@if defined ELIXIR_CLI_ECHO (@echo on) else (@echo off) set ELIXIR_VERSION=1.15.0-dev setlocal enabledelayedexpansion if ""%1""=="""" if ""%2""=="""" goto documentation if /I ""%1""==""--help"" if ""%2""=="""" goto documentation if /I ""%1""==""-h"" if ""%2""=="""" goto documentation if /I ""%1""==""/h"" if ""%2""=="""" goto documentation if ""%1""==""/?"" if ""%2""=="""" goto documentation if /I ""%1""==""--short-version"" if ""%2""=="""" goto shortversion goto parseopts :documentation echo Usage: %~nx0 [options] [.exs file] [data] echo. echo ## General options echo. echo -e "COMMAND" Evaluates the given command (*) echo -h, --help Prints this message (standalone) echo -r "FILE" Requires the given files/patterns (*) echo -S SCRIPT Finds and executes the given script in $PATH echo -pr "FILE" Requires the given files/patterns in parallel (*) echo -pa "PATH" Prepends the given path to Erlang code path (*) echo -pz "PATH" Appends the given path to Erlang code path (*) echo -v, --version Prints Erlang/OTP and Elixir versions (standalone) echo. echo --erl "SWITCHES" Switches to be passed down to Erlang (*) echo --eval "COMMAND" Evaluates the given command, same as -e (*) echo --logger-otp-reports BOOL Enables or disables OTP reporting echo --logger-sasl-reports BOOL Enables or disables SASL reporting echo --no-halt Does not halt the Erlang VM after execution echo --short-version Prints Elixir version (standalone) echo --werl Uses Erlang's Windows shell GUI (Windows only) echo. echo Options given after the .exs file or -- are passed down to the executed code. echo Options can be passed to the Erlang runtime using $ELIXIR_ERL_OPTIONS or --erl. echo. echo ## Distribution options echo. echo The following options are related to node distribution. echo. echo --cookie COOKIE Sets a cookie for this distributed node echo --hidden Makes a hidden node echo --name NAME Makes and assigns a name to the distributed node echo --rpc-eval NODE "COMMAND" Evaluates the given command on the given remote node (*) echo --sname NAME Makes and assigns a short name to the distributed node echo. echo --name and --sname may be set to undefined so one is automatically generated. echo. echo ## Release options echo. echo The following options are generally used under releases. echo. echo --boot "FILE" Uses the given FILE.boot to start the system echo --boot-var VAR "VALUE" Makes $VAR available as VALUE to FILE.boot (*) echo --erl-config "FILE" Loads configuration in FILE.config written in Erlang (*) echo --vm-args "FILE" Passes the contents in file as arguments to the VM echo. echo --pipe-to is not supported on Windows. If set, Elixir won't boot. echo. echo ** Options marked with (*) can be given more than once. echo ** Standalone options can't be combined with other options. goto end :shortversion echo !ELIXIR_VERSION! goto end :parseopts rem Parameters for Elixir set parsElixir= rem Parameters for Erlang set parsErlang= rem Optional parameters before the "-extra" parameter set beforeExtra= rem Option which determines whether the loop is over set endLoop=0 rem Designates which mode / Elixir component to run as set runMode="elixir" rem Designates the path to the current script set SCRIPT_PATH=%~dp0 rem Designates the path to the ERTS system set ERTS_BIN= set ERTS_BIN=!ERTS_BIN! rem Recursive loop called for each parameter that parses the cmd line parameters :startloop set "par=%~1" if "!par!"=="" ( rem skip if no parameter goto run ) shift set par="!par:"=\"!" if !endLoop! == 1 ( set parsElixir=!parsElixir! !par! goto startloop ) rem ******* EXECUTION OPTIONS ********************** if !par!=="--werl" (set useWerl=1 && goto startloop) if !par!=="+iex" (set parsElixir=!parsElixir! +iex && goto startloop) if !par!=="+elixirc" (set parsElixir=!parsElixir! +elixirc && goto startloop) rem ******* EVAL PARAMETERS ************************ if ""==!par:-e=! ( set "VAR=%~1" if not defined VAR (set VAR= ) set parsElixir=!parsElixir! -e "!VAR:"=\"!" shift goto startloop ) if ""==!par:--eval=! ( set "VAR=%~1" if not defined VAR (set VAR= ) set parsElixir=!parsElixir! --eval "!VAR:"=\"!" shift goto startloop ) if ""==!par:--rpc-eval=! ( set "VAR=%~2" if not defined VAR (set VAR= ) set parsElixir=!parsElixir! --rpc-eval %1 "!VAR:"=\"!" shift shift goto startloop ) rem ******* ELIXIR PARAMETERS ********************** if ""==!par:-r=! (set "parsElixir=!parsElixir! -r %~1" && shift && goto startloop) if ""==!par:-pr=! (set "parsElixir=!parsElixir! -pr %~1" && shift && goto startloop) if ""==!par:-pa=! (set "parsElixir=!parsElixir! -pa %~1" && shift && goto startloop) if ""==!par:-pz=! (set "parsElixir=!parsElixir! -pz %~1" && shift && goto startloop) if ""==!par:-v=! (set "parsElixir=!parsElixir! -v" && goto startloop) if ""==!par:--version=! (set "parsElixir=!parsElixir! --version" && goto startloop) if ""==!par:--no-halt=! (set "parsElixir=!parsElixir! --no-halt" && goto startloop) if ""==!par:--remsh=! (set "parsElixir=!parsElixir! --remsh %~1" && shift && goto startloop) if ""==!par:--dot-iex=! (set "parsElixir=!parsElixir! --dot-iex %~1" && shift && goto startloop) if ""==!par:--dbg=! (set "parsElixir=!parsElixir! --dbg %~1" && shift && goto startloop) rem ******* ERLANG PARAMETERS ********************** if ""==!par:--boot=! (set "parsErlang=!parsErlang! -boot %~1" && shift && goto startloop) if ""==!par:--boot-var=! (set "parsErlang=!parsErlang! -boot_var %~1 %~2" && shift && shift && goto startloop) if ""==!par:--cookie=! (set "parsErlang=!parsErlang! -setcookie %~1" && shift && goto startloop) if ""==!par:--hidden=! (set "parsErlang=!parsErlang! -hidden" && goto startloop) if ""==!par:--erl-config=! (set "parsErlang=!parsErlang! -config %~1" && shift && goto startloop) if ""==!par:--logger-otp-reports=! (set "parsErlang=!parsErlang! -logger handle_otp_reports %1" && shift && goto startloop) if ""==!par:--logger-sasl-reports=! (set "parsErlang=!parsErlang! -logger handle_sasl_reports %1" && shift && goto startloop) if ""==!par:--name=! (set "parsErlang=!parsErlang! -name %~1" && shift && goto startloop) if ""==!par:--sname=! (set "parsErlang=!parsErlang! -sname %~1" && shift && goto startloop) if ""==!par:--vm-args=! (set "parsErlang=!parsErlang! -args_file %~1" && shift && goto startloop) if ""==!par:--erl=! (set "beforeExtra=!beforeExtra! %~1" && shift && goto startloop) if ""==!par:--pipe-to=! (echo --pipe-to : Option is not supported on Windows && goto end) set endLoop=1 set parsElixir=!parsElixir! !par! goto startloop :run reg query HKCU\Console /v VirtualTerminalLevel 2>nul | findstr /e "0x1" >nul 2>nul if %errorlevel% == 0 ( set beforeExtra=-elixir ansi_enabled true !beforeExtra! ) set beforeExtra=-noshell -elixir_root !SCRIPT_PATH!..\lib -pa !SCRIPT_PATH!..\lib\elixir\ebin -s elixir start_cli !beforeExtra! if defined ELIXIR_CLI_DRY_RUN ( if defined useWerl ( echo start "" "!ERTS_BIN!werl.exe" !ext_libs! !ELIXIR_ERL_OPTIONS! !parsErlang! !beforeExtra! -extra !parsElixir! ) else ( echo "!ERTS_BIN!erl.exe" !ext_libs! !ELIXIR_ERL_OPTIONS! !parsErlang! !beforeExtra! -extra !parsElixir! ) ) else ( if defined useWerl ( start "" "!ERTS_BIN!werl.exe" !ext_libs! !ELIXIR_ERL_OPTIONS! !parsErlang! !beforeExtra! -extra !parsElixir! ) else ( "!ERTS_BIN!erl.exe" !ext_libs! !ELIXIR_ERL_OPTIONS! !parsErlang! !beforeExtra! -extra !parsElixir! ) ) exit /B %ERRORLEVEL% :end endlocal