Code.require_file("test_helper.exs", __DIR__) defmodule KernelTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: true doctest Kernel defp empty_list(), do: [] test "=~/2" do assert "abcd" =~ ~r/c(d)/ == true assert "abcd" =~ ~r/e/ == false assert "abcd" =~ ~R/c(d)/ == true assert "abcd" =~ ~R/e/ == false string = "^ab+cd*$" assert string =~ "ab+" == true assert string =~ "bb" == false assert "abcd" =~ ~r// == true assert "abcd" =~ ~R// == true assert "abcd" =~ "" == true assert "" =~ ~r// == true assert "" =~ ~R// == true assert "" =~ "" == true assert "" =~ "abcd" == false assert "" =~ ~r/abcd/ == false assert "" =~ ~R/abcd/ == false assert_raise FunctionClauseError, "no function clause matching in Kernel.=~/2", fn -> 1234 =~ "hello" end assert_raise FunctionClauseError, "no function clause matching in Kernel.=~/2", fn -> 1234 =~ ~r"hello" end assert_raise FunctionClauseError, "no function clause matching in Kernel.=~/2", fn -> 1234 =~ ~R"hello" end assert_raise FunctionClauseError, "no function clause matching in Kernel.=~/2", fn -> ~r"hello" =~ "hello" end assert_raise FunctionClauseError, "no function clause matching in Kernel.=~/2", fn -> ~r"hello" =~ ~r"hello" end assert_raise FunctionClauseError, "no function clause matching in Kernel.=~/2", fn -> :abcd =~ ~r// end assert_raise FunctionClauseError, "no function clause matching in Kernel.=~/2", fn -> :abcd =~ "" end assert_raise FunctionClauseError, "no function clause matching in Regex.match?/2", fn -> "abcd" =~ nil end assert_raise FunctionClauseError, "no function clause matching in Regex.match?/2", fn -> "abcd" =~ :abcd end end test "^" do x = List.first([1]) assert_raise MatchError, fn -> {x, ^x} = {2, 2} x end end test "match?/2" do a = List.first([0]) assert match?(b when b > a, 1) == true assert binding() == [a: 0] assert match?(b when b > a, -1) == false assert binding() == [a: 0] end def exported?, do: not_exported?() defp not_exported?, do: true test "function_exported?/3" do assert function_exported?(__MODULE__, :exported?, 0) refute function_exported?(__MODULE__, :not_exported?, 0) end test "macro_exported?/3" do assert macro_exported?(Kernel, :in, 2) == true assert macro_exported?(Kernel, :def, 1) == true assert macro_exported?(Kernel, :def, 2) == true assert macro_exported?(Kernel, :def, 3) == false assert macro_exported?(Kernel, :no_such_macro, 2) == false assert macro_exported?(:erlang, :abs, 1) == false end test "apply/3 and apply/2" do assert apply(Enum, :reverse, [[1 | [2, 3]]]) == [3, 2, 1] assert apply(fn x -> x * 2 end, [2]) == 4 end test "binding/0 and binding/1" do x = 1 assert binding() == [x: 1] x = 2 assert binding() == [x: 2] y = 3 assert binding() == [x: 2, y: 3] var!(x, :foo) = 4 assert binding() == [x: 2, y: 3] assert binding(:foo) == [x: 4] # No warnings _x = 1 assert binding() == [_x: 1, x: 2, y: 3] end defmodule User do assert is_map(defstruct name: "john") end defmodule UserTuple do def __struct__({UserTuple, :ok}) do %User{} end end test "struct/1 and struct/2" do assert struct(User) == %User{name: "john"} user = struct(User, name: "meg") assert user == %User{name: "meg"} assert struct(user, unknown: "key") == user assert struct(user, %{name: "john"}) == %User{name: "john"} assert struct(user, name: "other", __struct__: Post) == %User{name: "other"} end test "struct!/1 and struct!/2" do assert struct!(User) == %User{name: "john"} user = struct!(User, name: "meg") assert user == %User{name: "meg"} assert_raise KeyError, fn -> struct!(user, unknown: "key") end assert struct!(user, %{name: "john"}) == %User{name: "john"} assert struct!(user, name: "other", __struct__: Post) == %User{name: "other"} end test "if/2 with invalid keys" do error_message = "invalid or duplicate keys for if, only \"do\" and an optional \"else\" are permitted" assert_raise ArgumentError, error_message, fn -> Code.eval_string("if true, foo: 7") end assert_raise ArgumentError, error_message, fn -> Code.eval_string("if true, do: 6, boo: 7") end assert_raise ArgumentError, error_message, fn -> Code.eval_string("if true, do: 7, do: 6") end assert_raise ArgumentError, error_message, fn -> Code.eval_string("if true, do: 8, else: 7, else: 6") end assert_raise ArgumentError, error_message, fn -> Code.eval_string("if true, else: 6") end assert_raise ArgumentError, error_message, fn -> Code.eval_string("if true, []") end end test "unless/2 with invalid keys" do error_message = "invalid or duplicate keys for unless, only \"do\" " <> "and an optional \"else\" are permitted" assert_raise ArgumentError, error_message, fn -> Code.eval_string("unless true, foo: 7") end assert_raise ArgumentError, error_message, fn -> Code.eval_string("unless true, do: 6, boo: 7") end assert_raise ArgumentError, error_message, fn -> Code.eval_string("unless true, do: 7, do: 6") end assert_raise ArgumentError, error_message, fn -> Code.eval_string("unless true, do: 8, else: 7, else: 6") end assert_raise ArgumentError, error_message, fn -> Code.eval_string("unless true, else: 6") end assert_raise ArgumentError, error_message, fn -> Code.eval_string("unless true, []") end end test "and/2" do assert (true and false) == false assert (true and true) == true assert (true and 0) == 0 assert (false and false) == false assert (false and true) == false assert (false and 0) == false assert (false and raise("oops")) == false assert_raise BadBooleanError, fn -> 0 and 1 end end test "or/2" do assert (true or false) == true assert (true or true) == true assert (true or 0) == true assert (true or raise("foo")) == true assert (false or false) == false assert (false or true) == true assert (false or 0) == 0 assert_raise BadBooleanError, fn -> 0 or 1 end end describe "in/2" do test "with literals on right side" do assert 2 in [1, 2, 3] assert 2 in 1..3 refute 4 in [1, 2, 3] refute 4 in 1..3 end test "with expressions on right side" do list = [1, 2, 3] assert 2 in list refute 4 in list assert 2 in [1 | [2, 3]] assert 3 in [1 | list] end @at_list1 [4, 5] @at_range 6..8 @at_list2 [13, 14] def fun_in(x) when x in [0], do: :list def fun_in(x) when x in 1..3, do: :range def fun_in(x) when x in @at_list1, do: :at_list def fun_in(x) when x in @at_range, do: :at_range def fun_in(x) when x in [9 | [10, 11]], do: :list_cons def fun_in(x) when x in [12 | @at_list2], do: :list_cons_at def fun_in(_), do: :none test "in function guard" do assert fun_in(0) == :list assert fun_in(1) == :range assert fun_in(2) == :range assert fun_in(3) == :range assert fun_in(5) == :at_list assert fun_in(6) == :at_range assert fun_in(7) == :at_range assert fun_in(8) == :at_range assert fun_in(9) == :list_cons assert fun_in(10) == :list_cons assert fun_in(11) == :list_cons assert fun_in(12) == :list_cons_at assert fun_in(13) == :list_cons_at assert fun_in(14) == :list_cons_at assert fun_in(0.0) == :none assert fun_in(1.0) == :none assert fun_in(2.0) == :none assert fun_in(3.0) == :none assert fun_in(6.0) == :none assert fun_in(7.0) == :none assert fun_in(8.0) == :none assert fun_in(9.0) == :none assert fun_in(10.0) == :none assert fun_in(11.0) == :none assert fun_in(12.0) == :none assert fun_in(13.0) == :none assert fun_in(14.0) == :none end def dynamic_in(x, y, z) when x in y..z, do: true def dynamic_in(_x, _y, _z), do: false test "in dynamic function guard" do assert dynamic_in(1, 1, 3) assert dynamic_in(2, 1, 3) assert dynamic_in(3, 1, 3) assert dynamic_in(1, 3, 1) assert dynamic_in(2, 3, 1) assert dynamic_in(3, 3, 1) refute dynamic_in(0, 1, 3) refute dynamic_in(4, 1, 3) refute dynamic_in(0, 3, 1) refute dynamic_in(4, 3, 1) refute dynamic_in(2, 1.0, 3) refute dynamic_in(2, 1, 3.0) refute dynamic_in(2.0, 1, 3) end defmacrop case_in(x, y) do quote do case 0 do _ when unquote(x) in unquote(y) -> true _ -> false end end end test "in case guard" do assert case_in(1, [1, 2, 3]) == true assert case_in(1, 1..3) == true assert case_in(2, 1..3) == true assert case_in(3, 1..3) == true assert case_in(-3, -1..-3) == true end test "performs all side-effects" do assert 1 in [1, send(self(), 2)] assert_received 2 assert 1 in [1 | send(self(), [2])] assert_received [2] assert 2 in [1 | send(self(), [2])] assert_received [2] end test "has proper evaluation order" do a = 1 assert 1 in [a = 2, a] # silence unused var warning _ = a end test "in module body" do defmodule InSample do @foo [:a, :b] true = :a in @foo end after purge(InSample) end test "inside and/2" do response = %{code: 200} if is_map(response) and response.code in 200..299 do :pass end # This module definition copies internal variable # defined during in/2 expansion. Module.create(InVarCopy, nil, __ENV__) purge(InVarCopy) end test "with a non-literal non-escaped compile-time range in guards" do message = "non-literal range in guard should be escaped with Macro.escape/2" assert_eval_raise(ArgumentError, message, """ defmodule InErrors do range = 1..3 def foo(x) when x in unquote(range), do: :ok end """) end test "with a non-compile-time range in guards" do message = ~r/invalid args for operator "in", .* got: :hello/ assert_eval_raise(ArgumentError, message, """ defmodule InErrors do def foo(x) when x in :hello, do: :ok end """) end test "with a non-compile-time list cons in guards" do message = ~r/invalid args for operator "in", .* got: \[1 | list\(\)\]/ assert_eval_raise(ArgumentError, message, """ defmodule InErrors do def list, do: [1] def foo(x) when x in [1 | list()], do: :ok end """) end test "with a compile-time non-list in tail in guards" do message = ~r/invalid args for operator "in", .* got: \[1 | 1..3\]/ assert_eval_raise(ArgumentError, message, """ defmodule InErrors do def foo(x) when x in [1 | 1..3], do: :ok end """) end test "with a non-integer range" do message = "ranges (first..last) expect both sides to be integers, got: 0..5.0" assert_raise ArgumentError, message, fn -> last = 5.0 1 in 0..last end end test "is optimized" do assert expand_to_string(quote(do: foo in [])) == "Enum.member?([], foo)" result = expand_to_string(quote(do: rand() in 1..2)) assert result =~ "var = rand()" assert result =~ ":erlang.andalso(:erlang.is_integer(var), :erlang.andalso(:erlang.>=(var, 1), :erlang.\"=<\"(var, 2)))" result = expand_to_string(quote(do: rand() in [1, 2])) assert result =~ "var = rand()" assert result =~ ":erlang.orelse(:erlang.\"=:=\"(var, 2), :erlang.\"=:=\"(var, 1))" result = expand_to_string(quote(do: rand() in [1 | [2]])) assert result =~ "var = rand()" assert result =~ ":erlang.orelse(:erlang.\"=:=\"(var, 1), :erlang.\"=:=\"(var, 2))" result = expand_to_string(quote(do: rand() in [1 | some_call()])) assert result =~ "var = rand()" assert result =~ "{var0} = {some_call()}" assert result =~ ":erlang.orelse(:erlang.\"=:=\"(var, 1), :lists.member(var, var0))" end defp expand_to_string(ast) do ast |> Macro.prewalk(&Macro.expand(&1, __ENV__)) |> Macro.to_string() end defp assert_eval_raise(error, msg, string) do assert_raise error, msg, fn -> Code.eval_string(string) end end end describe "__info__" do test ":macros" do assert {:in, 2} in Kernel.__info__(:macros) end test ":functions" do refute {:__info__, 1} in Kernel.__info__(:functions) end test "others" do assert Kernel.__info__(:module) == Kernel assert is_list(Kernel.__info__(:compile)) assert is_list(Kernel.__info__(:attributes)) end end describe "defdelegate" do defdelegate my_flatten(list), to: List, as: :flatten dynamic = :dynamic_flatten defdelegate unquote(dynamic)(list), to: List, as: :flatten test "dispatches to delegated functions" do assert my_flatten([[1]]) == [1] end test "with unquote" do assert dynamic_flatten([[1]]) == [1] end test "raises with non-variable arguments" do msg = "defdelegate/2 only accepts function parameters, got: 1" assert_raise ArgumentError, msg, fn -> string = """ defmodule IntDelegate do defdelegate foo(1), to: List end """ Code.eval_string(string, [], __ENV__) end assert_raise ArgumentError, msg, fn -> string = """ defmodule IntOptionDelegate do defdelegate foo(1 \\\\ 1), to: List end """ Code.eval_string(string, [], __ENV__) end end defdelegate my_reverse(list \\ []), to: :lists, as: :reverse defdelegate my_get(map \\ %{}, key, default \\ ""), to: Map, as: :get test "accepts variable with optional arguments" do assert my_reverse() == [] assert my_reverse([1, 2, 3]) == [3, 2, 1] assert my_get("foo") == "" assert my_get(%{}, "foo") == "" assert my_get(%{"foo" => "bar"}, "foo") == "bar" assert my_get(%{}, "foo", "not_found") == "not_found" end end describe "access" do test "get_in/2" do users = %{"john" => %{age: 27}, "meg" => %{age: 23}} assert get_in(users, ["john", :age]) == 27 assert get_in(users, ["dave", :age]) == nil assert get_in(nil, ["john", :age]) == nil map = %{"fruits" => ["banana", "apple", "orange"]} assert get_in(map, ["fruits", by_index(0)]) == "banana" assert get_in(map, ["fruits", by_index(3)]) == nil assert get_in(map, ["unknown", by_index(3)]) == :oops assert_raise FunctionClauseError, fn -> get_in(users, []) end end test "put_in/3" do users = %{"john" => %{age: 27}, "meg" => %{age: 23}} assert put_in(users, ["john", :age], 28) == %{"john" => %{age: 28}, "meg" => %{age: 23}} assert_raise FunctionClauseError, fn -> put_in(users, [], %{}) end assert_raise ArgumentError, "could not put/update key \"john\" on a nil value", fn -> put_in(nil, ["john", :age], 28) end end test "put_in/2" do users = %{"john" => %{age: 27}, "meg" => %{age: 23}} assert put_in(users["john"][:age], 28) == %{"john" => %{age: 28}, "meg" => %{age: 23}} assert put_in(users["john"].age, 28) == %{"john" => %{age: 28}, "meg" => %{age: 23}} assert_raise BadMapError, fn -> put_in(users["dave"].age, 19) end assert_raise KeyError, fn -> put_in(users["meg"].unknown, "value") end end test "update_in/3" do users = %{"john" => %{age: 27}, "meg" => %{age: 23}} assert update_in(users, ["john", :age], &(&1 + 1)) == %{"john" => %{age: 28}, "meg" => %{age: 23}} assert_raise FunctionClauseError, fn -> update_in(users, [], fn _ -> %{} end) end assert_raise ArgumentError, "could not put/update key \"john\" on a nil value", fn -> update_in(nil, ["john", :age], fn _ -> %{} end) end assert_raise UndefinedFunctionError, fn -> pop_in(struct(Sample, []), [:name]) end end test "update_in/2" do users = %{"john" => %{age: 27}, "meg" => %{age: 23}} assert update_in(users["john"][:age], &(&1 + 1)) == %{"john" => %{age: 28}, "meg" => %{age: 23}} assert update_in(users["john"].age, &(&1 + 1)) == %{"john" => %{age: 28}, "meg" => %{age: 23}} assert_raise BadMapError, fn -> update_in(users["dave"].age, &(&1 + 1)) end assert_raise KeyError, fn -> put_in(users["meg"].unknown, &(&1 + 1)) end end test "get_and_update_in/3" do users = %{"john" => %{age: 27}, "meg" => %{age: 23}} assert get_and_update_in(users, ["john", :age], &{&1, &1 + 1}) == {27, %{"john" => %{age: 28}, "meg" => %{age: 23}}} map = %{"fruits" => ["banana", "apple", "orange"]} assert get_and_update_in(map, ["fruits", by_index(0)], &{&1, String.reverse(&1)}) == {"banana", %{"fruits" => ["ananab", "apple", "orange"]}} assert get_and_update_in(map, ["fruits", by_index(3)], &{&1, &1}) == {nil, %{"fruits" => ["banana", "apple", "orange"]}} assert get_and_update_in(map, ["unknown", by_index(3)], &{&1, []}) == {:oops, %{"fruits" => ["banana", "apple", "orange"], "unknown" => []}} assert_raise FunctionClauseError, fn -> update_in(users, [], fn _ -> %{} end) end end test "get_and_update_in/2" do users = %{"john" => %{age: 27}, "meg" => %{age: 23}} assert get_and_update_in(users["john"].age, &{&1, &1 + 1}) == {27, %{"john" => %{age: 28}, "meg" => %{age: 23}}} assert_raise ArgumentError, "could not put/update key \"john\" on a nil value", fn -> get_and_update_in(nil["john"][:age], fn nil -> {:ok, 28} end) end assert_raise BadMapError, fn -> get_and_update_in(users["dave"].age, &{&1, &1 + 1}) end assert_raise KeyError, fn -> get_and_update_in(users["meg"].unknown, &{&1, &1 + 1}) end end test "pop_in/2" do users = %{"john" => %{age: 27}, "meg" => %{age: 23}} assert pop_in(users, ["john", :age]) == {27, %{"john" => %{}, "meg" => %{age: 23}}} assert pop_in(users, ["bob", :age]) == {nil, %{"john" => %{age: 27}, "meg" => %{age: 23}}} assert pop_in([], [:foo, :bar]) == {nil, []} assert_raise FunctionClauseError, fn -> pop_in(users, []) end assert_raise FunctionClauseError, "no function clause matching in Kernel.pop_in/2", fn -> pop_in(users, :not_a_list) end end test "pop_in/2 with paths" do map = %{"fruits" => ["banana", "apple", "orange"]} assert pop_in(map, ["fruits", by_index(0)]) == {"banana", %{"fruits" => ["apple", "orange"]}} assert pop_in(map, ["fruits", by_index(3)]) == {nil, map} map = %{"fruits" => [%{name: "banana"}, %{name: "apple"}]} assert pop_in(map, ["fruits", by_index(0), :name]) == {"banana", %{"fruits" => [%{}, %{name: "apple"}]}} assert pop_in(map, ["fruits", by_index(3), :name]) == {nil, map} end test "pop_in/1" do users = %{"john" => %{age: 27}, "meg" => %{age: 23}} assert pop_in(users["john"][:age]) == {27, %{"john" => %{}, "meg" => %{age: 23}}} assert pop_in(users["john"][:name]) == {nil, %{"john" => %{age: 27}, "meg" => %{age: 23}}} assert pop_in(users["bob"][:age]) == {nil, %{"john" => %{age: 27}, "meg" => %{age: 23}}} users = %{john: [age: 27], meg: [age: 23]} assert pop_in(users.john[:age]) == {27, %{john: [], meg: [age: 23]}} assert pop_in(users.john[:name]) == {nil, %{john: [age: 27], meg: [age: 23]}} assert pop_in([][:foo][:bar]) == {nil, []} assert_raise KeyError, fn -> pop_in(users.bob[:age]) end end test "pop_in/1/2 with nils" do users = %{"john" => nil, "meg" => %{age: 23}} assert pop_in(users["john"][:age]) == {nil, %{"meg" => %{age: 23}}} assert pop_in(users, ["john", :age]) == {nil, %{"meg" => %{age: 23}}} users = %{john: nil, meg: %{age: 23}} assert pop_in(users.john[:age]) == {nil, %{john: nil, meg: %{age: 23}}} assert pop_in(users, [:john, :age]) == {nil, %{meg: %{age: 23}}} x = nil assert_raise ArgumentError, fn -> pop_in(x["john"][:age]) end assert_raise ArgumentError, fn -> pop_in(nil["john"][:age]) end assert_raise ArgumentError, fn -> pop_in(nil, ["john", :age]) end end test "with dynamic paths" do map = empty_map() assert put_in(map[:foo], "bar") == %{foo: "bar"} assert put_in(empty_map()[:foo], "bar") == %{foo: "bar"} assert put_in(KernelTest.empty_map()[:foo], "bar") == %{foo: "bar"} assert put_in(__MODULE__.empty_map()[:foo], "bar") == %{foo: "bar"} assert_raise ArgumentError, ~r"access at least one element,", fn -> Code.eval_quoted(quote(do: put_in(map, "bar")), []) end assert_raise ArgumentError, ~r"must start with a variable, local or remote call", fn -> Code.eval_quoted(quote(do: put_in(, 2)[:bar], "baz")), []) end end def empty_map, do: %{} def by_index(index) do fn _, nil, next -> next.(:oops) :get, data, next -> next.(, index)) :get_and_update, data, next -> current =, index) case next.(current) do {get, update} -> {get, List.replace_at(data, index, update)} :pop -> {current, List.delete_at(data, index)} end end end end describe "pipeline" do test "simple" do assert [1, [2], 3] |> List.flatten() == [1, 2, 3] end test "nested" do assert [1, [2], 3] |> List.flatten() |> * 2)) == [2, 4, 6] end test "local call" do assert [1, [2], 3] |> List.flatten() |> local == [2, 4, 6] end test "with capture" do assert[1, 2, 3], &(&1 |> twice |> twice)) == [4, 8, 12] end test "with anonymous functions" do assert 1 |> (&(&1 * 2)).() == 2 assert [1] |> (&hd(&1)).() == 1 end defp twice(a), do: a * 2 defp local(list) do, &(&1 * 2)) end end describe "destructure" do test "less args" do destructure [x, y, z], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] assert x == 1 assert y == 2 assert z == 3 end test "more args" do destructure [a, b, c, d, e], [1, 2, 3] assert a == 1 assert b == 2 assert c == 3 assert d == nil assert e == nil end test "equal args" do destructure [a, b, c], [1, 2, 3] assert a == 1 assert b == 2 assert c == 3 end test "no values" do destructure [a, b, c], [] assert a == nil assert b == nil assert c == nil end test "works as match" do destructure [1, b, _], [1, 2, 3] assert b == 2 end test "nil values" do destructure [a, b, c], a_nil() assert a == nil assert b == nil assert c == nil end test "invalid match" do a = List.first([3]) assert_raise MatchError, fn -> destructure [^a, _b, _c], a_list() end end defp a_list, do: [1, 2, 3] defp a_nil, do: nil end describe "use/2" do import ExUnit.CaptureIO defmodule SampleA do defmacro __using__(opts) do prefix = Keyword.get(opts, :prefix, "") IO.puts(prefix <> "A") end end defmodule SampleB do defmacro __using__(_) do IO.puts("B") end end test "invalid argument is literal" do message = "invalid arguments for use, expected a compile time atom or alias, got: 42" assert_raise ArgumentError, message, fn -> Code.eval_string("use 42") end end test "invalid argument is variable" do message = "invalid arguments for use, expected a compile time atom or alias, got: variable" assert_raise ArgumentError, message, fn -> Code.eval_string("use variable") end end test "multi-call" do assert capture_io(fn -> Code.eval_string("use KernelTest.{SampleA, SampleB,}", [], __ENV__) end) == "A\nB\n" end test "multi-call with options" do assert capture_io(fn -> Code.eval_string(~S|use KernelTest.{SampleA}, prefix: "-"|, [], __ENV__) end) == "-A\n" end test "multi-call with unquote" do assert capture_io(fn -> string = """ defmodule TestMod do def main() do use KernelTest.{SampleB, unquote(:SampleA)} end end """ Code.eval_string(string, [], __ENV__) end) == "B\nA\n" after purge(KernelTest.TestMod) end end test "tl/1" do assert tl([:one]) == [] assert tl([1, 2, 3]) == [2, 3] assert_raise ArgumentError, "argument error", fn -> tl(empty_list()) end assert tl([:a | :b]) == :b assert tl([:a, :b | :c]) == [:b | :c] end test "hd/1" do assert hd([1, 2, 3, 4]) == 1 assert_raise ArgumentError, "argument error", fn -> hd(empty_list()) end assert hd([1 | 2]) == 1 end defp purge(module) do :code.delete(module) :code.purge(module) end end