diff options
authorJason Rumney <>2004-05-03 14:19:40 +0000
committerJason Rumney <>2004-05-03 14:19:40 +0000
commit238add5e586e100ea2f7fd243d3ce57f98449b45 (patch)
parent5eb3d2a5149951c9ba57549fe278c57efbe106b6 (diff)
Remove files related to old msvc only windows build.
15 files changed, 23 insertions, 2611 deletions
diff --git a/leim/ChangeLog b/leim/ChangeLog
index 0a9705c1b5d..e43f3f2fde1 100644
--- a/leim/ChangeLog
+++ b/leim/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+2004-05-03 Jason Rumney <>
+ * makefile.nt: Remove.
2004-04-23 Juanma Barranquero <>
* makefile.w32-in: Add "-*- makefile -*-" mode tag.
@@ -1393,7 +1397,7 @@
;; Local Variables:
-;; coding: iso-2022-7bit-unix
+;; coding: iso-2022-7bit
;; End:
Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
diff --git a/leim/makefile.nt b/leim/makefile.nt
deleted file mode 100644
index 41dc8e2030a..00000000000
--- a/leim/makefile.nt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for leim subdirectory in GNU Emacs on the Microsoft W32 API.
-# Copyright (C) 1997 Electrotechnical Laboratory, JAPAN.
-# Licensed to the Free Software Foundation.
-# This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-# GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
-# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-# Sets up the system dependent macros.
-!include ..\nt\makefile.def
-# Where to install LEIM files.
-# On Xenix and the IBM RS6000, double-dot gets screwed up.
-dot = .
-# Which Emacs to use to convert TIT files to Emacs Lisp files,
-# byte-compile Emacs Lisp files, and generate the file leim-list.el.
-BUILT_EMACS = $(dot)$(dot)\src\$(BLD)\emacs.exe
-# How to run Emacs.
-RUN_EMACS = $(BUILT_EMACS) -batch --no-init-file --no-site-file --multibyte
-# Subdirectories to be made if $(srcdir) is different from the current
-# directory.
-# Files generated from TIT dictionaries for Chinese GB character set.
- quail/CCDOSPY.elc \
- quail/Punct.elc \
- quail/QJ.elc \
- quail/SW.elc \
- quail/TONEPY.elc
-# Files generated from TIT dictionaries for Chinese BIG5 character set.
- quail/4Corner.elc \
- quail/ARRAY30.elc \
- quail/ECDICT.elc \
- quail/ETZY.elc \
- quail/Punct-b5.elc \
- quail/PY-b5.elc \
- quail/QJ-b5.elc \
- quail/ZOZY.elc
-JAPANESE=$(srcdir)/quail/japanese.elc $(srcdir)/ja-dic/ja-dic.elc
-KOREAN= $(srcdir)/quail/hangul.elc \
- $(srcdir)/quail/hangul3.elc \
- $(srcdir)/quail/hanja.elc \
- $(srcdir)/quail/hanja3.elc \
- $(srcdir)/quail/hanja-jis.elc \
- $(srcdir)/quail/symbol-ksc.elc
-VIETNAMESE=$(srcdir)/quail/viqr.elc $(srcdir)/quail/vntelex.elc
-LAO=$(srcdir)/quail/lao.elc $(srcdir)/quail/lrt.elc
-LATIN= $(srcdir)/quail/latin-pre.elc \
- $(srcdir)/quail/latin-post.elc \
- $(srcdir)/quail/latin-alt.elc \
- $(srcdir)/quail/latin-ltx.elc
- $(srcdir)/quail/czech.elc \
- $(srcdir)/quail/slovak.elc
-RUSSIAN=$(srcdir)/quail/cyrillic.elc $(srcdir)/quail/cyril-jis.elc
-MISC= \
- $(srcdir)/quail/ethiopic.elc \
- $(srcdir)/quail/ipa.elc \
- $(srcdir)/quail/hebrew.elc
- quail/tsang-b5.elc \
- quail/quick-b5.elc \
- quail/tsang-cns.elc \
- quail/quick-cns.elc \
- quail/PY.elc \
- quail/ZIRANMA.elc \
- quail/CTLau.elc \
- quail/CTLau-b5.elc
-all: $(BUILT_EMACS) $(SUBDIRS) $(WORLD) leim-list.el
-# To ensure that we can run Emacs. This target is ignored (never
-# being hit) if a user changes default value of EMACS.
- cd ../src; $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) emacs
- mkdir $@
- echo stamp>stamp-subdir
-# The rules which generate $(TIT) and ${MISC_DIC) files create them all
-# in one go. So we need to prevent parallel execution for that target,
-# otherwise Emacs complains about files being locked. .NOTPARALLEL is
-# for GNU Make, .NO_PARALLEL is for other Make's.
-# Rule to generate quail/*.el from CXTERM-DIC/*.tit.
- set EMACSLOADPATH=$(buildlisppath)
- $(RUN_EMACS) -l $(buildlisppath)/international/titdic-cnv \
- --eval "(batch-titdic-convert t)" -dir quail $(srcdir)/CXTERM-DIC
- $(RUN_EMACS) -l $(buildlisppath)/international/quail \
- -f batch-byte-compile $(TIT:.elc=.el)
-# Rule to generate quail/*.el from CXTERM-DIC/*.tit.
- set EMACSLOADPATH=$(buildlisppath)
- $(RUN_EMACS) -l $(buildlisppath)/international/titdic-cnv \
- -f batch-miscdic-convert -dir quail $(srcdir)/MISC-DIC
- $(RUN_EMACS) -l $(buildlisppath)/international/quail \
- -f batch-byte-compile $(MISC_DIC:.elc=.el)
-.SUFFIXES: .elc .el
- set EMACSLOADPATH=$(buildlisppath)
- $(RUN_EMACS) -f batch-byte-compile $<
-leim-list.el: $(SUBDIRS) $(WORLD)
- set EMACSLOADPATH=$(buildlisppath)
- $(RUN_EMACS) -l $(buildlisppath)/international/quail \
- --eval "(update-leim-list-file \".\")"
-install: all
- - mkdir $(INSTALLDIR)
- - $(DEL) same-dir.tst
- - $(DEL) $(INSTALLDIR)\same-dir.tst
- echo SameDirTest > $(INSTALLDIR)\same-dir.tst
- if not exist same-dir.tst $(CP) leim-list.el $(INSTALLDIR)
- if not exist same-dir.tst $(CP_DIR) quail $(INSTALLDIR)\quail
- if not exist same-dir.tst $(CP_DIR) ja-dic $(INSTALLDIR)\ja-dic
- - $(DEL) $(INSTALLDIR)\same-dir.tst
-clean mostlyclean:
- for %%f in ($(TIT:/=\)) do $(DEL) %%f
- for %%f in ($(TIT_EL:/=\)) do $(DEL) %%f
- for %%f in ($(MISC_DIC:/=\)) do $(DEL) %%f
- for %%f in ($(MISC_DIC_EL:/=\)) do $(DEL) %%f
- $(DEL) leim-list.el
-distclean: clean
- if exist stamp-subdir $(DELTREE) $(SUBDIRS)
- $(DEL) stamp-subdir
-maintainer-clean: distclean
- for %%f in ($(WORLD:/=\)) do $(DEL) %%f
-# arch-tag: cded53b4-4803-496b-8c05-7daff80e5b3b
diff --git a/lib-src/ChangeLog b/lib-src/ChangeLog
index e2fcc6cc939..b280abc4111 100644
--- a/lib-src/ChangeLog
+++ b/lib-src/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+2004-05-03 Jason Rumney <>
+ * makefile.nt: Remove.
2004-04-26 Eli Zaretskii <>
* make-docfile.c (IS_DIRECTORY_SEP): New macro.
diff --git a/lib-src/makefile.nt b/lib-src/makefile.nt
deleted file mode 100644
index 29282eea45d..00000000000
--- a/lib-src/makefile.nt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for GNU Emacs lib-src directory.
-# Geoff Voelker (
-# Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-# GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
-# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-# Sets up the system dependent macros.
-!include ..\nt\makefile.def
- -DNO_ARCHIVES=1 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -I..\nt\inc -I..\src
-LINK_FLAGS = $(ARCH_LDFLAGS) -debug:PARTIAL -machine:$(ARCH) -subsystem:console -entry:mainCRTStartup setargv.obj
-ALL = $(BLD)\make-docfile.exe \
- $(BLD)\hexl.exe \
- $(BLD)\ctags.exe \
- $(BLD)\etags.exe \
- $(BLD)\ebrowse.exe \
- $(BLD)\movemail.exe
-# don't know what (if) to do with these yet...
-# $(BLD)\sorted-doc.exe \
-# $(BLD)\env.exe \
-# $(BLD)\server.exe \
-# $(BLD)\emacstool.exe \
-# $(BLD)\leditcfns.exe \
-# $(BLD)\emacsclient.exe \
-# $(BLD)\cvtmail.exe \
-# $(BLD)\digest-doc.exe \
-# $(BLD)\test-distrib.exe \
-$(BLD)\make-docfile.exe: $(BLD)\make-docfile.obj $(BLD)\ntlib.obj
- $(LINK) -out:$@ $(LINK_FLAGS) $(BLD)\make-docfile.obj $(BLD)\ntlib.obj $(LIBS)
-$(BLD)\hexl.exe: $(BLD)\hexl.obj
-$(BLD)\fakemail.exe: $(BLD)\fakemail.obj $(BLD)\ntlib.obj
- $(LINK) -out:$@ $(LINK_FLAGS) -debug:full $(BLD)\fakemail.obj $(BLD)\ntlib.obj $(LIBS)
-make-docfile: $(BLD) $(BLD)\make-docfile.exe
-etags: $(BLD) $(BLD)\etags.exe
-ebrowse: $(BLD) $(BLD)\ebrowse.exe
-hexl: $(BLD) $(BLD)\hexl.exe
-movemail: $(BLD) $(BLD)\movemail.exe
-fakemail: $(BLD) $(BLD)\fakemail.exe
-GETOPTOBJS = $(BLD)\getopt.obj $(BLD)\getopt1.obj
-MOVEMAILOBJS = $(BLD)\movemail.obj \
- $(BLD)\pop.obj \
- $(BLD)\ntlib.obj \
-$(BLD)\movemail.exe: $(MOVEMAILOBJS) getopt.h
-# put wsock32.lib before $(LIBS) to ensure we don't link to ws2_32.lib
- $(LINK) -out:$@ $(LINK_FLAGS) -debug:FULL $(MOVEMAILOBJS) wsock32.lib $(LIBS)
-ETAGSOBJ = $(BLD)\etags.obj \
- $(BLD)\getopt.obj \
- $(BLD)\getopt1.obj \
- $(BLD)\ntlib.obj \
- $(BLD)\regex.obj
-$(BLD)\etags.exe: $(ETAGSOBJ)
- $(LINK) -out:$@ $(LINK_FLAGS) $(ETAGSOBJ) $(LIBS)
-$(BLD)\regex.obj: ../src/regex.c ../src/regex.h ../src/config.h
- ../src/regex.c -Fo$@
-$(BLD)\etags.obj: etags.c
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(ETAGS_CFLAGS) -Fo$@ etags.c
-CTAGSOBJ = $(BLD)\ctags.obj \
- $(BLD)\getopt.obj \
- $(BLD)\getopt1.obj \
- $(BLD)\ntlib.obj \
- $(BLD)\regex.obj
-$(BLD)\ctags.exe: ctags.c $(CTAGSOBJ)
- $(LINK) -out:$@ $(LINK_FLAGS) $(CTAGSOBJ) $(LIBS)
-ctags.c: etags.c
- - $(DEL) ctags.c
- copy etags.c ctags.c
-$(BLD)\ctags.obj: ctags.c
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CTAGS_CFLAGS) -Fo$@ ctags.c
-EBROWSE_OBJ = $(BLD)\ebrowse.obj \
- $(BLD)\getopt.obj \
- $(BLD)\getopt1.obj \
- $(BLD)\ntlib.obj
-$(BLD)\ebrowse.exe: $(EBROWSE_OBJ)
- $(LINK) -out:$@ $(LINK_FLAGS) $(EBROWSE_OBJ) $(LIBS)
-$(BLD)\ebrowse.obj: ebrowse.c ..\src\config.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DVERSION=\"$(VERSION)\" -Fo$@ ebrowse.c
-# don't know what to do with these yet...
-# $(BLD)\sorted-doc.exe: $(BLD)\sorted-doc.obj
-# $(BLD)\yow.exe: $(BLD)\yow.obj
-# $(BLD)\emacstool.exe: $(BLD)\emacstool.obj
-# $(BLD)\leditcfns.exe: $(BLD)\leditcfns.obj
-# $(BLD)\server.exe: $(BLD)\server.obj
-# $(BLD)\cvtmail.exe: $(BLD)\cvtmail.obj
-# $(BLD)\digest-doc.exe: $(BLD)\digest-doc.obj
-# $(BLD)\emacsclient.exe: $(BLD)\emacsclient.obj
-# $(BLD)\test-distrib.exe: $(BLD)\test-distrib.obj
-# From ..\src\makefile.nt.
-obj = abbrev.c alloc.c alloca.c buffer.c bytecode.c callint.c callproc.c casefiddle.c cm.c cmds.c charset.c coding.c category.c ccl.c data.c dired.c dispnew.c doc.c doprnt.c editfns.c emacs.c eval.c fileio.c filelock.c filemode.c fns.c fontset.c indent.c insdel.c keyboard.c keymap.c lastfile.c lread.c macros.c marker.c minibuf.c xfaces.c print.c process.c regex.c scroll.c search.c syntax.c sysdep.c term.c termcap.c tparam.c undo.c unexw32.c window.c xdisp.c casetab.c floatfns.c frame.c gmalloc.c intervals.c ralloc.c textprop.c vm-limit.c region-cache.c strftime.c w32.c w32console.c w32faces.c w32fns.c w32heap.c w32inevt.c w32proc.c w32reg.c w32menu.c w32select.c w32term.c w32xfns.c
-# These are the lisp files that are loaded up in loadup.el
-lispsource = ../lisp/
-FACE_SUPPORT = $(lispsource)facemenu.elc
-MOUSE_SUPPORT = $(lispsource)select.elc $(lispsource)scroll-bar.elc $(lispsource)mouse.elc
-FLOAT_SUPPORT = $(lispsource)float-sup.elc
-WINNT_SUPPORT = $(lispsource)ls-lisp.elc $(lispsource)w32-fns.elc $(lispsource)dos-w32.elc
-lisp= \
- $(lispsource)abbrev.elc \
- $(lispsource)buff-menu.elc \
- $(lispsource)byte-run.elc \
- $(lispsource)cus-start.el \
- $(lispsource)custom.elc \
- $(lispsource)disp-table.elc \
- $(lispsource)faces.elc \
- $(lispsource)files.elc \
- $(lispsource)textmodes/fill.elc \
- $(lispsource)format.elc \
- $(lispsource)frame.elc\
- $(lispsource)help.elc \
- $(lispsource)indent.elc \
- $(lispsource)isearch.elc \
- $(lispsource)emacs-lisp/lisp-mode.elc \
- $(lispsource)emacs-lisp/lisp.elc \
- $(lispsource)loadup.el \
- $(lispsource)loaddefs.el \
- $(lispsource)bindings.el \
- $(lispsource)map-ynp.elc \
- $(lispsource)menu-bar.elc \
- $(lispsource)international/mule.elc \
- $(lispsource)international/mule-conf.el \
- $(lispsource)international/mule-cmds.elc \
- $(lispsource)international/characters.elc \
- $(lispsource)international/ccl.elc \
- $(lispsource)international/codepage.elc \
- $(lispsource)international/utf-8.elc \
- $(lispsource)case-table.elc \
- $(lispsource)language/chinese.elc \
- $(lispsource)language/cyrillic.elc \
- $(lispsource)language/devanagari.elc \
- $(lispsource)language/english.elc \
- $(lispsource)language/ethiopic.elc \
- $(lispsource)language/european.elc \
- $(lispsource)language/czech.elc \
- $(lispsource)language/slovak.elc \
- $(lispsource)language/romanian.elc \
- $(lispsource)language/greek.elc \
- $(lispsource)language/hebrew.elc \
- $(lispsource)language/indian.elc \
- $(lispsource)language/japanese.elc \
- $(lispsource)language/korean.elc \
- $(lispsource)language/lao.elc \
- $(lispsource)language/thai.elc \
- $(lispsource)language/tibetan.elc \
- $(lispsource)language/vietnamese.elc \
- $(lispsource)language/misc-lang.elc \
- $(lispsource)textmodes/page.elc \
- $(lispsource)textmodes/paragraphs.elc \
- $(lispsource)paths.el \
- $(lispsource)register.elc \
- $(lispsource)replace.elc \
- $(lispsource)simple.elc \
- $(lispsource)startup.elc \
- $(lispsource)subr.elc \
- $(lispsource)term/tty-colors.elc \
- $(lispsource)textmodes/text-mode.elc \
- $(lispsource)vc-hooks.elc \
- $(lispsource)ediff-hook.elc \
- $(lispsource)widget.elc \
- $(lispsource)window.elc \
- $(lispsource)version.el
-$(DOC): $(BLD)\make-docfile.exe
- - $(DEL) $(DOC)
- $(BLD)\make-docfile -d ..\src $(obj) > $(DOC)
- $(BLD)\make-docfile -d ..\src $(lisp) >> $(DOC)
- $(CP) $(DOC) ..\etc\DOC-X
- - mkdir ..\src\$(OBJDIR)
- - mkdir ..\src\$(OBJDIR)\etc
- $(CP) $(DOC) ..\src\$(OBJDIR)\etc\DOC-X
- $(LINK) -out:$@ $(LINK_FLAGS) $*.obj $(LIBS)
-# Build the executables
-all: $(BLD) $(ALL) $(DOC)
-# Assuming INSTALL_DIR is defined, build and install emacs in it.
-install: $(INSTALL_FILES)
- - mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin
- $(CP) $(BLD)\etags.exe $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin
- $(CP) $(BLD)\ctags.exe $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin
- $(CP) $(BLD)\hexl.exe $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin
- $(CP) $(BLD)\movemail.exe $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin
- - mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\etc
- $(CP) $(DOC) $(INSTALL_DIR)\etc
-# Don't install fakemail by default, as it sends mail into a
-# blackhole if /bin/mail is not installed.
-# $(CP) $(BLD)\fakemail.exe $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin
-# Maintenance
-clean:; - $(DEL) *~ *.pdb DOC*
- - $(DEL) *.orig *.rej *.crlf ctags.c
- - $(DEL_TREE) deleted
- - $(DEL_TREE) obj
- - $(DEL_TREE) obj-spd
-# Headers we would preprocess if we could.
-..\src\config.h: ..\nt\$(CONFIG_H)
- $(CP) $** $@
-..\src\paths.h: ..\nt\paths.h
- $(CP) $** $@
-SRC = .
-$(BLD)\b2m.obj : \
- $(SRC)\b2m.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\lib-src\..\src\config.h
-$(BLD)\ctags.obj : \
- $(SRC)\ctags.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\sys\param.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\lib-src\..\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\ntlib.h \
- $(SRC)\getopt.h
-$(BLD)\cvtmail.obj : \
- $(SRC)\cvtmail.c
-$(BLD)\digest-doc.obj : \
- $(SRC)\digest-doc.c
-$(BLD)\emacsclient.obj : \
- $(SRC)\emacsclient.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\lib-src\..\src\config.h
-$(BLD)\emacstool.obj : \
- $(SRC)\emacstool.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\sys\file.h
-$(BLD)\etags.obj : \
- $(SRC)\etags.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\sys\param.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\lib-src\..\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\ntlib.h \
- $(SRC)\getopt.h
-$(BLD)\fakemail.obj : \
- $(SRC)\fakemail.c \
- $(SRC)\ntlib.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\lib-src\..\src\config.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\pwd.h
-$(BLD)\getdate.obj : \
- $(SRC)\getdate.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(MSTOOLS_SYS)\types.h
-$(BLD)\getopt.obj : \
- $(SRC)\getopt.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\ntlib.h \
- $(SRC)\getopt.h
-$(BLD)\getopt1.obj : \
- $(SRC)\getopt1.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\getopt.h
-$(BLD)\hexl.obj : \
- $(SRC)\hexl.c
-$(BLD)\leditcfns.obj : \
- $(SRC)\leditcfns.c
-$(BLD)\make-docfile.obj : \
- $(SRC)\make-docfile.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h
-$(BLD)\make-path.obj : \
- $(SRC)\make-path.c
-$(BLD)\movemail.obj : \
- $(SRC)\movemail.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\lib-src\..\src\config.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\sys\file.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\lib-src\..\src\syswait.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\pwd.h \
- $(SRC)\ntlib.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DUSG -Fo$@ movemail.c
-$(BLD)\ntlib.obj : \
- $(SRC)\ntlib.c \
- $(SRC)\ntlib.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\pwd.h
-$(BLD)\pop.obj : \
- $(SRC)\pop.c \
- $(SRC)\pop.h \
- $(SRC)\ntlib.h
-$(BLD)\profile.obj : \
- $(SRC)\profile.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\lib-src\..\src\config.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\lib-src\..\src\systime.h
-$(BLD)\qsort.obj : \
- $(SRC)\qsort.c
-$(BLD)\sorted-doc.obj : \
- $(SRC)\sorted-doc.c
-$(BLD)\tcp.obj : \
- $(SRC)\tcp.c
-$(BLD)\test-distrib.obj : \
- $(SRC)\test-distrib.c
-$(BLD)\timer.obj : \
- $(SRC)\timer.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\lib-src\..\src\config.h
-$(BLD)\yow.obj : \
- $(SRC)\yow.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\lib-src\..\src\paths.h
-# arch-tag: 59e1b54b-4cc2-4086-bb0b-ecfad4b683e9
diff --git a/lisp/ChangeLog b/lisp/ChangeLog
index f096b78d6c2..ef565ea0c89 100644
--- a/lisp/ChangeLog
+++ b/lisp/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+2004-05-03 Jason Rumney <>
+ * makefile.nt: Remove.
2004-05-03 Kim F. Storm <>
* emulation/cua-base.el (cua--update-indications): Fix last
diff --git a/lisp/makefile.nt b/lisp/makefile.nt
deleted file mode 100644
index 069ef96ac98..00000000000
--- a/lisp/makefile.nt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
-# Hacked up Nmake makefile for GNU Emacs
-# Geoff Voelker (
-# Copyright (c) 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-# GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
-# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-!include ..\nt\makefile.def
-# You can specify a different executable on the make command line,
-# e.g. "make EMACS=../src/emacs ...".
-EMACS = ..\bin\emacs.exe
-# Command line flags for Emacs. This must include --multibyte,
-# otherwise some files will not compile.
-EMACSOPT = -batch --no-init-file --no-site-file --multibyte
-lisptagsfiles1 = $(lisp)/*.el
-lisptagsfiles2 = $(lisp)/*/*.el
-ETAGS = ..\lib-src\$(BLD)\etags
-# Files which should not be compiled.
-# - emacs-lisp/cl-specs.el: only contains `def-edebug-spec's so there's
-# no point compiling it, although it doesn't hurt.
- $(lisp)/cus-load.el \
- $(lisp)/cus-start.el \
- $(lisp)/emacs-lisp/cl-specs.el \
- $(lisp)/eshell/esh-maint.el \
- $(lisp)/eshell/esh-groups.el \
- $(lisp)/finder-inf.el \
- $(lisp)/forms-d2.el \
- $(lisp)/forms-pass.el \
- $(lisp)/generic-x.el \
- $(lisp)/international/latin-1.el \
- $(lisp)/international/latin-2.el \
- $(lisp)/international/latin-3.el \
- $(lisp)/international/latin-4.el \
- $(lisp)/international/latin-5.el \
- $(lisp)/international/latin-8.el \
- $(lisp)/international/latin-9.el \
- $(lisp)/international/mule-conf.el \
- $(lisp)/loaddefs.el \
- $(lisp)/loadup.el \
- $(lisp)/mail/blessmail.el \
- $(lisp)/patcomp.el \
- $(lisp)/paths.el \
- $(lisp)/play/bruce.el \
- $(lisp)/subdirs.el \
- $(lisp)/term/internal.el \
- $(lisp)/term/AT386.el \
- $(lisp)/term/apollo.el \
- $(lisp)/term/bobcat.el \
- $(lisp)/term/iris-ansi.el \
- $(lisp)/term/keyswap.el \
- $(lisp)/term/linux.el \
- $(lisp)/term/lk201.el \
- $(lisp)/term/news.el \
- $(lisp)/term/vt102.el \
- $(lisp)/term/vt125.el \
- $(lisp)/term/vt200.el \
- $(lisp)/term/vt201.el \
- $(lisp)/term/vt220.el \
- $(lisp)/term/vt240.el \
- $(lisp)/term/vt300.el \
- $(lisp)/term/vt320.el \
- $(lisp)/term/vt400.el \
- $(lisp)/term/vt420.el \
- $(lisp)/term/wyse50.el \
- $(lisp)/term/xterm.el \
- $(lisp)/version.el
-# Files to compile before others during a bootstrap. This is done
-# to speed up the bootstrap process.
- $(lisp)/emacs-lisp/byte-opt.el \
- $(lisp)/emacs-lisp/bytecomp.el \
- $(lisp)/subr.el
-# The actual Emacs command run in the targets below.
-emacs = $(EMACS) $(EMACSOPT)
-# Common command to find subdirectories
-# setwins=subdirs=`find $$wd -type d -print`; \
-# for file in $$subdirs; do \
-# case $$file in */Old | */RCS | */CVS | */CVS/* | */=* ) ;; \
-# *) wins="$$wins $$file" ;; \
-# esac; \
-# done
-# Have to define the list of subdirs manually
- calendar \
- emacs-lisp \
- emulation \
- eshell \
- gnus \
- international \
- language \
- mail \
- mh-e \
- net \
- play \
- progmodes \
- term \
- textmodes
- touch $@
-custom-deps: cus-load.el doit
- @echo Directories: $(WINS)
- $(emacs) -l cus-dep --eval "(setq find-file-hooks nil)" -f custom-make-dependencies $(lisp) $(WINS)
- echo (provide 'finder-inf)>> $@
-finder-data: finder-inf.el doit
- @echo Directories: $(WINS)
- $(emacs) -l finder -f finder-compile-keywords-make-dist $(lisp) $(WINS)
- echo ;;; loaddefs.el --- automatically extracted autoloads> $@
- echo ;;; Code:>> $@
- echo >> $@
- echo ;;; Local Variables:>> $@
- echo ;;; version-control: never>> $@
- echo ;;; no-byte-compile: t>> $@
- echo ;;; no-update-autoloads: t>> $@
- echo ;;; End:>> $@
- echo ;;; loaddefs.el ends here>> $@
-autoloads: loaddefs.el doit
- @echo Directories: $(WINS)
- $(emacs) -l autoload --eval "(setq find-file-hooks nil generated-autoload-file \"$(lisp)/loaddefs.el\")" -f batch-update-autoloads $(lisp) $(WINS)
- $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) -f makefile.nt update-subdirs
-update-subdirs: doit
- @set QWINS=
- @for %d in ($(WINS)) do if not (%d)==(term) set QWINS=%QWINS% "%d"
- echo ;; In load-path, after this directory should come> subdirs.el
- echo ;; certain of its subdirectories. Here we specify them.>> subdirs.el
- echo (normal-top-level-add-to-load-path '(%QWINS%))>> subdirs.el
-updates: update-subdirs autoloads finder-data custom-deps
-TAGS: $(lisptagsfiles1) $(lisptagsfiles2)
- $(ETAGS) $(lisptagsfiles1) $(lisptagsfiles2)
-TAGS-LISP: $(lispsource)$(lisptagsfiles1) $(lispsource)$(lisptagsfiles2)
- $(ETAGS) -o TAGS-LISP $(lispsource)$(lisptagsfiles1) $(lispsource)$(lisptagsfiles2)
-.SUFFIXES: .elc .el
- -$(emacs) -f batch-byte-compile $<
- -$(DEL) $@
-# Compile all Lisp files, except those from DONTCOMPILE. This
-# compiles files unconditionally. All .elc files are made writable
-# before compilation in case we checked out read-only (CVS option -r).
-# Files MUST be compiled one by one. If we compile several files in a
-# row we can't make sure that the compilation environment is clean.
-# We also set the load-path of the Emacs used for compilation to the
-# current directory and its subdirectories, to make sure require's and
-# load's in the files being compiled find the right files.
-compile-files: subdirs.el doit
-# -for %f in ($(lisp) $(WINS)) do for %g in (%f\*.elc) do @attrib -r %g
- for %f in ($(COMPILE_FIRST)) do $(emacs) -f batch-byte-compile %f
- for %f in ($(lisp) $(WINS)) do for %g in (%f/*.el) do $(emacs) -f batch-byte-compile %f/%g
-# Backup compiled Lisp files in elc.tar.gz. If that file already
-# exists, make a backup of it.
- -mv $(lisp)/elc.tar.gz $(lisp)/elc.tar.gz~
- -tar czf $(lisp)/elc.tar.gz $(lisp)/*.elc $(lisp)/*/*.elc
-# Compile Lisp files, but save old compiled files first.
-compile: backup-compiled-files compile-files
-# Recompile all Lisp files which are newer than their .elc files.
-# Note that this doesn't create .elc files. It only recompiles if an
-# .elc is present.
-recompile: doit
- $(emacs) -f batch-byte-recompile-directory .
-# Prepare a bootstrap in the lisp subdirectory. Build loaddefs.el,
-# because it's not sure it's up-to-date, and if it's not, that might
-# lead to errors during the bootstrap because something fails to
-# autoload as expected. Remove compiled Lisp files so that
-# bootstrap-emacs will be built from sources only.
- if exist $(EMACS) $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) -f makefile.nt autoloads
- -for %f in ($(lisp) $(WINS)) do for %g in (%f\*.elc) do @$(DEL) %g
-# Generate/update files for the bootstrap process.
-bootstrap: autoloads compile-files custom-deps
-# Assuming INSTALL_DIR is defined, copy the elisp files to it
-# Windows 95 makes this harder than it should be.
- - mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\lisp
- - $(DEL) .\same-dir.tst
- - $(DEL) $(INSTALL_DIR)\lisp\same-dir.tst
- echo SameDirTest > $(INSTALL_DIR)\lisp\same-dir.tst
- if not exist .\same-dir.tst $(CP_DIR) . $(INSTALL_DIR)\lisp
- if not exist .\same-dir.tst $(CP_DIR) *.elc $(INSTALL_DIR)\lisp
- if not exist .\same-dir.tst $(CP) cus-load.el $(INSTALL_DIR)\lisp
- if not exist .\same-dir.tst $(CP) cus-start.el $(INSTALL_DIR)\lisp
- if not exist .\same-dir.tst $(CP) emacs-lisp\cl-specs.el $(INSTALL_DIR)\lisp\emacs-lisp
- if not exist .\same-dir.tst $(CP) eshell\esh-maint.el $(INSTALL_DIR)\lisp\eshell
- if not exist .\same-dir.tst $(CP) eshell\esh-groups.el $(INSTALL_DIR)\lisp\eshell
- if not exist .\same-dir.tst $(CP) finder-inf.el $(INSTALL_DIR)\lisp
- if not exist .\same-dir.tst $(CP) forms*.el $(INSTALL_DIR)\lisp
- if not exist .\same-dir.tst $(CP) generic-x.el $(INSTALL_DIR)\lisp
- if not exist .\same-dir.tst $(CP) patcomp.el $(INSTALL_DIR)\lisp
- if not exist .\same-dir.tst $(CP) subdirs.el $(INSTALL_DIR)\lisp
- if not exist .\same-dir.tst $(CP) version.el $(INSTALL_DIR)\lisp
- if not exist .\same-dir.tst $(CP) mail\blessmail.el $(INSTALL_DIR)\lisp\mail
- if not exist .\same-dir.tst $(CP) play\bruce.el $(INSTALL_DIR)\lisp\play
- if not exist .\same-dir.tst $(CP) international\latin-*.el $(INSTALL_DIR)\lisp\international
- if not exist .\same-dir.tst $(CP) international\mule-conf.el $(INSTALL_DIR)\lisp\international
- - $(DEL) $(INSTALL_DIR)\lisp\same-dir.tst
-# Maintenance
- - $(DEL) *~ term\*~
- - $(DEL) *.orig *.rej *.crlf
- - $(DEL) emacs-lisp\*.orig emacs-lisp\*.rej emacs-lisp\*.crlf
- - $(DEL) emulation\*.orig emulation\*.rej emulation\*.crlf
- - $(DEL) gnus\*.orig gnus\*.rej gnus\*.crlf
- - $(DEL) international\*.orig international\*.rej international\*.crlf
- - $(DEL) language\*.orig language\*.rej language\*.crlf
- - $(DEL) mail\*.orig mail\*.rej mail\*.crlf
- - $(DEL) play\*.orig play\*.rej play\*.crlf
- - $(DEL) progmodes\*.orig progmodes\*.rej progmodes\*.crlf
- - $(DEL) term\*.orig term\*.rej term\*.crlf
- - $(DEL) textmodes\*.orig textmodes\*.rej textmodes\*.crlf
- - $(DEL_TREE) deleted
-# arch-tag: 01ddeb44-fb4c-4366-8478-4a6c21a68fb3
diff --git a/nt/ChangeLog b/nt/ChangeLog
index ba8bfce157d..73d4f6ee5d1 100644
--- a/nt/ChangeLog
+++ b/nt/ChangeLog
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
2004-05-03 Jason Rumney <>
+ * makefile.nt, ebuild.bat, install.bat, fast-install.bat:
+ * makefile.def: Remove.
+ * nmake.defs (SYS_LDFLAGS): Add -nologo
* makefile.w32-in (info-gmake, info-nmake): New targets.
(info): Use them.
diff --git a/nt/ebuild.bat b/nt/ebuild.bat
deleted file mode 100755
index c7851779cc5..00000000000
--- a/nt/ebuild.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
-if (%1) == () nmake -f makefile.nt all
-if not (%1) == () nmake -f makefile.nt %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
-goto skipArchTag
- arch-tag: f01be12a-fd17-448d-8275-c7f527c50a1f
diff --git a/nt/fast-install.bat b/nt/fast-install.bat
deleted file mode 100755
index 11e969eb5a4..00000000000
--- a/nt/fast-install.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-nmake -f makefile.nt fast_install
-goto skipArchTag
- arch-tag: 13c64379-e658-452f-92d3-90d0f230ca70
diff --git a/nt/install.bat b/nt/install.bat
deleted file mode 100755
index 1074c03454b..00000000000
--- a/nt/install.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
-if (%1) == (speed) set BUILD_TYPE=spd
-if (%1) == (speed) shift
-if not (%1) == () set INSTALL_DIR=%1
-if not (%1) == () shift
-nmake -f makefile.nt install %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
-goto skipArchTag
- arch-tag: 1db5223b-8fc9-4bdb-8ad1-9e3962bf034a
diff --git a/nt/makefile.def b/nt/makefile.def
deleted file mode 100644
index e5ca430cc39..00000000000
--- a/nt/makefile.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-# -*- Makefile -*- definition file for building GNU Emacs on Windows NT
-# Copyright (c) 1994-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-# Geoff Voelker ( 9-6-94
-# Define the following to build the GUI version
-# Set INSTALL_DIR to be the directory into which you want emacs installed.
-!ifndef INSTALL_DIR
-INSTALL_DIR = C:\emacs
-# Define MSVCNT11 to be nonzero if you are using the MSVCNT 1.1 environment.
-# MSVCNT11 = 1
-!ifndef MSVCNT11
-MSVCNT11 = 0
-# Allow detection of builds with MSVC 5 or later
-# Check that the INCLUDE and LIB environment variables are set.
-!ifndef INCLUDE
-!error The INCLUDE environment variable needs to be set.
-!ifndef LIB
-!error The LIB environment variable needs to be set.
-# Determine the architecture we're running on.
-# Define ARCH for our purposes;
-# Define CPU for use by ntwin32.mak;
-# Define CONFIG_H to the appropriate config.h for the system;
-# We're on Windows NT
-CONFIG_H = config.nt
-OS_TYPE = windowsnt
-! if "$(PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE)" == "x86"
-ARCH = i386
-CPU = i386
-! else
-ARCH = mips
-! else
-ARCH = alpha
-! else
-ARCH = ppc
-! else
-!error Unknown architecture type "$(PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE)"
-! endif
-! endif
-! endif
-! endif
-# We're on Windows 95
-ARCH = i386
-CPU = i386
-CONFIG_H = config.nt
-OS_TYPE = windows95
-# Include ntwin32.mak. So far, this file seems to be supported by every
-# Microsoft compiler on NT and Windows 95 and properly defines the executable
-# names and libraries necessary to build Emacs. I do not have access
-# to any other vendor compilers, so I do not know if they supply this
-# file, too. For now I'll assume that they do.
-!include <ntwin32.mak>
-# Using cvtres is necessary on NT 3.10 and doesn't hurt on later platforms.
-CVTRES = cvtres.exe
-AR = $(implib)
-# The assignment $(CC) = $(cc) fails even though variables are case sensitive.
-LINK_TMP = $(link)
-CC_TMP = $(cc)
-CC = $(CC_TMP)
-# advapi32.lib is left off of $(baselibs) on NT 3.10
-!if "$(baselibs)" == "kernel32.lib "
-ADVAPI32 = advapi32.lib
-# Older ntwin32.mak files do not define libc; do it for them.
-!ifndef libc
-libc = libc.lib
-# The base libraries for compiling Emacs on NT. With MSVC, this should
-# include oldnames.lib.
-!if $(MSVCNT11)
-BASE_LIBS = $(libc) $(baselibs) oldnames.lib
-BASE_LIBS = $(libc) $(baselibs) -nodefaultlib:oldnames.lib
-# We want any debugging info in the executable.
-!if "$(LINK)" == "link32"
-SYS_LDFLAGS = -nologo
-SYS_LDFLAGS = -nologo -release -incremental:no -version:3.10
-# Tag the executables to run out of the swapfile when execute off CD or network shares
-SYS_LDFLAGS = $(SYS_LDFLAGS) -swaprun:cd -swaprun:net
-INC = -I.
-!if "$(BUILD_TYPE)" == "spd"
-!if $(MSVCNT11)
-!ifdef BUILD_TYPE
-OBJDIR = obj
-$(OBJDIR):; -mkdir $(OBJDIR)
-$(BLD): $(OBJDIR)
- -mkdir $(BLD)
-CP = copy
-CP_DIR = xcopy /f/r/i/e/d/k
-!if "$(OS_TYPE)" == "windows95"
-DEL = deltree /y
-DEL_TREE = deltree /y
-DEL = del
-# NT better way of killing a deltree
-DEL_TREE = rd /s/q
-# Lets us add icons to the GNU Emacs folder
-ADDPM = ..\nt\$(BLD)\addpm.exe
-!if "$(ARCH)" == "i386"
-!if "$(BUILD_TYPE)" == "spd"
-ARCH_CFLAGS = -nologo -D_X86_=1 -c -Zel -W2 -H63 -Oxsb2 -G6dF -Zi -Zp8
-ARCH_CFLAGS = -nologo -D_X86_=1 -c -Zel -W2 -H63 -Od -G3d -Zi -Zp8
-ARCH_LDFLAGS = -align:0x1000 $(SYS_LDFLAGS)
-!if "$(ARCH)" == "mips"
-ARCH_CFLAGS = -D_MIPS_=1 -c -W2 -Zi -Od -Gt0
-ARCH_LDFLAGS = -align:0x1000 $(SYS_LDFLAGS)
-!if "$(ARCH)" == "alpha"
-!if "$(BUILD_TYPE)" == "spd"
-ARCH_CFLAGS = -D_ALPHA_=1 -c -Ze -Zi -W2 -Od -D__stdcall= -D__cdecl=
-ARCH_CFLAGS = -D_ALPHA_=1 -c -Ze -Zi -W2 -O1 -D__stdcall= -D__cdecl=
-ARCH_LDFLAGS = -align:0x2000 $(SYS_LDFLAGS)
-!if "$(ARCH)" == "ppc"
-# These flags are a guess...if they don't work, please send me mail.
-ARCH_CFLAGS = -D_PPC_=1 -c -Ze -Zi -W2 -Od
-ARCH_LDFLAGS = -align:0x1000 $(SYS_LDFLAGS)
-!ERROR Unknown architecture type "$(ARCH)".
-# If the compiler supports compiling multiple .c files to .o files at
-# one time, use this feature.
-!IF ("$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "$(_NMAKE_VER_4)")
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Fo$(BLD)\ $<
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Fo$(BLD)\ $<
-# arch-tag: a8aa26d5-5f28-4263-b42a-6f91acb7d824
diff --git a/nt/makefile.nt b/nt/makefile.nt
deleted file mode 100644
index 43060e68fdd..00000000000
--- a/nt/makefile.nt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-# Top level -*- makefile -*- for building GNU Emacs on Windows NT
-# Copyright (c) 1993-2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-# GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-# Geoff Voelker ( 11-20-93
-# 9-6-94
-!include makefile.def
-ALL = addpm ddeclient runemacs cmdproxy addsection preprep
-!if $(MSVCNT11)
-TRES = $(BLD)\emacs.res
-TRES = $(BLD)\emacs.rbj
-addpm: $(BLD) $(BLD)\addpm.exe
-$(BLD)\addpm.obj: addpm.c
-$(BLD)\addpm.exe: $(BLD)\addpm.obj
- $(LINK) -out:$@ -subsystem:console -entry:mainCRTStartup \
- $(SYS_LDFLAGS) $** $(BASE_LIBS) $(ADVAPI32) user32.lib
-ddeclient: $(BLD) $(BLD)\ddeclient.exe
-$(BLD)\ddeclient.obj: ddeclient.c
-$(BLD)\ddeclient.exe: $(BLD)\ddeclient.obj
- $(LINK) -out:$@ -subsystem:console -entry:mainCRTStartup \
- $(SYS_LDFLAGS) $** $(BASE_LIBS) $(ADVAPI32) user32.lib
-cmdproxy: $(BLD) $(BLD)\cmdproxy.exe
-$(BLD)\cmdproxy.obj: cmdproxy.c
-$(BLD)\cmdproxy.exe: $(BLD)\cmdproxy.obj
- $(LINK) -out:$@ -subsystem:console -entry:mainCRTStartup \
- $(SYS_LDFLAGS) $** $(BASE_LIBS) user32.lib
-addsection: $(BLD) $(BLD)\addsection.exe
-$(BLD)\addsection.obj: addsection.c
-$(BLD)\addsection.exe: $(BLD)\addsection.obj
- $(LINK) -debug:full -out:$@ -subsystem:console -entry:mainCRTStartup \
- $(SYS_LDFLAGS) $** $(BASE_LIBS) user32.lib
-preprep: $(BLD) $(BLD)\preprep.exe
-$(BLD)\preprep.obj: preprep.c
-$(BLD)\preprep.exe: $(BLD)\preprep.obj
- $(LINK) -debug:full -out:$@ -subsystem:console -entry:mainCRTStartup \
-# The resource file. NT 3.10 requires the use of cvtres; even though
-# it is not necessary on later versions, it is still ok to use it.
-$(TRES): emacs.rc
- $(RC) -Fo$(BLD)\emacs.res $**
-!if !$(MSVCNT11)
- $(CVTRES) -r -$(ARCH) -o $@ $(BLD)\emacs.res
-runemacs: $(BLD) $(BLD)\runemacs.exe
-$(BLD)\runemacs.obj: runemacs.c
-$(BLD)\runemacs.exe: $(BLD)\runemacs.obj $(TRES)
- $(LINK) -out:$@ -subsystem:windows -entry:WinMainCRTStartup \
- $(SYS_LDFLAGS) $** $(BASE_LIBS) $(ADVAPI32) user32.lib
-# Since Windows 95 does not support multiple commands on one command line
-# (e.g., in for loops), we cannot use for loops any more.
-# SUBDIRS = lib-src src lisp
-# Build emacs
-BUILD_CMD = $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) -f makefile.nt all
-all: $(BLD) $(ALL)
- cd ..\lib-src
- cd ..\src
- cd ..\lisp
- cd ..\leim
- if exist makefile.nt $(BUILD_CMD)
- cd ..\nt
-BOOTSTRAP_CMD = $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) -f makefile.nt bootstrap
-bootstrap: $(BLD) $(ALL)
- cd ..\src
- cd ..\lisp
- cd ..\nt
-BOOTCLEAN_CMD = $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) -f makefile.nt bootstrap-clean
- cd ..\src
- cd ..\lisp
- - mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)
- - mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin
-# Build and install emacs in INSTALL_DIR
-INSTALL_CMD = $(MAKE) -f makefile.nt install
-install: all $(INSTALL_DIR)
- cd ..\lib-src
- cd ..\src
- cd ..\lisp
- cd ..\leim
- if exist makefile.nt $(INSTALL_CMD)
- cd ..\nt
- - $(CP) $(BLD)\addpm.exe $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin
- - $(CP) $(BLD)\ddeclient.exe $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin
- - $(CP) $(BLD)\cmdproxy.exe $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin
- - $(CP) $(BLD)\runemacs.exe $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin
- - $(CP) ..\lib-src\fns-*.el $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin
- - $(DEL) ..\same-dir.tst
- - $(DEL) $(INSTALL_DIR)\same-dir.tst
- - mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\etc\icons
- - $(CP_DIR) icons $(INSTALL_DIR)\etc\icons
- echo SameDirTest > $(INSTALL_DIR)\same-dir.tst
- if not exist ..\same-dir.tst $(MAKE) -f makefile.nt real_install
- - $(DEL) ..\same-dir.tst
- - $(DEL) $(INSTALL_DIR)\same-dir.tst
-# This installs executables from ..\bin into the installation directory
-# without building anything.
- - mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\data
- $(CP) ..\lib-src\DOC $(INSTALL_DIR)\etc
- - mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin
- - $(CP) $(BLD)\addpm.exe $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin
- - $(CP) $(BLD)\ddeclient.exe $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin
- - $(CP) $(BLD)\cmdproxy.exe $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin
- - $(CP) $(BLD)\runemacs.exe $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin
- - $(CP) ..\lib-src\fns-*.el $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin
- - $(DEL) ..\same-dir.tst
- - $(DEL) $(INSTALL_DIR)\same-dir.tst
- echo SameDirTest > $(INSTALL_DIR)\same-dir.tst
- if not exist ..\same-dir.tst $(CP) ..\bin\emacs.exe $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin
- if not exist ..\same-dir.tst $(CP) ..\bin\etags.exe $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin
- if not exist ..\same-dir.tst $(CP) ..\bin\ctags.exe $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin
- if not exist ..\same-dir.tst $(MAKE) -f makefile.nt real_install
- - $(DEL) ..\same-dir.tst
- - $(DEL) $(INSTALL_DIR)\same-dir.tst
- - $(DEL) ..\same-dir.tst
- - $(DEL) $(INSTALL_DIR)\same-dir.tst
- echo SameDirTest > $(INSTALL_DIR)\same-dir.tst
- - mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\etc
- - mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\info
- - mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\lock
- - mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\data
- - mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\site-lisp
- - mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\etc\icons
- - $(CP_DIR) icons $(INSTALL_DIR)\etc\icons
- if not exist ..\same-dir.tst $(CP_DIR) ..\etc $(INSTALL_DIR)\etc
- if not exist ..\same-dir.tst $(CP_DIR) ..\info $(INSTALL_DIR)\info
- - $(DEL) ..\same-dir.tst
- - $(DEL) $(INSTALL_DIR)\same-dir.tst
-# Maintenance
-CLEAN_CMD = $(MAKE) -f makefile.nt clean
- - $(DEL) *~ *.pdb
- - $(DEL) *.orig
- - $(DEL) *.rej
- - $(DEL) *.crlf
- - $(DEL_TREE) deleted
- - $(DEL_TREE) obj
- - $(DEL_TREE) obj-spd
- - $(DEL) ..\etc\DOC ..\etc\DOC-X
- cd ..\lib-src
- cd ..\src
- cd ..\lisp
- cd ..\leim
- if exist makefile.nt $(CLEAN_CMD)
- cd ..\nt
-realclean: clean
- - $(DEL_TREE) ..\bin
-# arch-tag: b01debf7-6859-439e-b08e-f041aa03c32f
diff --git a/nt/nmake.defs b/nt/nmake.defs
index f4239e1a415..b06dd64020f 100644
--- a/nt/nmake.defs
+++ b/nt/nmake.defs
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ CFLAGS = -I. -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400 $(ARCH_CFLAGS)
-SYS_LDFLAGS = -release -incremental:no -version:3.10 -swaprun:cd -swaprun:net setargv.obj
+SYS_LDFLAGS = -nologo -release -incremental:no -version:3.10 -swaprun:cd -swaprun:net setargv.obj
# see comments in allocate_heap in w32heap.c before changing any of the
# -stack, -heap, or -base settings.
diff --git a/src/ChangeLog b/src/ChangeLog
index 8f86d681f43..07a247e2fd9 100644
--- a/src/ChangeLog
+++ b/src/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+2004-05-03 Jason Rumney <>
+ * makefile.nt: Remove.
2004-05-02 Eli Zaretskii <>
diff --git a/src/makefile.nt b/src/makefile.nt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cf08f37105..00000000000
--- a/src/makefile.nt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1232 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for GNU Emacs on the Microsoft W32 API.
-# Copyright (c) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# Tim Fleehart ( 17-Apr-92
-# Geoff Voelker ( 11-20-93
-# This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-# GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
-# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
-# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-# Sets up the system dependent macros.
-!include ..\nt\makefile.def
-# HAVE_CONFIG_H is required by some generic gnu sources stuck into
-# the emacs source tree.
-!ifdef NTGUI
-!ifdef USE_CRT_DLL
-libc = msvcrt.lib
-LINK_FLAGS = -nodefaultlib
-# From MSVC 5.0 onwards, it seem base relocation information is not included,
-# at least in release builds. We need to ensure the reloc info is included
-# in order to use the MSVC profiler.
-!IF ("$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "$(_NMAKE_VER_4)")
-EXTRA_LINK = -profile
-EMACS = $(BLD)\emacs.exe
-TEMACS = $(BLD)\temacs.exe
-TEMACS_TMP = $(BLD)\temacs.bin
-TLIB0 = $(BLD)\temacs0.lib
-TLIB1 = $(BLD)\temacs1.lib
-TLIB2 = $(BLD)\temacs2.lib
-TLIBW32 = $(BLD)\temacw32.lib
-TLIBW32 =
-TOBJ = $(BLD)\firstfile.obj
-!if $(MSVCNT11)
-TRES = $(BLD)\emacs.res
-TRES = $(BLD)\emacs.rbj
-TLASTLIB = $(BLD)\lastfile.lib
-# see comments in allocate_heap in w32heap.c before changing any of the
-# -stack, -heap, or -base settings.
-!if "$(BUILD_TYPE)" == "spd"
-LINK_FLAGS = $(LINK_FLAGS) $(ARCH_LDFLAGS) -stack:0x00800000 -heap:0x00100000 -base:0x01000000 -debug:full -debugtype:both -pdb:$(BLD)\temacs.pdb -machine:$(ARCH) -subsystem:$(SUBSYSTEM) -entry:_start -map:$(BLD)\ -swaprun:net -swaprun:cd
-LINK_FLAGS = $(LINK_FLAGS) $(ARCH_LDFLAGS) -stack:0x00800000 -heap:0x00100000 -base:0x01000000 -debug:full -debugtype:both -pdb:none -machine:$(ARCH) -subsystem:$(SUBSYSTEM) -entry:_start -map:$(BLD)\ -swaprun:net -swaprun:cd $(EXTRA_LINK)
-# Split up the objects into two sets so that we don't run out of
-# command line space when we link them into a library.
-# Put emacs.obj in a separate lib, since we need to have firstfile.obj
-# as the "main" object file when linking.
-OBJ0 = $(BLD)\emacs.obj
-OBJ1 = $(BLD)\abbrev.obj \
- $(BLD)\alloc.obj \
- $(BLD)\alloca.obj \
- $(BLD)\atimer.obj \
- $(BLD)\buffer.obj \
- $(BLD)\bytecode.obj \
- $(BLD)\callint.obj \
- $(BLD)\callproc.obj \
- $(BLD)\casefiddle.obj \
- $(BLD)\cm.obj \
- $(BLD)\cmds.obj \
- $(BLD)\data.obj \
- $(BLD)\dired.obj \
- $(BLD)\dispnew.obj \
- $(BLD)\doc.obj \
- $(BLD)\doprnt.obj \
- $(BLD)\editfns.obj \
- $(BLD)\eval.obj \
- $(BLD)\fileio.obj \
- $(BLD)\filelock.obj \
- $(BLD)\filemode.obj \
- $(BLD)\fns.obj \
- $(BLD)\indent.obj \
- $(BLD)\insdel.obj \
- $(BLD)\keyboard.obj \
- $(BLD)\keymap.obj \
- $(BLD)\lread.obj \
- $(BLD)\macros.obj \
- $(BLD)\marker.obj \
- $(BLD)\md5.obj \
- $(BLD)\minibuf.obj
-OBJ2 = $(BLD)\w32.obj \
- $(BLD)\w32heap.obj \
- $(BLD)\w32inevt.obj \
- $(BLD)\w32proc.obj \
- $(BLD)\w32console.obj \
- $(BLD)\print.obj \
- $(BLD)\process.obj \
- $(BLD)\regex.obj \
- $(BLD)\scroll.obj \
- $(BLD)\search.obj \
- $(BLD)\syntax.obj \
- $(BLD)\sysdep.obj \
- $(BLD)\term.obj \
- $(BLD)\termcap.obj \
- $(BLD)\tparam.obj \
- $(BLD)\undo.obj \
- $(BLD)\unexw32.obj \
- $(BLD)\window.obj \
- $(BLD)\xdisp.obj \
- $(BLD)\casetab.obj \
- $(BLD)\floatfns.obj \
- $(BLD)\frame.obj \
- $(BLD)\gmalloc.obj \
- $(BLD)\intervals.obj \
- $(BLD)\composite.obj \
- $(BLD)\ralloc.obj \
- $(BLD)\textprop.obj \
- $(BLD)\vm-limit.obj \
- $(BLD)\region-cache.obj \
- $(BLD)\strftime.obj \
- $(BLD)\charset.obj \
- $(BLD)\coding.obj \
- $(BLD)\category.obj \
- $(BLD)\ccl.obj \
- $(BLD)\fontset.obj
-WIN32OBJ = $(BLD)\w32term.obj \
- $(BLD)\w32xfns.obj \
- $(BLD)\w32fns.obj \
- $(BLD)\xfaces.obj \
- $(BLD)\w32select.obj \
- $(BLD)\w32menu.obj \
- $(BLD)\w32reg.obj \
- $(BLD)\w32bdf.obj
-LIBS = $(TLIB0) \
- $(TLIB1) \
- $(TLIB2) \
- $(TLIBW32) \
- gdi32.lib \
- comdlg32.lib \
-# libcmt.lib \
- $(BASE_LIBS) \
- $(ADVAPI32) \
- user32.lib \
- mpr.lib \
- shell32.lib \
- setargv.obj
-# Build the executable and dump it.
-all: $(BLD) $(EMACS)
-# Headers we would preprocess if we could.
-PREPARED_HEADERS = config.h epaths.h
-config.h: ..\nt\$(CONFIG_H)
- $(CP) $** $@
-epaths.h: ..\nt\paths.h
- $(CP) $** $@
-# Make sure we have the DOC file in the right place.
-DOC = $(OBJDIR)\etc\DOC-X
-$(DOC):; cd ..\lib-src
- - $(DEL) DOC-X
- $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) -f makefile.nt all
- cd ..\src
-# The dumped executable
-emacs: $(EMACS)
- $(MAKEDIR)\$(BLD)\temacs.exe -batch -l loadup dump
-# The undumped executable
-# Note the extra post-link step to insert a static preload heap section.
-# If preload runs out of memory, increase the last argument to addsection
-# (it is the preload heap size in MB).
-temacs: $(BLD) $(TEMACS)
- ..\nt\$(BLD)\addsection $(TEMACS_TMP) $(TEMACS) EMHEAP 16
-bootstrap: bootstrap-emacs
-# Build a temacs with a sufficiently large PURESIZE to load the
-# Lisp files from loadup.el in source form.
-bootstrap-temacs: bootstrap-clean
- $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) -f makefile.nt temacs CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -DPURESIZE=5000000"
-# Dump an Emacs executable named bootstrap-emacs containing the
-# files from loadup.el in source form.
-bootstrap-emacs: bootstrap-temacs
- $(MAKEDIR)\$(BLD)\temacs.exe -batch -l loadup bootstrap
- - mkdir ..\bin
- $(CP) $(EMACS) ..\bin
-# Force recompile of files that depend on PURESIZE
- - $(DEL) $(BLD)\alloc.obj
- - $(DEL) $(BLD)\data.obj
- - $(DEL) $(BLD)\intervals.obj
- - $(DEL) $(BLD)\keyboard.obj
- - $(DEL) $(BLD)\keymap.obj
-# The resource file. NT 3.10 requires the use of cvtres; even though
-# it is not necessary on later versions, it is still ok to use it.
-$(TRES): ..\nt\emacs.rc
- $(RC) -i..\nt -Fo$(BLD)\emacs.res $**
-!if !$(MSVCNT11)
- $(CVTRES) -r -$(ARCH) -o $@ $(BLD)\emacs.res
-# Build the library. Split up the build into two phases...otherwise we
-# run out of command line space.
-$(TLIB0): $(OBJ0)
- @- $(AR) -out:$@ $**
-$(TLIB1): $(OBJ1)
- @- $(AR) -out:$@ $**
-$(TLIB2): $(OBJ2)
- @- $(AR) -out:$@ $**
-$(TLIBW32): $(WIN32OBJ)
- @- $(AR) -out:$@ $**
-# Place lastfile.obj in its own library so that it can be loaded after
-# the source libraries but before any system libraries. Doing so defines
-# the end of Emacs' data section portably across compilers and systems.
-$(TLASTLIB): $(BLD)\lastfile.obj
- @- $(AR) -out:$@ $**
-# Assuming INSTALL_DIR is defined, build and install emacs in it.
-install: all
- - mkdir $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin
- $(CP) $(EMACS) $(INSTALL_DIR)\bin
-# Maintenance
-clean:; - $(DEL) *~ s\*~
- - $(DEL) *.pdb config.h epaths.h
- - $(DEL) *.orig *.rej *.crlf
- - $(DEL) s\*.orig s\*.rej s\*.crlf
- - $(DEL_TREE) deleted
- - $(DEL_TREE) obj
- - $(DEL_TREE) obj-spd
-# These files are the ones that compile conditionally on CANNOT_DUMP...
-# this target is mostly used for debugging.
-cleandump:; cd $(BLD)
- - $(DEL) callproc.obj data.obj dispnew.obj doc.obj editfns.obj emacs.obj lread.obj process.obj sysdep.obj term.obj w32heap.obj unexw32.obj
- cd ..\..
-SRC = .
-$(BLD)\abbrev.obj : \
- $(SRC)\abbrev.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\commands.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\window.h
-$(BLD)\alloc.obj : \
- $(SRC)\alloc.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\dispextern.h \
- $(SRC)\w32gui.h \
- $(SRC)\intervals.h \
- $(SRC)\composite.h \
- $(SRC)\puresize.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\window.h \
- $(SRC)\frame.h \
- $(SRC)\blockinput.h \
- $(SRC)\syssignal.h
-$(BLD)\alloca.obj : \
- $(SRC)\alloca.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(SRC)\m\intel386.h \
- $(SRC)\config.h \
- $(SRC)\blockinput.h
-$(BLD)\atimer.obj : \
- $(SRC)\atimer.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(SRC)\m\intel386.h \
- $(SRC)\config.h \
- $(SRC)\atimer.h \
- $(SRC)\syssignal.h \
- $(SRC)\systime.h \
- $(SRC)\blockinput.h
-$(BLD)\buffer.obj : \
- $(SRC)\buffer.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\sys\param.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\dispextern.h \
- $(SRC)\w32gui.h \
- $(SRC)\intervals.h \
- $(SRC)\composite.h \
- $(SRC)\frame.h \
- $(SRC)\window.h \
- $(SRC)\commands.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\indent.h \
- $(SRC)\blockinput.h \
- $(SRC)\region-cache.h
-$(BLD)\bytecode.obj : \
- $(SRC)\bytecode.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\syntax.h
-$(BLD)\callint.obj : \
- $(SRC)\callint.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\commands.h \
- $(SRC)\keyboard.h \
- $(SRC)\window.h
-$(BLD)\callproc.obj : \
- $(SRC)\callproc.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\msdos.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\sys\param.h \
- $(SRC)\commands.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\process.h \
- $(SRC)\syssignal.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\sys\ioctl.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\sys\file.h \
- $(SRC)\systty.h
-$(BLD)\casefiddle.obj : \
- $(SRC)\casefiddle.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\commands.h \
- $(SRC)\syntax.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Fo$@ casefiddle.c
-$(BLD)\casetab.obj : \
- $(SRC)\casetab.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h
-$(BLD)\cm.obj : \
- $(SRC)\cm.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\cm.h \
- $(SRC)\termhooks.h
-$(BLD)\cmds.obj : \
- $(SRC)\cmds.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\commands.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\syntax.h
-$(BLD)\composite.obj : \
- $(SRC)\composite.c \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\charset.h \
- $(SRC)\intervals.h \
- $(SRC)\composite.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h
-$(BLD)\data.obj : \
- $(SRC)\data.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\puresize.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\syssignal.h
-$(BLD)\dired.obj : \
- $(SRC)\dired.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\ndir.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\commands.h \
- $(SRC)\regex.h
-$(BLD)\dispnew.obj : \
- $(SRC)\dispnew.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\termchar.h \
- $(SRC)\termopts.h \
- $(SRC)\termhooks.h \
- $(SRC)\cm.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\frame.h \
- $(SRC)\window.h \
- $(SRC)\commands.h \
- $(SRC)\disptab.h \
- $(SRC)\indent.h \
- $(SRC)\dispextern.h \
- $(SRC)\intervals.h \
- $(SRC)\composite.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\sys\ioctl.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\sys\file.h \
- $(SRC)\systty.h \
- $(SRC)\w32term.h \
- $(SRC)\w32gui.h \
- $(SRC)\xterm.h \
- $(SRC)\systime.h
-$(BLD)\doc.obj : \
- $(SRC)\doc.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\sys\file.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\keyboard.h
-$(BLD)\doprnt.obj : \
- $(SRC)\doprnt.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h
-$(BLD)\dosfns.obj : \
- $(SRC)\dosfns.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\termchar.h \
- $(SRC)\termhooks.h \
- $(SRC)\frame.h \
- $(SRC)\dosfns.h \
- $(SRC)\msdos.h
-$(BLD)\editfns.obj : \
- $(SRC)\editfns.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\uaf.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\pwd.h \
- $(SRC)\dispextern.h \
- $(SRC)\w32gui.h \
- $(SRC)\intervals.h \
- $(SRC)\composite.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\window.h \
- $(SRC)\systime.h
-$(BLD)\emacs.obj : \
- $(SRC)\emacs.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\commands.h \
- $(SRC)\dispextern.h \
- $(SRC)\w32gui.h \
- $(SRC)\intervals.h \
- $(SRC)\composite.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\sys\ioctl.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\sys\file.h \
- $(SRC)\systty.h \
- $(SRC)\syssignal.h \
- $(SRC)\process.h
-$(BLD)\eval.obj : \
- $(SRC)\eval.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\blockinput.h \
- $(SRC)\commands.h \
- $(SRC)\keyboard.h
-$(BLD)\fileio.obj : \
- $(SRC)\fileio.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\uaf.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\pwd.h \
- $(SRC)\msdos.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\sys\param.h \
- $(SRC)\dispextern.h \
- $(SRC)\w32gui.h \
- $(SRC)\intervals.h \
- $(SRC)\composite.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\window.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\sys\file.h \
- $(SRC)\systime.h
-$(BLD)\filelock.obj : \
- $(SRC)\filelock.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\uaf.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\pwd.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\sys\file.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\epaths.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\ndir.h
-$(BLD)\filemode.obj : \
- $(SRC)\filemode.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(SRC)\m\intel386.h \
- $(SRC)\config.h
-$(BLD)\firstfile.obj : \
- $(SRC)\firstfile.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h
-$(BLD)\floatfns.obj : \
- $(SRC)\floatfns.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\syssignal.h
-$(BLD)\fns.obj : \
- $(SRC)\fns.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\commands.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\keyboard.h \
- $(SRC)\dispextern.h \
- $(SRC)\w32gui.h \
- $(SRC)\intervals.h \
- $(SRC)\composite.h \
- $(SRC)\md5.h
-$(BLD)\frame.obj : \
- $(SRC)\frame.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\frame.h \
- $(SRC)\termhooks.h \
- $(SRC)\window.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\commands.h \
- $(SRC)\keyboard.h
-$(BLD)\getloadavg.obj : \
- $(SRC)\getloadavg.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\sys\param.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(SRC)\m\intel386.h \
- $(SRC)\config.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\sys\file.h
-$(BLD)\gmalloc.obj : \
- $(SRC)\gmalloc.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\sys\param.h \
- $(SRC)\getpagesize.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -D__STDC__ -Fo$@ gmalloc.c
-$(BLD)\hftctl.obj : \
- $(SRC)\hftctl.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\sys\ioctl.h
-$(BLD)\indent.obj : \
- $(SRC)\indent.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\indent.h \
- $(SRC)\frame.h \
- $(SRC)\window.h \
- $(SRC)\termchar.h \
- $(SRC)\termopts.h \
- $(SRC)\disptab.h \
- $(SRC)\dispextern.h \
- $(SRC)\w32gui.h \
- $(SRC)\intervals.h \
- $(SRC)\region-cache.h \
- $(SRC)\composite.h
-$(BLD)\insdel.obj : \
- $(SRC)\insdel.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\dispextern.h \
- $(SRC)\w32gui.h \
- $(SRC)\intervals.h \
- $(SRC)\composite.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\window.h \
- $(SRC)\blockinput.h
-$(BLD)\intervals.obj : \
- $(SRC)\intervals.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\dispextern.h \
- $(SRC)\w32gui.h \
- $(SRC)\intervals.h \
- $(SRC)\composite.h \
- $(SRC)\keyboard.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\puresize.h
-$(BLD)\keyboard.obj : \
- $(SRC)\keyboard.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\termchar.h \
- $(SRC)\termopts.h \
- $(SRC)\termhooks.h \
- $(SRC)\macros.h \
- $(SRC)\frame.h \
- $(SRC)\window.h \
- $(SRC)\commands.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\disptab.h \
- $(SRC)\keyboard.h \
- $(SRC)\dispextern.h \
- $(SRC)\intervals.h \
- $(SRC)\composite.h \
- $(SRC)\blockinput.h \
- $(SRC)\msdos.h \
- $(SRC)\syssignal.h \
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- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\sys\file.h \
- $(SRC)\systty.h \
- $(SRC)\w32term.h \
- $(SRC)\w32gui.h \
- $(SRC)\xterm.h \
- $(SRC)\systime.h \
- $(SRC)\atimer.h
-$(BLD)\keymap.obj : \
- $(SRC)\keymap.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\commands.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\keyboard.h \
- $(SRC)\termhooks.h \
- $(SRC)\blockinput.h
-$(BLD)\lastfile.obj : \
- $(SRC)\lastfile.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h
-$(BLD)\lread.obj : \
- $(SRC)\lread.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\sys\file.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\epaths.h \
- $(SRC)\commands.h \
- $(SRC)\keyboard.h \
- $(SRC)\termhooks.h \
- $(SRC)\msdos.h
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- $(SRC)\macros.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\macros.h \
- $(SRC)\commands.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\window.h
-$(BLD)\marker.obj : \
- $(SRC)\marker.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h
-$(BLD)\md5.obj : \
- $(SRC)\md5.c \
- $(SRC)\md5.h
-$(BLD)\minibuf.obj : \
- $(SRC)\minibuf.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\commands.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\dispextern.h \
- $(SRC)\w32gui.h \
- $(SRC)\frame.h \
- $(SRC)\window.h \
- $(SRC)\syntax.h
-$(BLD)\w32.obj : \
- $(SRC)\w32.c \
- $(SRC)\w32.h \
- $(SRC)\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(SRC)\m\intel386.h \
- $(SRC)\config.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\pwd.h \
- $(SRC)\w32heap.h
-$(BLD)\w32heap.obj : \
- $(SRC)\w32heap.c \
- $(SRC)\w32heap.h \
- $(SRC)\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(SRC)\m\intel386.h \
- $(SRC)\config.h
-$(BLD)\w32inevt.obj : \
- $(SRC)\w32inevt.c \
- $(SRC)\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(SRC)\m\intel386.h \
- $(SRC)\config.h \
- $(SRC)\frame.h \
- $(SRC)\blockinput.h \
- $(SRC)\termhooks.h \
- $(SRC)\w32heap.h \
- $(SRC)\w32term.h \
- $(SRC)\w32gui.h
-$(BLD)\w32proc.obj : \
- $(SRC)\w32proc.c \
- $(SRC)\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(SRC)\m\intel386.h \
- $(SRC)\config.h \
- $(SRC)\w32.h \
- $(SRC)\w32heap.h \
- $(SRC)\systime.h
-$(BLD)\w32console.obj : \
- $(SRC)\w32console.c \
- $(SRC)\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(SRC)\m\intel386.h \
- $(SRC)\config.h \
- $(SRC)\frame.h \
- $(SRC)\disptab.h \
- $(SRC)\termhooks.h \
- $(SRC)\w32inevt.h
-$(BLD)\prefix-args.obj : \
- $(SRC)\prefix-args.c
-$(BLD)\print.obj : \
- $(SRC)\print.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\frame.h \
- $(SRC)\window.h \
- $(SRC)\process.h \
- $(SRC)\termchar.h \
- $(SRC)\dispextern.h \
- $(SRC)\w32gui.h \
- $(SRC)\intervals.h \
- $(SRC)\composite.h
-$(BLD)\process.obj : \
- $(SRC)\process.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\sys\ioctl.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\sys\file.h \
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- $(SRC)\window.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\process.h \
- $(SRC)\termhooks.h \
- $(SRC)\commands.h \
- $(SRC)\frame.h \
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- $(SRC)\systime.h \
- $(SRC)\termopts.h \
- $(SRC)\composite.h \
- $(SRC)\atimer.h
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- $(SRC)\ralloc.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(SRC)\m\intel386.h \
- $(SRC)\config.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\sys\param.h \
- $(SRC)\getpagesize.h
-$(BLD)\regex.obj : \
- $(SRC)\regex.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(SRC)\m\intel386.h \
- $(SRC)\config.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\syntax.h \
- $(SRC)\regex.h
-$(BLD)\region-cache.obj : \
- $(SRC)\region-cache.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\region-cache.h
-$(BLD)\scroll.obj : \
- $(SRC)\scroll.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\termchar.h \
- $(SRC)\dispextern.h \
- $(SRC)\w32gui.h \
- $(SRC)\frame.h
-$(BLD)\search.obj : \
- $(SRC)\search.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\syntax.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\commands.h \
- $(SRC)\blockinput.h \
- $(SRC)\regex.h \
- $(SRC)\region-cache.h \
- $(SRC)\composite.h
-$(BLD)\strftime.obj : \
- $(SRC)\strftime.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h
-$(BLD)\syntax.obj : \
- $(SRC)\syntax.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\commands.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\syntax.h \
- $(SRC)\composite.h
-$(BLD)\sysdep.obj : \
- $(SRC)\sysdep.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\blockinput.h \
- $(SRC)\dosfns.h \
- $(SRC)\msdos.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\sys\param.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\sys\file.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\sys\ioctl.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\sys\file.h \
- $(SRC)\systty.h \
- $(SRC)\syswait.h \
- $(SRC)\frame.h \
- $(SRC)\window.h \
- $(SRC)\termhooks.h \
- $(SRC)\termchar.h \
- $(SRC)\termopts.h \
- $(SRC)\dispextern.h \
- $(SRC)\w32gui.h \
- $(SRC)\process.h \
- $(SRC)\ndir.h \
- $(SRC)\syssignal.h \
- $(SRC)\systime.h \
- $(SRC)\uaf.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\acldef.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\chpdef.h
-$(BLD)\term.obj : \
- $(SRC)\term.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\termchar.h \
- $(SRC)\termopts.h \
- $(SRC)\cm.h \
- $(SRC)\frame.h \
- $(SRC)\disptab.h \
- $(SRC)/dispextern.h \
- $(SRC)\termhooks.h \
- $(SRC)\keyboard.h
-$(BLD)\termcap.obj : \
- $(SRC)\termcap.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\nt\inc\sys\file.h
-$(BLD)\terminfo.obj : \
- $(SRC)\terminfo.c
-$(BLD)\textprop.obj : \
- $(SRC)\textprop.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\dispextern.h \
- $(SRC)\w32gui.h \
- $(SRC)\intervals.h \
- $(SRC)\composite.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\window.h
-$(BLD)\tparam.obj : \
- $(SRC)\tparam.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h
-$(BLD)\undo.obj : \
- $(SRC)\undo.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\commands.h
-$(BLD)\unexw32.obj : \
- $(SRC)\unexw32.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\w32heap.h
-$(BLD)\vm-limit.obj : \
- $(SRC)\vm-limit.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\mem-limits.h
-$(BLD)\widget.obj : \
- $(SRC)\widget.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\xterm.h \
- $(SRC)\frame.h \
- $(SRC)\dispextern.h \
- $(SRC)\w32gui.h \
- $(SRC)\widget.h \
- $(SRC)\widgetprv.h
-$(BLD)\window.obj : \
- $(SRC)\window.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\frame.h \
- $(SRC)\window.h \
- $(SRC)\commands.h \
- $(SRC)\indent.h \
- $(SRC)\termchar.h \
- $(SRC)\disptab.h \
- $(SRC)\keyboard.h \
- $(SRC)\composite.h
-$(BLD)\xdisp.obj : \
- $(SRC)\xdisp.c \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\frame.h \
- $(SRC)\window.h \
- $(SRC)\termchar.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\indent.h \
- $(SRC)\commands.h \
- $(SRC)\macros.h \
- $(SRC)\disptab.h \
- $(SRC)\termhooks.h \
- $(SRC)\dispextern.h \
- $(SRC)\w32gui.h \
- $(SRC)\intervals.h \
- $(SRC)\composite.h
-$(BLD)\xfaces.obj: \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\xfaces.c \
- $(SRC)\charset.h \
- $(SRC)\fontset.h \
- $(SRC)\w32term.h \
- $(SRC)\w32gui.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\dispextern.h \
- $(SRC)\frame.h \
- $(SRC)\blockinput.h \
- $(SRC)\window.h \
- $(SRC)\intervals.h \
- $(SRC)\composite.h
-$(BLD)\w32fns.obj: \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\w32fns.c \
- $(SRC)\w32term.h \
- $(SRC)\w32gui.h \
- $(SRC)\frame.h \
- $(SRC)\window.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\charset.h \
- $(SRC)\coding.h \
- $(SRC)\dispextern.h \
- $(SRC)\keyboard.h \
- $(SRC)\blockinput.h \
- $(SRC)\epaths.h \
- $(SRC)\w32heap.h \
- $(SRC)\termhooks.h
-$(BLD)\w32menu.obj: \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\w32menu.c \
- $(SRC)\termhooks.h \
- $(SRC)\frame.h \
- $(SRC)\window.h \
- $(SRC)\keyboard.h \
- $(SRC)\blockinput.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\charset.h \
- $(SRC)\coding.h
-$(BLD)\w32term.obj: \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\w32term.c \
- $(SRC)\blockinput.h \
- $(SRC)\w32heap.h \
- $(SRC)\w32term.h \
- $(SRC)\w32gui.h \
- $(SRC)\systty.h \
- $(SRC)\systime.h \
- $(SRC)\frame.h \
- $(SRC)\dispextern.h \
- $(SRC)\termhooks.h \
- $(SRC)\termopts.h \
- $(SRC)\termchar.h \
- $(SRC)\gnu.h \
- $(SRC)\disptab.h \
- $(SRC)\buffer.h \
- $(SRC)\window.h \
- $(SRC)\keyboard.h \
- $(SRC)\intervals.h \
- $(SRC)\composite.h \
- $(SRC)\atimer.h
-$(BLD)\w32select.obj: \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\w32select.c \
- $(SRC)\w32term.h \
- $(SRC)\w32gui.h \
- $(SRC)\dispextern.h \
- $(SRC)\frame.h \
- $(SRC)\blockinput.h
-$(BLD)\w32reg.obj: \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\w32reg.c \
- $(SRC)\w32term.h \
- $(SRC)\w32gui.h \
- $(SRC)\blockinput.h
-$(BLD)\w32xfns.obj: \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src\config.h \
- $(SRC)\w32xfns.c \
-$(BLD)\w32bdf.obj: \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src/s\ms-w32.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src/m\intel386.h \
- $(EMACS_ROOT)\src/config.h \
- $(SRC)\w32bdf.c \
- $(SRC)\charset.h \
- $(SRC)\frame.h \
- $(SRC)\dispextern.h \
- $(SRC)\fontset.h \
- $(SRC)\blockinput.h \
- $(SRC)\w32gui.h \
- $(SRC)\w32term.h \
- $(SRC)\w32gui.h \
- $(SRC)\w32bdf.h \
- $(SRC)\w32.h \
- $(SRC)\frame.h \
- $(SRC)\blockinput.h
-# arch-tag: ee9a97ba-19b7-4b50-a127-aaf4efe494dc