defmodule Exception do @moduledoc """ Functions to format throw/catch/exit and exceptions. Note that stacktraces in Elixir are only available inside catch and rescue by using the `__STACKTRACE__/0` variable. Do not rely on the particular format returned by the `format*` functions in this module. They may be changed in future releases in order to better suit Elixir's tool chain. In other words, by using the functions in this module it is guaranteed you will format exceptions as in the current Elixir version being used. """ @typedoc "The exception type" @type t :: %{ required(:__struct__) => module, required(:__exception__) => true, optional(atom) => any } @typedoc "The kind handled by formatting functions" @type kind :: :error | non_error_kind @type non_error_kind :: :exit | :throw | {:EXIT, pid} @type stacktrace :: [stacktrace_entry] @type stacktrace_entry :: {module, atom, arity_or_args, location} | {(... -> any), arity_or_args, location} @type arity_or_args :: non_neg_integer | list @type location :: keyword @callback exception(term) :: t @callback message(t) :: String.t() @doc """ Called from `Exception.blame/3` to augment the exception struct. Can be used to collect additional information about the exception or do some additional expensive computation. """ @callback blame(t, stacktrace) :: {t, stacktrace} @optional_callbacks [blame: 2] @doc false # Callback for formatting Erlang exceptions def format_error(%struct{} = exception, _stacktrace) do %{general: message(exception), reason: "#" <> Atom.to_string(struct)} end @doc false @deprecated "Use Kernel.is_exception/1 instead" def exception?(term) def exception?(%_{__exception__: true}), do: true def exception?(_), do: false @doc """ Gets the message for an `exception`. """ def message(%module{__exception__: true} = exception) do try do module.message(exception) rescue caught_exception -> "got #{inspect(caught_exception.__struct__)} with message " <> "#{inspect(message(caught_exception))} while retrieving Exception.message/1 " <> "for #{inspect(exception)}. Stacktrace:\n#{format_stacktrace(__STACKTRACE__)}" else result when is_binary(result) -> result result -> "got #{inspect(result)} " <> "while retrieving Exception.message/1 for #{inspect(exception)} " <> "(expected a string)" end end @doc """ Normalizes an exception, converting Erlang exceptions to Elixir exceptions. It takes the `kind` spilled by `catch` as an argument and normalizes only `:error`, returning the untouched payload for others. The third argument is the stacktrace which is used to enrich a normalized error with more information. It is only used when the kind is an error. """ @spec normalize(:error, any, stacktrace) :: t @spec normalize(non_error_kind, payload, stacktrace) :: payload when payload: var def normalize(kind, payload, stacktrace \\ []) def normalize(:error, %_{__exception__: true} = payload, _stacktrace), do: payload def normalize(:error, payload, stacktrace), do: ErlangError.normalize(payload, stacktrace) def normalize(_kind, payload, _stacktrace), do: payload @doc """ Normalizes and formats any throw/error/exit. The message is formatted and displayed in the same format as used by Elixir's CLI. The third argument is the stacktrace which is used to enrich a normalized error with more information. It is only used when the kind is an error. """ @spec format_banner(kind, any, stacktrace) :: String.t() def format_banner(kind, exception, stacktrace \\ []) def format_banner(:error, exception, stacktrace) do exception = normalize(:error, exception, stacktrace) "** (" <> inspect(exception.__struct__) <> ") " <> message(exception) end def format_banner(:throw, reason, _stacktrace) do "** (throw) " <> inspect(reason) end def format_banner(:exit, reason, _stacktrace) do "** (exit) " <> format_exit(reason, <<"\n ">>) end def format_banner({:EXIT, pid}, reason, _stacktrace) do "** (EXIT from #{inspect(pid)}) " <> format_exit(reason, <<"\n ">>) end @doc """ Normalizes and formats throw/errors/exits and stacktraces. It relies on `format_banner/3` and `format_stacktrace/1` to generate the final format. If `kind` is `{:EXIT, pid}`, it does not generate a stacktrace, as such exits are retrieved as messages without stacktraces. """ @spec format(kind, any, stacktrace) :: String.t() def format(kind, payload, stacktrace \\ []) def format({:EXIT, _} = kind, any, _) do format_banner(kind, any) end def format(kind, payload, stacktrace) do message = format_banner(kind, payload, stacktrace) case stacktrace do [] -> message _ -> message <> "\n" <> format_stacktrace(stacktrace) end end @doc """ Attaches information to exceptions for extra debugging. This operation is potentially expensive, as it reads data from the file system, parses beam files, evaluates code and so on. If the exception module implements the optional `c:blame/2` callback, it will be invoked to perform the computation. """ @doc since: "1.5.0" @spec blame(:error, any, stacktrace) :: {t, stacktrace} @spec blame(non_error_kind, payload, stacktrace) :: {payload, stacktrace} when payload: var def blame(kind, error, stacktrace) def blame(:error, error, stacktrace) do %module{} = struct = normalize(:error, error, stacktrace) if Code.ensure_loaded?(module) and function_exported?(module, :blame, 2) do module.blame(struct, stacktrace) else {struct, stacktrace} end end def blame(_kind, reason, stacktrace) do {reason, stacktrace} end @doc """ Blames the invocation of the given module, function and arguments. This function will retrieve the available clauses from bytecode and evaluate them against the given arguments. The clauses are returned as a list of `{args, guards}` pairs where each argument and each top-level condition in a guard separated by `and`/`or` is wrapped in a tuple with blame metadata. This function returns either `{:ok, definition, clauses}` or `:error`. Where `definition` is `:def`, `:defp`, `:defmacro` or `:defmacrop`. """ @doc since: "1.5.0" @spec blame_mfa(module, function :: atom, args :: [term]) :: {:ok, :def | :defp | :defmacro | :defmacrop, [{args :: [term], guards :: [term]}]} | :error def blame_mfa(module, function, args) when is_atom(module) and is_atom(function) and is_list(args) do try do blame_mfa(module, function, length(args), args) rescue _ -> :error end end defp blame_mfa(module, function, arity, call_args) do with [_ | _] = path <- :code.which(module), {:ok, {_, [debug_info: debug_info]}} <- :beam_lib.chunks(path, [:debug_info]), {:debug_info_v1, backend, data} <- debug_info, {:ok, %{definitions: defs}} <- backend.debug_info(:elixir_v1, module, data, []), {_, kind, _, clauses} <- List.keyfind(defs, {function, arity}, 0) do clauses = for {meta, ex_args, guards, _block} <- clauses do scope = :elixir_erl.scope(meta, true) ann = :elixir_erl.get_ann(meta) {erl_args, scope} = :elixir_erl_clauses.match(ann, &:elixir_erl_pass.translate_args/3, ex_args, scope) {args, binding} = [call_args, ex_args, erl_args] |> |> Enum.map_reduce([], &blame_arg/2) guards = guards |>, ann, scope, binding)) |>, fn guard -> translate_guard(guard) end)) {args, guards} end {:ok, kind, clauses} else _ -> :error end end defp is_map_node?({:is_map, _, [_]}), do: true defp is_map_node?(_), do: false defp is_map_key_node?({:is_map_key, _, [_, _]}), do: true defp is_map_key_node?(_), do: false defp struct_validation_node?( {:is_atom, _, [{{:., [], [:erlang, :map_get]}, _, [:__struct__, _]}]} ), do: true defp struct_validation_node?( {:==, _, [{{:., [], [:erlang, :map_get]}, _, [:__struct__, _]}, _module]} ), do: true defp struct_validation_node?(_), do: false defp is_struct_macro?( {:and, _, [ {:and, _, [%{node: node_1 = {_, _, [arg]}}, %{node: node_2 = {_, _, [arg, _]}}]}, %{node: node_3 = {_, _, [{_, _, [_, arg]}]}} ]} ), do: is_map_node?(node_1) and is_map_key_node?(node_2) and struct_validation_node?(node_3) defp is_struct_macro?( {:and, _, [ {:and, _, [ {:and, _, [ %{node: node_1 = {_, _, [arg]}}, {:or, _, [%{node: {:is_atom, _, [_]}}, %{node: :fail}]} ]}, %{node: node_2 = {_, _, [arg, _]}} ]}, %{node: node_3 = {_, _, [{_, _, [_, arg]}, _]}} ]} ), do: is_map_node?(node_1) and is_map_key_node?(node_2) and struct_validation_node?(node_3) defp is_struct_macro?(_), do: false defp translate_guard(guard) do if is_struct_macro?(guard) do undo_is_struct_guard(guard) else guard end end defp undo_is_struct_guard({:and, meta, [_, %{node: {_, _, [{_, _, [_, arg]} | optional]}}]}) do args = case optional do [] -> [arg] [module] -> [arg, module] end %{match?: meta[:value], node: {:is_struct, meta, args}} end defp blame_arg({call_arg, ex_arg, erl_arg}, binding) do {match?, binding} = blame_arg(erl_arg, call_arg, binding) {blame_wrap(match?, rewrite_arg(ex_arg)), binding} end defp blame_arg(erl_arg, call_arg, binding) do binding =, call_arg, binding) try do ann = {:value, _, binding} = :erl_eval.expr({:match, ann, erl_arg, {:var, ann, :VAR}}, binding, :none) {true, binding} rescue _ -> {false, binding} end end defp rewrite_arg(arg) do Macro.prewalk(arg, fn {:%{}, meta, [__struct__: Range, first: first, last: last, step: step]} -> {:"..//", meta, [first, last, step]} other -> other end) end defp blame_guard({{:., _, [:erlang, op]}, meta, [left, right]}, ann, scope, binding) when op == :andalso or op == :orelse do guards = [ blame_guard(left, ann, scope, binding), blame_guard(right, ann, scope, binding) ] kernel_op = case op do :orelse -> :or :andalso -> :and end evaluate_guard(kernel_op, meta, guards) end defp blame_guard(ex_guard, ann, scope, binding) do ex_guard |> blame_guard?(binding, ann, scope) |> blame_wrap(rewrite_guard(ex_guard)) end defp blame_guard?(ex_guard, binding, ann, scope) do {erl_guard, _} = :elixir_erl_pass.translate(ex_guard, ann, scope) {:value, true, _} = :erl_eval.expr(erl_guard, binding, :none) true rescue _ -> false end defp evaluate_guard(kernel_op, meta, guards = [_, _]) do [x, y] =, &evaluate_guard/1) logic_value = case kernel_op do :or -> x or y :and -> x and y end {kernel_op, Keyword.put(meta, :value, logic_value), guards} end defp evaluate_guard(%{match?: value}), do: value defp evaluate_guard({_, meta, _}) when is_list(meta), do: meta[:value] defp rewrite_guard(guard) do Macro.prewalk(guard, fn {{:., _, [mod, fun]}, meta, args} -> erl_to_ex(mod, fun, args, meta) other -> other end) end defp erl_to_ex(mod, fun, args, meta) do case :elixir_rewrite.erl_to_ex(mod, fun, args) do {Kernel, fun, args} -> {fun, meta, args} {mod, fun, args} -> {{:., [], [mod, fun]}, meta, args} end end defp blame_wrap(match?, ast), do: %{match?: match?, node: ast} @doc """ Formats an exit. It returns a string. Often there are errors/exceptions inside exits. Exits are often wrapped by the caller and provide stacktraces too. This function formats exits in a way to nicely show the exit reason, caller and stacktrace. """ @spec format_exit(any) :: String.t() def format_exit(reason) do format_exit(reason, <<"\n ">>) end # 2-Tuple could be caused by an error if the second element is a stacktrace. defp format_exit({exception, maybe_stacktrace} = reason, joiner) when is_list(maybe_stacktrace) and maybe_stacktrace !== [] do try do, &format_stacktrace_entry/1) catch :error, _ -> # Not a stacktrace, was an exit. format_exit_reason(reason) else formatted_stacktrace -> # Assume a non-empty list formattable as stacktrace is a # stacktrace, so exit was caused by an error. message = "an exception was raised:" <> joiner <> format_banner(:error, exception, maybe_stacktrace) Enum.join([message | formatted_stacktrace], joiner <> <<" ">>) end end # :supervisor.start_link returns this error reason when it fails to init # because a child's start_link raises. defp format_exit({:shutdown, {:failed_to_start_child, child, {:EXIT, reason}}}, joiner) do format_start_child(child, reason, joiner) end # :supervisor.start_link returns this error reason when it fails to init # because a child's start_link returns {:error, reason}. defp format_exit({:shutdown, {:failed_to_start_child, child, reason}}, joiner) do format_start_child(child, reason, joiner) end # 2-Tuple could be an exit caused by mfa if second element is mfa, args # must be a list of arguments - max length 255 due to max arity. defp format_exit({reason2, {mod, fun, args}} = reason, joiner) when length(args) < 256 do try do format_mfa(mod, fun, args) catch :error, _ -> # Not an mfa, was an exit. format_exit_reason(reason) else mfa -> # Assume tuple formattable as an mfa is an mfa, # so exit was caused by failed mfa. "exited in: " <> mfa <> joiner <> "** (EXIT) " <> format_exit(reason2, joiner <> <<" ">>) end end defp format_exit(reason, _joiner) do format_exit_reason(reason) end defp format_exit_reason(:normal), do: "normal" defp format_exit_reason(:shutdown), do: "shutdown" defp format_exit_reason({:shutdown, reason}) do "shutdown: #{inspect(reason)}" end defp format_exit_reason(:calling_self), do: "process attempted to call itself" defp format_exit_reason(:timeout), do: "time out" defp format_exit_reason(:killed), do: "killed" defp format_exit_reason(:noconnection), do: "no connection" defp format_exit_reason(:noproc) do "no process: the process is not alive or there's no process currently associated with the given name, possibly because its application isn't started" end defp format_exit_reason({:nodedown, node_name}) when is_atom(node_name) do "no connection to #{node_name}" end # :gen_server exit reasons defp format_exit_reason({:already_started, pid}) do "already started: " <> inspect(pid) end defp format_exit_reason({:bad_return_value, value}) do "bad return value: " <> inspect(value) end defp format_exit_reason({:bad_call, request}) do "bad call: " <> inspect(request) end defp format_exit_reason({:bad_cast, request}) do "bad cast: " <> inspect(request) end # :supervisor.start_link error reasons # If value is a list will be formatted by mfa exit in format_exit/1 defp format_exit_reason({:bad_return, {mod, :init, value}}) when is_atom(mod) do format_mfa(mod, :init, 1) <> " returned a bad value: " <> inspect(value) end defp format_exit_reason({:bad_start_spec, start_spec}) do "bad child specification, invalid children: " <> inspect(start_spec) end defp format_exit_reason({:start_spec, start_spec}) do "bad child specification, " <> format_sup_spec(start_spec) end defp format_exit_reason({:supervisor_data, data}) do "bad supervisor configuration, " <> format_sup_data(data) end defp format_exit_reason(reason), do: inspect(reason) defp format_start_child(child, reason, joiner) do "shutdown: failed to start child: " <> inspect(child) <> joiner <> "** (EXIT) " <> format_exit(reason, joiner <> <<" ">>) end defp format_sup_data({:invalid_type, type}) do "invalid type: " <> inspect(type) end defp format_sup_data({:invalid_strategy, strategy}) do "invalid strategy: " <> inspect(strategy) end defp format_sup_data({:invalid_intensity, intensity}) do "invalid max_restarts (intensity): " <> inspect(intensity) end defp format_sup_data({:invalid_period, period}) do "invalid max_seconds (period): " <> inspect(period) end defp format_sup_data({:invalid_max_children, max_children}) do "invalid max_children: " <> inspect(max_children) end defp format_sup_data({:invalid_extra_arguments, extra}) do "invalid extra_arguments: " <> inspect(extra) end defp format_sup_data(other), do: "got: #{inspect(other)}" defp format_sup_spec({:duplicate_child_name, id}) do """ more than one child specification has the id: #{inspect(id)}. If using maps as child specifications, make sure the :id keys are unique. If using a module or {module, arg} as child, use Supervisor.child_spec/2 to change the :id, for example: children = [ Supervisor.child_spec({MyWorker, arg}, id: :my_worker_1), Supervisor.child_spec({MyWorker, arg}, id: :my_worker_2) ] """ end defp format_sup_spec({:invalid_child_spec, child_spec}) do "invalid child specification: #{inspect(child_spec)}" end defp format_sup_spec({:invalid_child_type, type}) do "invalid child type: #{inspect(type)}. Must be :worker or :supervisor." end defp format_sup_spec({:invalid_mfa, mfa}) do "invalid mfa: #{inspect(mfa)}" end defp format_sup_spec({:invalid_restart_type, restart}) do "invalid restart type: #{inspect(restart)}. Must be :permanent, :transient or :temporary." end defp format_sup_spec({:invalid_shutdown, shutdown}) do "invalid shutdown: #{inspect(shutdown)}. Must be an integer >= 0, :infinity or :brutal_kill." end defp format_sup_spec({:invalid_module, mod}) do "invalid module: #{inspect(mod)}. Must be an atom." end defp format_sup_spec({:invalid_modules, modules}) do "invalid modules: #{inspect(modules)}. Must be a list of atoms or :dynamic." end defp format_sup_spec(other), do: "got: #{inspect(other)}" @doc """ Receives a stacktrace entry and formats it into a string. """ @spec format_stacktrace_entry(stacktrace_entry) :: String.t() def format_stacktrace_entry(entry) # From Macro.Env.stacktrace def format_stacktrace_entry({module, :__MODULE__, 0, location}) do format_location(location) <> inspect(module) <> " (module)" end # From :elixir_compiler_* def format_stacktrace_entry({_module, :__MODULE__, 1, location}) do format_location(location) <> "(module)" end # From :elixir_compiler_* def format_stacktrace_entry({_module, :__FILE__, 1, location}) do format_location(location) <> "(file)" end def format_stacktrace_entry({module, fun, arity, location}) do format_application(module) <> format_location(location) <> format_mfa(module, fun, arity) end def format_stacktrace_entry({fun, arity, location}) do format_location(location) <> format_fa(fun, arity) end defp format_application(module) do # We cannot use Application due to bootstrap issues case :application.get_application(module) do {:ok, app} -> case :application.get_key(app, :vsn) do {:ok, vsn} when is_list(vsn) -> "(" <> Atom.to_string(app) <> " " <> List.to_string(vsn) <> ") " _ -> "(" <> Atom.to_string(app) <> ") " end :undefined -> "" end end @doc """ Formats the stacktrace. A stacktrace must be given as an argument. If not, the stacktrace is retrieved from ``. """ def format_stacktrace(trace \\ nil) do trace = if trace do trace else case, :current_stacktrace) do {:current_stacktrace, t} -> Enum.drop(t, 3) end end case trace do [] -> "\n" _ -> " " <> Enum.map_join(trace, "\n ", &format_stacktrace_entry(&1)) <> "\n" end end @doc """ Receives an anonymous function and arity and formats it as shown in stacktraces. The arity may also be a list of arguments. ## Examples Exception.format_fa(fn -> nil end, 1) #=> "#Function<...>/1" """ def format_fa(fun, arity) when is_function(fun) do "#{inspect(fun)}#{format_arity(arity)}" end @doc """ Receives a module, fun and arity and formats it as shown in stacktraces. The arity may also be a list of arguments. ## Examples iex> Exception.format_mfa(Foo, :bar, 1) "" iex> Exception.format_mfa(Foo, :bar, []) "" iex> Exception.format_mfa(nil, :bar, []) "" Anonymous functions are reported as -func/arity-anonfn-count-, where func is the name of the enclosing function. Convert to "anonymous fn in func/arity" """ def format_mfa(module, fun, arity) when is_atom(module) and is_atom(fun) do case Code.Identifier.extract_anonymous_fun_parent(fun) do {outer_name, outer_arity} -> "anonymous fn#{format_arity(arity)} in " <> "#{Macro.inspect_atom(:literal, module)}." <> "#{Macro.inspect_atom(:remote_call, outer_name)}/#{outer_arity}" :error -> "#{Macro.inspect_atom(:literal, module)}." <> "#{Macro.inspect_atom(:remote_call, fun)}#{format_arity(arity)}" end end defp format_arity(arity) when is_list(arity) do inspected = for x <- arity, do: inspect(x) "(#{Enum.join(inspected, ", ")})" end defp format_arity(arity) when is_integer(arity) do "/" <> Integer.to_string(arity) end @doc """ Formats the given `file` and `line` as shown in stacktraces. If any of the values are `nil`, they are omitted. ## Examples iex> Exception.format_file_line("foo", 1) "foo:1:" iex> Exception.format_file_line("foo", nil) "foo:" iex> Exception.format_file_line(nil, nil) "" """ def format_file_line(file, line, suffix \\ "") do cond do is_nil(file) -> "" is_nil(line) or line == 0 -> "#{file}:#{suffix}" true -> "#{file}:#{line}:#{suffix}" end end @doc """ Formats the given `file`, `line`, and `column` as shown in stacktraces. If any of the values are `nil`, they are omitted. ## Examples iex> Exception.format_file_line_column("foo", 1, 2) "foo:1:2:" iex> Exception.format_file_line_column("foo", 1, nil) "foo:1:" iex> Exception.format_file_line_column("foo", nil, nil) "foo:" iex> Exception.format_file_line_column("foo", nil, 2) "foo:" iex> Exception.format_file_line_column(nil, nil, nil) "" """ def format_file_line_column(file, line, column, suffix \\ "") do cond do is_nil(file) -> "" is_nil(line) or line == 0 -> "#{file}:#{suffix}" is_nil(column) or column == 0 -> "#{file}:#{line}:#{suffix}" true -> "#{file}:#{line}:#{column}:#{suffix}" end end @doc false def format_snippet(snippet, error_line) do line_digits = error_line |> Integer.to_string() |> byte_size() placeholder = String.duplicate(" ", max(line_digits, 2)) padding = if line_digits < 2, do: " " " #{placeholder} |\n" <> " #{padding}#{error_line} | #{snippet.content}\n" <> " #{placeholder} | #{String.duplicate(" ", snippet.offset)}^" end defp format_location(opts) when is_list(opts) do format_file_line(Keyword.get(opts, :file), Keyword.get(opts, :line), " ") end end # Some exceptions implement "message/1" instead of "exception/1" mostly # for bootstrap reasons. It is recommended for applications to implement # "exception/1" instead of "message/1" as described in "defexception/1" # docs. defmodule RuntimeError do defexception message: "runtime error" end defmodule ArgumentError do defexception message: "argument error" @impl true def blame( exception, [{:erlang, :apply, [module, function, args], _} | _] = stacktrace ) do message = cond do not proper_list?(args) -> "you attempted to apply a function named #{inspect(function)} on module #{inspect(module)} " <> "with arguments #{inspect(args)}. Arguments (the third argument of apply) must always be a proper list" # Note that args may be an empty list even if they were supplied not is_atom(module) and is_atom(function) and args == [] -> "you attempted to apply a function named #{inspect(function)} on #{inspect(module)}. " <> "If you are using Kernel.apply/3, make sure the module is an atom. " <> "If you are using the dot syntax, such as module.function(), " <> "make sure the left-hand side of the dot is a module atom" not is_atom(module) -> "you attempted to apply a function on #{inspect(module)}. " <> "Modules (the first argument of apply) must always be an atom" not is_atom(function) -> "you attempted to apply a function named #{inspect(function)} on module #{inspect(module)}. " <> "However, #{inspect(function)} is not a valid function name. Function names (the second argument " <> "of apply) must always be an atom" end {%{exception | message: message}, stacktrace} end def blame(exception, stacktrace) do {exception, stacktrace} end defp proper_list?(list) when length(list) >= 0, do: true defp proper_list?(_), do: false end defmodule ArithmeticError do defexception message: "bad argument in arithmetic expression" @unary_ops [:+, :-] @binary_ops [:+, :-, :*, :/] @binary_funs [:div, :rem] @bitwise_binary_funs [:band, :bor, :bxor, :bsl, :bsr] @impl true def blame(%{message: message} = exception, [{:erlang, fun, args, _} | _] = stacktrace) do message = message <> case {fun, args} do {op, [a]} when op in @unary_ops -> ": #{op}(#{inspect(a)})" {op, [a, b]} when op in @binary_ops -> ": #{inspect(a)} #{op} #{inspect(b)}" {fun, [a, b]} when fun in @binary_funs -> ": #{fun}(#{inspect(a)}, #{inspect(b)})" {fun, [a, b]} when fun in @bitwise_binary_funs -> ": Bitwise.#{fun}(#{inspect(a)}, #{inspect(b)})" {:bnot, [a]} -> ": Bitwise.bnot(#{inspect(a)})" _ -> "" end {%{exception | message: message}, stacktrace} end def blame(exception, stacktrace) do {exception, stacktrace} end end defmodule SystemLimitError do defexception message: "a system limit has been reached" end defmodule SyntaxError do defexception [:file, :line, :column, :snippet, description: "syntax error"] @impl true def message(%{ file: file, line: line, column: column, description: description, snippet: snippet }) when not is_nil(snippet) and not is_nil(column) do Exception.format_file_line_column(Path.relative_to_cwd(file), line, column) <> " " <> description <> "\n" <> Exception.format_snippet(snippet, line) end @impl true def message(%{ file: file, line: line, column: column, description: description }) do Exception.format_file_line_column(Path.relative_to_cwd(file), line, column) <> " " <> description end end defmodule TokenMissingError do defexception [:file, :line, :snippet, :column, description: "expression is incomplete"] @impl true def message(%{ file: file, line: line, column: column, description: description, snippet: snippet }) when not is_nil(snippet) and not is_nil(column) do Exception.format_file_line_column(Path.relative_to_cwd(file), line, column) <> " " <> description <> "\n" <> Exception.format_snippet(snippet, line) end @impl true def message(%{ file: file, line: line, column: column, description: description }) do Exception.format_file_line_column(file && Path.relative_to_cwd(file), line, column) <> " " <> description end end defmodule CompileError do defexception [:file, :line, description: "compile error"] @impl true def message(%{file: file, line: line, description: description}) do case Exception.format_file_line(file && Path.relative_to_cwd(file), line) do "" -> description formatted -> formatted <> " " <> description end end end defmodule Kernel.TypespecError do defexception [:file, :line, :description] @impl true def message(%{file: file, line: line, description: description}) do case Exception.format_file_line(file && Path.relative_to_cwd(file), line) do "" -> description formatted -> formatted <> " " <> description end end end defmodule BadFunctionError do defexception [:term] @impl true def message(%{term: term}) when is_function(term) do "function #{inspect(term)} is invalid, likely because it points to an old version of the code" end def message(exception) do "expected a function, got: #{inspect(exception.term)}" end end defmodule BadStructError do defexception [:struct, :term] @impl true def message(exception) do "expected a struct named #{inspect(exception.struct)}, got: #{inspect(exception.term)}" end end defmodule BadMapError do defexception [:term] @impl true def message(exception) do "expected a map, got: #{inspect(exception.term)}" end end defmodule BadBooleanError do defexception [:term, :operator] @impl true def message(exception) do "expected a boolean on left-side of \"#{exception.operator}\", got: #{inspect(exception.term)}" end end defmodule MatchError do defexception [:term] @impl true def message(exception) do "no match of right hand side value: #{inspect(exception.term)}" end end defmodule CaseClauseError do defexception [:term] @impl true def message(exception) do "no case clause matching: #{inspect(exception.term)}" end end defmodule WithClauseError do defexception [:term] @impl true def message(exception) do "no with clause matching: #{inspect(exception.term)}" end end defmodule CondClauseError do defexception [] @impl true def message(_exception) do "no cond clause evaluated to a truthy value" end end defmodule TryClauseError do defexception [:term] @impl true def message(exception) do "no try clause matching: #{inspect(exception.term)}" end end defmodule BadArityError do defexception [:function, :args] @impl true def message(exception) do fun = exception.function args = exception.args insp = Enum.map_join(args, ", ", &inspect/1) {:arity, arity} =, :arity) "#{inspect(fun)} with arity #{arity} called with #{count(length(args), insp)}" end defp count(0, _insp), do: "no arguments" defp count(1, insp), do: "1 argument (#{insp})" defp count(x, insp), do: "#{x} arguments (#{insp})" end defmodule UndefinedFunctionError do defexception [:module, :function, :arity, :reason, :message] @impl true def message(%{message: nil} = exception) do %{reason: reason, module: module, function: function, arity: arity} = exception {message, _loaded?} = message(reason, module, function, arity) message end def message(%{message: message}) do message end defp message(nil, module, function, arity) do cond do is_nil(function) or is_nil(arity) -> {"undefined function", false} is_nil(module) -> formatted_fun = Exception.format_mfa(module, function, arity) {"function #{formatted_fun} is undefined", false} function_exported?(module, :module_info, 0) -> message(:"function not exported", module, function, arity) true -> message(:"module could not be loaded", module, function, arity) end end defp message(:"module could not be loaded", module, function, arity) do formatted_fun = Exception.format_mfa(module, function, arity) {"function #{formatted_fun} is undefined (module #{inspect(module)} is not available)", false} end defp message(:"function not exported", module, function, arity) do formatted_fun = Exception.format_mfa(module, function, arity) {"function #{formatted_fun} is undefined or private", true} end defp message(reason, module, function, arity) do formatted_fun = Exception.format_mfa(module, function, arity) {"function #{formatted_fun} is undefined (#{reason})", false} end @impl true def blame(exception, stacktrace) do %{reason: reason, module: module, function: function, arity: arity} = exception {message, loaded?} = message(reason, module, function, arity) message = message <> hint(module, function, arity, loaded?) {%{exception | message: message}, stacktrace} end defp hint(nil, _function, 0, _loaded?) do ". If you are using the dot syntax, such as module.function(), " <> "make sure the left-hand side of the dot is a module atom" end defp hint(module, function, arity, true) do behaviour_hint(module, function, arity) <> hint_for_loaded_module(module, function, arity, nil) end defp hint(_module, _function, _arity, _loaded?) do "" end @doc false def hint_for_loaded_module(module, function, arity, exports) do cond do macro_exported?(module, function, arity) -> ". However, there is a macro with the same name and arity. " <> "Be sure to require #{inspect(module)} if you intend to invoke this macro" message = otp_obsolete(module, function, arity) -> ", #{message}" true -> IO.iodata_to_binary(did_you_mean(module, function, exports)) end end defp otp_obsolete(module, function, arity) do case :otp_internal.obsolete(module, function, arity) do {:removed, [_ | _] = string} -> string _ -> nil end end @function_threshold 0.77 @max_suggestions 5 defp did_you_mean(module, function, exports) do exports = exports || exports_for(module) result = case Keyword.take(exports, [function]) do [] -> candidates = exports -- deprecated_functions_for(module) base = Atom.to_string(function) for {key, val} <- candidates, dist = String.jaro_distance(base, Atom.to_string(key)), dist >= @function_threshold, do: {dist, key, val} arities -> for {key, val} <- arities, do: {1.0, key, val} end |> Enum.sort(&(elem(&1, 0) >= elem(&2, 0))) |> Enum.take(@max_suggestions) |> Enum.sort(&(elem(&1, 1) <= elem(&2, 1))) case result do [] -> [] suggestions -> [". Did you mean:\n\n" |, &format_fa/1)] end end defp format_fa({_dist, fun, arity}) do [" * ", Macro.inspect_atom(:remote_call, fun), ?/, Integer.to_string(arity), ?\n] end defp behaviour_hint(module, function, arity) do case behaviours_for(module) do [] -> "" behaviours -> case Enum.find(behaviours, &expects_callback?(&1, function, arity)) do nil -> "" behaviour -> ", but the behaviour #{inspect(behaviour)} expects it to be present" end end rescue # In case the module was removed while we are computing this UndefinedFunctionError -> "" end defp behaviours_for(module) do :attributes |> module.module_info() |> Keyword.get(:behaviour, []) end defp expects_callback?(behaviour, function, arity) do callbacks = behaviour.behaviour_info(:callbacks) -- behaviour.behaviour_info(:optional_callbacks) Enum.member?(callbacks, {function, arity}) end defp exports_for(module) do if function_exported?(module, :__info__, 1) do module.__info__(:macros) ++ module.__info__(:functions) else module.module_info(:exports) end rescue # In case the module was removed while we are computing this UndefinedFunctionError -> [] end defp deprecated_functions_for(module) do if function_exported?(module, :__info__, 1) do for {name_arity, _message} <- module.__info__(:deprecated), do: name_arity else [] end rescue # In case the module was removed while we are computing this UndefinedFunctionError -> [] end end defmodule FunctionClauseError do defexception [:module, :function, :arity, :kind, :args, :clauses] @clause_limit 10 @impl true def message(exception) do case exception do %{function: nil} -> "no function clause matches" %{module: module, function: function, arity: arity} -> formatted = Exception.format_mfa(module, function, arity) blamed = blame(exception, &inspect/1, &blame_match/1) "no function clause matching in #{formatted}" <> blamed end end @impl true def blame(%{module: module, function: function, arity: arity} = exception, stacktrace) do case stacktrace do [{^module, ^function, args, meta} | rest] when length(args) == arity -> exception = case Exception.blame_mfa(module, function, args) do {:ok, kind, clauses} -> %{exception | args: args, kind: kind, clauses: clauses} :error -> %{exception | args: args} end {exception, [{module, function, arity, meta} | rest]} stacktrace -> {exception, stacktrace} end end defp blame_match(%{match?: true, node: node}), do: Macro.to_string(node) defp blame_match(%{match?: false, node: node}), do: "-" <> Macro.to_string(node) <> "-" @doc false def blame(%{args: nil}, _, _) do "" end def blame(exception, inspect_fun, fun) do %{module: module, function: function, arity: arity, kind: kind, args: args, clauses: clauses} = exception mfa = Exception.format_mfa(module, function, arity) format_clause_fun = fn {args, guards} -> args = Enum.map_join(args, ", ", fun) base = " #{kind} #{function}(#{args})" Enum.reduce(guards, base, &"#{&2} when #{clause_to_string(&1, fun, 0)}") <> "\n" end "\n\nThe following arguments were given to #{mfa}:\n" <> "#{format_args(args, inspect_fun)}" <> "#{format_clauses(clauses, format_clause_fun, @clause_limit)}" end defp clause_to_string({op, _, [left, right]} = node, fun, parent) do case Code.Identifier.binary_op(op) do {_side, precedence} -> left = clause_to_string(left, fun, precedence) right = clause_to_string(right, fun, precedence) if parent > precedence do "(" <> left <> " #{op} " <> right <> ")" else left <> " #{op} " <> right end _ -> fun.(node) end end defp clause_to_string(node, fun, _precedence), do: fun.(node) defp format_args(args, inspect_fun) do args |> Enum.with_index(1) |> {arg, i} -> [pad("\n# "), Integer.to_string(i), pad("\n"), pad(inspect_fun.(arg)), "\n"] end) end defp format_clauses(clauses, format_clause_fun, limit) defp format_clauses(nil, _, _), do: "" defp format_clauses([], _, _), do: "" defp format_clauses(clauses, format_clause_fun, limit) do top_clauses = clauses |> Enum.take(limit) |> [ "\nAttempted function clauses (showing #{length(top_clauses)} out of #{length(clauses)}):", "\n\n", top_clauses, non_visible_clauses(length(clauses) - limit) ] end defp non_visible_clauses(n) when n <= 0, do: [] defp non_visible_clauses(1), do: [" ...\n (1 clause not shown)\n"] defp non_visible_clauses(n), do: [" ...\n (#{n} clauses not shown)\n"] defp pad(string) do String.replace(string, "\n", "\n ") end end defmodule Code.LoadError do defexception [:file, :message, :reason] def exception(opts) do file = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :file) reason = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :reason) message = "could not load #{file}. Reason: #{reason}" %Code.LoadError{message: message, file: file, reason: reason} end end defmodule Protocol.UndefinedError do defexception [:protocol, :value, description: ""] @impl true def message(%{protocol: protocol, value: value, description: description}) do "protocol #{inspect(protocol)} not implemented for #{inspect(value)} of type " <> value_type(value) <> maybe_description(description) <> maybe_available(protocol) end defp value_type(%{__struct__: struct}), do: "#{inspect(struct)} (a struct)" defp value_type(value) when is_atom(value), do: "Atom" defp value_type(value) when is_bitstring(value), do: "BitString" defp value_type(value) when is_float(value), do: "Float" defp value_type(value) when is_function(value), do: "Function" defp value_type(value) when is_integer(value), do: "Integer" defp value_type(value) when is_list(value), do: "List" defp value_type(value) when is_map(value), do: "Map" defp value_type(value) when is_pid(value), do: "PID" defp value_type(value) when is_port(value), do: "Port" defp value_type(value) when is_reference(value), do: "Reference" defp value_type(value) when is_tuple(value), do: "Tuple" defp maybe_description(""), do: "" defp maybe_description(description), do: ", " <> description defp maybe_available(protocol) do case protocol.__protocol__(:impls) do {:consolidated, []} -> ". There are no implementations for this protocol." {:consolidated, types} -> ". This protocol is implemented for the following type(s): " <> Enum.map_join(types, ", ", &inspect/1) :not_consolidated -> "" end end end defmodule KeyError do defexception [:key, :term, :message] @impl true def message(exception = %{message: nil}), do: message(exception.key, exception.term) def message(%{message: message}), do: message defp message(key, term) do message = "key #{inspect(key)} not found" if term != nil do message <> " in: #{inspect(term, pretty: true, limit: :infinity)}" else message end end @impl true def blame(exception = %{message: message}, stacktrace) when is_binary(message) do {exception, stacktrace} end def blame(exception = %{term: nil}, stacktrace) do message = message(exception.key, exception.term) {%{exception | message: message}, stacktrace} end def blame(exception, stacktrace) do %{term: term, key: key} = exception message = message(key, term) if is_atom(key) and (map_with_atom_keys_only?(term) or Keyword.keyword?(term)) do hint = did_you_mean(key, available_keys(term)) message = message <> IO.iodata_to_binary(hint) {%{exception | message: message}, stacktrace} else {%{exception | message: message}, stacktrace} end end defp map_with_atom_keys_only?(term) do is_map(term) and Enum.all?(Map.to_list(term), fn {k, _} -> is_atom(k) end) end defp available_keys(term) when is_map(term), do: Map.keys(term) defp available_keys(term) when is_list(term), do: Keyword.keys(term) @threshold 0.77 @max_suggestions 5 defp did_you_mean(missing_key, available_keys) do stringified_key = Atom.to_string(missing_key) suggestions = for key <- available_keys, distance = String.jaro_distance(stringified_key, Atom.to_string(key)), distance >= @threshold, do: {distance, key} case suggestions do [] -> [] suggestions -> [". Did you mean:\n\n" | format_suggestions(suggestions)] end end defp format_suggestions(suggestions) do suggestions |> Enum.sort(&(elem(&1, 0) >= elem(&2, 0))) |> Enum.take(@max_suggestions) |> Enum.sort(&(elem(&1, 1) <= elem(&2, 1))) |> {_, key} -> [" * ", inspect(key), ?\n] end) end end defmodule UnicodeConversionError do defexception [:encoded, :message] def exception(opts) do %UnicodeConversionError{ encoded: Keyword.fetch!(opts, :encoded), message: "#{Keyword.fetch!(opts, :kind)} #{detail(Keyword.fetch!(opts, :rest))}" } end defp detail(rest) when is_binary(rest) do "encoding starting at #{inspect(rest)}" end defp detail([h | _]) when is_integer(h) do "code point #{h}" end defp detail([h | _]) do detail(h) end end defmodule Enum.OutOfBoundsError do defexception message: "out of bounds error" end defmodule Enum.EmptyError do defexception message: "empty error" end defmodule File.Error do defexception [:reason, :path, action: ""] @impl true def message(%{action: action, reason: reason, path: path}) do formatted = case {action, reason} do {"remove directory", :eexist} -> "directory is not empty" _ -> IO.iodata_to_binary(:file.format_error(reason)) end "could not #{action} #{inspect(path)}: #{formatted}" end end defmodule File.CopyError do defexception [:reason, :source, :destination, on: "", action: ""] @impl true def message(exception) do formatted = IO.iodata_to_binary(:file.format_error(exception.reason)) location = case exception.on do "" -> "" on -> ". #{on}" end "could not #{exception.action} from #{inspect(exception.source)} to " <> "#{inspect(exception.destination)}#{location}: #{formatted}" end end defmodule File.RenameError do defexception [:reason, :source, :destination, on: "", action: ""] @impl true def message(exception) do formatted = IO.iodata_to_binary(:file.format_error(exception.reason)) location = case exception.on do "" -> "" on -> ". #{on}" end "could not #{exception.action} from #{inspect(exception.source)} to " <> "#{inspect(exception.destination)}#{location}: #{formatted}" end end defmodule File.LinkError do defexception [:reason, :existing, :new, action: ""] @impl true def message(exception) do formatted = IO.iodata_to_binary(:file.format_error(exception.reason)) "could not #{exception.action} from #{inspect(exception.existing)} to " <> "#{inspect(}: #{formatted}" end end defmodule ErlangError do defexception [:original, :reason] @impl true def message(exception) def message(%__MODULE__{original: original, reason: nil}) do "Erlang error: #{inspect(original)}" end def message(%__MODULE__{original: original, reason: reason}) do IO.iodata_to_binary(["Erlang error: ", inspect(original), reason]) end @doc false def normalize(:badarg, stacktrace) do case error_info(:badarg, stacktrace, "errors were found at the given arguments") do {:ok, reason, details} -> %ArgumentError{message: reason <> details} :error -> %ArgumentError{} end end def normalize(:badarith, _stacktrace) do %ArithmeticError{} end def normalize(:system_limit, stacktrace) do default_reason = "a system limit has been reached due to errors at the given arguments" case error_info(:system_limit, stacktrace, default_reason) do {:ok, reason, details} -> %SystemLimitError{message: reason <> details} :error -> %SystemLimitError{} end end def normalize(:cond_clause, _stacktrace) do %CondClauseError{} end def normalize({:badarity, {fun, args}}, _stacktrace) do %BadArityError{function: fun, args: args} end def normalize({:badfun, term}, _stacktrace) do %BadFunctionError{term: term} end def normalize({:badstruct, struct, term}, _stacktrace) do %BadStructError{struct: struct, term: term} end def normalize({:badmatch, term}, _stacktrace) do %MatchError{term: term} end def normalize({:badmap, term}, _stacktrace) do %BadMapError{term: term} end def normalize({:badbool, op, term}, _stacktrace) do %BadBooleanError{operator: op, term: term} end def normalize({:badkey, key}, stacktrace) do term = case stacktrace do [{Map, :get_and_update!, [map, _, _], _} | _] -> map [{Map, :update!, [map, _, _], _} | _] -> map [{:maps, :update, [_, _, map], _} | _] -> map [{:maps, :get, [_, map], _} | _] -> map [{:erlang, :map_get, [_, map], _} | _] -> map _ -> nil end %KeyError{key: key, term: term} end def normalize({:badkey, key, map}, _stacktrace) when is_map(map) do %KeyError{key: key, term: map} end def normalize({:badkey, key, term}, _stacktrace) do message = "key #{inspect(key)} not found in: #{inspect(term)}. " <> "If you are using the dot syntax, such as map.field, " <> "make sure the left-hand side of the dot is a map" %KeyError{key: key, term: term, message: message} end def normalize({:case_clause, term}, _stacktrace) do %CaseClauseError{term: term} end # :else_clause is aligned on what Erlang returns for `maybe` def normalize({:else_clause, term}, _stacktrace) do %WithClauseError{term: term} end def normalize({:try_clause, term}, _stacktrace) do %TryClauseError{term: term} end def normalize(:undef, stacktrace) do {mod, fun, arity} = from_stacktrace(stacktrace) %UndefinedFunctionError{module: mod, function: fun, arity: arity} end def normalize(:function_clause, stacktrace) do {mod, fun, arity} = from_stacktrace(stacktrace) %FunctionClauseError{module: mod, function: fun, arity: arity} end def normalize({:badarg, payload}, _stacktrace) do %ArgumentError{message: "argument error: #{inspect(payload)}"} end def normalize(other, stacktrace) do case error_info(other, stacktrace, "") do {:ok, _reason, details} -> %ErlangError{original: other, reason: details} :error -> %ErlangError{original: other} end end defp from_stacktrace([{module, function, args, _} | _]) when is_list(args) do {module, function, length(args)} end defp from_stacktrace([{module, function, arity, _} | _]) do {module, function, arity} end defp from_stacktrace(_) do {nil, nil, nil} end defp error_info(erl_exception, stacktrace, default_reason) do with [{module, fun, args_or_arity, opts} | tail] <- stacktrace, %{} = error_info <- opts[:error_info] do error_module = Map.get(error_info, :module, module) error_fun = Map.get(error_info, :function, :format_error) error_info = Map.put(error_info, :pretty_printer, &inspect/1) head = {module, fun, args_or_arity, Keyword.put(opts, :error_info, error_info)} extra = try do apply(error_module, error_fun, [erl_exception, [head | tail]]) rescue _ -> %{} end arity = if is_integer(args_or_arity), do: args_or_arity, else: length(args_or_arity) args_errors = Map.take(extra, Enum.to_list(1..arity//1)) reason = Map.get(extra, :reason, default_reason) cond do map_size(args_errors) > 0 -> {:ok, reason, IO.iodata_to_binary([":\n\n" |, &arg_error/1)])} general = extra[:general] -> {:ok, reason, ": " <> general} true -> :error end else _ -> :error end end defp arg_error({n, message}), do: " * #{nth(n)} argument: #{message}\n" defp nth(1), do: "1st" defp nth(2), do: "2nd" defp nth(3), do: "3rd" defp nth(n), do: "#{n}th" end defmodule Inspect.Error do @moduledoc """ Raised when a struct cannot be inspected. """ @enforce_keys [:exception_module, :exception_message, :stacktrace, :inspected_struct] defexception @enforce_keys @impl true def exception(arguments) when is_list(arguments) do exception = Keyword.fetch!(arguments, :exception) exception_module = exception.__struct__ exception_message = Exception.message(exception) |> String.trim_trailing("\n") stacktrace = Keyword.fetch!(arguments, :stacktrace) inspected_struct = Keyword.fetch!(arguments, :inspected_struct) %Inspect.Error{ exception_module: exception_module, exception_message: exception_message, stacktrace: stacktrace, inspected_struct: inspected_struct } end @impl true def message(%__MODULE__{ exception_module: exception_module, exception_message: exception_message, inspected_struct: inspected_struct }) do ~s''' got #{inspect(exception_module)} with message: """ #{pad(exception_message, 4)} """ while inspecting: #{pad(inspected_struct, 4)} ''' end @doc false def pad(message, padding_length) when is_binary(message) and is_integer(padding_length) and padding_length >= 0 do padding = String.duplicate(" ", padding_length) message |> String.split("\n") |> "" -> "\n" line -> [padding, line, ?\n] end) |> IO.iodata_to_binary() |> String.trim_trailing("\n") end end