Code.require_file("test_helper.exs", __DIR__) defmodule Inspect.AtomTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: true doctest Inspect test "basic" do assert inspect(:foo) == ":foo" end test "empty" do assert inspect(:"") == ":\"\"" end test "true, false, nil" do assert inspect(false) == "false" assert inspect(true) == "true" assert inspect(nil) == "nil" end test "with uppercase letters" do assert inspect(:fOO) == ":fOO" assert inspect(:FOO) == ":FOO" end test "aliases" do assert inspect(Foo) == "Foo" assert inspect(Foo.Bar) == "Foo.Bar" assert inspect(Elixir) == "Elixir" assert inspect(Elixir.Foo) == "Foo" assert inspect(Elixir.Elixir) == "Elixir.Elixir" assert inspect(Elixir.Elixir.Foo) == "Elixir.Elixir.Foo" end test "with integers" do assert inspect(User1) == "User1" assert inspect(:user1) == ":user1" end test "with trailing ? or !" do assert inspect(:foo?) == ":foo?" assert inspect(:bar!) == ":bar!" assert inspect(:Foo?) == ":Foo?" end test "operators" do assert inspect(:+) == ":+" assert inspect(:<~) == ":<~" assert inspect(:~>) == ":~>" assert inspect(:&&&) == ":&&&" assert inspect(:~~~) == ":~~~" assert inspect(:<<~) == ":<<~" assert inspect(:~>>) == ":~>>" assert inspect(:<~>) == ":<~>" assert inspect(:<|>) == ":<|>" end test "with @" do assert inspect(:@) == ":@" assert inspect(:foo@bar) == ":foo@bar" assert inspect(:foo@bar@) == ":foo@bar@" assert inspect(:foo@bar@baz) == ":foo@bar@baz" end test "others" do assert inspect(:...) == ":..." assert inspect(:<<>>) == ":<<>>" assert inspect(:{}) == ":{}" assert inspect(:%{}) == ":%{}" assert inspect(:%) == ":%" assert inspect(:->) == ":->" end test "escaping" do assert inspect(:"hy-phen") == ~s(:"hy-phen") assert inspect(:"@hello") == ~s(:"@hello") assert inspect(:"Wat!?") == ~s(:"Wat!?") assert inspect(:"'quotes' and \"double quotes\"") == ~S(:"'quotes' and \"double quotes\"") end test "colors" do opts = [syntax_colors: [atom: :red]] assert inspect(:hello, opts) == "\e[31m:hello\e[0m" opts = [syntax_colors: [reset: :cyan]] assert inspect(:hello, opts) == ":hello" end # TODO: Remove this check once we depend only on 20 # TODO: Remove String.to_atom/1 when we support 20+ if :erlang.system_info(:otp_release) >= '20' do test "unicode" do assert inspect(String.to_atom("olá")) == ":olá" assert inspect(String.to_atom("Olá")) == ":Olá" assert inspect(String.to_atom("Ólá")) == ":Ólá" hello_world = String.to_atom("こんにちは世界") assert inspect(hello_world) == ":こんにちは世界" nfd = :unicode.characters_to_nfd_binary("olá") assert inspect(String.to_atom(nfd)) == ":\"#{nfd}\"" end end end defmodule Inspect.BitStringTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: true test "bitstring" do assert inspect(<<1::12-integer-signed>>) == "<<0, 1::size(4)>>" assert inspect(<<1, 2, 3, 4, 5>>, pretty: true, width: 10) == "<<1, 2, 3,\n 4, 5>>" end test "binary" do assert inspect("foo") == "\"foo\"" assert inspect(<>) == "\"abc\"" end test "escape" do assert inspect("f\no") == "\"f\\no\"" assert inspect("f\\o") == "\"f\\\\o\"" assert inspect("f\ao") == "\"f\\ao\"" end test "UTF-8" do assert inspect(" ゆんゆん") == "\" ゆんゆん\"" end test "all escapes" do assert inspect("\a\b\d\e\f\n\r\s\t\v") == "\"\\a\\b\\d\\e\\f\\n\\r \\t\\v\"" end test "opt infer" do assert inspect(<<"john", 193, "doe">>, binaries: :infer) == ~s(<<106, 111, 104, 110, 193, 100, 111, 101>>) assert inspect(<<"john">>, binaries: :infer) == ~s("john") assert inspect(<<193>>, binaries: :infer) == ~s(<<193>>) end test "opt as strings" do assert inspect(<<"john", 193, "doe">>, binaries: :as_strings) == ~s("john\\xC1doe") assert inspect(<<"john">>, binaries: :as_strings) == ~s("john") assert inspect(<<193>>, binaries: :as_strings) == ~s("\\xC1") end test "opt as binaries" do assert inspect(<<"john", 193, "doe">>, binaries: :as_binaries) == "<<106, 111, 104, 110, 193, 100, 111, 101>>" assert inspect(<<"john">>, binaries: :as_binaries) == "<<106, 111, 104, 110>>" assert inspect(<<193>>, binaries: :as_binaries) == "<<193>>" # base: :hex is recognized assert inspect("abc", binaries: :as_binary, base: :hex) == "<<0x61, 0x62, 0x63>>" # any base other than :decimal implies binaries: :as_binaries assert inspect("abc", base: :hex) == "<<0x61, 0x62, 0x63>>" assert inspect("abc", base: :octal) == "<<0o141, 0o142, 0o143>>" # size is still represented as decimal assert inspect(<<10, 11, 12::4>>, base: :hex) == "<<0xA, 0xB, 0xC::size(4)>>" end test "unprintable with opts" do assert inspect(<<193, 193, 193, 193>>, limit: 3) == "<<193, 193, 193, ...>>" end test "printable limit" do assert inspect("hello world", printable_limit: 4) == ~s("hell" <> ...) # non printable characters after the limit don't matter assert inspect("hello world" <> <<0>>, printable_limit: 4) == ~s("hell" <> ...) # non printable strings aren't affected by printable limit assert inspect(<<0, 1, 2, 3, 4>>, printable_limit: 3) == ~s(<<0, 1, 2, 3, 4>>) end end defmodule Inspect.NumberTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: true test "integer" do assert inspect(100) == "100" end test "decimal" do assert inspect(100, base: :decimal) == "100" end test "hex" do assert inspect(100, base: :hex) == "0x64" end test "octal" do assert inspect(100, base: :octal) == "0o144" end test "binary" do assert inspect(86, base: :binary) == "0b1010110" end test "float" do assert inspect(1.0) == "1.0" assert inspect(1.0e10) == "1.0e10" assert inspect(1.0e10) == "1.0e10" assert inspect(1.0e-10) == "1.0e-10" end test "integer colors" do opts = [syntax_colors: [number: :red]] assert inspect(123, opts) == "\e[31m123\e[0m" opts = [syntax_colors: [reset: :cyan]] assert inspect(123, opts) == "123" end test "float colors" do opts = [syntax_colors: [number: :red]] assert inspect(1.3, opts) == "\e[31m1.3\e[0m" opts = [syntax_colors: [reset: :cyan]] assert inspect(1.3, opts) == "1.3" end end defmodule Inspect.TupleTest do use ExUnit.Case test "basic" do assert inspect({1, "b", 3}) == "{1, \"b\", 3}" assert inspect({1, "b", 3}, pretty: true, width: 1) == "{1,\n \"b\",\n 3}" assert inspect({1, "b", 3}, pretty: true, width: 10) == "{1, \"b\",\n 3}" end test "empty" do assert inspect({}) == "{}" end test "with limit" do assert inspect({1, 2, 3, 4}, limit: 3) == "{1, 2, 3, ...}" end test "colors" do opts = [syntax_colors: []] assert inspect({}, opts) == "{}" opts = [syntax_colors: [reset: :cyan]] assert inspect({}, opts) == "{}" assert inspect({:x, :y}, opts) == "{:x, :y}" opts = [syntax_colors: [reset: :cyan, atom: :red]] assert inspect({}, opts) == "{}" assert inspect({:x, :y}, opts) == "{\e[31m:x\e[36m, \e[31m:y\e[36m}" opts = [syntax_colors: [tuple: :green, reset: :cyan, atom: :red]] assert inspect({}, opts) == "\e[32m{\e[36m\e[32m}\e[36m" assert inspect({:x, :y}, opts) == "\e[32m{\e[36m\e[31m:x\e[36m\e[32m,\e[36m \e[31m:y\e[36m\e[32m}\e[36m" end end defmodule Inspect.ListTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: true test "basic" do assert inspect([1, "b", 3]) == "[1, \"b\", 3]" assert inspect([1, "b", 3], pretty: true, width: 1) == "[1,\n \"b\",\n 3]" end test "printable" do assert inspect('abc') == "'abc'" end test "printable limit" do assert inspect('hello world', printable_limit: 4) == ~s('hell' ++ ...) # non printable characters after the limit don't matter assert inspect('hello world' ++ [0], printable_limit: 4) == ~s('hell' ++ ...) # non printable strings aren't affected by printable limit assert inspect([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], printable_limit: 3) == ~s([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) end test "keyword" do assert inspect(a: 1) == "[a: 1]" assert inspect(a: 1, b: 2) == "[a: 1, b: 2]" assert inspect(a: 1, a: 2, b: 2) == "[a: 1, a: 2, b: 2]" assert inspect("123": 1) == ~s(["123": 1]) assert inspect([foo: [1, 2, 3], baz: [4, 5, 6]], pretty: true, width: 20) == "[\n foo: [1, 2, 3],\n baz: [4, 5, 6]\n]" end test "opt infer" do assert inspect('john' ++ [0] ++ 'doe', charlists: :infer) == "[106, 111, 104, 110, 0, 100, 111, 101]" assert inspect('john', charlists: :infer) == "'john'" assert inspect([0], charlists: :infer) == "[0]" end test "opt as strings" do assert inspect('john' ++ [0] ++ 'doe', charlists: :as_charlists) == "'john\\0doe'" assert inspect('john', charlists: :as_charlists) == "'john'" assert inspect([0], charlists: :as_charlists) == "'\\0'" end test "opt as lists" do assert inspect('john' ++ [0] ++ 'doe', charlists: :as_lists) == "[106, 111, 104, 110, 0, 100, 111, 101]" assert inspect('john', charlists: :as_lists) == "[106, 111, 104, 110]" assert inspect([0], charlists: :as_lists) == "[0]" end test "non printable" do assert inspect([{:b, 1}, {:a, 1}]) == "[b: 1, a: 1]" end test "improper" do assert inspect([:foo | :bar]) == "[:foo | :bar]" assert inspect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5 | 42], pretty: true, width: 1) == "[1,\n 2,\n 3,\n 4,\n 5 |\n 42]" end test "nested" do assert inspect(Enum.reduce(1..100, [0], &[&2, Integer.to_string(&1)]), limit: 5) == "[[[[[[...], ...], \"97\"], \"98\"], \"99\"], \"100\"]" assert inspect(Enum.reduce(1..100, [0], &[&2 | Integer.to_string(&1)]), limit: 5) == "[[[[[[...] | \"96\"] | \"97\"] | \"98\"] | \"99\"] | \"100\"]" end test "codepoints" do assert inspect('é') == "[233]" end test "empty" do assert inspect([]) == "[]" end test "with limit" do assert inspect([1, 2, 3, 4], limit: 3) == "[1, 2, 3, ...]" end test "colors" do opts = [syntax_colors: []] assert inspect([], opts) == "[]" opts = [syntax_colors: [reset: :cyan]] assert inspect([], opts) == "[]" assert inspect([:x, :y], opts) == "[:x, :y]" opts = [syntax_colors: [reset: :cyan, atom: :red]] assert inspect([], opts) == "[]" assert inspect([:x, :y], opts) == "[\e[31m:x\e[36m, \e[31m:y\e[36m]" opts = [syntax_colors: [reset: :cyan, atom: :red, list: :green]] assert inspect([], opts) == "\e[32m[]\e[36m" assert inspect([:x, :y], opts) == "\e[32m[\e[36m\e[31m:x\e[36m\e[32m,\e[36m \e[31m:y\e[36m\e[32m]\e[36m" end test "keyword with colors" do opts = [syntax_colors: [reset: :cyan, list: :green, number: :blue]] assert inspect([], opts) == "\e[32m[]\e[36m" assert inspect([a: 9999], opts) == "\e[32m[\e[36ma: \e[34m9999\e[36m\e[32m]\e[36m" opts = [syntax_colors: [reset: :cyan, atom: :red, list: :green, number: :blue]] assert inspect([], opts) == "\e[32m[]\e[36m" assert inspect([a: 9999], opts) == "\e[32m[\e[36m\e[31ma:\e[36m \e[34m9999\e[36m\e[32m]\e[36m" end test "limit with colors" do opts = [limit: 1, syntax_colors: [reset: :cyan, list: :green, atom: :red]] assert inspect([], opts) == "\e[32m[]\e[36m" assert inspect([:x, :y], opts) == "\e[32m[\e[36m\e[31m:x\e[36m\e[32m,\e[36m ...\e[32m]\e[36m" end end defmodule Inspect.MapTest do use ExUnit.Case test "basic" do assert inspect(%{1 => "b"}) == "%{1 => \"b\"}" assert inspect(%{1 => "b", 2 => "c"}, pretty: true, width: 1) == "%{\n 1 => \"b\",\n 2 => \"c\"\n}" end test "keyword" do assert inspect(%{a: 1}) == "%{a: 1}" assert inspect(%{a: 1, b: 2}) == "%{a: 1, b: 2}" assert inspect(%{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}) == "%{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}" end test "with limit" do assert inspect(%{1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4}, limit: 3) == "%{1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, ...}" end defmodule Public do defstruct key: 0 end defmodule Private do end test "public struct" do assert inspect(%Public{key: 1}) == "%Inspect.MapTest.Public{key: 1}" end test "public modified struct" do public = %Public{key: 1} assert inspect(Map.put(public, :foo, :bar)) == "%{__struct__: Inspect.MapTest.Public, foo: :bar, key: 1}" end test "private struct" do assert inspect(%{__struct__: Private, key: 1}) == "%{__struct__: Inspect.MapTest.Private, key: 1}" end defmodule Failing do defstruct key: 0 defimpl Inspect do def inspect(struct, _) do struct.unknown end end end test "bad implementation unsafe" do msg = "got KeyError with message \"key :unknown not found in: " <> "%{__struct__: Inspect.MapTest.Failing, key: 0}\" while " <> "inspecting %{__struct__: Inspect.MapTest.Failing, key: 0}" assert_raise Inspect.Error, msg, fn -> inspect(%Failing{}, safe: false) end assert [{Inspect.Inspect.MapTest.Failing, :inspect, 2, _} | _] = System.stacktrace() end test "bad implementation safe" do msg = "got KeyError with message \"key :unknown not found in: " <> "%{__struct__: Inspect.MapTest.Failing, key: 0}\" while " <> "inspecting %{__struct__: Inspect.MapTest.Failing, key: 0}" assert inspect(%Failing{}) == inspect(%Inspect.Error{message: "#{msg}"}) end test "bad implementation safe disables colors" do msg = "got KeyError with message \\\"key :unknown not found in: " <> "%{__struct__: Inspect.MapTest.Failing, key: 0}\\\" while " <> "inspecting %{__struct__: Inspect.MapTest.Failing, key: 0}" assert inspect(%Failing{}, syntax_colors: [atom: [:green]]) =~ msg end test "exception" do assert inspect(%RuntimeError{message: "runtime error"}) == "%RuntimeError{message: \"runtime error\"}" end test "colors" do opts = [syntax_colors: [reset: :cyan, atom: :red, number: :magenta]] assert inspect(%{1 => 2}, opts) == "%{\e[35m1\e[36m => \e[35m2\e[36m}" assert inspect(%{a: 1}, opts) == "%{\e[31ma:\e[36m \e[35m1\e[36m}" assert inspect(%Public{key: 1}, opts) == "%Inspect.MapTest.Public{\e[31mkey:\e[36m \e[35m1\e[36m}" opts = [syntax_colors: [reset: :cyan, atom: :red, map: :green, number: :blue]] assert inspect(%{a: 9999}, opts) == "\e[32m%{\e[36m" <> "\e[31ma:\e[36m " <> "\e[34m9999\e[36m" <> "\e[32m}\e[36m" end end defmodule Inspect.OthersTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: true def fun() do fn -> :ok end end def unquote(:"weirdly named/fun-")() do fn -> :ok end end test "external Elixir funs" do bin = inspect(& assert bin == "&" assert inspect(&__MODULE__."weirdly named/fun-"/0) == ~s(&Inspect.OthersTest."weirdly named/fun-"/0) end test "external Erlang funs" do bin = inspect(& assert bin == "&" end test "outdated functions" do defmodule V do def fun do fn -> 1 end end end Application.put_env(:elixir, :anony, Application.put_env(:elixir, :named, & :code.delete(V) :code.purge(V) anony = Application.get_env(:elixir, :anony) named = Application.get_env(:elixir, :named) assert inspect(anony) =~ ~r"#Function<0.\d+/0 in Inspect.OthersTest.V>" assert inspect(named) =~ ~r"&" after Application.delete_env(:elixir, :anony) Application.delete_env(:elixir, :named) end test "other funs" do assert "#Function<" <> _ = inspect(fn x -> x + 1 end) assert "#Function<" <> _ = inspect(fun()) opts = [syntax_colors: []] assert "#Function<" <> _ = inspect(fun(), opts) opts = [syntax_colors: [reset: :red]] assert "#Function<" <> rest = inspect(fun(), opts) assert String.ends_with?(rest, ">") inspected = inspect(__MODULE__."weirdly named/fun-"()) assert inspected =~ ~r(#Function<\d+\.\d+/0 in Inspect\.OthersTest\."weirdly named/fun-"/0>) end test "map set" do assert "#MapSet<" <> _ = inspect( end test "PIDs" do assert "#PID<" <> _ = inspect(self()) opts = [syntax_colors: []] assert "#PID<" <> _ = inspect(self(), opts) opts = [syntax_colors: [reset: :cyan]] assert "#PID<" <> rest = inspect(self(), opts) assert String.ends_with?(rest, ">") end test "references" do assert "#Reference<" <> _ = inspect(make_ref()) end test "regex" do assert inspect(~r(foo)m) == "~r/foo/m" assert inspect(Regex.compile!("\a\b\d\e\f\n\r\s\t\v/")) == "~r/\\a\\x08\\x7F\\x1B\\f\\n\\r \\t\\v\\//" assert inspect(~r<\a\b\d\e\f\n\r\s\t\v/>) == "~r/\\a\\b\\d\\e\\f\\n\\r\\s\\t\\v\\//" assert inspect(~r" \\/ ") == "~r/ \\\\\\/ /" assert inspect(~r/hi/, syntax_colors: [regex: :red]) == "\e[31m~r/hi/\e[0m" end end