diff options
authorAndrew Choi <>2002-07-04 19:33:39 +0000
committerAndrew Choi <>2002-07-04 19:33:39 +0000
commit4c3e985b454566065f3fa8df67166210dfd958d9 (patch)
parent2562aa9fbca357a654ed906219d65398a3dbf909 (diff)
2002-07-04 Andrew Choi <>
* make-package: New file.
2 files changed, 223 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mac/ChangeLog b/mac/ChangeLog
index a07fe67e25c..1e823823aea 100644
--- a/mac/ChangeLog
+++ b/mac/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+2002-07-04 Andrew Choi <>
+ * make-package: New file.
2002-07-01 Andrew Choi <>
* New file.
diff --git a/mac/make-package b/mac/make-package
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..3bdd8a0c164
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mac/make-package
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+#### make-package: create a Mac OS X package for use by the installer.
+#### The installer will place the Emacs OSX application in
+#### /Application/Emacs and the rest of emacs in the usual unix places
+#### under /usr/local or some other location if specified as the first
+#### argument. The disc image will be in the file EmacsInstaller.dmg.
+#### Upon installation, this will leave two versions of emacs on the
+#### computer, 20.7 and 21.1.
+#### Examples:
+#### ./make-package
+#### Will create an installer that will place the emacs support
+#### files inside /usr/local.
+#### ./make-package /usr
+#### Will create an installer that will place the emacs support
+#### files inside /usr. This will replace the default version of
+#### emacs included with Mac OS X.
+# Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+# GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# Contributed by Steven Tamm (
+## Default location to place it is /usr/local
+if [ $1 ]; then
+ prefix="$1"
+### Exit if a command fails.
+#set -e
+### Print out each line we read, for debugging's sake.
+set -v
+## Don't restrict access to any files.
+umask 0
+### Make sure we're running in the right place.
+if [ -f Emacs.pkg ]; then
+ echo "${progname}: Package Emacs.pkg already exists.
+Perhaps a previous invocation of \`${progname}' failed to clean up after
+itself. Move or delete Emacs.pkg and try again." >&2
+ exit 1
+if [ ! -f ]; then
+ echo "${progname}: Can't find \`'" >&2
+ echo "${progname} must be run in the \`mac' directory of the Emacs" >&2
+ echo "distribution tree. cd to that directory and try again." >&2
+ exit 1
+### Check whether file ../lisp/version.el exists.
+if [ ! -f ../lisp/version.el ]; then
+ echo "${progname}: Can't find \`../lisp/version.el'" >&2
+ exit 1
+### Find out which version of Emacs this is.
+shortversion=`grep 'defconst[ ]*emacs-version' ../lisp/version.el \
+ | sed -e 's/^.*"\([0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\).*$/\1/'`
+version=`grep 'defconst[ ]*emacs-version' ../lisp/version.el \
+ | sed -e 's/^[^"]*"\([^"]*\)".*$/\1/'`
+if [ ! "${version}" ]; then
+ echo "${progname}: can't find current Emacs version in \`./lisp/version.el'" >&2
+ exit 1
+echo Version numbers are $version and $shortversion
+### Make sure we don't already have a directory emacs-${version}.
+if [ -d ${emacsname} ]
+ echo Directory "${emacsname}" already exists >&2
+ exit 1
+### Make sure the subdirectory is available.
+if [ -d ${tempparent} ]; then
+ echo "${progname}: staging directory \`${tempparent}' already exists.
+Perhaps a previous invocation of \`${progname}' failed to clean up after
+itself. Check that directories whose names are of the form
+\`make-dist.tmp.NNNNN' don't contain any important information, remove
+them, and try again." >&2
+ exit 1
+if [ -d /Volumes/Emacs ]; then
+ echo "${progname}: Already have an Emacs disc image mounted. Please
+eject that disc image and try again." >&2
+ exit 1
+echo Installing into directory ${tempparentfull} >&2
+(cd ..; ./configure --without-x --prefix=${prefix}; make install prefix=${tempparentfull}${prefix})
+### This trap ensures that the staging directory will be cleaned up even
+### when the script is interrupted in mid-career.
+trap "echo ' up the staging directory'; rm -rf ${tempparent}; rm -rf Emacs.pkg; exit 1" 1 2 15
+mkdir ${tempparentfull}/Applications
+cp -r ${tempparentfull}/Applications
+echo "Creating Package Info file"
+mkdir Emacs.pkg
+mkdir Emacs.pkg/Contents
+mkdir Emacs.pkg/Contents/Resources
+mkdir Emacs.pkg/Contents/Resources/English.lproj
+echo 'pmkrpkg1' > Emacs.pkg/Contents/PkgInfo
+echo 'Title Emacs' > ${infofile}
+echo "Version ${version}" >> ${infofile}
+echo "Description Install GNU Emacs ${version} as a command-line app and a Mac OS Application" >> ${infofile}
+echo 'DefaultLocation /' >> ${infofile}
+echo 'DeleteWarning' >> ${infofile}
+echo 'NeedsAuthorization YES' >> ${infofile}
+echo 'Required NO' >> ${infofile}
+echo 'Relocatable NO' >> ${infofile}
+echo 'RequiresReboot NO' >> ${infofile}
+echo 'UseUserMask NO' >> ${infofile}
+echo 'OverwritePermissions NO' >> ${infofile}
+echo 'InstallFat NO' >> ${infofile}
+echo "Creating pax file"
+(cd ${tempparentfull}; pax -w -f ../Emacs.pkg/Contents/Resources/Emacs.pax .; cd ..)
+#echo "Compressing pax file"
+#gzip Emacs.pkg/Contents/Resources/Emacs.pax
+echo "Creating bom file"
+mkbom ${tempparentfull} Emacs.pkg/Contents/Resources/
+echo "Generating sizes file"
+numFiles=`du -a ${tmpparent} | wc -l`
+installedSize=`du -s ${tmpparent} | cut -f1`
+compressedSize=`du -s Emacs.pkg | cut -f1`
+echo "NumFiles ${numFiles}" > ${sizesfile}
+echo "InstalledSize ${installedSize}" >> ${sizesfile}
+echo "CompressedSize ${compressedSize}" >> ${sizesfile}
+cat ${sizesfile}
+mv ${tempparentfull} ${emacsname}
+echo "Creating Disc Image"
+## Allocate an extra 5000 sectors (about 2.5 mg)
+## Note a sector appears to be ~500k
+sectorsAlloced=`echo 2*${compressedSize}+5000|bc`
+hdiutil create -ov EmacsRW -sectors ${sectorsAlloced}
+## Need to format the disc image before mounting
+mountLoc=`hdid -nomount EmacsRW.dmg | grep HFS | cut -f1`
+/sbin/newfs_hfs -v Emacs ${mountLoc}
+hdiutil eject ${mountLoc}
+echo "Copying Package to Disc Image"
+hdid EmacsRW.dmg
+rm -rf ${emacsname}
+if [ ! -d /Volumes/Emacs ]; then
+ echo "Could not create disc image. The Emacs installer package in this
+directory should be correct. Please use the Disc Copy program to create
+a disc image." >&2
+ exit 0
+cp -a Emacs.pkg /Volumes/Emacs
+## Converting Disk Image to read-only
+echo 'Converting Disc Image to read-only'
+hdiutil eject ${mountLoc}
+hdiutil resize EmacsRW.dmg -sectors min
+hdiutil convert EmacsRW.dmg -format UDRO -o EmacsInstaller.dmg
+gzip EmacsInstaller.dmg
+rm EmacsRW.dmg
+echo "Cleaning up the staging directory"
+rm -rf Emacs.pkg
+### make-package ends here