REBAR ?= "$(CURDIR)/rebar" PREFIX ?= /usr/local SHARE_PREFIX ?= $(PREFIX)/share CANONICAL := master/ ELIXIRC := bin/elixirc --verbose --ignore-module-conflict ERLC := erlc -I lib/elixir/include ERL := erl -I lib/elixir/include -noshell -pa lib/elixir/ebin VERSION := $(strip $(shell cat VERSION)) Q := @ LIBDIR := lib BINDIR := bin INSTALL = install INSTALL_DIR = $(INSTALL) -m755 -d INSTALL_DATA = $(INSTALL) -m644 INSTALL_PROGRAM = $(INSTALL) -m755 GIT_REVISION = $(strip $(shell git rev-parse HEAD 2> /dev/null )) GIT_TAG = $(strip $(shell head="$(call GIT_REVISION)"; git tag --points-at $$head 2> /dev/null | tail -1) ) .PHONY: install compile erlang elixir build_plt clean_plt dialyze test clean clean_residual_files install_man clean_man docs zips .NOTPARALLEL: compile #==> Functions define CHECK_ERLANG_RELEASE erl -noshell -eval '{V,_} = string:to_integer(erlang:system_info(otp_release)), io:fwrite("~s", [is_integer(V) and (V >= 19)])' -s erlang halt | grep -q '^true'; \ if [ $$? != 0 ]; then \ echo "At least Erlang 19.0 is required to build Elixir"; \ exit 1; \ fi endef define APP_TEMPLATE $(1): lib/$(1)/ebin/Elixir.$(2).beam lib/$(1)/ebin/$(1).app lib/$(1)/ebin/$(1).app: lib/$(1)/mix.exs $(Q) mkdir -p lib/$(1)/_build/shared/lib/$(1) $(Q) cp -R lib/$(1)/ebin lib/$(1)/_build/shared/lib/$(1)/ $(Q) cd lib/$(1) && ../../bin/elixir -e 'Mix.start(:permanent, [])' -r mix.exs -e '"")' $(Q) cp lib/$(1)/_build/shared/lib/$(1)/ebin/$(1).app lib/$(1)/ebin/$(1).app $(Q) rm -rf lib/$(1)/_build lib/$(1)/ebin/Elixir.$(2).beam: $(wildcard lib/$(1)/lib/*.ex) $(wildcard lib/$(1)/lib/*/*.ex) $(wildcard lib/$(1)/lib/*/*/*.ex) @ echo "==> $(1) (compile)" @ rm -rf lib/$(1)/ebin $(Q) cd lib/$(1) && ../../$$(ELIXIRC) "lib/**/*.ex" -o ebin test_$(1): compile $(1) @ echo "==> $(1) (exunit)" $(Q) cd lib/$(1) && ../../bin/elixir -r "test/test_helper.exs" -pr "test/**/*_test.exs"; endef #==> Compilation tasks APP := lib/elixir/ebin/ KERNEL:=lib/elixir/ebin/Elixir.Kernel.beam UNICODE:=lib/elixir/ebin/Elixir.String.Unicode.beam default: compile compile: erlang elixir erlang: $(Q) if [ ! -f $(APP) ]; then $(call CHECK_ERLANG_RELEASE); fi $(Q) cd lib/elixir && $(REBAR) compile # Since Mix depends on EEx and EEx depends on Mix, # we first compile EEx without the .app file, # then Mix and then compile EEx fully elixir: stdlib lib/eex/ebin/Elixir.EEx.beam mix ex_unit logger eex iex stdlib: $(KERNEL) VERSION $(KERNEL): lib/elixir/lib/*.ex lib/elixir/lib/*/*.ex lib/elixir/lib/*/*/*.ex $(Q) if [ ! -f $(KERNEL) ]; then \ echo "==> bootstrap (compile)"; \ $(ERL) -s elixir_compiler bootstrap -s erlang halt; \ fi @ echo "==> elixir (compile)"; $(Q) cd lib/elixir && ../../$(ELIXIRC) "lib/kernel.ex" -o ebin; $(Q) cd lib/elixir && ../../$(ELIXIRC) "lib/**/*.ex" -o ebin; $(Q) $(MAKE) unicode $(Q) rm -f lib/elixir/ebin/ $(Q) cd lib/elixir && $(REBAR) compile unicode: $(UNICODE) $(UNICODE): lib/elixir/unicode/* @ echo "==> unicode (compile)"; $(Q) $(ELIXIRC) lib/elixir/unicode/unicode.ex -o lib/elixir/ebin; $(Q) $(ELIXIRC) lib/elixir/unicode/properties.ex -o lib/elixir/ebin; $(Q) $(ELIXIRC) lib/elixir/unicode/tokenizer.ex -o lib/elixir/ebin; $(eval $(call APP_TEMPLATE,ex_unit,ExUnit)) $(eval $(call APP_TEMPLATE,logger,Logger)) $(eval $(call APP_TEMPLATE,eex,EEx)) $(eval $(call APP_TEMPLATE,mix,Mix)) $(eval $(call APP_TEMPLATE,iex,IEx)) install: compile @ echo "==> elixir (install)" $(Q) for dir in lib/*; do \ rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/$(LIBDIR)/elixir/$$dir/ebin; \ $(INSTALL_DIR) "$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/$(LIBDIR)/elixir/$$dir/ebin"; \ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$dir/ebin/* "$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/$(LIBDIR)/elixir/$$dir/ebin"; \ done $(Q) $(INSTALL_DIR) "$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/$(LIBDIR)/elixir/bin" $(Q) $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $(filter-out %.ps1, $(filter-out %.bat, $(wildcard bin/*))) "$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/$(LIBDIR)/elixir/bin" $(Q) $(INSTALL_DIR) "$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/$(BINDIR)" $(Q) for file in "$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)"/$(LIBDIR)/elixir/bin/*; do \ ln -sf "../$(LIBDIR)/elixir/bin/$${file##*/}" "$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/$(BINDIR)/"; \ done $(MAKE) install_man clean: cd lib/elixir && $(REBAR) clean rm -rf ebin rm -rf lib/*/ebin $(Q) $(MAKE) clean_residual_files clean_elixir: $(Q) rm -f lib/*/ebin/Elixir.*.beam clean_residual_files: rm -rf lib/*/_build/ rm -rf lib/*/tmp/ rm -rf lib/elixir/test/ebin/ rm -rf lib/mix/test/fixtures/deps_on_git_repo/ rm -rf lib/mix/test/fixtures/git_rebar/ rm -rf lib/mix/test/fixtures/git_repo/ rm -rf lib/mix/test/fixtures/git_sparse_repo/ rm -f erl_crash.dump $(Q) $(MAKE) clean_man #==> Documentation tasks LOGO_PATH = $(shell test -f ../docs/logo.png && echo "--logo ../docs/logo.png") SOURCE_REF = $(shell tag="$(call GIT_TAG)" revision="$(call GIT_REVISION)"; echo "$${tag:-$$revision}\c") DOCS_FORMAT = html COMPILE_DOCS = bin/elixir ../ex_doc/bin/ex_doc "$(1)" "$(VERSION)" "lib/$(2)/ebin" -m "$(3)" -u "" --source-ref "$(call SOURCE_REF)" $(call LOGO_PATH) -o doc/$(2) -n$(2)/$(CANONICAL) -p -f "$(DOCS_FORMAT)" $(4) docs: compile ../ex_doc/bin/ex_doc docs_elixir docs_eex docs_mix docs_iex docs_ex_unit docs_logger docs_elixir: compile ../ex_doc/bin/ex_doc @ echo "==> ex_doc (elixir)" $(Q) rm -rf doc/elixir $(call COMPILE_DOCS,Elixir,elixir,Kernel,-c lib/elixir/docs.exs) docs_eex: compile ../ex_doc/bin/ex_doc @ echo "==> ex_doc (eex)" $(Q) rm -rf doc/eex $(call COMPILE_DOCS,EEx,eex,EEx) docs_mix: compile ../ex_doc/bin/ex_doc @ echo "==> ex_doc (mix)" $(Q) rm -rf doc/mix $(call COMPILE_DOCS,Mix,mix,Mix) docs_iex: compile ../ex_doc/bin/ex_doc @ echo "==> ex_doc (iex)" $(Q) rm -rf doc/iex $(call COMPILE_DOCS,IEx,iex,IEx) docs_ex_unit: compile ../ex_doc/bin/ex_doc @ echo "==> ex_doc (ex_unit)" $(Q) rm -rf doc/ex_unit $(call COMPILE_DOCS,ExUnit,ex_unit,ExUnit) docs_logger: compile ../ex_doc/bin/ex_doc @ echo "==> ex_doc (logger)" $(Q) rm -rf doc/logger $(call COMPILE_DOCS,Logger,logger,Logger) ../ex_doc/bin/ex_doc: @ echo "ex_doc is not found in ../ex_doc as expected. See README for more information." @ false #==> Zip tasks docs rm -f Docs-v$(VERSION).zip zip -9 -r Docs-v$(VERSION).zip doc NOTICE LICENSE @ echo "Docs file created $(CURDIR)/Docs-v$(VERSION).zip" build_man compile rm -f Precompiled-v$(VERSION).zip zip -9 -r Precompiled-v$(VERSION).zip bin lib/*/ebin lib/*/lib LICENSE man NOTICE VERSION @ echo "Precompiled file created $(CURDIR)/Precompiled-v$(VERSION).zip" zips: #==> Test tasks test: test_formatted test_erlang test_elixir test_windows: test test_taskkill test_taskkill: taskkill //IM erl.exe //F //T //FI "MEMUSAGE gt 0" taskkill //IM epmd.exe //F //T //FI "MEMUSAGE gt 0" TEST_ERL = lib/elixir/test/erlang TEST_EBIN = lib/elixir/test/ebin TEST_ERLS = $(addprefix $(TEST_EBIN)/, $(addsuffix .beam, $(basename $(notdir $(wildcard $(TEST_ERL)/*.erl))))) test_formatted: compile bin/elixir bin/mix format --check-formatted test_erlang: compile $(TEST_ERLS) @ echo "==> elixir (eunit)" $(Q) $(ERL) -pa $(TEST_EBIN) -s test_helper test; @ echo "" $(TEST_EBIN)/%.beam: $(TEST_ERL)/%.erl $(Q) mkdir -p $(TEST_EBIN) $(Q) $(ERLC) -o $(TEST_EBIN) $< test_elixir: test_stdlib test_ex_unit test_logger test_mix test_eex test_iex test_stdlib: compile @ echo "==> elixir (exunit)" $(Q) exec epmd & exit $(Q) if [ "$(OS)" = "Windows_NT" ]; then \ cd lib/elixir && cmd //C call ../../bin/elixir.bat -r "test/elixir/test_helper.exs" -pr "test/elixir/**/*_test.exs"; \ else \ cd lib/elixir && ../../bin/elixir -r "test/elixir/test_helper.exs" -pr "test/elixir/**/*_test.exs"; \ fi #==> Dialyzer tasks DIALYZER_OPTS = --no_check_plt --fullpath -Werror_handling -Wunmatched_returns -Wunderspecs PLT = .elixir.plt $(PLT): @ echo "==> Building PLT with Elixir's dependencies..." $(Q) dialyzer --output_plt $(PLT) --build_plt --apps erts kernel stdlib compiler syntax_tools parsetools tools ssl inets clean_plt: $(Q) rm -f $(PLT) build_plt: clean_plt $(PLT) dialyze: compile $(PLT) @ echo "==> Dialyzing Elixir..." $(Q) dialyzer --plt $(PLT) $(DIALYZER_OPTS) lib/*/ebin #==> Man page tasks build_man: man/iex.1 man/elixir.1 man/iex.1: $(Q) cp man/ man/iex.1 $(Q) sed -i.bak "/{COMMON}/r man/common" man/iex.1 $(Q) sed -i.bak "/{COMMON}/d" man/iex.1 $(Q) rm -f man/iex.1.bak man/elixir.1: $(Q) cp man/ man/elixir.1 $(Q) sed -i.bak "/{COMMON}/r man/common" man/elixir.1 $(Q) sed -i.bak "/{COMMON}/d" man/elixir.1 $(Q) rm -f man/elixir.1.bak clean_man: rm -f man/elixir.1 rm -f man/elixir.1.bak rm -f man/iex.1 rm -f man/iex.1.bak install_man: build_man $(Q) mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(SHARE_PREFIX)/man/man1 $(Q) $(INSTALL_DATA) man/elixir.1 $(DESTDIR)$(SHARE_PREFIX)/man/man1 $(Q) $(INSTALL_DATA) man/elixirc.1 $(DESTDIR)$(SHARE_PREFIX)/man/man1 $(Q) $(INSTALL_DATA) man/iex.1 $(DESTDIR)$(SHARE_PREFIX)/man/man1 $(Q) $(INSTALL_DATA) man/mix.1 $(DESTDIR)$(SHARE_PREFIX)/man/man1 $(MAKE) clean_man