}} =
quoted_pattern(<<foo::integer, foo::binary>>)
- assert location == [{"types_test.ex", 35, {TypesTest, :test, 0}}]
+ assert location == [{"types_test.ex", 38, {TypesTest, :test, 0}}]
assert {:<<>>, _,
@@ -40,14 +48,14 @@ defmodule Module.Types.InferTest do
assert [
{{:foo, _, nil},
{:type, :binary, {:"::", _, [{:foo, _, nil}, {:binary, _, nil}]},
- {"types_test.ex", 35}}},
+ {"types_test.ex", 38}}},
{{:foo, _, nil},
{:type, :integer, {:"::", _, [{:foo, _, nil}, {:integer, _, nil}]},
- {"types_test.ex", 35}}}
+ {"types_test.ex", 38}}}
] = traces
- test "literals" do
+ test "literal" do
assert quoted_pattern(true) == {:ok, {:literal, true}}
assert quoted_pattern(false) == {:ok, {:literal, false}}
assert quoted_pattern(:foo) == {:ok, {:literal, :foo}}
@@ -122,4 +130,240 @@ defmodule Module.Types.InferTest do
quoted_pattern({x} = x)
+ describe "unify/3" do
+ test "literal" do
+ assert unify_lift({:literal, :foo}, {:literal, :foo}) == {:ok, {:literal, :foo}}
+ assert {:error, {{:unable_unify, {:literal, :foo}, {:literal, :bar}, _, _}, _}} =
+ unify_lift({:literal, :foo}, {:literal, :bar})
+ end
+ test "type" do
+ assert unify_lift(:integer, :integer) == {:ok, :integer}
+ assert unify_lift(:binary, :binary) == {:ok, :binary}
+ assert unify_lift(:atom, :atom) == {:ok, :atom}
+ assert unify_lift(:boolean, :boolean) == {:ok, :boolean}
+ assert {:error, {{:unable_unify, :integer, :boolean, _, _}, _}} =
+ unify_lift(:integer, :boolean)
+ end
+ test "subtype" do
+ assert unify_lift(:boolean, :atom) == {:ok, :boolean}
+ assert unify_lift(:atom, :boolean) == {:ok, :boolean}
+ assert unify_lift(:boolean, {:literal, true}) == {:ok, {:literal, true}}
+ assert unify_lift({:literal, true}, :boolean) == {:ok, {:literal, true}}
+ assert unify_lift(:atom, {:literal, true}) == {:ok, {:literal, true}}
+ assert unify_lift({:literal, true}, :atom) == {:ok, {:literal, true}}
+ end
+ test "tuple" do
+ assert unify_lift({:tuple, []}, {:tuple, []}) == {:ok, {:tuple, []}}
+ assert unify_lift({:tuple, [:integer]}, {:tuple, [:integer]}) == {:ok, {:tuple, [:integer]}}
+ assert unify_lift({:tuple, [:boolean]}, {:tuple, [:atom]}) == {:ok, {:tuple, [:boolean]}}
+ assert {:error, {{:unable_unify, {:tuple, [:integer]}, {:tuple, []}, _, _}, _}} =
+ unify_lift({:tuple, [:integer]}, {:tuple, []})
+ assert {:error, {{:unable_unify, :integer, :atom, _, _}, _}} =
+ unify_lift({:tuple, [:integer]}, {:tuple, [:atom]})
+ end
+ test "cons" do
+ assert unify_lift({:cons, :integer, :integer}, {:cons, :integer, :integer}) ==
+ {:ok, {:cons, :integer, :integer}}
+ assert unify_lift({:cons, :boolean, :atom}, {:cons, :atom, :boolean}) ==
+ {:ok, {:cons, :boolean, :boolean}}
+ assert {:error, {{:unable_unify, :atom, :integer, _, _}, _}} =
+ unify_lift({:cons, :integer, :atom}, {:cons, :integer, :integer})
+ assert {:error, {{:unable_unify, :atom, :integer, _, _}, _}} =
+ unify_lift({:cons, :atom, :integer}, {:cons, :integer, :integer})
+ end
+ test "map" do
+ assert unify_lift({:map, []}, {:map, []}) == {:ok, {:map, []}}
+ assert unify_lift({:map, [{:integer, :atom}]}, {:map, []}) ==
+ {:ok, {:map, [{:integer, :atom}]}}
+ assert unify_lift({:map, []}, {:map, [{:integer, :atom}]}) ==
+ {:ok, {:map, [{:integer, :atom}]}}
+ assert unify_lift({:map, [{:integer, :atom}]}, {:map, [{:integer, :atom}]}) ==
+ {:ok, {:map, [{:integer, :atom}]}}
+ assert unify_lift({:map, [{:integer, :atom}]}, {:map, [{:atom, :integer}]}) ==
+ {:ok, {:map, [{:integer, :atom}, {:atom, :integer}]}}
+ assert unify_lift(
+ {:map, [{{:literal, :foo}, :boolean}]},
+ {:map, [{{:literal, :foo}, :atom}]}
+ ) ==
+ {:ok, {:map, [{{:literal, :foo}, :boolean}]}}
+ assert {:error, {{:unable_unify, :integer, :atom, _, _}, _}} =
+ unify_lift(
+ {:map, [{{:literal, :foo}, :integer}]},
+ {:map, [{{:literal, :foo}, :atom}]}
+ )
+ end
+ test "union" do
+ assert unify_lift({:union, []}, {:union, []}) == {:ok, {:union, []}}
+ assert unify_lift({:union, [:integer]}, {:union, [:integer]}) == {:ok, {:union, [:integer]}}
+ assert unify_lift({:union, [:integer, :atom]}, {:union, [:integer, :atom]}) ==
+ {:ok, {:union, [:integer, :atom]}}
+ assert unify_lift({:union, [:integer, :atom]}, {:union, [:atom, :integer]}) ==
+ {:ok, {:union, [:integer, :atom]}}
+ assert unify_lift({:union, [:atom]}, {:union, [:boolean]}) == {:ok, {:union, [:boolean]}}
+ assert unify_lift({:union, [:boolean]}, {:union, [:atom]}) == {:ok, {:union, [:boolean]}}
+ assert {:error, {{:unable_unify, {:union, [:integer]}, {:union, [:atom]}, _, _}, _}} =
+ unify_lift({:union, [:integer]}, {:union, [:atom]})
+ end
+ test "dynamic" do
+ assert unify_lift({:literal, :foo}, :dynamic) == {:ok, {:literal, :foo}}
+ assert unify_lift(:dynamic, {:literal, :foo}) == {:ok, {:literal, :foo}}
+ assert unify_lift(:integer, :dynamic) == {:ok, :integer}
+ assert unify_lift(:dynamic, :integer) == {:ok, :integer}
+ end
+ test "vars" do
+ assert {{:var, 0}, var_context} = new_var({:foo, [], nil}, new_context())
+ assert {{:var, 1}, var_context} = new_var({:bar, [], nil}, var_context)
+ assert {:ok, {:var, 0}, context} = unify({:var, 0}, :integer, var_context)
+ assert Types.lift_type({:var, 0}, context) == :integer
+ assert {:ok, {:var, 0}, context} = unify(:integer, {:var, 0}, var_context)
+ assert Types.lift_type({:var, 0}, context) == :integer
+ assert {:ok, {:var, _}, context} = unify({:var, 0}, {:var, 1}, var_context)
+ assert {:var, _} = Types.lift_type({:var, 0}, context)
+ assert {:var, _} = Types.lift_type({:var, 1}, context)
+ assert {:ok, {:var, 0}, context} = unify({:var, 0}, :integer, var_context)
+ assert {:ok, {:var, 1}, context} = unify({:var, 1}, :integer, context)
+ assert {:ok, {:var, _}, context} = unify({:var, 0}, {:var, 1}, context)
+ assert {:ok, {:var, 0}, context} = unify({:var, 0}, :integer, var_context)
+ assert {:ok, {:var, 1}, context} = unify({:var, 1}, :integer, context)
+ assert {:ok, {:var, _}, context} = unify({:var, 1}, {:var, 0}, context)
+ assert {:ok, {:var, 0}, context} = unify({:var, 0}, :integer, var_context)
+ assert {:ok, {:var, 1}, context} = unify({:var, 1}, :binary, context)
+ assert {:error, {{:unable_unify, :binary, :integer, _, _}, _}} =
+ unify_lift({:var, 0}, {:var, 1}, context)
+ assert {:ok, {:var, 0}, context} = unify({:var, 0}, :integer, var_context)
+ assert {:ok, {:var, 1}, context} = unify({:var, 1}, :binary, context)
+ assert {:error, {{:unable_unify, :integer, :binary, _, _}, _}} =
+ unify_lift({:var, 1}, {:var, 0}, context)
+ end
+ test "vars inside tuples" do
+ assert {{:var, 0}, var_context} = new_var({:foo, [], nil}, new_context())
+ assert {{:var, 1}, var_context} = new_var({:bar, [], nil}, var_context)
+ assert {:ok, {:tuple, [{:var, 0}]}, context} =
+ unify({:tuple, [{:var, 0}]}, {:tuple, [:integer]}, var_context)
+ assert Types.lift_type({:var, 0}, context) == :integer
+ assert {:ok, {:var, 0}, context} = unify({:var, 0}, :integer, var_context)
+ assert {:ok, {:var, 1}, context} = unify({:var, 1}, :integer, context)
+ assert {:ok, {:tuple, [{:var, _}]}, context} =
+ unify({:tuple, [{:var, 0}]}, {:tuple, [{:var, 1}]}, context)
+ assert {:ok, {:var, 1}, context} = unify({:var, 1}, {:tuple, [{:var, 0}]}, var_context)
+ assert {:ok, {:var, 0}, context} = unify({:var, 0}, :integer, context)
+ assert Types.lift_type({:var, 1}, context) == {:tuple, [:integer]}
+ assert {:ok, {:var, 0}, context} = unify({:var, 0}, :integer, var_context)
+ assert {:ok, {:var, 1}, context} = unify({:var, 1}, :binary, context)
+ assert {:error, {{:unable_unify, :binary, :integer, _, _}, _}} =
+ unify_lift({:tuple, [{:var, 0}]}, {:tuple, [{:var, 1}]}, context)
+ end
+ # TODO: Vars inside unions
+ test "recursive type" do
+ assert {{:var, 0}, var_context} = new_var({:foo, [], nil}, new_context())
+ assert {{:var, 1}, var_context} = new_var({:bar, [], nil}, var_context)
+ assert {{:var, 2}, var_context} = new_var({:baz, [], nil}, var_context)
+ assert {:ok, {:var, _}, context} = unify({:var, 0}, {:var, 1}, var_context)
+ assert {:ok, {:var, _}, context} = unify({:var, 1}, {:var, 0}, context)
+ assert {:ok, {:var, _}, context} = unify({:var, 0}, {:var, 1}, var_context)
+ assert {:ok, {:var, _}, context} = unify({:var, 1}, {:var, 2}, context)
+ assert {:ok, {:var, _}, context} = unify({:var, 2}, {:var, 0}, context)
+ assert {:ok, {:var, _}, context} = unify({:var, 0}, {:var, 1}, var_context)
+ assert {:error, {{:unable_unify, {:tuple, [var: 0]}, {:var, 0}, _, _}, _}} =
+ unify_lift({:var, 1}, {:tuple, [{:var, 0}]}, context)
+ assert {:ok, {:var, _}, context} = unify({:var, 0}, {:var, 1}, var_context)
+ assert {:ok, {:var, _}, context} = unify({:var, 1}, {:var, 2}, context)
+ assert {:error, {{:unable_unify, {:tuple, [var: 0]}, {:var, 0}, _, _}, _}} =
+ unify_lift({:var, 2}, {:tuple, [{:var, 0}]}, context)
+ end
+ end
+ test "subtype?/3" do
+ assert subtype?({:literal, :foo}, :atom, new_context())
+ assert subtype?({:literal, true}, :boolean, new_context())
+ assert subtype?({:literal, true}, :atom, new_context())
+ assert subtype?(:boolean, :atom, new_context())
+ refute subtype?(:integer, :binary, new_context())
+ refute subtype?(:atom, {:literal, :foo}, new_context())
+ refute subtype?(:boolean, {:literal, true}, new_context())
+ refute subtype?(:atom, {:literal, true}, new_context())
+ refute subtype?(:atom, :boolean, new_context())
+ end
+ test "to_union/2" do
+ assert to_union([:atom], new_context()) == :atom
+ assert to_union([:integer, :integer], new_context()) == :integer
+ assert to_union([:boolean, :atom], new_context()) == :atom
+ assert to_union([{:literal, :foo}, :boolean, :atom], new_context()) == :atom
+ assert to_union([:binary, :atom], new_context()) == {:union, [:binary, :atom]}
+ assert to_union([:atom, :binary, :atom], new_context()) == {:union, [:atom, :binary]}
+ assert to_union([{:literal, :foo}, :binary, :atom], new_context()) ==
+ {:union, [:binary, :atom]}
+ assert {{:var, 0}, var_context} = new_var({:foo, [], nil}, new_context())
+ assert to_union([{:var, 0}], var_context) == {:var, 0}
+ # TODO: Add missing tests that uses variables and higher rank types.
+ # We may have to change, to_union to use unify, check the return
+ # type and throw away the returned context instead of using subtype?
+ # since subtype? is incomplete when it comes to variables and higher
+ # rank types.
+ # assert {:ok, {:var, _}, context} = unify({:var, 0}, :integer, var_context)
+ # assert to_union([{:var, 0}, :integer], context) == :integer
+ assert to_union([{:tuple, [:integer]}, {:tuple, [:integer]}], new_context()) ==
+ {:tuple, [:integer]}
+ # assert to_union([{:tuple, [:boolean]}, {:tuple, [:atom]}], new_context()) == {:tuple, [:atom]}
+ end
diff --git a/lib/elixir/test/elixir/module/types_test.exs b/lib/elixir/test/elixir/module/types_test.exs
index c80c6c532..1120a8e23 100644
--- a/lib/elixir/test/elixir/module/types_test.exs
+++ b/lib/elixir/test/elixir/module/types_test.exs
@@ -26,10 +26,6 @@ defmodule Module.TypesTest do
{:ok, Types.lift_types(types, context)}
- # defp lift_result({:ok, type, context}) do
- # {:ok, Types.lift_type(type, context)}
- # end
defp lift_result({:error, {Types, reason, location}}) do
{:error, {reason, location}}
@@ -131,5 +127,11 @@ defmodule Module.TypesTest do
assert Types.format_type({:cons, :binary, :binary}) == "[binary() | binary()]"
assert Types.format_type({:tuple, []}) == "{}"
assert Types.format_type({:tuple, [:integer]}) == "{integer()}"
+ assert Types.format_type({:map, []}) == "%{}"
+ assert Types.format_type({:map, [{:integer, :atom}]}) == "%{integer() => atom()}"
+ assert Types.format_type({:map, [{:__struct__, Struct}]}) == "%Struct{}"
+ assert Types.format_type({:map, [{:__struct__, Struct}, {:integer, :atom}]}) ==
+ "%Struct{integer() => atom()}"