diff options
authorChong Yidong <>2009-08-08 19:01:26 +0000
committerChong Yidong <>2009-08-08 19:01:26 +0000
commitaa701ce8a390a3a781d8ac910f065294e52a6516 (patch)
parent0822135e4c99bce7090570c206f6a72dd35da77f (diff)
Split off a new section, "Installation Changes in Emacs 23.2".
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/etc/NEWS b/etc/NEWS
index 526bc9e5a2c..0d842315f89 100644
--- a/etc/NEWS
+++ b/etc/NEWS
@@ -22,6 +22,16 @@ When you add a new item, please add it without either +++ or ---
so we will look at it and add it to the manual.
+* Installation Changes in Emacs 23.2
+** New configure options for Emacs developers
+These are not new features; only the configure flags are new.
+*** --enable-profiling builds Emacs with profiling enabled.
+This might not work on all platforms.
+*** --enable-checking[=OPTIONS] builds emacs with extra runtime checks.
* Changes in Emacs 23.2
** The default value of `trash-directory' has changed to nil, which
@@ -45,14 +55,6 @@ Customize make-pointer-invisible to turn it off.
** On MS-Windows, `display-time' now displays the system load average
as well as the time, as it does on GNU and Unix.
-** configure options for emacs developers
-*** --enable-profiling will build emacs with profiling enabled.
-This might not work on all platforms. It is not a new feature, just
-the configure flag is new.
-*** --enable-checking[=OPTIONS] will build emacs with various extra runtime checks.
-It is not a new feature, just the configure flag is new.
** Killing a buffer with a running process now asks a confirmation.
You can remove this query in two ways: either removing
`process-kill-buffer-query-function' from `kill-buffer-query-functions' or