Code.require_file("../test_helper.exs", __DIR__) defmodule IEx.HelpersTest do use IEx.Case import IEx.Helpers @compile {:no_warn_undefined, [:sample, Sample, Sample2]} describe "whereami" do test "is disabled by default" do assert capture_iex("whereami()") =~ "Pry session is not currently enabled" end test "shows current location for custom envs" do whereami = capture_iex("whereami()", [], env: %{__ENV__ | line: 3}) assert whereami =~ "test/iex/helpers_test.exs:3" assert whereami =~ "3: defmodule IEx.HelpersTest do" end test "prints message when location is not available" do whereami = capture_iex("whereami()", [], env: %{__ENV__ | line: 30000}) assert whereami =~ "test/iex/helpers_test.exs:30000" assert whereami =~ "Could not extract source snippet. Location is not available." whereami = capture_iex("whereami()", [], env: %{__ENV__ | file: "nofile", line: 1}) assert whereami =~ "nofile:1" assert whereami =~ "Could not extract source snippet. Location is not available." end end describe "breakpoints" do setup do on_exit(fn -> IEx.Pry.remove_breaks() end) end test "sets up a breakpoint with capture syntax" do assert break!(URI.decode_query() / 2) == 1 assert IEx.Pry.breaks() == [{1, URI, {:decode_query, 2}, 1}] end test "sets up a breakpoint with call syntax" do assert break!(URI.decode_query(_, %{})) == 1 assert IEx.Pry.breaks() == [{1, URI, {:decode_query, 2}, 1}] end test "sets up a breakpoint with guards syntax" do assert break!(URI.decode_query(_, map) when is_map(map)) == 1 assert IEx.Pry.breaks() == [{1, URI, {:decode_query, 2}, 1}] end test "sets up a breakpoint on the given module" do assert break!(URI, :decode_query, 2) == 1 assert IEx.Pry.breaks() == [{1, URI, {:decode_query, 2}, 1}] end test "resets breaks on the given ID" do assert break!(URI, :decode_query, 2) == 1 assert reset_break(1) == :ok assert IEx.Pry.breaks() == [{1, URI, {:decode_query, 2}, 0}] end test "resets breaks on the given module" do assert break!(URI, :decode_query, 2) == 1 assert reset_break(URI, :decode_query, 2) == :ok assert IEx.Pry.breaks() == [{1, URI, {:decode_query, 2}, 0}] end test "removes breaks in the given module" do assert break!(URI.decode_query() / 2) == 1 assert remove_breaks(URI) == :ok assert IEx.Pry.breaks() == [] end test "removes breaks on all modules" do assert break!(URI.decode_query() / 2) == 1 assert remove_breaks() == :ok assert IEx.Pry.breaks() == [] end test "errors when setting up a breakpoint with invalid guard" do assert_raise CompileError, ~r"cannot find or invoke local is_whatever/1", fn -> break!(URI.decode_query(_, map) when is_whatever(map)) end end test "errors when setting up a break with no beam" do assert_raise RuntimeError, "could not set breakpoint, could not find .beam file for IEx.HelpersTest", fn -> break!(__MODULE__, :setup, 1) end end test "errors when setting up a break for unknown function" do assert_raise RuntimeError, "could not set breakpoint, unknown function/macro URI.unknown/2", fn -> break!(URI, :unknown, 2) end end test "errors for non-Elixir modules" do assert_raise RuntimeError, "could not set breakpoint, module :elixir was not written in Elixir", fn -> break!(:elixir, :unknown, 2) end end test "prints table with breaks" do break!(URI, :decode_query, 2) assert capture_io(fn -> breaks() end) == """ ID Module.function/arity Pending stops ---- ----------------------- --------------- 1 URI.decode_query/2 1 """ assert capture_io(fn -> URI.decode_query("foo=bar", %{}) end) != "" assert capture_io(fn -> breaks() end) == """ ID Module.function/arity Pending stops ---- ----------------------- --------------- 1 URI.decode_query/2 0 """ assert capture_io(fn -> URI.decode_query("foo=bar", %{}) end) == "" assert capture_io(fn -> breaks() end) == """ ID Module.function/arity Pending stops ---- ----------------------- --------------- 1 URI.decode_query/2 0 """ end test "does not print table when there are no breaks" do assert capture_io(fn -> breaks() end) == "No breakpoints set\n" end end describe "open" do @iex_helpers "iex/lib/iex/helpers.ex" @elixir_erl "elixir/src/elixir.erl" @lists_erl "#{:code.lib_dir(:stdlib, :src)}/lists.erl" @httpc_erl "src/http_client/httpc.erl" @editor System.get_env("ELIXIR_EDITOR") test "opens __FILE__ and __LINE__" do System.put_env("ELIXIR_EDITOR", "echo __LINE__:__FILE__") assert capture_iex("open({#{inspect(__ENV__.file)}, 3})") |> maybe_trim_quotes() == "3:#{__ENV__.file}" after System.put_env("ELIXIR_EDITOR", @editor) end test "opens Elixir module" do assert capture_iex("open(IEx.Helpers)") |> maybe_trim_quotes() =~ ~r/#{@iex_helpers}:1$/ end test "opens function" do assert capture_iex("open(h)") |> maybe_trim_quotes() =~ ~r/#{@iex_helpers}:\d+$/ end test "opens function/arity" do assert capture_iex("open(b/1)") |> maybe_trim_quotes() =~ ~r/#{@iex_helpers}:\d+$/ assert capture_iex("open(h/0)") |> maybe_trim_quotes() =~ ~r/#{@iex_helpers}:\d+$/ end test "opens module.function" do assert capture_iex("open(IEx.Helpers.b)") |> maybe_trim_quotes() =~ ~r/#{@iex_helpers}:\d+$/ assert capture_iex("open(IEx.Helpers.h)") |> maybe_trim_quotes() =~ ~r/#{@iex_helpers}:\d+$/ end test "opens module.function/arity" do assert capture_iex("open(IEx.Helpers.b/1)") |> maybe_trim_quotes() =~ ~r/#{@iex_helpers}:\d+$/ assert capture_iex("open(IEx.Helpers.h/0)") |> maybe_trim_quotes() =~ ~r/#{@iex_helpers}:\d+$/ end test "opens Erlang module" do assert capture_iex("open(:elixir)") |> maybe_trim_quotes() =~ ~r/#{@elixir_erl}:\d+$/ end test "opens Erlang module.function" do assert capture_iex("open(:elixir.start)") |> maybe_trim_quotes() =~ ~r/#{@elixir_erl}:\d+$/ end test "opens Erlang module.function/arity" do assert capture_iex("open(:elixir.start/2)") |> maybe_trim_quotes() =~ ~r/#{@elixir_erl}:\d+$/ end # Some installations remove the source file once Erlang is compiled. See #7348. if File.regular?(@lists_erl) do test "opens OTP lists module" do assert capture_iex("open(:lists)") |> maybe_trim_quotes() =~ ~r/#{@lists_erl}:\d+$/ end test "opens OTP lists module.function" do assert capture_iex("open(:lists.reverse)") |> maybe_trim_quotes() =~ ~r/#{@lists_erl}:\d+$/ end test "opens OTP lists module.function/arity" do assert capture_iex("open(:lists.reverse/1)") |> maybe_trim_quotes() =~ ~r/#{@lists_erl}:\d+$/ end end # Some installations remove the source file once Erlang is compiled. See #7348. if File.regular?(@httpc_erl) do test "opens OTP httpc module" do assert capture_iex("open(:httpc)") |> maybe_trim_quotes() =~ ~r/#{@httpc_erl}:\d+$/ end test "opens OTP httpc module.function" do assert capture_iex("open(:httpc.request)") |> maybe_trim_quotes() =~ ~r/#{@httpc_erl}:\d+$/ end test "opens OTP httpc module.function/arity" do assert capture_iex("open(:httpc.request/1)") |> maybe_trim_quotes() =~ ~r/#{@httpc_erl}:\d+$/ end end test "errors OTP preloaded module" do assert capture_iex("open(:init)") =~ ~r"(Could not open)|(Invalid arguments)" end test "errors if module is not available" do assert capture_iex("open(:unknown)") == "Could not open: :unknown. Module is not available." end test "errors if module.function is not available" do assert capture_iex("open(:unknown.unknown)") == "Could not open: :unknown.unknown. Module is not available." assert capture_iex("open(:elixir.unknown)") == "Could not open: :elixir.unknown. Function/macro is not available." assert capture_iex("open(:lists.unknown)") == "Could not open: :lists.unknown. Function/macro is not available." assert capture_iex("open(:httpc.unknown)") == "Could not open: :httpc.unknown. Function/macro is not available." end test "errors if module.function/arity is not available" do assert capture_iex("open(:unknown.start/10)") == "Could not open: :unknown.start/10. Module is not available." assert capture_iex("open(:elixir.start/10)") == "Could not open: :elixir.start/10. Function/macro is not available." assert capture_iex("open(:lists.reverse/10)") == "Could not open: :lists.reverse/10. Function/macro is not available." assert capture_iex("open(:httpc.request/10)") == "Could not open: :httpc.request/10. Function/macro is not available." end test "errors if module is in-memory" do assert capture_iex("defmodule Foo, do: nil ; open(Foo)") =~ ~r"Invalid arguments for open helper:" after cleanup_modules([Foo]) end test "opens the current pry location" do assert capture_iex("open()", [], env: %{__ENV__ | line: 3}) |> maybe_trim_quotes() == "#{__ENV__.file}:3" end test "errors if prying is not available" do assert capture_iex("open()") == "Pry session is not currently enabled" end test "opens given {file, line}" do assert capture_iex("open({#{inspect(__ENV__.file)}, 3})") |> maybe_trim_quotes() == "#{__ENV__.file}:3" end test "errors when given {file, line} is not available" do assert capture_iex("open({~s[foo], 3})") == "Could not open: \"foo\". File is not available." end defp maybe_trim_quotes(string) do case :os.type() do {:win32, _} -> String.replace(string, "\"", "") _ -> string end end end describe "clear" do test "clear the screen with ansi" do Application.put_env(:elixir, :ansi_enabled, true) assert capture_iex("clear()") == "\e[H\e[2J" Application.put_env(:elixir, :ansi_enabled, false) assert capture_iex("clear()") =~ "Cannot clear the screen because ANSI escape codes are not enabled on this shell" after Application.delete_env(:elixir, :ansi_enabled) end end describe "runtime_info" do test "shows VM information" do assert "\n## System and architecture" <> _ = capture_io(fn -> runtime_info() end) end end describe "h" do test "shows help" do help = capture_iex("h()") assert help =~ "IEx.Helpers" assert help =~ "Welcome to Interactive Elixir" end test "prints non-Elixir module specs" do assert capture_io(fn -> h(:timer.sleep() / 1) end) =~ "@spec sleep(time) :: :ok when time: timeout()" end test "prints module documentation" do assert "\n IEx.Helpers\n\nWelcome to Interactive Elixir" <> _ = capture_io(fn -> h(IEx.Helpers) end) assert capture_io(fn -> h(:whatever) end) == "Could not load module :whatever, got: nofile\n" end test "prints function/macro documentation" do pwd_h = """ def pwd() Prints the current working directory. """ c_h = """ def c(files, path \\\\ :in_memory) Compiles the given files. """ eq_h = """ def left == right @spec term() == term() :: boolean() guard: true Equal to operator. Returns `true` if the two terms are equal. """ def_h = """ defmacro def(call, expr \\\\ nil) Defines a public function with the given name and body. """ assert capture_io(fn -> h(IEx.Helpers.pwd() / 0) end) =~ pwd_h assert capture_io(fn -> h(IEx.Helpers.c() / 2) end) =~ c_h assert capture_io(fn -> h(== / 2) end) =~ eq_h assert capture_io(fn -> h(def / 2) end) =~ def_h assert capture_io(fn -> h(IEx.Helpers.c() / 1) end) =~ c_h assert capture_io(fn -> h(pwd) end) =~ pwd_h assert capture_io(fn -> h(def) end) =~ def_h end test "prints __info__ documentation" do h_output_module = capture_io(fn -> h(Module.__info__()) end) assert capture_io(fn -> h(Module.UnlikelyTo.Exist.__info__()) end) == h_output_module assert capture_io(fn -> h(Module.UnlikelyTo.Exist.__info__() / 1) end) == h_output_module assert capture_io(fn -> h(__info__) end) == "No documentation for Kernel.__info__ was found\n" end test "prints documentation metadata" do content = """ defmodule Sample do @moduledoc "Sample module" @moduledoc deprecated: "Use OtherSample", since: "1.2.3", authors: ["Alice", "Bob"] @doc "With metadata" @doc since: "1.2.3", author: "Alice" @deprecated "Use OtherSample.with_metadata/0" def with_metadata(), do: 0 @doc "Without metadata" def without_metadata(), do: 1 end """ filename = "sample.ex" with_file(filename, content, fn -> assert c(filename, ".") == [Sample] assert capture_io(fn -> h(Sample) end) == """ Sample deprecated: Use OtherSample since: 1.2.3 Sample module """ assert capture_io(fn -> h(Sample.with_metadata()) end) == """ def with_metadata() deprecated: Use OtherSample.with_metadata/0 since: 1.2.3 With metadata """ assert capture_io(fn -> h(Sample.without_metadata()) end) == """ def without_metadata() Without metadata """ end) after cleanup_modules([Sample]) end test "considers underscored functions without docs by default" do content = """ defmodule Sample do def __foo__(), do: 0 @doc "Bar doc" def __bar__(), do: 1 end """ filename = "sample.ex" with_file(filename, content, fn -> assert c(filename, ".") == [Sample] assert capture_io(fn -> h(Sample.__foo__()) end) == "No documentation for Sample.__foo__ was found\n" assert capture_io(fn -> h(Sample.__bar__()) end) == """ def __bar__() Bar doc """ assert capture_io(fn -> h(Sample.__foo__() / 0) end) == "No documentation for Sample.__foo__/0 was found\n" assert capture_io(fn -> h(Sample.__bar__() / 0) end) == """ def __bar__() Bar doc """ end) after cleanup_modules([Sample]) end test "prints callback documentation when function docs are not available" do behaviour = """ defmodule MyBehaviour do @doc "Docs for MyBehaviour.first" @callback first(integer) :: integer @callback second(integer) :: integer @callback second(integer, integer) :: integer end """ impl = """ defmodule Impl do @behaviour MyBehaviour @doc delegate_to: {Foo, :bar, 3} def first(0), do: 0 @doc "Docs for Impl.second/1" def second(0), do: 0 @doc "Docs for Impl.second/2" def second(0, 0), do: 0 end """ files = ["my_behaviour.ex", "impl.ex"] with_file(files, [behaviour, impl], fn -> assert c(files, ".") |> Enum.sort() == [Impl, MyBehaviour] assert capture_io(fn -> h(Impl.first() / 1) end) == """ def first(int) delegate_to: Impl.first/1 has no docs but is a callback for behaviour MyBehaviour. Showing callback docs instead. @callback first(integer()) :: integer() Docs for MyBehaviour.first """ assert capture_io(fn -> h(Impl.second() / 1) end) == """ def second(int) Docs for Impl.second/1 """ assert capture_io(fn -> h(Impl.second() / 2) end) == """ def second(int1, int2) Docs for Impl.second/2 """ assert capture_io(fn -> h(Impl.first()) end) == capture_io(fn -> h(Impl.first() / 1) end) assert capture_io(fn -> h(Impl.second()) end) == """ def second(int) Docs for Impl.second/1 def second(int1, int2) Docs for Impl.second/2 """ assert capture_io(fn -> h(MyBehaviour.first()) end) == """ No documentation for function MyBehaviour.first was found, but there is a callback with the same name. You can view callback documentation with the b/1 helper.\n """ assert capture_io(fn -> h(MyBehaviour.second() / 2) end) == """ No documentation for function MyBehaviour.second/2 was found, but there is a callback with the same name. You can view callback documentation with the b/1 helper.\n """ assert capture_io(fn -> h(MyBehaviour.second() / 3) end) == "No documentation for MyBehaviour.second/3 was found\n" end) after cleanup_modules([Impl, MyBehaviour]) end test "prints protocol function docs" do output = capture_io(fn -> h(Enumerable.reduce()) end) assert output =~ "@spec reduce(t(), acc(), reducer()) :: result()" assert output =~ "Reduces the `enumerable`" end test "prints documentation for delegates" do filename = "delegate.ex" content = """ defmodule Delegator do defdelegate func1, to: Delegated @doc "Delegator func2 doc" defdelegate func2, to: Delegated end defmodule Delegated do def func1, do: 1 def func2, do: 2 end """ with_file(filename, content, fn -> assert c(filename, ".") |> Enum.sort() == [Delegated, Delegator] assert capture_io(fn -> h(Delegator.func1()) end) == """ def func1() delegate_to: Delegated.func1/0 """ assert capture_io(fn -> h(Delegator.func2()) end) == """ def func2() delegate_to: Delegated.func2/0 Delegator func2 doc """ end) after cleanup_modules([Delegated, Delegator]) end test "prints type documentation when function docs are not available" do content = """ defmodule MyTypes do @type first() :: any() @type second(a, b) :: {a, b} end """ filename = "my_types.ex" with_file(filename, content, fn -> assert c(filename, ".") == [MyTypes] assert capture_io(fn -> h(MyTypes.first()) end) == """ No documentation for function MyTypes.first was found, but there is a type with the same name. You can view type documentation with the t/1 helper.\n """ assert capture_io(fn -> h(MyTypes.second() / 2) end) == """ No documentation for function MyTypes.second/2 was found, but there is a type with the same name. You can view type documentation with the t/1 helper.\n """ end) after cleanup_modules([MyTypes]) end test "prints modules compiled without docs" do Code.compiler_options(docs: false) content = """ defmodule Sample do @spec foo(any()) :: any() def foo(arg), do: arg end """ filename = "sample.ex" with_file(filename, content, fn -> assert c(filename, ".") == [Sample] assert capture_io(fn -> h( / 1) end) == """ @spec foo(any()) :: any() Module was compiled without docs. Showing only specs. """ end) after Code.compiler_options(docs: true) cleanup_modules([Sample]) end test "does not print docs for @doc false functions" do # Here we assert that @doc false works and that we are not leaking # IEx.Pry internal functions. assert capture_io(fn -> h(IEx.Pry.child_spec()) end) == "No documentation for IEx.Pry.child_spec was found\n" end end describe "b" do test "lists all callbacks for an Elixir module" do assert capture_io(fn -> b(Mix) end) == "No callbacks for Mix were found\n" assert capture_io(fn -> b(NoMix) end) == "Could not load module NoMix, got: nofile\n" assert capture_io(fn -> b(Mix.SCM) end) =~ """ @callback accepts_options(app :: atom(), opts()) :: opts() | nil @callback checked_out?(opts()) :: boolean() """ end test "lists all callbacks for an Erlang module" do output = capture_io(fn -> b(:gen_server) end) assert output =~ "@callback init(args :: term()) ::" assert output =~ "@callback handle_cast(" assert output =~ "@callback handle_info(" end test "lists all macrocallbacks for a module" do filename = "macrocallbacks.ex" content = """ defmodule Macrocallbacks do @macrocallback test(:foo) :: integer @macrocallback test(:bar) :: var when var: integer end """ with_file(filename, content, fn -> assert c(filename, ".") == [Macrocallbacks] callbacks = capture_io(fn -> b(Macrocallbacks) end) assert callbacks =~ "@macrocallback test(:foo) :: integer()\n" assert callbacks =~ "@macrocallback test(:bar) :: var when var: integer()\n" end) after cleanup_modules([Macrocallbacks]) end test "lists all callbacks for a protocol" do assert capture_io(fn -> b(Enumerable) end) =~ """ @callback count(t()) :: {:ok, non_neg_integer()} | {:error, module()} @callback member?(t(), term()) :: {:ok, boolean()} | {:error, module()} @callback reduce(t(), acc(), reducer()) :: result() """ end test "prints protocol function docs" do output = capture_io(fn -> b(Enumerable.reduce()) end) assert output =~ "@callback reduce(t(), acc(), reducer()) :: result()" assert output =~ "Reduces the `enumerable`" end test "lists callback with multiple clauses" do filename = "multiple_clauses_callback.ex" content = """ defmodule MultipleClauseCallback do @doc "callback" @callback test(:foo) :: integer @callback test(:bar) :: [integer] end """ with_file(filename, content, fn -> assert c(filename, ".") == [MultipleClauseCallback] assert capture_io(fn -> b(MultipleClauseCallback) end) =~ """ @callback test(:foo) :: integer() @callback test(:bar) :: [integer()] """ assert capture_io(fn -> b(MultipleClauseCallback.test()) end) =~ """ @callback test(:foo) :: integer() @callback test(:bar) :: [integer()] callback """ end) after cleanup_modules([MultipleClauseCallback]) end test "prints callback documentation" do assert capture_io(fn -> b(Mix.Task.stop()) end) == "No documentation for Mix.Task.stop was found\n" assert capture_io(fn -> b( end) =~ "@callback run(command_line_args :: [binary()]) :: any()\n\nA task needs to implement `run`" assert capture_io(fn -> b( end) == "Could not load module NoMix, got: nofile\n" assert capture_io(fn -> b(Exception.message() / 1) end) == "@callback message(t()) :: String.t()\n\n" assert capture_io(fn -> b(:gen_server.handle_cast() / 2) end) =~ "@callback handle_cast(" end test "prints callback documentation metadata" do filename = "callback_with_metadata.ex" content = """ defmodule CallbackWithMetadata do @doc "callback" @doc since: "1.2.3", deprecated: "Use handle_test/1", purpose: :test @callback test(:foo) :: integer end """ with_file(filename, content, fn -> assert c(filename, ".") == [CallbackWithMetadata] assert capture_io(fn -> b(CallbackWithMetadata.test()) end) == """ @callback test(:foo) :: integer() deprecated: Use handle_test/1 since: 1.2.3 callback """ end) after cleanup_modules([CallbackWithMetadata]) end test "prints optional callback" do filename = "optional_callbacks.ex" content = """ defmodule OptionalCallbacks do @doc "callback" @callback optional_callback(:foo) :: integer @macrocallback optional_macrocallback(:bar) :: atom @optional_callbacks optional_callback: 1, optional_macrocallback: 1 end """ with_file(filename, content, fn -> assert c(filename, ".") == [OptionalCallbacks] assert capture_io(fn -> b(OptionalCallbacks) end) =~ """ @callback optional_callback(:foo) :: integer() @macrocallback optional_macrocallback(:bar) :: atom() @optional_callbacks optional_callback: 1, optional_macrocallback: 1 """ end) after cleanup_modules([OptionalCallbacks]) end test "does not print docs for @doc false callbacks" do filename = "hidden_callbacks.ex" content = """ defmodule HiddenCallbacks do @doc false @callback hidden_callback() :: integer @doc false @macrocallback hidden_macrocallback() :: integer end """ with_file(filename, content, fn -> assert c(filename, ".") == [HiddenCallbacks] assert capture_io(fn -> b(HiddenCallbacks) end) =~ "No callbacks for HiddenCallbacks were found\n" end) after cleanup_modules([HiddenCallbacks]) end end describe "t" do test "prints when there is no type information or the type is private" do assert capture_io(fn -> t(IEx) end) == "No type information for IEx was found\n" assert capture_io(fn -> t(Enum.doesnt_exist()) end) == "No type information for Enum.doesnt_exist was found or " <> "Enum.doesnt_exist is private\n" contents = """ defmodule TypeSample do @type public_so_t_doesnt_warn() :: t() @typep t() :: term() end """ filename = "typesample.ex" with_file(filename, contents, fn -> assert c(filename, ".") == [TypeSample] assert capture_io(fn -> t(TypeSample.t() / 0) end) == "No type information for TypeSample.t was found or TypeSample.t is private\n" end) after cleanup_modules([TypeSample]) end test "prints all types in module" do # Test that it shows at least two types assert Enum.count(capture_io(fn -> t(Enum) end) |> String.split("\n"), fn line -> String.starts_with?(line, "@type") end) >= 2 end test "prints private types" do assert capture_io(fn -> t(Date.Range) end) =~ "@typep days" end test "prints type information" do assert "@type t() ::" <> _ = capture_io(fn -> t(Enum.t()) end) assert capture_io(fn -> t(Enum.t()) end) == capture_io(fn -> t(Enum.t() / 0) end) assert "@type child_spec() ::" <> _ = capture_io(fn -> t(:supervisor.child_spec()) end) assert capture_io(fn -> t(URI.t()) end) == capture_io(fn -> t(URI.t() / 0) end) end test "sorts types alphabetically" do unsorted = capture_io(fn -> t(Enum) end) |> String.split("\n") |> Enum.reject(&(&1 == "")) |>, ~r/@(type|opaque) /, "")) assert unsorted == Enum.sort(unsorted) end test "prints type documentation" do content = """ defmodule TypeSample do @typedoc "An ID with description." @type id_with_desc :: {number, String.t} @type unquote(:"?")() :: :question_mark end """ filename = "typesample.ex" with_file(filename, content, fn -> assert c(filename, ".") == [TypeSample] assert capture_io(fn -> t(TypeSample.id_with_desc() / 0) end) == """ @type id_with_desc() :: {number(), String.t()} An ID with description. """ assert capture_io(fn -> t(TypeSample.id_with_desc()) end) == """ @type id_with_desc() :: {number(), String.t()} An ID with description. """ assert capture_io(fn -> t(TypeSample."?"()) end) == """ @type ?() :: :question_mark """ end) after cleanup_modules([TypeSample]) end test "prints type documentation metadata" do content = """ defmodule TypeSample do @typedoc "An ID with description." @typedoc since: "1.2.3", deprecated: "Use t/0", purpose: :test @type id_with_desc :: {number, String.t} end """ filename = "typesample.ex" with_file(filename, content, fn -> assert c(filename, ".") == [TypeSample] assert capture_io(fn -> t(TypeSample.id_with_desc()) end) == """ @type id_with_desc() :: {number(), String.t()} deprecated: Use t/0 since: 1.2.3 An ID with description. """ end) after cleanup_modules([TypeSample]) end end describe "v" do test "returns history" do assert "** (RuntimeError) v(0) is out of bounds" <> _ = capture_iex("v(0)") assert "** (RuntimeError) v(1) is out of bounds" <> _ = capture_iex("v(1)") assert "** (RuntimeError) v(-1) is out of bounds" <> _ = capture_iex("v(-1)") assert capture_iex("1\n2\nv(2)") == "1\n2\n2" assert capture_iex("1\n2\nv(2)") == capture_iex("1\n2\nv(-1)") assert capture_iex("1\n2\nv(2)") == capture_iex("1\n2\nv()") end end describe "flush" do test "flushes messages" do assert capture_io(fn -> send(self(), :hello) flush() end) == ":hello\n" end end describe "pwd" do test "prints the working directory" do!(iex_path(), fn -> assert capture_io(fn -> pwd() end) =~ ~r"lib[\\/]iex\n$" end) end end describe "ls" do test "lists the current directory" do!(iex_path(), fn -> paths = capture_io(fn -> ls() end) |> String.split() |> assert "ebin" in paths assert "mix.exs" in paths end) end test "lists the given directory" do assert capture_io(fn -> ls("~") end) == capture_io(fn -> ls(System.user_home()) end) end end describe "exports" do test "prints module exports" do exports = capture_io(fn -> exports(IEx.Autocomplete) end) assert exports == "expand/1 expand/2 exports/1 remsh/1 \n" end test "handles long function names" do exports = capture_io(fn -> exports(Calendar.UTCOnlyTimeZoneDatabase) end) assert exports == "time_zone_period_from_utc_iso_days/2 time_zone_periods_from_wall_datetime/2 \n" end end describe "import_file" do test "imports a file" do with_file("dot-iex", "variable = :hello\nimport IO", fn -> capture_io(:stderr, fn -> assert "** (CompileError) iex:1: undefined function variable/0" <> _ = capture_iex("variable") end) assert "** (CompileError) iex:1: undefined function puts/1" <> _ = capture_iex("puts \"hi\"") assert capture_iex("import_file \"dot-iex\"\nvariable\nputs \"hi\"") == "IO\n:hello\nhi\n:ok" end) end test "imports a file that imports another file" do dot = "parent = true\nimport_file \"dot-iex-1\"" dot_1 = "variable = :hello\nimport IO" with_file(["dot-iex", "dot-iex-1"], [dot, dot_1], fn -> capture_io(:stderr, fn -> assert "** (CompileError) iex:1: undefined function parent/0" <> _ = capture_iex("parent") end) assert "** (CompileError) iex:1: undefined function puts/1" <> _ = capture_iex("puts \"hi\"") assert capture_iex("import_file \"dot-iex\"\nvariable\nputs \"hi\"\nparent") == "IO\n:hello\nhi\n:ok\ntrue" end) end test "raises if file is missing" do failing = capture_iex("import_file \"nonexistent\"") assert "** (File.Error) could not read file" <> _ = failing assert failing =~ "no such file or directory" end test "does not raise if file is missing and using import_file_if_available" do assert "nil" == capture_iex("import_file_if_available \"nonexistent\"") end test "circular imports" do dot_1 = "import_file \"dot-iex-2\"" dot_2 = "import_file \"dot-iex-1\"" with_file(["dot-iex-1", "dot-iex-2"], [dot_1, dot_2], fn -> assert capture_io(:stderr, fn -> assert capture_iex(":ok", [], dot_iex_path: "dot-iex-1") == ":ok" end) =~ "dot-iex-2 was already imported, skipping circular file imports" end) end end describe "import_if_available" do test "imports a module only if available" do assert "nil" == capture_iex("import_if_available NoSuchModule") assert "[1, 2, 3]" == capture_iex("import_if_available Integer; digits 123") assert "[1, 2, 3]" == capture_iex("import_if_available Integer, only: [digits: 1]; digits 123") end end describe "use_if_available" do test "uses a module only if available" do assert "nil" == capture_iex("use_if_available NoSuchModule") end end describe "iex> |> (and other binary operators)" do test "passes previous result to the pipe" do Enum.each([:~>>, :<<~, :~>, :<~, :<~>], fn op -> assert capture_iex("42\n #{op} IO.puts()") =~ "undefined function #{op}/2" end) assert capture_iex("+42") =~ "42" assert capture_iex("-42") =~ "-42" assert capture_iex("42\n |> IO.inspect(label: \"foo\")") =~ "foo: 42" assert capture_iex("[42]\n++ [24]\n|> IO.inspect(label: \"foo\")") =~ "foo: [42, 24]" assert capture_iex("|> IO.puts()") =~ "(RuntimeError) v(-1) is out of bounds" end test "raises if previous expression was a match" do assert capture_iex("x = 42\n|> IO.puts()") =~ "surround the whole pipeline with parentheses '|>'" assert capture_iex("%{x: x} = %{x: 42}\n|> IO.puts()") =~ "surround the whole pipeline with parentheses '|>'" assert capture_iex("%{x: x} = map = %{x: 42}\n|> IO.puts()") =~ "surround the whole pipeline with parentheses '|>'" end end describe "c" do test "compiles a file" do assert_raise UndefinedFunctionError, ~r"function Sample\.run/0 is undefined", fn -> end filename = "sample.ex" with_file(filename, test_module_code(), fn -> assert c(Path.expand(filename)) == [Sample] refute File.exists?("Elixir.Sample.beam") assert == :run end) after cleanup_modules([Sample]) end test "handles errors" do ExUnit.CaptureIO.capture_io(fn -> with_file("sample.ex", "raise \"oops\"", fn -> assert_raise CompileError, fn -> c("sample.ex") end end) end) end test "compiles a file with multiple modules " do assert_raise UndefinedFunctionError, ~r"function is undefined", fn -> end filename = "sample.ex" with_file(filename, test_module_code() <> "\n" <> another_test_module(), fn -> assert c(filename) |> Enum.sort() == [Sample, Sample2] assert == :run assert Sample2.hello() == :world end) after cleanup_modules([Sample, Sample2]) end test "compiles multiple modules" do assert_raise UndefinedFunctionError, ~r"function is undefined", fn -> end filenames = ["sample1.ex", "sample2.ex"] with_file(filenames, [test_module_code(), another_test_module()], fn -> assert c(filenames) |> Enum.sort() == [Sample, Sample2] assert == :run assert Sample2.hello() == :world end) after cleanup_modules([Sample, Sample2]) end test "compiles Erlang modules" do assert_raise UndefinedFunctionError, ~r"function :sample.hello/0 is undefined", fn -> :sample.hello() end filename = "sample.erl" with_file(filename, erlang_module_code(), fn -> assert c(filename) == [:sample] assert :sample.hello() == :world refute File.exists?("sample.beam") end) after cleanup_modules([:sample]) end test "skips unknown files" do assert_raise UndefinedFunctionError, ~r"function :sample.hello/0 is undefined", fn -> :sample.hello() end filenames = ["sample.erl", "not_found.ex", "sample2.ex"] with_file(filenames, [erlang_module_code(), "", another_test_module()], fn -> assert c(filenames) |> Enum.sort() == [Sample2, :sample] assert :sample.hello() == :world assert Sample2.hello() == :world end) after cleanup_modules([:sample, Sample2]) end test "compiles file in path" do assert_raise UndefinedFunctionError, ~r"function Sample\.run/0 is undefined", fn -> end filename = "sample.ex" with_file(filename, test_module_code(), fn -> assert c(filename, ".") == [Sample] assert File.exists?("Elixir.Sample.beam") assert == :run end) after cleanup_modules([Sample]) end end describe "l" do test "returns error tuple for nonexistent modules" do assert l(:nonexistent_module) == {:error, :nofile} end test "loads a given module" do assert_raise UndefinedFunctionError, ~r"function is undefined", fn -> end filename = "sample.ex" with_file(filename, test_module_code(), fn -> assert c(filename, ".") == [Sample] assert == :run File.write!(filename, "defmodule Sample do end") elixirc(["sample.ex"]) assert l(Sample) == {:module, Sample} assert_raise UndefinedFunctionError, ~r"function is undefined", fn -> end end) after # Clean up the old version left over after l() cleanup_modules([Sample]) end end describe "nl" do @tag :capture_log test "loads a given module on the given nodes" do assert nl([node()], :lists) == {:ok, [{:nonode@nohost, :error, :sticky_directory}]} assert nl(:nonexistent_module) == {:error, :nofile} assert nl([:nosuchnode@badhost], Enum) == {:ok, [{:nosuchnode@badhost, :badrpc, :nodedown}]} assert nl([node()], Enum) == {:ok, [{:nonode@nohost, :loaded, Enum}]} end end describe "r" do test "raises when reloading a nonexistent module" do assert_raise ArgumentError, "could not load nor find module: :nonexistent_module", fn -> r(:nonexistent_module) end end test "reloads Elixir modules" do message = ~r"function is undefined \(module Sample is not available\)" assert_raise UndefinedFunctionError, message, fn -> end filename = "sample.ex" with_file(filename, test_module_code(), fn -> assert capture_io(:stderr, fn -> assert c(filename, ".") == [Sample] assert == :run File.write!(filename, "defmodule Sample do end") assert {:reloaded, [Sample]} = r(Sample) assert {:reloaded, [Sample]} = r([Sample]) message = "function is undefined or private" assert_raise UndefinedFunctionError, message, fn -> end end) =~ "redefining module Sample (current version loaded from ./Elixir.Sample.beam)" end) after # Clean up old version produced by the r helper cleanup_modules([Sample]) end test "reloads Erlang modules" do assert_raise UndefinedFunctionError, ~r"function :sample.hello/0 is undefined", fn -> :sample.hello() end filename = "sample.erl" with_file(filename, erlang_module_code(), fn -> assert c(filename, ".") == [:sample] assert :sample.hello() == :world File.write!(filename, other_erlang_module_code()) assert {:reloaded, [:sample]} = r(:sample) assert {:reloaded, [:sample]} = r([:sample]) assert :sample.hello() == :bye end) after cleanup_modules([:sample]) end end describe "pid/1,3" do test "builds a PID from string" do assert inspect(pid("0.32767.3276")) == "#PID<0.32767.3276>" assert inspect(pid("0.5.6")) == "#PID<0.5.6>" assert_raise ArgumentError, fn -> pid("0.6.-6") end end test "builds a PID from atom" do assert inspect(pid(:init)) == "#PID<0.0.0>" assert_raise ArgumentError, fn -> pid(:random_atom_ZM6pX6VwQx) end end test "builds a PID from integers" do assert inspect(pid(0, 32767, 3276)) == "#PID<0.32767.3276>" assert inspect(pid(0, 5, 6)) == "#PID<0.5.6>" assert_raise FunctionClauseError, fn -> pid(0, 6, -6) end end end describe "port" do test "builds a port from string" do assert inspect(port("0.8080")) == "#Port<0.8080>" assert inspect(port("0.0")) == "#Port<0.0>" assert_raise ArgumentError, fn -> port("0.-6") end end test "builds a port from integers" do assert inspect(port(0, 8080)) == "#Port<0.8080>" assert inspect(port(0, 0)) == "#Port<0.0>" assert_raise FunctionClauseError, fn -> port(-1, -6) end end end describe "ref" do test "builds a ref from string" do ref = make_ref() [_, inner, _] = String.split(inspect(ref), ["<", ">"]) assert ref(inner) == ref assert_raise ArgumentError, fn -> ref("0.6.6.-6") end end test "builds a ref from integers" do ref = make_ref() [_, inner, _] = String.split(inspect(ref), ["<", ">"]) [p1, p2, p3, p4] = inner |> String.split(".") |> assert ref(p1, p2, p3, p4) == ref assert_raise FunctionClauseError, fn -> ref(0, 6, 6, -6) end end end describe "i" do test "prints information about the data type" do assert capture_io(fn -> i(:ok) end) =~ """ Term :ok Data type Atom Reference modules Atom\ """ end test "handles functions that don't display result" do assert capture_io(fn -> i(IEx.dont_display_result()) end) =~ """ Term :"do not show this result in output" Data type Atom Description This atom is returned by IEx when a function that should not print its return value on screen is executed.\ """ end defmodule MyIExInfoModule do defstruct [] defimpl IEx.Info do def info(_), do: [{"A", "it's A"}, {:b, "it's :b"}, {'c', "it's 'c'"}] end end test "uses the IEx.Info protocol" do assert capture_io(fn -> i(%MyIExInfoModule{}) end) =~ """ Term %IEx.HelpersTest.MyIExInfoModule{} A it's A b it's :b c it's 'c' """ after cleanup_modules([MyIExInfoModule]) end end defp test_module_code do """ defmodule Sample do def run do :run end end """ end defp another_test_module do """ defmodule Sample2 do def hello do :world end end """ end defp erlang_module_code do """ -module(sample). -export([hello/0]). hello() -> world. """ end defp other_erlang_module_code do """ -module(sample). -export([hello/0]). hello() -> bye. """ end defp cleanup_modules(mods) do Enum.each(mods, fn mod -> File.rm("#{mod}.beam") :code.purge(mod) true = :code.delete(mod) end) end defp with_file(names, codes, fun) when is_list(names) and is_list(codes) do Enum.each(, codes), fn {name, code} -> File.write!(name, code) end) try do fun.() after Enum.each(names, &File.rm/1) end end defp with_file(name, code, fun) do with_file(List.wrap(name), List.wrap(code), fun) end defp elixirc(args) do executable = Path.expand("../../../../bin/elixirc", __DIR__) System.cmd("#{executable}#{executable_extension()}", args, stderr_to_stdout: true) end defp iex_path do Path.expand("../..", __DIR__) end if match?({:win32, _}, :os.type()) do defp executable_extension, do: ".bat" else defp executable_extension, do: "" end end