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authorChristopher Eyre <>2019-02-10 08:29:35 +0000
committerJosé Valim <>2019-02-10 09:29:35 +0100
commite80b06574c454f3c54b92535757657d2e162edca (patch)
parent352dd7f78c5aeb982863929c2290349e6b820857 (diff)
Added regex documentation for named character classes (#8785)
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/elixir/lib/regex.ex b/lib/elixir/lib/regex.ex
index 6b9310266..30fa05235 100644
--- a/lib/elixir/lib/regex.ex
+++ b/lib/elixir/lib/regex.ex
@@ -103,6 +103,41 @@ defmodule Regex do
* `list(binary)` - a list of named captures to capture
+ ## Character classes
+ Regex supports several built in named character classes. These are used by
+ enclosing the class name in `[: :]` inside a group. For example:
+ iex> String.match?("123", ~r/^[[:alnum:]]+$/)
+ true
+ iex> String.match?("123 456", ~r/^[[:alnum:][:blank:]]+$/)
+ true
+ The supported class names are:
+ * alnum - Letters and digits
+ * alpha - Letters
+ * ascii - Character codes 0-127
+ * blank - Space or tab only
+ * cntrl - Control characters
+ * digit - Decimal digits (same as \\d)
+ * graph - Printing characters, excluding space
+ * lower - Lowercase letters
+ * print - Printing characters, including space
+ * punct - Printing characters, excluding letters, digits, and space
+ * space - Whitespace (the same as \s from PCRE 8.34)
+ * upper - Uppercase letters
+ * word - "Word" characters (same as \w)
+ * xdigit - Hexadecimal digits
+ Note the behaviour of those classes may change according to the Unicode
+ and other modifiers:
+ iex> String.match?("josé", ~r/^[[:lower:]]+$/)
+ false
+ iex> String.match?("josé", ~r/^[[:lower:]]+$/u)
+ true
defstruct re_pattern: nil, source: "", opts: "", re_version: ""