defmodule Code.Formatter do @moduledoc false import Inspect.Algebra, except: [format: 2, surround: 3, surround: 4] @double_quote "\"" @double_heredoc "\"\"\"" @single_quote "'" @single_heredoc "'''" @newlines 2 @min_line 0 @max_line 9_999_999 @empty empty() # Operators that do not have space between operands @no_space_binary_operators [:..] # Operators that do not have newline between operands (as well as => and keywords) @no_newline_binary_operators [:\\, :in] # Left associative operators that start on the next line in case of breaks @left_new_line_before_binary_operators [:|>, :~>>, :<<~, :~>, :<~, :<~>, :<|>] # Right associative operators that start on the next line in case of breaks @right_new_line_before_binary_operators [:|, :when] # Operators that are logical cannot be mixed without parens @required_parens_logical_binary_operands [:||, :|||, :or, :&&, :&&&, :and] # Operators that always require parens on operands when they are the parent @required_parens_on_binary_operands [ :|>, :<<<, :>>>, :<~, :~>, :<<~, :~>>, :<~>, :<|>, :^^^, :in, :++, :--, :.., :<> ] locals_without_parens = [ # Special forms alias: 1, alias: 2, case: 2, cond: 1, import: 1, import: 2, require: 1, require: 2, for: :*, receive: 1, try: 1, with: :*, # Kernel def: 1, def: 2, defp: 1, defp: 2, defmacro: 1, defmacro: 2, defmacrop: 1, defmacrop: 2, defdelegate: 2, defexception: 1, defoverridable: 1, defstruct: 1, destructure: 2, raise: 1, raise: 2, reraise: 2, reraise: 3, if: 2, unless: 2, use: 1, use: 2, # Testing all: :*, assert: 1, assert: 2, assert_in_delta: 3, assert_in_delta: 4, assert_raise: 2, assert_raise: 3, assert_receive: 1, assert_receive: 2, assert_receive: 3, assert_received: 1, assert_received: 2, check: 1, check: 2, doctest: 1, doctest: 2, property: 1, property: 2, refute: 1, refute: 2, refute_in_delta: 3, refute_in_delta: 4, refute_receive: 1, refute_receive: 2, refute_receive: 3, refute_received: 1, refute_received: 2, setup: 1, setup: 2, test: 1, test: 2, # Mix config config: 2, config: 3, import_config: 1 ] @locals_without_parens @doc """ Checks if two strings are equivalent. """ def equivalent(string1, string2) when is_binary(string1) and is_binary(string2) do quoted1 = :elixir.string_to_quoted!(to_charlist(string1), 1, "nofile", []) quoted2 = :elixir.string_to_quoted!(to_charlist(string2), 1, "nofile", []) case not_equivalent(quoted1, quoted2) do {left, right} -> {:error, left, right} nil -> :ok end end defp not_equivalent({:__block__, _, [left]}, right) do not_equivalent(left, right) end defp not_equivalent(left, {:__block__, _, [right]}) do not_equivalent(left, right) end defp not_equivalent({:__block__, _, []}, nil) do nil end defp not_equivalent(nil, {:__block__, _, []}) do nil end defp not_equivalent([left | lefties], [right | righties]) do not_equivalent(left, right) || not_equivalent(lefties, righties) end defp not_equivalent({left_name, _, left_args}, {right_name, _, right_args}) do not_equivalent(left_name, right_name) || not_equivalent(left_args, right_args) end defp not_equivalent({left1, left2}, {right1, right2}) do not_equivalent(left1, right1) || not_equivalent(left2, right2) end defp not_equivalent(side, side) do nil end defp not_equivalent(left, right) do {left, right} end @doc """ Converts `string` to an algebra document. Returns `{:ok, doc}` or `{:error, parser_error}`. See `format!/2` for the list of options. """ def to_algebra(string, opts \\ []) when is_binary(string) and is_list(opts) do file = Keyword.get(opts, :file, "nofile") line = Keyword.get(opts, :line, 1) charlist = String.to_charlist(string) Process.put(:code_formatter_comments, []) tokenizer_options = [unescape: false, preserve_comments: &preserve_comments/5] with {:ok, tokens} <- :elixir.string_to_tokens(charlist, line, file, tokenizer_options), {:ok, forms} <- :elixir.tokens_to_quoted(tokens, file, formatter_metadata: true) do state = Process.get(:code_formatter_comments) |> Enum.reverse() |> gather_comments() |> state(opts) {doc, _} = block_to_algebra(forms, @min_line, @max_line, state) {:ok, doc} end after Process.delete(:code_formatter_comments) end @doc """ Converts `string` to an algebra document. Raises if the `string` cannot be parsed. See `format!/2` for the list of options. """ def to_algebra!(string, opts \\ []) do case to_algebra(string, opts) do {:ok, doc} -> doc {:error, {line, error, token}} -> :elixir_errors.parse_error(line, Keyword.get(opts, :file, "nofile"), error, token) end end defp state(comments, opts) do rename_deprecated_at = if version = opts[:rename_deprecated_at] do case Version.parse(version) do {:ok, parsed} -> parsed :error -> raise ArgumentError, "invalid version #{inspect(version)} given to :rename_deprecated_at" end end locals_without_parens = opts |> Keyword.get(:locals_without_parens, []) |> |> MapSet.union(@locals_without_parens) %{ locals_without_parens: locals_without_parens, operand_nesting: 2, rename_deprecated_at: rename_deprecated_at, comments: comments } end # Code comment handling defp preserve_comments(line, _column, tokens, comment, rest) do comments = Process.get(:code_formatter_comments) comment = {line, {previous_eol(tokens), next_eol(rest, 0)}, format_comment(comment, [])} Process.put(:code_formatter_comments, [comment | comments]) end defp next_eol('\s' ++ rest, count), do: next_eol(rest, count) defp next_eol('\t' ++ rest, count), do: next_eol(rest, count) defp next_eol('\n' ++ rest, count), do: next_eol(rest, count + 1) defp next_eol('\r\n' ++ rest, count), do: next_eol(rest, count + 1) defp next_eol(_, count), do: count defp previous_eol([{token, {_, _, count}} | _]) when token in [:eol, :",", :";"] and count > 0 do count end defp previous_eol([]), do: 1 defp previous_eol(_), do: nil defp format_comment('##' ++ rest, acc), do: format_comment([?# | rest], [?# | acc]) defp format_comment('#', acc), do: List.to_string(Enum.reverse(acc, '#')) defp format_comment('# ' ++ _ = rest, acc), do: List.to_string(Enum.reverse(acc, rest)) defp format_comment('#' ++ rest, acc), do: List.to_string(Enum.reverse(acc, [?#, ?\s, rest])) # If there is a no new line before, we can't gather all followup comments. defp gather_comments([{line, {nil, next_eol}, doc} | comments]) do comment = {line, {@newlines, next_eol}, doc} [comment | gather_comments(comments)] end defp gather_comments([{line, {previous_eol, next_eol}, doc} | comments]) do {next_eol, comments, doc} = gather_followup_comments(line + 1, next_eol, comments, doc) comment = {line, {previous_eol, next_eol}, doc} [comment | gather_comments(comments)] end defp gather_comments([]) do [] end defp gather_followup_comments(line, _, [{line, {previous_eol, next_eol}, text} | comments], doc) when previous_eol != nil do gather_followup_comments(line + 1, next_eol, comments, line(doc, text)) end defp gather_followup_comments(_line, next_eol, comments, doc) do {next_eol, comments, doc} end # Special AST nodes from compiler feedback. defp quoted_to_algebra({:special, :clause_args, [args, min_line]}, _context, state) do {doc, state} = clause_args_to_algebra(args, min_line, state) {group(doc), state} end defp quoted_to_algebra({:special, :bitstring_segment, [arg, last]}, _context, state) do bitstring_segment_to_algebra({arg, -1}, state, last) end defp quoted_to_algebra({var, _meta, var_context}, _context, state) when is_atom(var_context) do {var |> Atom.to_string() |> string(), state} end defp quoted_to_algebra({:<<>>, meta, entries}, _context, state) do cond do entries == [] -> {"<<>>", state} not interpolated?(entries) -> bitstring_to_algebra(meta, entries, state) meta[:format] == :bin_heredoc -> initial = @double_heredoc |> concat(line()) |> force_break() interpolation_to_algebra(entries, :heredoc, state, initial, @double_heredoc) true -> interpolation_to_algebra(entries, @double_quote, state, @double_quote, @double_quote) end end defp quoted_to_algebra( {{:., _, [String, :to_charlist]}, _, [{:<<>>, meta, entries}]} = quoted, context, state ) do cond do not interpolated?(entries) -> remote_to_algebra(quoted, context, state) meta[:format] == :list_heredoc -> initial = @single_heredoc |> concat(line()) |> force_break() interpolation_to_algebra(entries, :heredoc, state, initial, @single_heredoc) true -> interpolation_to_algebra(entries, @single_quote, state, @single_quote, @single_quote) end end defp quoted_to_algebra( {{:., _, [:erlang, :binary_to_atom]}, _, [{:<<>>, _, entries}, :utf8]} = quoted, context, state ) do if interpolated?(entries) do interpolation_to_algebra(entries, @double_quote, state, ":\"", @double_quote) else remote_to_algebra(quoted, context, state) end end # foo[bar] defp quoted_to_algebra({{:., _, [Access, :get]}, meta, [target | args]}, _context, state) do {target_doc, state} = remote_target_to_algebra(target, state) {call_doc, state} = list_to_algebra(meta, args, state) {concat(target_doc, call_doc), state} end # %Foo{} # %name{foo: 1} # %name{bar | foo: 1} defp quoted_to_algebra({:%, _, [name, {:%{}, meta, args}]}, _context, state) do {name_doc, state} = quoted_to_algebra(name, :parens_arg, state) map_to_algebra(meta, name_doc, args, state) end # %{foo: 1} # %{foo => bar} # %{name | foo => bar} defp quoted_to_algebra({:%{}, meta, args}, _context, state) do map_to_algebra(meta, @empty, args, state) end # {} # {1, 2} defp quoted_to_algebra({:{}, meta, args}, _context, state) do tuple_to_algebra(meta, args, state) end defp quoted_to_algebra({:__block__, meta, [{left, right}]}, _context, state) do tuple_to_algebra(meta, [left, right], state) end defp quoted_to_algebra({:__block__, meta, [list]}, _context, state) when is_list(list) do case meta[:format] do :list_heredoc -> string = list |> List.to_string() |> escape_string(:heredoc) {@single_heredoc |> line(string) |> concat(@single_heredoc) |> force_break(), state} :charlist -> string = list |> List.to_string() |> escape_string(@single_quote) {@single_quote |> concat(string) |> concat(@single_quote), state} _other -> list_to_algebra(meta, list, state) end end defp quoted_to_algebra({:__block__, meta, [string]}, _context, state) when is_binary(string) do if meta[:format] == :bin_heredoc do string = escape_string(string, :heredoc) {@double_heredoc |> line(string) |> concat(@double_heredoc) |> force_break(), state} else string = escape_string(string, @double_quote) {@double_quote |> concat(string) |> concat(@double_quote), state} end end defp quoted_to_algebra({:__block__, _, [atom]}, _context, state) when is_atom(atom) do {atom_to_algebra(atom), state} end defp quoted_to_algebra({:__block__, meta, [integer]}, _context, state) when is_integer(integer) do {integer_to_algebra(Keyword.fetch!(meta, :original)), state} end defp quoted_to_algebra({:__block__, meta, [float]}, _context, state) when is_float(float) do {float_to_algebra(Keyword.fetch!(meta, :original)), state} end defp quoted_to_algebra( {:__block__, _meta, [{:unquote_splicing, meta, [_] = args}]}, context, state ) do {doc, state} = local_to_algebra(:unquote_splicing, meta, args, context, state) {wrap_in_parens(doc), state} end defp quoted_to_algebra({:__block__, _meta, [arg]}, context, state) do quoted_to_algebra(arg, context, state) end defp quoted_to_algebra({:__block__, meta, _} = block, _context, state) do {block, state} = block_to_algebra(block, line(meta), end_line(meta), state) {surround("(", block, ")"), state} end defp quoted_to_algebra({:__aliases__, _meta, [head | tail]}, context, state) do {doc, state} = if is_atom(head) do {Atom.to_string(head), state} else quoted_to_algebra_with_parens_if_necessary(head, context, state) end {Enum.reduce(tail, doc, &concat(&2, "." <> Atom.to_string(&1))), state} end # &1 # &local(&1) # &local/1 # &Mod.remote/1 # & &1 # & &1 + &2 defp quoted_to_algebra({:&, _, [arg]}, context, state) do capture_to_algebra(arg, context, state) end defp quoted_to_algebra({:@, meta, [arg]}, context, state) do module_attribute_to_algebra(meta, arg, context, state) end # not(left in right) # left not in right defp quoted_to_algebra({:not, meta, [{:in, _, [left, right]}]}, context, state) do binary_op_to_algebra(:in, "not in", meta, left, right, context, state) end defp quoted_to_algebra({:fn, meta, [_ | _] = clauses}, _context, state) do anon_fun_to_algebra(clauses, line(meta), end_line(meta), state) end defp quoted_to_algebra({fun, meta, args}, context, state) when is_atom(fun) and is_list(args) do with :error <- maybe_sigil_to_algebra(fun, meta, args, state), :error <- maybe_unary_op_to_algebra(fun, meta, args, context, state), :error <- maybe_binary_op_to_algebra(fun, meta, args, context, state), do: local_to_algebra(fun, meta, args, context, state) end defp quoted_to_algebra({_, _, args} = quoted, context, state) when is_list(args) do remote_to_algebra(quoted, context, state) end # (left -> right) defp quoted_to_algebra([{:"->", _, _} | _] = clauses, _context, state) do type_fun_to_algebra(clauses, @max_line, @min_line, state) end # [keyword: :list] (inner part) # %{:foo => :bar} (inner part) defp quoted_to_algebra(list, context, state) when is_list(list) do args_to_algebra(list, state, "ed_to_algebra(&1, context, &2)) end # keyword: :list # key => value defp quoted_to_algebra({left, right}, context, state) do if keyword_key?(left) do {left_doc, state} = case left do {:__block__, _, [atom]} when is_atom(atom) -> {atom |> Code.Identifier.inspect_as_key() |> string(), state} {{:., _, [:erlang, :binary_to_atom]}, _, [{:<<>>, _, entries}, :utf8]} -> interpolation_to_algebra(entries, @double_quote, state, "\"", "\": ") end {right_doc, state} = quoted_to_algebra(right, context, state) {concat(left_doc, group(right_doc)), state} else {left_doc, state} = quoted_to_algebra(left, context, state) {right_doc, state} = quoted_to_algebra(right, context, state) {left_doc |> concat(" => ") |> concat(group(right_doc)), state} end end ## Blocks defp block_to_algebra([{:"->", _, _} | _] = type_fun, min_line, max_line, state) do type_fun_to_algebra(type_fun, min_line, max_line, state) end defp block_to_algebra({:__block__, _, []}, min_line, max_line, state) do block_args_to_algebra([], min_line, max_line, state) end defp block_to_algebra({:__block__, _, [_, _ | _] = args}, min_line, max_line, state) do block_args_to_algebra(args, min_line, max_line, state) end defp block_to_algebra(block, min_line, max_line, state) do block_args_to_algebra([block], min_line, max_line, state) end defp block_args_to_algebra(args, min_line, max_line, state) do quoted_to_algebra = fn {kind, meta, _} = arg, _args, doc_newlines, state -> doc_newlines = Keyword.get(meta, :newlines, doc_newlines) {doc, state} = quoted_to_algebra(arg, :block, state) {doc, block_next_line(kind), doc_newlines, state} end {args_docs, state} = quoted_to_algebra_with_comments(args, min_line, max_line, 2, state, quoted_to_algebra) case args_docs do [] -> {@empty, state} [line] -> {line, state} lines -> {lines |> Enum.reduce(&line(&2, &1)) |> force_break(), state} end end defp block_next_line(:@), do: @empty defp block_next_line(_), do: break("") ## Operators defp maybe_unary_op_to_algebra(fun, meta, args, context, state) do with [arg] <- args, {_, _} <- Code.Identifier.unary_op(fun) do unary_op_to_algebra(fun, meta, arg, context, state) else _ -> :error end end defp unary_op_to_algebra(op, _meta, arg, context, state) do {doc, state} = quoted_to_algebra(arg, force_many_args_or_operand(context, :operand), state) # not and ! are nestable, all others are not. wrapped_doc = case arg do {^op, _, [_]} when op in [:!, :not] -> doc _ -> wrap_in_parens_if_necessary(arg, doc) end # not requires a space unless the doc was wrapped in parens. op_string = if op == :not and wrapped_doc == doc do "not " else Atom.to_string(op) end {concat(op_string, wrapped_doc), state} end defp maybe_binary_op_to_algebra(fun, meta, args, context, state) do with [left, right] <- args, {_, _} <- Code.Identifier.binary_op(fun) do binary_op_to_algebra(fun, Atom.to_string(fun), meta, left, right, context, state) else _ -> :error end end # There are five kinds of operators. # # 1. no space binary operators, e.g. 1..2 # 2. no newline binary operators, e.g. left in right # 3. strict newlines before a left precedent operator, e.g. foo |> bar |> baz # 4. strict newlines before a right precedent operator, e.g. foo when bar when baz # 5. flex newlines after the operator, e.g. foo ++ bar ++ baz # # Cases 1, 2 and 5 are handled fairly easily by relying on the # operator precedence and making sure nesting is applied only once. # # Cases 3 and 4 are the complex ones, as it requires passing the # strict or flex mode around. defp binary_op_to_algebra(op, op_string, meta, left_arg, right_arg, context, state) do %{operand_nesting: nesting} = state binary_op_to_algebra(op, op_string, meta, left_arg, right_arg, context, state, nil, nesting) end defp binary_op_to_algebra( op, op_string, meta, left_arg, right_arg, context, state, parent_info, nesting ) do op_info = Code.Identifier.binary_op(op) left_context = force_many_args_or_operand(context, :parens_arg) right_context = force_many_args_or_operand(context, :operand) {left, state} = binary_operand_to_algebra(left_arg, left_context, state, op, op_info, :left, 2) {right, state} = binary_operand_to_algebra(right_arg, right_context, state, op, op_info, :right, 0) doc = cond do op in @no_space_binary_operators -> group(concat(concat(left, op_string), right)) op in @no_newline_binary_operators -> op_string = " " <> op_string <> " " group(concat(concat(left, op_string), right)) op in @left_new_line_before_binary_operators -> op_string = op_string <> " " doc = glue(left, concat(op_string, nest_by_length(right, op_string))) doc = if Keyword.get(meta, :eol, false), do: force_break(doc), else: doc if op_info == parent_info, do: doc, else: group(nest(doc, :cursor)) op in @right_new_line_before_binary_operators -> op_string = op_string <> " " # If the parent is of the same type (computed via same precedence), # we need to nest the left side because of the associativity. left = if op_info == parent_info do nest_by_length(left, op_string) else left end # If the right side is of the same type, we do the nesting above # on the left side later on. right = case right_arg do {^op, _, [_, _]} -> right _ -> nest_by_length(right, op_string) end doc = glue(left, concat(op_string, right)) doc = if Keyword.get(meta, :eol, false), do: force_break(doc), else: doc if op_info == parent_info, do: doc, else: group(nest(doc, :cursor)) true -> next_break_fits? = next_break_fits?(right_arg) and not Keyword.get(meta, :eol, false) with_next_break_fits(next_break_fits?, right, fn right -> op_string = " " <> op_string group(concat(left, group(nest(glue(op_string, group(right)), nesting, :break)))) end) end {doc, state} end # TODO: We can remove this workaround once we remove # ?rearrange_uop from the parser in Elixir v2.0. # (! left) in right # (not left) in right defp binary_operand_to_algebra( {:__block__, _, [{op, meta, [arg]}]}, context, state, :in, _parent_info, :left, _nesting ) when op in [:not, :!] do {doc, state} = unary_op_to_algebra(op, meta, arg, context, state) {wrap_in_parens(doc), state} end defp binary_operand_to_algebra(operand, context, state, parent_op, parent_info, side, nesting) do with {op, meta, [left, right]} <- operand, op_info = Code.Identifier.binary_op(op), {_assoc, prec} <- op_info do {parent_assoc, parent_prec} = parent_info op_string = Atom.to_string(op) cond do # If the operator has the same precedence as the parent and is on # the correct side, we respect the nesting rule to avoid multiple # nestings. This only applies for left associativity or same operator. parent_prec == prec and parent_assoc == side and (side == :left or op == parent_op) -> binary_op_to_algebra(op, op_string, meta, left, right, context, state, op_info, nesting) # If the parent requires parens or the precedence is inverted or # it is in the wrong side, then we *need* parenthesis. (parent_op in @required_parens_on_binary_operands and op not in @no_space_binary_operators) or (op in @required_parens_logical_binary_operands and parent_op in @required_parens_logical_binary_operands) or parent_prec > prec or (parent_prec == prec and parent_assoc != side) -> {operand, state} = binary_op_to_algebra(op, op_string, meta, left, right, context, state, op_info, 2) {wrap_in_parens(operand), state} # Otherwise, we rely on precedence but also nest. true -> binary_op_to_algebra(op, op_string, meta, left, right, context, state, op_info, 2) end else {:&, _, [arg]} when not is_integer(arg) -> {doc, state} = quoted_to_algebra(operand, context, state) {_, prec} = Code.Identifier.unary_op(:&) {_, parent_prec} = parent_info if parent_prec < prec do {doc, state} else {wrap_in_parens(doc), state} end _ -> quoted_to_algebra(operand, context, state) end end ## Module attributes # @Foo # @Foo.Bar defp module_attribute_to_algebra(_meta, {:__aliases__, _, [_, _ | _]} = quoted, _context, state) do {doc, state} = quoted_to_algebra(quoted, :parens_arg, state) {concat(concat("@(", doc), ")"), state} end # @foo bar # @foo(bar) defp module_attribute_to_algebra(meta, {name, _, [_] = args} = expr, context, state) when is_atom(name) and name not in [:__block__, :__aliases__] do if Code.Identifier.classify(name) == :callable_local do {{call_doc, state}, wrap_in_parens?} = call_args_to_algebra(args, context, :skip_unless_many_args, false, state) doc = "@#{name}" |> string() |> concat(call_doc) doc = if wrap_in_parens?, do: wrap_in_parens(doc), else: doc {doc, state} else unary_op_to_algebra(:@, meta, expr, context, state) end end # @foo # @( defp module_attribute_to_algebra(meta, quoted, context, state) do unary_op_to_algebra(:@, meta, quoted, context, state) end ## Capture operator defp capture_to_algebra(integer, _context, state) when is_integer(integer) do {"&" <> Integer.to_string(integer), state} end defp capture_to_algebra(arg, context, state) do {doc, state} = capture_target_to_algebra(arg, context, state) if doc |> format_to_string() |> String.starts_with?("&") do {concat("& ", doc), state} else {concat("&", doc), state} end end defp capture_target_to_algebra( {:/, _, [{{:., _, [target, fun]}, _, []}, {:__block__, _, [arity]}]}, _context, state ) when is_atom(fun) and is_integer(arity) do {target_doc, state} = remote_target_to_algebra(target, state) fun = remote_fun_to_algebra(target, fun, arity, state) {target_doc |> nest(1) |> concat(string(".#{fun}/#{arity}")), state} end defp capture_target_to_algebra( {:/, _, [{name, _, var_context}, {:__block__, _, [arity]}]}, _context, state ) when is_atom(name) and is_atom(var_context) and is_integer(arity) do {string("#{name}/#{arity}"), state} end defp capture_target_to_algebra({op, _, [_, _]} = arg, context, state) when is_atom(op) do {doc, state} = quoted_to_algebra(arg, context, state) case Code.Identifier.binary_op(op) do {_, _} -> {wrap_in_parens(doc), state} _ -> {doc, state} end end defp capture_target_to_algebra(arg, context, state) do quoted_to_algebra(arg, context, state) end ## Calls (local, remote and anonymous) # expression.{arguments} defp remote_to_algebra({{:., _, [target, :{}]}, _, args}, _context, state) do {target_doc, state} = remote_target_to_algebra(target, state) {call_doc, state} = tuple_to_algebra([], args, state) {concat(concat(target_doc, "."), call_doc), state} end # expression.(arguments) defp remote_to_algebra({{:., _, [target]}, _, args}, context, state) do {target_doc, state} = remote_target_to_algebra(target, state) {{call_doc, state}, wrap_in_parens?} = call_args_to_algebra(args, context, :skip_if_do_end, true, state) doc = concat(concat(target_doc, "."), call_doc) doc = if wrap_in_parens?, do: wrap_in_parens(doc), else: doc {doc, state} end # Mod.function() # var.function defp remote_to_algebra({{:., _, [target, fun]}, meta, []}, _context, state) when is_atom(fun) do {target_doc, state} = remote_target_to_algebra(target, state) fun = remote_fun_to_algebra(target, fun, 0, state) target_doc = target_doc |> concat(".") |> concat(string(fun)) add_parens? = remote_target_is_a_module?(target) or not Keyword.get(meta, :no_parens, false) if add_parens? do {concat(target_doc, "()"), state} else {target_doc, state} end end # expression.function(arguments) defp remote_to_algebra({{:., _, [target, fun]}, _, args}, context, state) when is_atom(fun) do {target_doc, state} = remote_target_to_algebra(target, state) fun = remote_fun_to_algebra(target, fun, length(args), state) {{call_doc, state}, wrap_in_parens?} = call_args_to_algebra(args, context, :skip_if_do_end, true, state) doc = concat(concat(target_doc, "."), concat(string(fun), call_doc)) doc = if wrap_in_parens?, do: wrap_in_parens(doc), else: doc {doc, state} end # call(call)(arguments) defp remote_to_algebra({target, _, args}, context, state) do {target_doc, state} = quoted_to_algebra(target, :no_parens_arg, state) {{call_doc, state}, wrap_in_parens?} = call_args_to_algebra(args, context, :required, true, state) doc = concat(target_doc, call_doc) doc = if wrap_in_parens?, do: wrap_in_parens(doc), else: doc {doc, state} end defp remote_target_is_a_module?(target) do case target do {:__MODULE__, _, context} when is_atom(context) -> true {:__block__, _, [atom]} when is_atom(atom) -> true {:__aliases__, _, _} -> true _ -> false end end defp remote_fun_to_algebra(target, fun, arity, state) do %{rename_deprecated_at: since} = state atom_target = case since && target do {:__aliases__, _, [alias | _] = aliases} when is_atom(alias) -> Module.concat(aliases) {:__block__, _, [atom]} when is_atom(atom) -> atom _ -> nil end with {fun, requirement} <- deprecated(atom_target, fun, arity), true <- Version.match?(since, requirement) do fun else _ -> Code.Identifier.inspect_as_function(fun) end end # We can only rename functions in the same module because # introducing a new module may wrong due to aliases. defp deprecated(Enum, :partition, 2), do: {"split_with", "~> 1.4"} defp deprecated(_, _, _), do: :error defp remote_target_to_algebra({:fn, _, [_ | _]} = quoted, state) do # This change is not semantically required but for beautification. {doc, state} = quoted_to_algebra(quoted, :no_parens_arg, state) {wrap_in_parens(doc), state} end defp remote_target_to_algebra(quoted, state) do quoted_to_algebra_with_parens_if_necessary(quoted, :no_parens_arg, state) end # function(arguments) defp local_to_algebra(fun, meta, args, context, state) when is_atom(fun) do skip_parens = if skip_parens?(fun, meta, args, state), do: :skip_unless_many_args, else: :skip_if_do_end {{call_doc, state}, wrap_in_parens?} = call_args_to_algebra(args, context, skip_parens, true, state) doc = fun |> Atom.to_string() |> string() |> concat(call_doc) doc = if wrap_in_parens?, do: wrap_in_parens(doc), else: doc {doc, state} end # parens may one of: # # * :skip_unless_many_args - skips parens unless we are the argument context # * :skip_if_do_end - skip parens if we are do-end # * :required - never skip parens # defp call_args_to_algebra([], _context, _parens, _list_to_keyword?, state) do {{"()", state}, false} end defp call_args_to_algebra(args, context, parens, list_to_keyword?, state) do {args, last} = split_last(args) if blocks = do_end_blocks(last) do {call_doc, state} = case args do [] -> {@empty, state} _ -> {args, last} = split_last(args) no_parens? = parens != :required call_args_to_algebra_without_blocks(args, last, no_parens?, list_to_keyword?, state) end {blocks_doc, state} = do_end_blocks_to_algebra(blocks, state) call_doc = call_doc |> space(blocks_doc) |> line("end") |> force_break() {{call_doc, state}, context in [:no_parens_arg, :no_parens_one_arg]} else no_parens? = parens == :skip_unless_many_args and context in [:block, :operand, :no_parens_one_arg, :parens_one_arg] res = call_args_to_algebra_without_blocks(args, last, no_parens?, list_to_keyword?, state) {res, false} end end defp call_args_to_algebra_without_blocks(left, right, skip_parens?, list_to_keyword?, state) do generators_count = count_generators([right | left]) {keyword?, right} = last_arg_to_keyword(right, list_to_keyword?) context = if left == [] and not keyword? do if skip_parens?, do: :no_parens_one_arg, else: :parens_one_arg else if skip_parens?, do: :no_parens_arg, else: :parens_arg end if left != [] and keyword? and skip_parens? and generators_count == 0 do call_args_to_algebra_with_no_parens_keywords(left, right, context, state) else {left, right} = if keyword? do {keyword_left, keyword_right} = split_last(right) {left ++ keyword_left, keyword_right} else {left, right} end {left_doc, state} = args_to_algebra(left, state, "ed_to_algebra(&1, context, &2)) {right_doc, state} = quoted_to_algebra(right, context, state) doc = with_next_break_fits(next_break_fits?(right), right_doc, fn right_doc -> args_doc = if left == [] do right_doc else glue(concat(left_doc, ","), right_doc) end args_doc = if generators_count > 1 do force_break(args_doc) else args_doc end if skip_parens? do " " |> concat(nest(args_doc, :cursor, :break)) |> group() else surround("(", args_doc, ")", :break) end end) {doc, state} end end defp call_args_to_algebra_with_no_parens_keywords(left, right, context, state) do {left_doc, state} = args_to_algebra(left, state, "ed_to_algebra(&1, context, &2)) {right_doc, state} = quoted_to_algebra(right, context, state) right_doc = break(" ") |> concat(right_doc) |> group(:inherit) doc = with_next_break_fits(true, right_doc, fn right_doc -> args_doc = concat(concat(left_doc, ","), right_doc) " " |> concat(nest(args_doc, :cursor, :break)) |> nest(2) |> group() end) {doc, state} end defp skip_parens?(fun, meta, args, %{locals_without_parens: locals_without_parens}) do length = length(args) length > 0 and Keyword.get(meta, :no_parens, false) and Enum.any?(locals_without_parens, fn {key, val} -> key == fun and (val == :* or val == length) end) end defp count_generators(args) do Enum.count(args, &match?({:<-, _, [_, _]}, &1)) end defp do_end_blocks([{{:__block__, meta, [:do]}, _} | _] = blocks) do if meta[:format] == :block do blocks |> {{:__block__, meta, [key]}, value} -> {key, line(meta), value} end) |> do_end_blocks_with_range(end_line(meta)) end end defp do_end_blocks(_) do nil end defp do_end_blocks_with_range([{key1, line1, value1}, {_, line2, _} = h | t], end_line) do [{key1, line1, line2, value1} | do_end_blocks_with_range([h | t], end_line)] end defp do_end_blocks_with_range([{key, line, value}], end_line) do [{key, line, end_line, value}] end defp do_end_blocks_to_algebra([{:do, line, end_line, value} | blocks], state) do {acc, state} = do_end_block_to_algebra(:do, line, end_line, value, state) Enum.reduce(blocks, {acc, state}, fn {key, line, end_line, value}, {acc, state} -> {doc, state} = do_end_block_to_algebra(key, line, end_line, value, state) {line(acc, doc), state} end) end defp do_end_block_to_algebra(key, line, end_line, value, state) do key_doc = Atom.to_string(key) case clauses_to_algebra(value, line, end_line, state) do {@empty, state} -> {key_doc, state} {value_doc, state} -> {key_doc |> line(value_doc) |> nest(2), state} end end ## Interpolation defp interpolated?(entries) do Enum.all?(entries, fn {:::, _, [{{:., _, [Kernel, :to_string]}, _, [_]}, {:binary, _, _}]} -> true entry when is_binary(entry) -> true _ -> false end) end defp interpolation_to_algebra([entry | entries], escape, state, acc, last) when is_binary(entry) do acc = concat(acc, escape_string(entry, escape)) interpolation_to_algebra(entries, escape, state, acc, last) end defp interpolation_to_algebra([entry | entries], escape, state, acc, last) do {:::, _, [{{:., _, [Kernel, :to_string]}, meta, [quoted]}, {:binary, _, _}]} = entry {doc, state} = block_to_algebra(quoted, line(meta), end_line(meta), state) doc = surround("\#{", doc, "}") interpolation_to_algebra(entries, escape, state, concat(acc, doc), last) end defp interpolation_to_algebra([], _escape, state, acc, last) do {concat(acc, last), state} end ## Sigils defp maybe_sigil_to_algebra(fun, meta, args, state) do case {Atom.to_string(fun), args} do {<<"sigil_", name>>, [{:<<>>, _, entries}, modifiers]} -> opening_terminator = Keyword.fetch!(meta, :terminator) acc = <> if opening_terminator in [@double_heredoc, @single_heredoc] do acc = force_break(concat(acc, line())) closing_terminator = concat(opening_terminator, List.to_string(modifiers)) interpolation_to_algebra(entries, :heredoc, state, acc, closing_terminator) else escape = closing_sigil_terminator(opening_terminator) closing_terminator = concat(escape, List.to_string(modifiers)) interpolation_to_algebra(entries, escape, state, acc, closing_terminator) end _ -> :error end end defp closing_sigil_terminator("("), do: ")" defp closing_sigil_terminator("["), do: "]" defp closing_sigil_terminator("{"), do: "}" defp closing_sigil_terminator("<"), do: ">" defp closing_sigil_terminator(other) when other in ["\"", "'", "|", "/"], do: other ## Bitstrings defp bitstring_to_algebra(meta, args, state) do last = length(args) - 1 {args_doc, state} = args |> Enum.with_index() |> args_to_algebra_with_comments(meta, state, &bitstring_segment_to_algebra(&1, &2, last)) {surround("<<", args_doc, ">>"), state} end defp bitstring_segment_to_algebra({{:<-, meta, [left, right]}, i}, state, last) do left = {:special, :bitstring_segment, [left, last]} {doc, state} = quoted_to_algebra({:<-, meta, [left, right]}, :parens_arg, state) {bitstring_wrap_parens(doc, i, last), state} end defp bitstring_segment_to_algebra({{:::, _, [segment, spec]}, i}, state, last) do {doc, state} = quoted_to_algebra(segment, :parens_arg, state) {spec, state} = bitstring_spec_to_algebra(spec, state) doc = concat(concat(doc, "::"), wrap_in_parens_if_inspected_atom(spec)) {bitstring_wrap_parens(doc, i, last), state} end defp bitstring_segment_to_algebra({segment, i}, state, last) do {doc, state} = quoted_to_algebra(segment, :parens_arg, state) {bitstring_wrap_parens(doc, i, last), state} end defp bitstring_spec_to_algebra({op, _, [left, right]}, state) when op in [:-, :*] do {left, state} = bitstring_spec_to_algebra(left, state) {right, state} = quoted_to_algebra_with_parens_if_necessary(right, :parens_arg, state) {concat(concat(left, Atom.to_string(op)), right), state} end defp bitstring_spec_to_algebra(spec, state) do quoted_to_algebra_with_parens_if_necessary(spec, :parens_arg, state) end defp bitstring_wrap_parens(doc, i, last) do if i == 0 or i == last do string = format_to_string(doc) if (i == 0 and String.starts_with?(string, "<<")) or (i == last and String.ends_with?(string, ">>")) do wrap_in_parens(doc) else doc end else doc end end ## Literals defp list_to_algebra(meta, args, state) do {args_doc, state} = args_to_algebra_with_comments(args, meta, state, "ed_to_algebra(&1, :parens_arg, &2)) {surround("[", args_doc, "]"), state} end defp map_to_algebra(meta, name_doc, [{:|, _, [left, right]}], state) do {left_doc, state} = quoted_to_algebra(left, :parens_arg, state) {right_doc, state} = args_to_algebra_with_comments(right, meta, state, "ed_to_algebra(&1, :parens_arg, &2)) args_doc = group(glue(left_doc, concat("| ", nest(right_doc, 2)))) name_doc = "%" |> concat(name_doc) |> concat("{") {surround(name_doc, args_doc, "}"), state} end defp map_to_algebra(meta, name_doc, args, state) do {args_doc, state} = args_to_algebra_with_comments(args, meta, state, "ed_to_algebra(&1, :parens_arg, &2)) name_doc = "%" |> concat(name_doc) |> concat("{") {surround(name_doc, args_doc, "}"), state} end defp tuple_to_algebra(meta, args, state) do {args_doc, state} = args_to_algebra_with_comments(args, meta, state, "ed_to_algebra(&1, :parens_arg, &2)) {surround("{", args_doc, "}"), state} end defp atom_to_algebra(atom) when atom in [nil, true, false] do Atom.to_string(atom) end defp atom_to_algebra(atom) do string = Atom.to_string(atom) iodata = case Code.Identifier.classify(atom) do type when type in [:callable_local, :callable_operator, :not_callable] -> [?:, string] _ -> [?:, ?", String.replace(string, "\"", "\\\""), ?"] end iodata |> IO.iodata_to_binary() |> string() end defp integer_to_algebra(text) do case text do [?0, ?x | rest] -> "0x" <> String.upcase(List.to_string(rest)) [?0, base | _rest] = digits when base in [?b, ?o] -> List.to_string(digits) [?? | _rest] = char -> List.to_string(char) decimal -> List.to_string(insert_underscores(decimal)) end end defp float_to_algebra(text) do {int_part, [?. | decimal_part]} = Enum.split_while(text, &(&1 != ?.)) decimal_part = decimal_part |> List.to_string() |> String.downcase() List.to_string(insert_underscores(int_part)) <> "." <> decimal_part end defp insert_underscores(digits) do if length(digits) >= 6 do digits |> Enum.reverse() |> Enum.chunk_every(3) |> Enum.intersperse('_') |> List.flatten() |> Enum.reverse() else digits end end defp escape_string(string, :heredoc) do heredoc_to_algebra(String.split(string, "\n")) end defp escape_string(string, escape) when is_binary(escape) do string |> String.replace(escape, "\\" <> escape) |> String.split("\n") |> Enum.reverse() |> |> Enum.reduce(&concat(&1, concat(nest(line(), :reset), &2))) end defp heredoc_to_algebra([string]) do string(string) end defp heredoc_to_algebra([string, ""]) do string |> string() |> concat(line()) end defp heredoc_to_algebra([string, "" | rest]) do string |> string() |> concat(nest(line(), :reset)) |> line(heredoc_to_algebra(rest)) end defp heredoc_to_algebra([string | rest]) do line(string(string), heredoc_to_algebra(rest)) end defp args_to_algebra_with_comments(args, meta, state, fun) do min_line = line(meta) max_line = end_line(meta) arg_to_algebra = fn arg, args, newlines, state -> {doc, state} = fun.(arg, state) doc = if args == [], do: doc, else: concat(doc, ",") {doc, @empty, newlines, state} end {args_docs, new_state} = quoted_to_algebra_with_comments(args, min_line, max_line, 1, state, arg_to_algebra) cond do args_docs == [] -> {@empty, new_state} Keyword.get(meta, :eol, false) or force_container_break?(state, new_state) -> {args_docs |> Enum.reduce(&line(&2, &1)) |> force_break(), new_state} true -> {args_docs |> Enum.reduce(&glue(&2, &1)), new_state} end end defp force_container_break?(%{comments: comments}, %{comments: comments}), do: false defp force_container_break?(_, _), do: true ## Anonymous functions # fn -> block end defp anon_fun_to_algebra([{:"->", meta, [[], body]}] = clauses, _min_line, max_line, state) do min_line = line(meta) {body_doc, state} = block_to_algebra(body, min_line, max_line, state) doc = "fn ->" |> glue(body_doc) |> nest(2) |> glue("end") |> maybe_force_clauses(clauses) |> group() {doc, state} end # fn x -> y end # fn x -> # y # end defp anon_fun_to_algebra([{:"->", meta, [args, body]}] = clauses, _min_line, max_line, state) do min_line = line(meta) {args_doc, state} = clause_args_to_algebra(args, min_line, state) {body_doc, state} = block_to_algebra(body, min_line, max_line, state) doc = "fn " |> concat(group(args_doc)) |> concat(" ->") |> nest(1) |> glue(body_doc) |> nest(2) |> glue("end") |> maybe_force_clauses(clauses) |> group() {doc, state} end # fn # args1 -> # block1 # args2 -> # block2 # end defp anon_fun_to_algebra(clauses, min_line, max_line, state) do {clauses_doc, state} = clauses_to_algebra(clauses, min_line, max_line, state) {"fn" |> line(clauses_doc) |> nest(2) |> line("end") |> force_break(), state} end ## Type functions # (() -> block) defp type_fun_to_algebra([{:"->", meta, [[], body]}] = clauses, _min_line, max_line, state) do min_line = line(meta) {body_doc, state} = block_to_algebra(body, min_line, max_line, state) doc = "(() -> " |> concat(nest(body_doc, :cursor)) |> concat(")") |> maybe_force_clauses(clauses) |> group() {doc, state} end # (x -> y) # (x -> # y) defp type_fun_to_algebra([{:"->", meta, [args, body]}] = clauses, _min_line, max_line, state) do min_line = line(meta) {args_doc, state} = clause_args_to_algebra(args, min_line, state) {body_doc, state} = block_to_algebra(body, min_line, max_line, state) clause_doc = " ->" |> glue(body_doc) |> nest(2) doc = args_doc |> group() |> concat(clause_doc) |> wrap_in_parens() |> maybe_force_clauses(clauses) |> group() {doc, state} end # ( # args1 -> # block1 # args2 -> # block2 # ) defp type_fun_to_algebra(clauses, min_line, max_line, state) do {clauses_doc, state} = clauses_to_algebra(clauses, min_line, max_line, state) {"(" |> line(clauses_doc) |> nest(2) |> line(")") |> force_break(), state} end ## Clauses defp maybe_force_clauses(doc, clauses) do if Enum.any?(clauses, fn {:"->", meta, _} -> Keyword.get(meta, :eol, false) end) do force_break(doc) else doc end end defp clauses_to_algebra([{:"->", _, _} | _] = clauses, min_line, max_line, state) do [clause | clauses] = add_max_line_to_last_clause(clauses, max_line) {clause_doc, state} = clause_to_algebra(clause, min_line, state) {clauses_doc, state} = Enum.reduce(clauses, {clause_doc, state}, fn clause, {doc_acc, state_acc} -> {clause_doc, state_acc} = clause_to_algebra(clause, min_line, state_acc) doc_acc = doc_acc |> concat(maybe_empty_line()) |> line(clause_doc) {doc_acc, state_acc} end) {clauses_doc |> maybe_force_clauses([clause | clauses]) |> group(), state} end defp clauses_to_algebra(other, min_line, max_line, state) do case block_to_algebra(other, min_line, max_line, state) do {@empty, state} -> {@empty, state} {doc, state} -> {group(doc), state} end end defp clause_to_algebra({:"->", meta, [[], body]}, _min_line, state) do {body_doc, state} = block_to_algebra(body, line(meta), end_line(meta), state) {"() ->" |> glue(body_doc) |> nest(2), state} end defp clause_to_algebra({:"->", meta, [args, body]}, min_line, state) do %{operand_nesting: nesting} = state state = %{state | operand_nesting: nesting + 2} {args_doc, state} = clause_args_to_algebra(args, min_line, state) state = %{state | operand_nesting: nesting} {body_doc, state} = block_to_algebra(body, min_line, end_line(meta), state) {concat(group(args_doc), " ->" |> glue(body_doc) |> nest(2)), state} end defp add_max_line_to_last_clause([{op, meta, args}], max_line) do [{op, [end_line: max_line] ++ meta, args}] end defp add_max_line_to_last_clause([clause | clauses], max_line) do [clause | add_max_line_to_last_clause(clauses, max_line)] end # fn a, b, c when d -> e end defp clause_args_to_algebra([{:when, meta, args}], min_line, state) do {args, right} = split_last(args) left = {:special, :clause_args, [args, min_line]} binary_op_to_algebra(:when, "when", meta, left, right, :no_parens_arg, state) end # fn a, b, c -> e end defp clause_args_to_algebra([], _min_line, state) do {"()", state} end defp clause_args_to_algebra(args, min_line, state) do arg_to_algebra = "ed_to_algebra(&1, :no_parens_arg, &2) args_to_algebra_with_comments(args, [line: min_line], state, arg_to_algebra) end ## Quoted helpers for comments defp quoted_to_algebra_with_comments(args, min_line, max_line, newlines, state, fun) do {pre_comments, state} = get_and_update_in(state.comments, fn comments -> Enum.split_while(comments, fn {line, _, _} -> line <= min_line end) end) {docs, state} = each_quoted_to_algebra_with_comments(args, [], max_line, newlines, state, fun) {docs, update_in(state.comments, &(pre_comments ++ &1))} end defp each_quoted_to_algebra_with_comments([arg | args], acc, max_line, newlines, state, fun) do %{comments: comments} = state {doc_start, doc_end} = traverse_line(arg, {@max_line, @min_line}) {doc_newlines, acc, comments} = extract_comments_before(doc_start, newlines, acc, comments) {doc, next_line, doc_newlines, state} = fun.(arg, args, doc_newlines, %{state | comments: comments}) %{comments: comments} = state {doc_newlines, acc, comments} = extract_comments_trailing(doc_start, doc_end, doc_newlines, acc, comments) acc = [{doc, next_line, doc_newlines} | acc] state = %{state | comments: comments} each_quoted_to_algebra_with_comments(args, acc, max_line, newlines, state, fun) end defp each_quoted_to_algebra_with_comments([], acc, max_line, _newlines, state, _fun) do %{comments: comments} = state {current, comments} = Enum.split_with(comments, fn {line, _, _} -> line < max_line end) extra = for {_, {previous, _}, doc} <- current, do: {doc, @empty, previous} args_docs = merge_algebra_with_comments(Enum.reverse(acc, extra), @empty) {args_docs, %{state | comments: comments}} end defp extract_comments_before(max, _, acc, [{line, _, _} = comment | comments]) when line < max do {_, {previous, next}, doc} = comment acc = [{doc, @empty, previous} | acc] extract_comments_before(max, next, acc, comments) end defp extract_comments_before(_max, newlines, acc, comments) do {newlines, acc, comments} end defp extract_comments_trailing(min, max, newlines, acc, [{line, _, doc_comment} | comments]) when line >= min and line <= max do acc = [{doc_comment, @empty, newlines} | acc] extract_comments_trailing(min, max, 1, acc, comments) end defp extract_comments_trailing(_min, _max, newlines, acc, comments) do {newlines, acc, comments} end defp traverse_line({expr, meta, args}, {min, max}) do acc = case Keyword.fetch(meta, :line) do {:ok, line} -> {min(line, min), max(line, max)} :error -> {min, max} end traverse_line(args, traverse_line(expr, acc)) end defp traverse_line({left, right}, acc) do traverse_line(right, traverse_line(left, acc)) end defp traverse_line(args, acc) when is_list(args) do Enum.reduce(args, acc, &traverse_line/2) end defp traverse_line(_, acc) do acc end # Below are the rules for line rendering in the formatter: # # 1. respect the user's choice # 2. and add empty lines around expressions that take multiple lines # (except for module attributes) # 3. empty lines are collapsed as to not exceed more than one # defp merge_algebra_with_comments([{doc, next_line, _newlines} | docs], left) do right = next_line_separator(docs, next_line) doc = if left != @empty do concat(left, doc) else doc end doc = if docs != [] and right != @empty do concat(doc, concat(collapse_lines(2), right)) else doc end [group(doc) | merge_algebra_with_comments(docs, right)] end defp merge_algebra_with_comments([], _) do [] end ## Quoted helpers defp force_many_args_or_operand(:no_parens_one_arg, _choice), do: :no_parens_arg defp force_many_args_or_operand(:parens_one_arg, _choice), do: :parens_arg defp force_many_args_or_operand(:no_parens_arg, _choice), do: :no_parens_arg defp force_many_args_or_operand(:parens_arg, _choice), do: :parens_arg defp force_many_args_or_operand(:operand, choice), do: choice defp force_many_args_or_operand(:block, choice), do: choice defp quoted_to_algebra_with_parens_if_necessary(ast, context, state) do {doc, state} = quoted_to_algebra(ast, context, state) {wrap_in_parens_if_necessary(ast, doc), state} end # TODO: We can remove this workaround once we remove # ?rearrange_uop from the parser in Elixir v2.0. defp wrap_in_parens_if_necessary({:__block__, _, [expr]}, doc) do wrap_in_parens_if_necessary(expr, doc) end defp wrap_in_parens_if_necessary(quoted, doc) do if operator?(quoted) and not module_attribute_read?(quoted) and not integer_capture?(quoted) do wrap_in_parens(doc) else doc end end defp wrap_in_parens_if_inspected_atom(":" <> _ = doc) do "(" <> doc <> ")" end defp wrap_in_parens_if_inspected_atom(doc) do doc end defp wrap_in_parens(doc) do concat(concat("(", nest(doc, :cursor)), ")") end defp args_to_algebra([], state, _fun) do {@empty, state} end defp args_to_algebra([arg | args], state, fun) do Enum.reduce(args, fun.(arg, state), fn arg, {doc_acc, state_acc} -> {arg_doc, state_acc} = fun.(arg, state_acc) {glue(concat(doc_acc, ","), arg_doc), state_acc} end) end defp next_line_separator([{_doc, _next_line, newlines} | _], next_line) do if newlines >= @newlines, do: line(), else: next_line end defp next_line_separator([], _) do line() end defp module_attribute_read?({:@, _, [{var, _, var_context}]}) when is_atom(var) and is_atom(var_context) do Code.Identifier.classify(var) == :callable_local end defp module_attribute_read?(_), do: false defp integer_capture?({:&, _, [integer]}) when is_integer(integer), do: true defp integer_capture?(_), do: false defp operator?(quoted) do unary_operator?(quoted) or binary_operator?(quoted) end defp binary_operator?(quoted) do case quoted do {op, _, [_, _]} when is_atom(op) -> Code.Identifier.binary_op(op) != :error _ -> false end end defp unary_operator?(quoted) do case quoted do {op, _, [_]} when is_atom(op) -> Code.Identifier.unary_op(op) != :error _ -> false end end defp with_next_break_fits(condition, doc, fun) do if condition do doc |> next_break_fits(:enabled) |> fun.() |> next_break_fits(:disabled) else fun.(doc) end end defp next_break_fits?({:<<>>, meta, [_ | _] = entries}) do meta[:format] == :bin_heredoc or not interpolated?(entries) end defp next_break_fits?({{:., _, [String, :to_charlist]}, _, [{:<<>>, meta, [_ | _]}]}) do meta[:format] == :list_heredoc end defp next_break_fits?({:{}, _, _}) do true end defp next_break_fits?({:__block__, _meta, [{_, _}]}) do true end defp next_break_fits?({:__block__, meta, [string]}) when is_binary(string) do meta[:format] == :bin_heredoc end defp next_break_fits?({:__block__, meta, [list]}) when is_list(list) do meta[:format] != :charlist end defp next_break_fits?({form, _, [_ | _]}) when form in [:fn, :%{}, :%] do true end defp next_break_fits?({fun, meta, args}) when is_atom(fun) and is_list(args) do meta[:terminator] in [@double_heredoc, @single_heredoc] and fun |> Atom.to_string() |> String.starts_with?("sigil_") end defp next_break_fits?({{:__block__, _, [atom]}, expr}) when is_atom(atom) do next_break_fits?(expr) end defp next_break_fits?(_) do false end defp last_arg_to_keyword([_ | _] = arg, _list_to_keyword?) do {keyword?(arg), arg} end defp last_arg_to_keyword({:__block__, _, [[_ | _] = arg]} = block, true) do if keyword?(arg), do: {true, arg}, else: {false, block} end defp last_arg_to_keyword(arg, _list_to_keyword?) do {false, arg} end defp keyword?([{key, _} | list]) do keyword_key?(key) and keyword?(list) end defp keyword?(rest) do rest == [] end defp keyword_key?({:__block__, meta, [_]}) do meta[:format] == :keyword end defp keyword_key?({{:., _, [:erlang, :binary_to_atom]}, _, [{:<<>>, meta, _}, :utf8]}) do meta[:format] == :keyword end defp keyword_key?(_) do false end defp line(meta) do Keyword.get(meta, :line, @max_line) end defp end_line(meta) do Keyword.get(meta, :end_line, @min_line) end ## Algebra helpers defp format_to_string(doc) do doc |> Inspect.Algebra.format(:infinity) |> IO.iodata_to_binary() end defp maybe_empty_line() do nest(break(""), :reset) end defp surround(left, doc, right, nest \\ :always) do if doc == @empty do concat(left, right) else group(glue(nest(glue(left, "", doc), 2, nest), "", right)) end end defp nest_by_length(doc, string) do nest(doc, String.length(string)) end defp split_last(list) do {left, [right]} = Enum.split(list, -1) {left, right} end end