diff options
authorMichał Muskała <>2018-07-05 03:45:01 +0200
committerMichał Muskała <>2018-07-12 12:28:03 +0200
commitaf94aca353368d338bf0d5dea341ba78150bc110 (patch)
parent6023568bcfe48f74c8b1bca485f9f9c984ab0664 (diff)
Compile protocols in elixir syntax
This siwtches protocol compilation to happen on the epxnaded Elixir AST instead of the Erlang AST. This is slightly less complex and opens possibility for easy "partial" compilation of protocols. Additionally instead of rewriting specs on consolidation, this marks the functions that end-up being rewritten with @dialyzer :nowarn_function to disable overly eager dialyzer warnings.
5 files changed, 75 insertions, 168 deletions
diff --git a/lib/elixir/lib/protocol.ex b/lib/elixir/lib/protocol.ex
index 4ecd91613..44aed9db8 100644
--- a/lib/elixir/lib/protocol.ex
+++ b/lib/elixir/lib/protocol.ex
@@ -303,26 +303,23 @@ defmodule Protocol do
| {:error, :not_a_protocol}
| {:error, :no_beam_info}
def consolidate(protocol, types) when is_atom(protocol) do
- with {:ok, ast_info, chunks_info} <- beam_protocol(protocol),
- {:ok, code} <- change_debug_info(ast_info, types),
- do: compile(protocol, code, chunks_info)
+ with {:ok, ast_info, specs, compile_info} <- beam_protocol(protocol),
+ {:ok, definitions} <- change_debug_info(protocol, ast_info, types),
+ do: compile(definitions, specs, compile_info)
defp beam_protocol(protocol) do
- chunk_ids = [:abstract_code, :attributes, :compile_info, 'Docs', 'ExDp']
+ chunk_ids = [:debug_info, 'Docs', 'ExDp']
opts = [:allow_missing_chunks]
case :beam_lib.chunks(beam_file(protocol), chunk_ids, opts) do
- {:ok, {^protocol, entries}} ->
- [
- {:abstract_code, {_raw, abstract_code}},
- {:attributes, attributes},
- {:compile_info, compile_info} | extra_chunks
- ] = entries
+ {:ok, {^protocol, [{:debug_info, debug_info} | extra_chunks]}} ->
+ {:debug_info_v1, _backend, {:elixir_v1, info, specs}} = debug_info
+ %{attributes: attributes, definitions: definitions} = info
case attributes[:protocol] do
[fallback_to_any: any] ->
- {:ok, {protocol, any, abstract_code}, {compile_info, extra_chunks}}
+ {:ok, {any, definitions}, specs, {info, extra_chunks}}
_ ->
{:error, :not_a_protocol}
@@ -342,148 +339,83 @@ defmodule Protocol do
# Change the debug information to the optimized
# impl_for/1 dispatch version.
- defp change_debug_info({protocol, any, code}, types) do
+ defp change_debug_info(protocol, {any, definitions}, types) do
types = if any, do: types, else: List.delete(types, Any)
all = [Any] ++ for {_guard, mod} <- __builtin__(), do: mod
structs = types -- all
- case change_impl_for(code, protocol, types, structs, false, []) do
- {:ok, ret} -> {:ok, ret}
- other -> other
+ case List.keytake(definitions, {:__protocol__, 1}, 0) do
+ {protocol_def, definitions} ->
+ {impl_for, definitions} = List.keytake(definitions, {:impl_for, 1}, 0)
+ {struct_impl_for, definitions} = List.keytake(definitions, {:struct_impl_for, 1}, 0)
+ protocol_def = change_protocol(protocol_def, types)
+ impl_for = change_impl_for(impl_for, protocol, types)
+ struct_impl_for = change_struct_impl_for(struct_impl_for, protocol, types, structs)
+ {:ok, [protocol_def, impl_for, struct_impl_for] ++ definitions}
+ nil ->
+ {:error, :not_a_protocol}
- defp change_impl_for(
- [{:function, line, :__protocol__, 1, clauses} | tail],
- protocol,
- types,
- structs,
- _,
- acc
- ) do
- abstract_types = :erl_parse.abstract(:lists.usort(types))
+ defp change_protocol({_name, _kind, meta, clauses}, types) do
clauses =, fn
- {:clause, l, [{:atom, _, :consolidated?}], [], [{:atom, _, _}]} ->
- {:clause, l, [{:atom, 0, :consolidated?}], [], [{:atom, 0, true}]}
- {:clause, l, [{:atom, _, :impls}], [], [{:atom, _, _}]} ->
- tuple = {:tuple, 0, [{:atom, 0, :consolidated}, abstract_types]}
- {:clause, l, [{:atom, 0, :impls}], [], [tuple]}
- {:clause, _, _, _, _} = c ->
- c
+ {meta, [:consolidated?], [], _} -> {meta, [:consolidated?], [], true}
+ {meta, [:impls], [], _} -> {meta, [:impls], [], {:consolidated, types}}
+ clause -> clause
- acc = [{:function, line, :__protocol__, 1, clauses} | acc]
- change_impl_for(tail, protocol, types, structs, true, acc)
+ {{:__protocol__, 1}, :def, meta, clauses}
- defp change_impl_for(
- [{:function, line, :impl_for, 1, _} | tail],
- protocol,
- types,
- structs,
- protocol?,
- acc
- ) do
+ defp change_impl_for({_name, _kind, meta, _clauses}, protocol, types) do
fallback = if Any in types, do: load_impl(protocol, Any)
+ line = meta[:line]
clauses =
for {guard, mod} <- __builtin__(),
mod in types,
- do: builtin_clause_for(mod, guard, protocol, line)
+ do: builtin_clause_for(mod, guard, protocol, meta, line)
- clauses =
- [struct_clause_for(line) | clauses] ++ [fallback_clause_for(fallback, protocol, line)]
+ struct_clause = struct_clause_for(meta, line)
+ fallback_clause = fallback_clause_for(fallback, protocol, meta)
+ clauses = [struct_clause] ++ clauses ++ [fallback_clause]
- acc = [{:function, line, :impl_for, 1, clauses} | acc]
- change_impl_for(tail, protocol, types, structs, protocol?, acc)
+ {{:impl_for, 1}, :def, meta, clauses}
- defp change_impl_for(
- [{:function, line, :struct_impl_for, 1, _} | tail],
- protocol,
- types,
- structs,
- protocol?,
- acc
- ) do
+ defp change_struct_impl_for({_name, _kind, meta, _clauses}, protocol, types, structs) do
fallback = if Any in types, do: load_impl(protocol, Any)
- clauses = for struct <- structs, do: each_struct_clause_for(struct, protocol, line)
- clauses = clauses ++ [fallback_clause_for(fallback, protocol, line)]
- acc = [{:function, line, :struct_impl_for, 1, clauses} | acc]
- change_impl_for(tail, protocol, types, structs, protocol?, acc)
- end
- defp change_impl_for(
- [{:attribute, line, :spec, {{:__protocol__, 1}, funspecs}} | tail],
- protocol,
- types,
- structs,
- protocol?,
- acc
- ) do
- new_specs =
- for spec <- funspecs do
- case spec do
- {:type, line, :fun, [{:type, _, :product, [{:atom, _, :consolidated?}]}, _]} ->
- product = {:type, line, :product, [{:atom, 0, :consolidated?}]}
- {:type, line, :fun, [product, {:atom, 0, true}]}
- {:type, line, :fun, [{:type, _, :product, [{:atom, _, :impls}]}, _]} ->
- impls = for mod <- types, do: {:atom, 0, mod}
- list = {:type, 0, :list, [{:type, 0, :union, impls}]}
- tuple = {:type, 0, :tuple, [{:atom, 0, :consolidated}, list]}
- {:type, line, :fun, [{:type, line, :product, [{:atom, 0, :impls}]}, tuple]}
- other ->
- other
- end
- end
+ clauses = for struct <- structs, do: each_struct_clause_for(struct, protocol, meta)
+ clauses = clauses ++ [fallback_clause_for(fallback, protocol, meta)]
- acc = [{:attribute, line, :spec, {{:__protocol__, 1}, new_specs}} | acc]
- change_impl_for(tail, protocol, types, structs, protocol?, acc)
+ {{:struct_impl_for, 1}, :defp, meta, clauses}
- defp change_impl_for([head | tail], protocol, info, types, protocol?, acc) do
- change_impl_for(tail, protocol, info, types, protocol?, [head | acc])
+ defp builtin_clause_for(mod, guard, protocol, meta, line) do
+ x = quote(line: line, do: x)
+ guard = quote(line: line, do: :erlang.unquote(guard)(unquote(x)))
+ body = load_impl(protocol, mod)
+ {meta, [x], [guard], body}
- defp change_impl_for([], _protocol, _info, _types, protocol?, acc) do
- if protocol? do
- {:ok, Enum.reverse(acc)}
- else
- {:error, :not_a_protocol}
- end
+ defp struct_clause_for(meta, line) do
+ x = quote(line: line, do: x)
+ head = quote(line: line, do: %{__struct__: unquote(x)})
+ guard = quote(line: line, do: :erlang.is_atom(unquote(x)))
+ body = quote(line: line, do: struct_impl_for(unquote(x)))
+ {meta, [head], [guard], body}
- defp builtin_clause_for(mod, guard, protocol, line) do
- remote = {:remote, line, {:atom, line, :erlang}, {:atom, line, guard}}
- guard = {:call, line, remote, [{:var, line, :x}]}
- body = {:atom, line, load_impl(protocol, mod)}
- {:clause, line, [{:var, line, :x}], [[guard]], [body]}
+ defp each_struct_clause_for(struct, protocol, meta) do
+ {meta, [struct], [], load_impl(protocol, struct)}
- defp struct_clause_for(line) do
- map_field_exact = {:map_field_exact, line, {:atom, line, :__struct__}, {:var, line, :x}}
- arg = {:map, line, [map_field_exact]}
- is_atom = {:remote, line, {:atom, line, :erlang}, {:atom, line, :is_atom}}
- guard = {:call, line, is_atom, [{:var, line, :x}]}
- body = {:call, line, {:atom, line, :struct_impl_for}, [{:var, line, :x}]}
- {:clause, line, [arg], [[guard]], [body]}
- end
- defp each_struct_clause_for(struct, protocol, line) do
- {:clause, line, [{:atom, line, struct}], [], [{:atom, line, load_impl(protocol, struct)}]}
- end
- defp fallback_clause_for(value, _protocol, line) do
- {:clause, line, [{:var, line, :_}], [], [{:atom, line, value}]}
+ defp fallback_clause_for(value, _protocol, meta) do
+ {meta, [quote(do: _)], [], value}
defp load_impl(protocol, for) do
@@ -491,19 +423,9 @@ defmodule Protocol do
# Finally compile the module and emit its bytecode.
- defp compile(protocol, code, {compile_info, extra_chunks}) do
- opts = Keyword.take(compile_info, [:source])
- opts = if Code.compiler_options()[:debug_info], do: [:debug_info | opts], else: opts
- {:ok, ^protocol, binary, _warnings} = :compile.forms(code, [:return | opts])
- {:ok, add_beam_chunks(binary, extra_chunks)}
- end
- defp add_beam_chunks(bin, []), do: bin
- defp add_beam_chunks(bin, new_chunks) do
- {:ok, _, old_chunks} = :beam_lib.all_chunks(bin)
- {:ok, bin} = :beam_lib.build_module(new_chunks ++ old_chunks)
- bin
+ defp compile(definitions, specs, {info, extra_chunks}) do
+ info = %{info | definitions: definitions}
+ {:ok, :elixir_erl.consolidate(info, specs, extra_chunks)}
## Definition callbacks
@@ -553,6 +475,10 @@ defmodule Protocol do
+ # Disable dialyzer checks - before and after consolidation
+ # the types could be more strict
+ @dialyzer {:nowarn_function, __protocol__: 1, impl_for: 1, impl_for!: 1}
@doc false
@spec impl_for(term) :: atom | nil
@@ -561,7 +487,7 @@ defmodule Protocol do
# It simply delegates to struct_impl_for which is then
# optimized during protocol consolidation.
- Kernel.def impl_for(%{__struct__: struct}) when :erlang.is_atom(struct) do
+ Kernel.def impl_for(%struct{}) do
@@ -628,8 +554,8 @@ defmodule Protocol do
@doc false
@spec __protocol__(:module) :: __MODULE__
@spec __protocol__(:functions) :: unquote(Protocol.__functions_spec__(@functions))
- @spec __protocol__(:consolidated?) :: false
- @spec __protocol__(:impls) :: :not_consolidated
+ @spec __protocol__(:consolidated?) :: boolean
+ @spec __protocol__(:impls) :: :not_consolidated | {:consolidated, [module]}
Kernel.def(__protocol__(:module), do: __MODULE__)
Kernel.def(__protocol__(:functions), do: unquote(:lists.sort(@functions)))
Kernel.def(__protocol__(:consolidated?), do: false)
diff --git a/lib/elixir/src/elixir_erl.erl b/lib/elixir/src/elixir_erl.erl
index 671c34e69..6956b51a8 100644
--- a/lib/elixir/src/elixir_erl.erl
+++ b/lib/elixir/src/elixir_erl.erl
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
%% Compiler backend to Erlang.
--export([elixir_to_erl/1, definition_to_anonymous/4, compile/1,
+-export([elixir_to_erl/1, definition_to_anonymous/4, compile/1, consolidate/3,
get_ann/1, remote/4, debug_info/4, scope/1, format_error/1]).
@@ -127,7 +127,13 @@ elixir_to_erl_cons2([], Acc) ->
scope(_Meta) ->
-%% Compilation hook.
+%% Static compilation hook, used in protocol consolidation
+consolidate(Map, TypeSpecs, Chunks) ->
+ {Prefix, Forms, _Def, _Defmacro, _Macros, _Deprecated} = dynamic_form(Map),
+ load_form(Map, Prefix, Forms, TypeSpecs, Chunks).
+%% Dynamic compilation hook, used in regular compiler
compile(#{module := Module, line := Line} = Map) ->
{Set, Bag} = elixir_module:data_tables(Module),
@@ -136,7 +142,7 @@ compile(#{module := Module, line := Line} = Map) ->
DocsChunk = docs_chunk(Set, Module, Line, Def, Defmacro, Types, Callbacks),
DeprecatedChunk = deprecated_chunk(Deprecated),
- Chunks = lists:flatten([DocsChunk, DeprecatedChunk]),
+ Chunks = DocsChunk ++ DeprecatedChunk,
load_form(Map, Prefix, Forms, TypeSpecs, Chunks).
diff --git a/lib/elixir/test/elixir/fixtures/dialyzer/protocol_opaque.ex b/lib/elixir/test/elixir/fixtures/dialyzer/protocol_opaque.ex
index 07895c6b4..d6a00f312 100644
--- a/lib/elixir/test/elixir/fixtures/dialyzer/protocol_opaque.ex
+++ b/lib/elixir/test/elixir/fixtures/dialyzer/protocol_opaque.ex
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ defprotocol Dialyzer.ProtocolOpaque.Entity do
defmodule Dialyzer.ProtocolOpaque.Duck do
- @opaque t :: %__MODULE__{}
+ @opaque t :: %__MODULE__{feathers: :white_and_grey}
defstruct feathers: :white_and_grey
@spec new :: t
diff --git a/lib/elixir/test/elixir/kernel/dialyzer_test.exs b/lib/elixir/test/elixir/kernel/dialyzer_test.exs
index 022dd99cc..ad84a9ab2 100644
--- a/lib/elixir/test/elixir/kernel/dialyzer_test.exs
+++ b/lib/elixir/test/elixir/kernel/dialyzer_test.exs
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ defmodule Kernel.DialyzerTest do
+ @tag warnings: [:specdiffs]
test "no warnings on protocol calls with opaque types", context do
alias Dialyzer.ProtocolOpaque
diff --git a/lib/elixir/test/elixir/protocol_test.exs b/lib/elixir/test/elixir/protocol_test.exs
index 62474634e..cbb2f823a 100644
--- a/lib/elixir/test/elixir/protocol_test.exs
+++ b/lib/elixir/test/elixir/protocol_test.exs
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ defmodule Protocol.ConsolidationTest do
assert Sample.__protocol__(:consolidated?)
assert Sample.__protocol__(:impls) == {:consolidated, [ImplStruct]}
assert WithAny.__protocol__(:consolidated?)
- assert WithAny.__protocol__(:impls) == {:consolidated, [Any, Map, ImplStruct]}
+ assert WithAny.__protocol__(:impls) == {:consolidated, [Any, ImplStruct, Map]}
test "consolidation extracts protocols" do
@@ -439,30 +439,4 @@ defmodule Protocol.ConsolidationTest do
- test "consolidation updates __protocol__/1 spec" do
- {:ok, {Sample, [{:abstract_code, {:raw_abstract_v1, forms}}]}} =
- :beam_lib.chunks(@sample_binary, [:abstract_code])
- for {:attribute, _line, :spec, {{:__protocol__, 1}, specs}} <- forms,
- {:type, _line, :fun, [{:type, _, :product, [{:atom, _, clause}]}, return_type]} <- specs do
- # Only check that :consolidated? and :impls types changed after consolidation.
- # This prevents underspec warnings in dialyzer on consolidated protocols.
- case clause do
- :consolidated? ->
- assert {:atom, _, true} = return_type
- :impls ->
- {:type, _, :tuple, tuple_args} = return_type
- assert [
- {:atom, _, :consolidated},
- {:type, _, :list, [{:type, _, :union, [{:atom, _, ImplStruct}]}]}
- ] = tuple_args
- _ ->
- :ok
- end
- end
- end