diff options
authorJosé Valim <>2017-05-26 18:14:01 +0200
committerJosé Valim <>2017-05-26 18:14:01 +0200
commit646821a78f9121b6f554e63f65e3eaa5a517c5fe (patch)
parent6eb05b9dd0ce32c122410c28e30809b7196d47a0 (diff)
Add unicode tokenizer for atoms
3 files changed, 177 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 050bd0b23..98ee261cd 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ $(UNICODE): lib/elixir/unicode/*
@ echo "==> unicode (compile)";
$(Q) $(ELIXIRC) lib/elixir/unicode/unicode.ex -o lib/elixir/ebin;
$(Q) $(ELIXIRC) lib/elixir/unicode/properties.ex -o lib/elixir/ebin;
+ $(Q) $(ELIXIRC) lib/elixir/unicode/tokenizer.ex -o lib/elixir/ebin;
$(eval $(call APP_TEMPLATE,ex_unit,ExUnit))
$(eval $(call APP_TEMPLATE,logger,Logger))
diff --git a/lib/elixir/unicode/tokenizer.ex b/lib/elixir/unicode/tokenizer.ex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..adf688b6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/elixir/unicode/tokenizer.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+defmodule String.Tokenizer do
+ @moduledoc false
+ @on_load :check_otp_release
+ data_path = Path.join(__DIR__, "UnicodeData.txt")
+ {letter_uptitlecase, start, continue} =
+ Enum.reduce!(data_path), {[], [], []}, fn
+ line, {letter_uptitlecase, start, continue} ->
+ [codepoint, line] = :binary.split(line, ";")
+ [_name, line] = :binary.split(line, ";")
+ [category, _] = :binary.split(line, ";")
+ cond do
+ category in ~w(Lu Lt) ->
+ {[String.to_integer(codepoint, 16) | letter_uptitlecase], start, continue}
+ category in ~w(Ll Lm Lo Nl) ->
+ {letter_uptitlecase, [String.to_integer(codepoint, 16) | start], continue}
+ category in ~w(Mn Mc Nd Pc) ->
+ {letter_uptitlecase, start, [String.to_integer(codepoint, 16) | continue]}
+ true ->
+ {letter_uptitlecase, start, continue}
+ end
+ end
+ prop_path = Path.join(__DIR__, "PropList.txt")
+ {start, continue, patterns} =
+ Enum.reduce!(prop_path), {start, continue, []}, fn line, acc ->
+ [codepoints | category] = :binary.split(line, ";")
+ pos =
+ case category do
+ [" Other_ID_Start" <> _] -> 0
+ [" Other_ID_Continue" <> _] -> 1
+ [" Pattern_White_Space" <> _] -> 2
+ [" Pattern_Syntax" <> _] -> 2
+ _ -> -1
+ end
+ if pos >= 0 do
+ entries =
+ case :binary.split(codepoints, "..") do
+ [<<codepoint::4-binary, _::binary>>] ->
+ [String.to_integer(codepoint, 16)]
+ [first, <<last::4-binary, _::binary>>] ->
+ Enum.to_list(String.to_integer(last, 16)..String.to_integer(first, 16))
+ end
+ put_elem(acc, pos, entries ++ elem(acc, pos))
+ else
+ acc
+ end
+ end
+ id_upper = letter_uptitlecase -- patterns
+ id_start = start -- patterns
+ id_continue = continue -- patterns
+ {ascii_upper, unicode_upper} = Enum.split_with(id_upper, & &1 <= 127)
+ {ascii_start, unicode_start} = Enum.split_with(id_start, & &1 <= 127)
+ rangify = fn [head | tail] ->
+ {first, last, acc} =
+ Enum.reduce(tail, {head, head, []}, fn
+ number, {first, last, acc} when number == first - 1 ->
+ {number, last, acc}
+ number, {first, last, acc} ->
+ {number, number, [{first, last} | acc]}
+ end)
+ [{first, last} | acc]
+ end
+ for {first, last} <- rangify.(ascii_upper) do
+ if first == last do
+ defp ascii_upper?(unquote(first)), do: true
+ else
+ defp ascii_upper?(entry) when entry in unquote(first)..unquote(last), do: true
+ end
+ end
+ defp ascii_upper?(_), do: false
+ for {first, last} <- rangify.(unicode_upper) do
+ if first == last do
+ defp unicode_upper?(unquote(first)), do: true
+ else
+ defp unicode_upper?(entry) when entry in unquote(first)..unquote(last), do: true
+ end
+ end
+ defp unicode_upper?(_), do: false
+ for {first, last} <- [{?_, ?_} | rangify.(ascii_start)] do
+ if first == last do
+ defp ascii_start?(unquote(first)), do: true
+ else
+ defp ascii_start?(entry) when entry in unquote(first)..unquote(last), do: true
+ end
+ end
+ defp ascii_start?(_), do: false
+ for {first, last} <- rangify.(unicode_start) do
+ if first == last do
+ defp unicode_start?(unquote(first)), do: true
+ else
+ defp unicode_start?(entry) when entry in unquote(first)..unquote(last), do: true
+ end
+ end
+ defp unicode_start?(_), do: false
+ for {first, last} <- rangify.(id_continue) do
+ if first == last do
+ defp continue?(unquote(first)), do: true
+ else
+ defp continue?(entry) when entry in unquote(first)..unquote(last), do: true
+ end
+ end
+ defp continue?(_), do: false
+ # Pattern is used as a performance check since most
+ # atoms and variables end with an atom character.
+ for {first, last} <- rangify.(patterns), last <= 127 do
+ if first == last do
+ defp ascii_pattern?(unquote(first)), do: true
+ else
+ defp ascii_pattern?(entry) when entry in unquote(first)..unquote(last), do: true
+ end
+ end
+ defp ascii_pattern?(_), do: false
+ def tokenize_atom([head | tail] = list) do
+ case ascii_start?(head) or ascii_upper?(head) or unicode_start?(head) or unicode_upper?(head) do
+ true -> validate_token(continue_atom(tail, [head]))
+ false -> {[], list}
+ end
+ end
+ defp continue_atom([?@ | tail], acc) do
+ continue_atom(tail, [?@ | acc])
+ end
+ defp continue_atom([head | tail] = list, acc) do
+ if ascii_start?(head) or ascii_upper?(head) or
+ (not ascii_pattern?(head) and (unicode_start?(head) or unicode_upper?(head) or continue?(head))) do
+ continue_atom(tail, [head | acc])
+ else
+ {acc, list}
+ end
+ end
+ defp continue_atom([], acc) do
+ {acc, []}
+ end
+ defp validate_token({acc, list}) do
+ acc = :lists.reverse(acc)
+ case :unicode.characters_to_nfc_list(acc) do
+ ^acc -> {:ok, acc, list}
+ _ -> {:error, "oops"}
+ end
+ end
+ defp check_otp_release do
+ case List.to_integer(:erlang.system_info(:otp_release)) >= 20 do
+ true -> :ok
+ false -> :error
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/elixir/unicode/unicode.ex b/lib/elixir/unicode/unicode.ex
index d3516c809..3b854458f 100644
--- a/lib/elixir/unicode/unicode.ex
+++ b/lib/elixir/unicode/unicode.ex
@@ -2,10 +2,12 @@
# 1. Update CompositionExclusions.txt by copying original as is
# 2. Update GraphemeBreakProperty.txt by copying original as is
-# 3. Update SpecialCasing.txt by removing comments and conditional mappings from original
-# 4. Update WhiteSpace.txt by copying the proper excerpt from PropList.txt
-# 5. Update GraphemeBreakTest.txt and run graphemes_test.exs
+# 3. Update PropList.txt by copying original as is
+# 4. Update GraphemeBreakTest.txt by copying original as is
+# 5. Update SpecialCasing.txt by removing comments and conditional mappings from original
# 6. Update String.Unicode.version/0 and on String module docs
+# 7. make unicode
+# 8. elixir lib/elixir/unicode/graphemes_test.exs
defmodule String.Unicode do
@moduledoc false