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authorJosé Valim <>2019-10-18 15:33:05 +0200
committerJosé Valim <>2019-10-20 09:30:17 +0200
commit0efe83b513d57be0d3f36c89be646f936bc38cca (patch)
parent6d3e3fa7d18e3be024f781dfbe1a4ce7f2277881 (diff)
Add asc/desc and compare support to Enum.sort
Before this PR, sorting dates, decimals, and other structs was somewhat awkward: Enum.sort(dates, &(, &2) != :lt)) # ascending Enum.sort(dates, &(, &2) != :gt)) # descending Sorting a user by dates, decimals, and other structs was equally verbose: Enum.sort_by(users, &(&1.birthday), &(, &2) != :lt)) # ascending Enum.sort_by(users, &(&1.birthday), &(, &2) != :gt)) # descending Even a general sort in reverse required passing &>=/2 as an argument, which is not clear in intent: Enum.sort(list, &>=/2) # descending This PR addresses this by: 1. Allow `:asc` and `:desc` to be given as sorting functions. 2. Allow a module to be given to sort, which will automatically compare/2. The module can also be wrapped in a :asc/:desc tuple. All of the examples above can be written as: Enum.sort(dates, Date) # ascending Enum.sort(dates, {:desc, Date}) # descending Enum.sort_by(users, &(&1.birthday), Date) # ascending Enum.sort_by(users, &(&1.birthday), {:desc, Date}) # descending Enum.sort(list, :desc) # descending
2 files changed, 235 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/lib/elixir/lib/enum.ex b/lib/elixir/lib/enum.ex
index ad4c57780..f1d912104 100644
--- a/lib/elixir/lib/enum.ex
+++ b/lib/elixir/lib/enum.ex
@@ -2278,7 +2278,8 @@ defmodule Enum do
Sorts the `enumerable` by the given function.
This function uses the merge sort algorithm. The given function should compare
- two arguments, and return `true` if the first argument precedes the second one.
+ two arguments, and return `true` if the first argument is **less than or equal to**
+ the second one.
## Examples
@@ -2298,6 +2299,16 @@ defmodule Enum do
iex> Enum.sort(["some", "kind", "of", "monster"], &(byte_size(&1) < byte_size(&2)))
["of", "kind", "some", "monster"]
+ ## Ascending and descending
+ `sort/2` allows a developer to pass `:asc` or `:desc` as the sorting
+ function, which is a convenience for `<=/2` and `>=/2` respectively.
+ iex> Enum.sort([2, 3, 1], :asc)
+ [1, 2, 3]
+ iex> Enum.sort([2, 3, 1], :desc)
+ [3, 2, 1]
## Sorting structs
Do not use `</2`, `<=/2`, `>/2`, `>=/2` and friends when sorting structs.
@@ -2316,43 +2327,60 @@ defmodule Enum do
For this reason, most structs provide a "compare" function, such as
``, which receives two structs and returns `:lt` (less than),
- `:eq` (equal), and `:gt` (greather than). For example, to sort dates
- increasingly, one would do:
+ `:eq` (equal), and `:gt` (greather than). If you pass a module as the
+ sorting function, Elixir will automatically use the `compare` function
+ of said module:
iex> dates = [~D[2019-01-01], ~D[2020-03-02], ~D[2019-06-06]]
- iex> Enum.sort(dates, &(, &2) != :gt))
+ iex> Enum.sort(dates, Date)
[~D[2019-01-01], ~D[2019-06-06], ~D[2020-03-02]]
- Or in decreasing order:
+ To retrieve all dates in descending order, you can wrap the module in
+ a tuple with `:asc` or `:desc` as first argument:
iex> dates = [~D[2019-01-01], ~D[2020-03-02], ~D[2019-06-06]]
- iex> Enum.sort(dates, &(, &2) != :lt))
+ iex> Enum.sort(dates, {:asc, Date})
+ [~D[2019-01-01], ~D[2019-06-06], ~D[2020-03-02]]
+ iex> dates = [~D[2019-01-01], ~D[2020-03-02], ~D[2019-06-06]]
+ iex> Enum.sort(dates, {:desc, Date})
[~D[2020-03-02], ~D[2019-06-06], ~D[2019-01-01]]
- @spec sort(t, (element, element -> boolean)) :: list
+ @spec sort(
+ t,
+ (element, element -> boolean) | :asc | :desc | module() | {:asc | :desc, module()}
+ ) :: list
def sort(enumerable, fun) when is_list(enumerable) do
- :lists.sort(fun, enumerable)
+ :lists.sort(to_sort_fun(fun), enumerable)
def sort(enumerable, fun) do
+ fun = to_sort_fun(fun)
reduce(enumerable, [], &sort_reducer(&1, &2, fun))
|> sort_terminator(fun)
+ defp to_sort_fun(sorter) when is_function(sorter, 2), do: sorter
+ defp to_sort_fun(:asc), do: &<=/2
+ defp to_sort_fun(:desc), do: &>=/2
+ defp to_sort_fun(module) when is_atom(module), do: &(, &2) != :gt)
+ defp to_sort_fun({:asc, module}) when is_atom(module), do: &(, &2) != :gt)
+ defp to_sort_fun({:desc, module}) when is_atom(module), do: &(, &2) != :lt)
@doc """
Sorts the mapped results of the `enumerable` according to the provided `sorter`
- This function maps each element of the `enumerable` using the provided `mapper`
- function. The enumerable is then sorted by the mapped elements
- using the `sorter` function, which defaults to `Kernel.<=/2`.
+ This function maps each element of the `enumerable` using the
+ provided `mapper` function. The enumerable is then sorted by
+ the mapped elements using the `sorter` function, which defaults
+ to `Kernel.<=/2`.
`sort_by/3` differs from `sort/2` in that it only calculates the
comparison value for each element in the enumerable once instead of
- once for each element in each comparison.
- If the same function is being called on both elements, it's also more
- compact to use `sort_by/3`.
+ once for each element in each comparison. If the same function is
+ being called on both elements, it's more effiicient to use `sort_by/3`.
## Examples
@@ -2361,29 +2389,79 @@ defmodule Enum do
iex> Enum.sort_by(["some", "kind", "of", "monster"], &byte_size/1)
["of", "some", "kind", "monster"]
- Using a custom `sorter` to override the order:
- iex> Enum.sort_by(["some", "kind", "of", "monster"], &byte_size/1, &>=/2)
- ["monster", "some", "kind", "of"]
Sorting by multiple properties - first by size, then by first letter
(this takes advantage of the fact that tuples are compared element-by-element):
iex> Enum.sort_by(["some", "kind", "of", "monster"], &{byte_size(&1), String.first(&1)})
["of", "kind", "some", "monster"]
- """
- @spec sort_by(t, (element -> mapped_element), (mapped_element, mapped_element -> boolean)) ::
+ Similar to `sort/2`, you can pass a custom sorter:
+ iex> Enum.sort_by(["some", "kind", "of", "monster"], &byte_size/1, &>=/2)
+ ["monster", "some", "kind", "of"]
+ Or use `:asc` and `:desc`:
+ iex> Enum.sort_by(["some", "kind", "of", "monster"], &byte_size/1, :desc)
+ ["monster", "some", "kind", "of"]
+ As in `sort/2`, avoid using the default sorted to sort structs, as by default
+ it performs structural comparison instead of a semantic one. In such cases,
+ you shall pass a sorting function as third element or any module that implements
+ a `compare` function. For example, to sort users by their birthday in both
+ ascending and descending order respectivelly:
+ iex> users = [
+ ...> %{name: "Ellis", birthday: ~D[1943-05-11]},
+ ...> %{name: "Lovelace", birthday: ~D[1815-12-10]},
+ ...> %{name: "Turing", birthday: ~D[1912-06-23]}
+ ...> ]
+ iex> Enum.sort_by(users, &(&1.birthday), Date)
+ [
+ %{name: "Lovelace", birthday: ~D[1815-12-10]},
+ %{name: "Turing", birthday: ~D[1912-06-23]},
+ %{name: "Ellis", birthday: ~D[1943-05-11]}
+ ]
+ iex> Enum.sort_by(users, &(&1.birthday), {:desc, Date})
+ [
+ %{name: "Ellis", birthday: ~D[1943-05-11]},
+ %{name: "Turing", birthday: ~D[1912-06-23]},
+ %{name: "Lovelace", birthday: ~D[1815-12-10]}
+ ]
+ """
+ @spec sort_by(
+ t,
+ (element -> mapped_element),
+ (element, element -> boolean) | :asc | :desc | module() | {:asc | :desc, module()}
+ ) ::
when mapped_element: element
def sort_by(enumerable, mapper, sorter \\ &<=/2) do
|> map(&{&1, mapper.(&1)})
- |> sort(&sorter.(elem(&1, 1), elem(&2, 1)))
+ |> sort(to_sort_by_fun(sorter))
|> map(&elem(&1, 0))
+ defp to_sort_by_fun(sorter) when is_function(sorter, 2),
+ do: &sorter.(elem(&1, 1), elem(&2, 1))
+ defp to_sort_by_fun(:asc),
+ do: &(elem(&1, 1) <= elem(&2, 1))
+ defp to_sort_by_fun(:desc),
+ do: &(elem(&1, 1) >= elem(&2, 1))
+ defp to_sort_by_fun(module) when is_atom(module),
+ do: &(, 1), elem(&2, 1)) != :gt)
+ defp to_sort_by_fun({:asc, module}) when is_atom(module),
+ do: &(, 1), elem(&2, 1)) != :gt)
+ defp to_sort_by_fun({:desc, module}) when is_atom(module),
+ do: &(, 1), elem(&2, 1)) != :lt)
@doc """
Splits the `enumerable` into two enumerables, leaving `count`
elements in the first one.
diff --git a/lib/elixir/test/elixir/enum_test.exs b/lib/elixir/test/elixir/enum_test.exs
index 2edde39e0..ac25530a3 100644
--- a/lib/elixir/test/elixir/enum_test.exs
+++ b/lib/elixir/test/elixir/enum_test.exs
@@ -680,27 +680,148 @@ defmodule EnumTest do
test "sort/2" do
- assert Enum.sort([5, 3, 2, 4, 1], &(&1 > &2)) == [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
+ assert Enum.sort([5, 3, 2, 4, 1], &(&1 >= &2)) == [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
+ assert Enum.sort([5, 3, 2, 4, 1], :asc) == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
+ assert Enum.sort([5, 3, 2, 4, 1], :desc) == [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
+ end
+ test "sort/2 with module" do
+ assert Enum.sort([~D[2020-01-01], ~D[2018-01-01], ~D[2019-01-01]], Date) ==
+ [~D[2018-01-01], ~D[2019-01-01], ~D[2020-01-01]]
+ assert Enum.sort([~D[2020-01-01], ~D[2018-01-01], ~D[2019-01-01]], {:asc, Date}) ==
+ [~D[2018-01-01], ~D[2019-01-01], ~D[2020-01-01]]
+ assert Enum.sort([~D[2020-01-01], ~D[2018-01-01], ~D[2019-01-01]], {:desc, Date}) ==
+ [~D[2020-01-01], ~D[2019-01-01], ~D[2018-01-01]]
test "sort_by/3" do
collection = [
+ [sorted_data: 4],
+ [sorted_data: 5],
+ [sorted_data: 2],
+ [sorted_data: 1],
+ [sorted_data: 3]
+ ]
+ asc = [
+ [sorted_data: 1],
+ [sorted_data: 2],
+ [sorted_data: 3],
+ [sorted_data: 4],
+ [sorted_data: 5]
+ ]
+ desc = [
+ [sorted_data: 5],
+ [sorted_data: 4],
+ [sorted_data: 3],
+ [sorted_data: 2],
+ [sorted_data: 1]
+ ]
+ assert Enum.sort_by(collection, & &1[:sorted_data]) == asc
+ assert Enum.sort_by(collection, & &1[:sorted_data], :asc) == asc
+ assert Enum.sort_by(collection, & &1[:sorted_data], &>=/2) == desc
+ assert Enum.sort_by(collection, & &1[:sorted_data], :desc) == desc
+ end
+ test "sort_by/3 with stable sorting" do
+ collection = [
+ [other_data: 2, sorted_data: 4],
[other_data: 1, sorted_data: 5],
- [other_data: 3, sorted_data: 4],
- [other_data: 4, sorted_data: 3],
[other_data: 2, sorted_data: 2],
- [other_data: 5, sorted_data: 1]
+ [other_data: 3, sorted_data: 1],
+ [other_data: 4, sorted_data: 3]
- assert Enum.sort_by(collection, & &1[:sorted_data]) == [
- [other_data: 5, sorted_data: 1],
+ # Stable sorting
+ assert Enum.sort_by(collection, & &1[:other_data]) == [
+ [other_data: 1, sorted_data: 5],
+ [other_data: 2, sorted_data: 4],
[other_data: 2, sorted_data: 2],
+ [other_data: 3, sorted_data: 1],
+ [other_data: 4, sorted_data: 3]
+ ]
+ assert Enum.sort_by(collection, & &1[:other_data]) ==
+ Enum.sort_by(collection, & &1[:other_data], :asc)
+ assert Enum.sort_by(collection, & &1[:other_data], &</2) == [
+ [other_data: 1, sorted_data: 5],
+ [other_data: 2, sorted_data: 2],
+ [other_data: 2, sorted_data: 4],
+ [other_data: 3, sorted_data: 1],
+ [other_data: 4, sorted_data: 3]
+ ]
+ assert Enum.sort_by(collection, & &1[:other_data], :desc) == [
[other_data: 4, sorted_data: 3],
- [other_data: 3, sorted_data: 4],
+ [other_data: 3, sorted_data: 1],
+ [other_data: 2, sorted_data: 4],
+ [other_data: 2, sorted_data: 2],
[other_data: 1, sorted_data: 5]
+ end
+ test "sort_by/3 with module" do
+ collection = [
+ [sorted_data: ~D[2010-01-05]],
+ [sorted_data: ~D[2010-01-04]],
+ [sorted_data: ~D[2010-01-03]],
+ [sorted_data: ~D[2010-01-02]],
+ [sorted_data: ~D[2010-01-01]]
+ ]
+ assert Enum.sort_by(collection, & &1[:sorted_data], Date) == [
+ [sorted_data: ~D[2010-01-01]],
+ [sorted_data: ~D[2010-01-02]],
+ [sorted_data: ~D[2010-01-03]],
+ [sorted_data: ~D[2010-01-04]],
+ [sorted_data: ~D[2010-01-05]]
+ ]
+ assert Enum.sort_by(collection, & &1[:sorted_data], Date) ==
+ assert(Enum.sort_by(collection, & &1[:sorted_data], {:asc, Date}))
- assert Enum.sort_by(collection, & &1[:sorted_data], &>=/2) == collection
+ assert Enum.sort_by(collection, & &1[:sorted_data], {:desc, Date}) == [
+ [sorted_data: ~D[2010-01-05]],
+ [sorted_data: ~D[2010-01-04]],
+ [sorted_data: ~D[2010-01-03]],
+ [sorted_data: ~D[2010-01-02]],
+ [sorted_data: ~D[2010-01-01]]
+ ]
+ end
+ test "sort_by/3 with module and stable sorting" do
+ collection = [
+ [other_data: ~D[2010-01-02], sorted_data: 4],
+ [other_data: ~D[2010-01-01], sorted_data: 5],
+ [other_data: ~D[2010-01-02], sorted_data: 2],
+ [other_data: ~D[2010-01-03], sorted_data: 1],
+ [other_data: ~D[2010-01-04], sorted_data: 3]
+ ]
+ # Stable sorting
+ assert Enum.sort_by(collection, & &1[:other_data], Date) == [
+ [other_data: ~D[2010-01-01], sorted_data: 5],
+ [other_data: ~D[2010-01-02], sorted_data: 4],
+ [other_data: ~D[2010-01-02], sorted_data: 2],
+ [other_data: ~D[2010-01-03], sorted_data: 1],
+ [other_data: ~D[2010-01-04], sorted_data: 3]
+ ]
+ assert Enum.sort_by(collection, & &1[:other_data], Date) ==
+ Enum.sort_by(collection, & &1[:other_data], {:asc, Date})
+ assert Enum.sort_by(collection, & &1[:other_data], {:desc, Date}) == [
+ [other_data: ~D[2010-01-04], sorted_data: 3],
+ [other_data: ~D[2010-01-03], sorted_data: 1],
+ [other_data: ~D[2010-01-02], sorted_data: 4],
+ [other_data: ~D[2010-01-02], sorted_data: 2],
+ [other_data: ~D[2010-01-01], sorted_data: 5]
+ ]
test "split/2" do
@@ -1379,10 +1500,15 @@ defmodule EnumTest.Range do
assert Enum.sort(3..1, &(&1 > &2)) == [3, 2, 1]
assert Enum.sort(2..1, &(&1 > &2)) == [2, 1]
assert Enum.sort(1..1, &(&1 > &2)) == [1]
+ assert Enum.sort(3..1, :asc) == [1, 2, 3]
+ assert Enum.sort(3..1, :desc) == [3, 2, 1]
test "sort_by/2" do
assert Enum.sort_by(3..1, & &1) == [1, 2, 3]
+ assert Enum.sort_by(3..1, & &1, :asc) == [1, 2, 3]
+ assert Enum.sort_by(3..1, & &1, :desc) == [3, 2, 1]
test "split/2" do